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  Liu Feng knew what Hancock was worried about, so he told Hancock.

  "That's good."

  Hearing that Liu Feng said that there was no harm to him, Hancock was relieved, and then followed Liu Feng to catch the sea kings in the sea.

  In fact, in the waters close to Nine Snake Island, there are no sea kings at all. Even if there are sea kings here, they will be killed by the female warriors of Nine Snake Island.

  Although the sea kings at the bottom of the sea are very strong, they are the sea kings in the depths of the sea, and they generally emerge on the sea, and the sea kings living in the shallow seas are not very strong.

  There are even some that are only kings of the offshore seas. The so-called kings of the offshore seas are small sea kings.

  After searching for a long time, I managed to find a sea king. This unfortunate sea king has a strange head and a strange body.

...... 0

  Neptunes all look strange, and some of them don't even look like fish.

  This sea king is not very big, and it is only half the size of an island. Among sea kings, its size is relatively small.

  Most of the sea kings are comparable to islands, but the larger the sea kings, the more they live on the bottom of the sea. I don't know how their size can resist the pressure of sea water.

  "This guy should be enough for everyone in the Amazon Lily Kingdom to eat." Taotu looked at the sea kings who were caught up and said.

  "You underestimate the number of our Amazon Lily Kingdom, a mere Sea King is simply not enough."

  Hancock glanced at Taotu and said, "It's really not enough, because people in the Pirate World generally eat a lot, and with such a strong body, they also need to take in a lot of energy.

  Luffy seems to be able to eat a lot, but in fact, there are more people who can eat than Luffy. There is never a shortage of big eaters in the pirate world.

  Taotu really doesn't know how many people there are in Amazon Lily, because she has not set foot in every place on Nine Snake Island, and the residents of Nine Snake Island she has seen are only part of it.

  "Hancock, find someone to divide this Sea King class."

  Liu Feng said to Hancock, they definitely can't eat it, but they can't waste it. The nutrition provided by the meat of the sea king is many times more than that of other meat.

  Eating more sea king meat is also good for enhancing physical fitness, which is also a good thing.


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Chapter 360

  Called Yamato, Kalifa and Nami, Liu Feng and the others were eating barbecue by the sea, and some female warriors from Nine Snake Island were also called by Hancock.

  "How did you catch such a big creature?" Nami asked Liu Feng.

  The first time I saw the Aquaman, Nami was shocked by the size of the Aquaman, and Kalifa was the first to see it, but Kalifa's performance was much better than Na.

  Mainly, Kalifa has more knowledge, so she will not be shocked to see a sea king that she has not seen before, because she knows that there is such a creature.

  But Nami is different. You can't see such a big sea king in the East China Sea. The biggest creature that appears in the East China Sea is the king of the offshore sea.

  But even the king of the near sea is not something you can meet casually.

  "It's easy to catch, it's very simple."

  Hancock said proudly.

  A sea king of this size is not a threat to Hancock at all.

  Even if a sea king with a body size of more than [-] meters dares to appear on the sea, Hancock can deal with it.

  But if it appeared on the bottom of the sea, it might not be possible. After all, for creatures like the sea kings, the bottom of the sea is the home of their battles.

  Nami is a little unimaginable, Hancock said it so easily, but Nami felt that if she encountered such a terrifying creature, I am afraid that even people and ships would be eaten.

  "Are there many such creatures in the sea?" Nami asked.

  "There are a lot of them, especially in the windless zone. If you are lucky, you can see them when you go out to sea." Liu Feng answered Nami's question.

  "It turns out that the sea is so dangerous, I don't dare to get close to the sea now."

  Nami was a little scared, and suddenly felt as if it was necessary to improve her strength.

  Nami had no interest in improving her strength before, Taotu said she would teach her to practice, but Nami refused.

  Now Nami feels that it is still necessary to improve her strength, not to mention that she can survive in the face of such an underwater beast, but at least she must have the ability to escape.

  "Sister Taotu, I suddenly want to practice, can you teach me?"

  When Nami asked Taotu, she was a little embarrassed. She had rejected Taotu before, and now she is looking for Taotu to teach her. She is a little embarrassed.

  "it is good."

  Taotu agreed directly, because she liked Nami very much.

  "Great." Nami happily kept Taotu.

  "Actually, Nami, you can find me, and I can teach you." Yamato came to Nami and said to Nami.

  "Forget it, I don't think you are as reliable as Sister Taotu."

  Nami rejected Yamato, and she was obviously more reliable in her heart than Momotu anyway.

  "You make me a little sad when you say that." Yamato said to Nami with a sad face.

  Are you inferior to the peach rabbit?Although she is quite different from Taotu in terms of strength, it is a matter of her age.

  If she was about the same age as Taotu, she would definitely not be weaker than Taotu, Yamato was very confident in herself.

  Nami stuck out her tongue, but insisted on looking for Momotu.

  "Actually, if you want to improve Nami's strength, it is most suitable to find Liu Feng." Yamato suddenly said to Nami.

  Well, Yamato wanted to let Nami experience devil training, because Liu Feng was very strict when teaching, and Yamato never forgot the scene when he was trained by Liu Feng.

  "Really? I feel like you are cheating on me." Nami's sixth sense was very powerful, and she instantly felt that Yamato was cheating her.

  In fact, Yamato did not cheat on Nami. If Liu Feng taught Nami, it would indeed make Nami improve her strength very quickly.

  But the level of hard work, I don't know if Nami can bear it.

  "I never lie, do you look me in the eyes and look like I'm lying to you?"

  Yamato looked directly into Nami's eyes, not lying at all.

  "Okay, I believe what you said." Nami nodded, but Nami still didn't want to trouble Liu Feng.

  In addition, Nami still felt that Yamato seemed to be watching her own joke.

  Don't look at Nami's age now, but Nami is smart enough to see some of Yamato's thoughts.

  "Have a barbecue."

  Liu Feng handed the barbecue to Nami and said to them.

  "smell good."

  Nami's favorite food is oranges, but now I feel like I need to add another food.

  The roasted sea king meat is really fragrant. This is roasted by Taotu, and the ability of Taotu barbecue is quite powerful.

  "It doesn't seem like it's good to bake a concubine."

  Hancock looked at his barbecue with distress on his face, because Hancock burned the meat.

  "It's more than impossible, it's a disaster. I guess no one dares to eat what you bake." Taotu glanced at Hancock.

  "Hmph, isn't it amazing to be able to barbecue?"

  Hancock snorted lightly, but he had already made up his mind in his heart that he would definitely learn barbecue techniques and try to overwhelm Taotu...  

  However, in terms of cooking, it also depends on talent. I don't know if Hancock has such talent.

  Seeing the disharmony between the two of them, Liu Feng blocked their mouths with barbecue.

  "Tomorrow we will go to Ruscaina."

  Liu Feng said to Hancock and the others while eating barbecued meat.

  Ruskaina Island, located in the northwest of Nine Snake Island, is not far from Nine Snake Island, but the beasts on Ruskaina Island are very terrifying.

  Rayleigh was the one who taught Luffy on this island, and Luffy practiced his arrogance in this place for two years.

  "It's an uninhabited island. The beasts on the island are quite powerful. What are you going to do on that island?" Hancock asked curiously.

  Hancock had also been to Ruscaina Island before, and she went there for practice, and that place was indeed suitable for practice.

  However, those who go to practice must have a certain strength. If the strength is not enough, they should go there to give away.

  It is said that there was a kingdom on that island in ancient times, but in the end, humans lost to nature. Because of the changeable climate on that island, it is also called 48 Seasons Island.

  It is not suitable for human survival, and the creatures that can survive there are very powerful. The harsher the environment, the more powerful creatures can be born.

  "Go there and catch some beasts."

  Liu Feng went there for the beasts on Ruscaina Island, where the beasts are so strong, the taste should be very good.

  "If it's for the beast, it would be fine if the concubine directly sends someone to catch her husband." Hancock felt that if Liu Feng wanted to catch the beast, he didn't need to take action.

  "In addition to catching beasts, I also want to go to Ruscaina Island to see, and I'm also killing my boring time."

  "Oh, so that's the case. The concubine has been there. Tomorrow, the concubine will take her husband to Ruskaina Island."

  "Are you going to follow along?" Hancock also asked Taotu and the others.

  After asking, Hancock regretted it. He shouldn't have asked. In his heart, Hancock didn't want Taotu, Yamato and the others to go with them. He would not have asked if he had known.

  "As the guard of Lord Liufeng, it is my duty to protect the safety of Lord Liufeng. Of course, I will go with Lord Liufeng." Taotu chose to go with him without hesitation.


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Chapter 361

  The next day, Liu Feng and the others came to Ruscaina Island.

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