"Yamato, I think that you treat this place as a training ground, and it should improve a lot. You can never become a strong person without fighting, and the monsters here are your opponents."

  Liu Feng said to Yamato.

  This is indeed a good place to hone in. There are even monsters on the island that Luffy can't suppress even with Gear [-] turned on, and even Gear [-] can't be suppressed.

  "Are the monsters here really strong?" Yamato felt that even if he was a sea king, he could kill him. Could the monsters here be more powerful than the sea king?

  "You'll know when you try it."

  If you say it, Yamato may not believe it, let Yamato try it and you will know.

  "Be careful, there are monsters that even concubines find difficult." Hancock reminded Yamato.

  Because Hancock had entered the depths of the island before and fought against the strongest creature on the island, Hancock didn't beat that creature at all that time.

  Although his strength has improved a lot now, Hancock is still not sure that he can defeat that terrifying and perverted creature.

  Yamato became interested when he heard Hancock's words. In fact, 28 Yamato's personality is also more aggressive, perhaps inherited from Kaido's genes.

  Excited Yamato went straight to the interior of the island.

  "Peach Rabbit, you should follow behind her, lest she be in danger." Liu Feng said to Peach Rabbit.

  "it is good."

  Taotu still didn't want to see that Yamato was in danger, even if Liu Feng didn't tell her, Taotu planned to follow.

  And Liu Feng took Hancock, Nami, and Kalifa to hunt down some beasts, ready to taste the taste of the beasts here.

  "Is there a fishing rod on the boat? I want to fish." Nami said suddenly.

  Catching those beasts, Nami couldn't help, because even the beasts on the periphery of the island were very powerful, so Nami planned to go fishing by the sea.

  "I remember there was a fishing rod on the boat. I'll take you there." Kalifa followed Nami. If Nami was alone, she might be in danger.

  Nami's strength is not strong, and she has no chance to survive in the face of danger. Kalifa followed Nami to protect her.

  "Be careful Nami, don't let the fish catch you into the sea." Liu Feng said to Nami teasingly.

  "No matter how stupid I am, I won't be caught by fish into the sea."

  Nami snorted.

  However, Nami didn't know how big the fish in this sea area was.

  There are not only sea kings, but also other fish in the windless zone, but even other fish are quite large in size.

  About evening, Taotu came back with Yamato. Yamato was injured, but the injuries were not serious, and they were basically skin injuries.

  Although Taotu followed Yamato, but when Yamato was not in danger, Taotu would not help Yamato.

  "Those damn gorillas, I will definitely kill them tomorrow." Yamato's face was filled with anger.

  "Come here, I'll help you treat your injury." Liu Feng shouted to Yamato, asking Yamato to come over.

  Using the power of Yang Dun, you can easily heal Yamato's injuries. Even if Yamato lacks arms and legs, Liu Feng can treat her well.

  "Thank you, Lord Liu Feng."

  Originally, I had to train and seek revenge for those gorillas, but now that the injury is healed, I can go to those gorillas for revenge tomorrow.

  "Husband, this is the meat roasted by the concubine, what do you think?"

  Hancock suddenly squeezed Yamato from Liu Feng's side, with a piece of meat in his hand, looking at Liu Feng expectantly.

  "Are you sure this is barbecue?"

  Liu Feng looked at the dark object in Hancock's hand, if it wasn't for Hancock saying that it was meat, Liu Feng would definitely think it was carbon.

  "Hmm, this is carefully roasted by the concubine, husband, hurry up and taste it." Hancock handed the meat to Liu Feng's mouth.

  But Liu Feng really has no appetite. Is this kind of thing really edible?Liu Feng was very suspicious.

  "Why don't you come and taste the taste of Taotu?" Liu Feng looked at Taotu and asked.

  "I think this kind of thing should be left to Hancock himself."

  Taotu quickly refused, joking, she didn't dare to eat the "black carbon" in Hancock's hand, for fear of being poisoned directly.

  It is estimated that this thing is more poisonous than poisonous fruit.

  "Come on your own, let me taste it first."

  Hancock took a bite, and then fell into Liu Feng's arms.

  "Hancock, are you okay?"

  Liu Feng patted Hancock's cheek, and Hancock's face was ugly at this time.

  "Husband, can you... give my concubine some water? It's so unpalatable."

  After tasting it in person, Hancock realized how unpalatable it was. Fortunately, the husband did not taste it, but it was a shame to actually make this kind of thing.

  Liu Feng hurriedly brought water over, and after Hancock gargle and spit it out, he finally felt that he was alive.

  "Husband, the concubine has decided to go to study with the chef of the palace in the future. The reason why it is so unpalatable now is because the concubine has not done it."

  Hancock didn't give up.

  "Okay, but in the future, don't try the poison yourself." Liu Feng reminded Hancock solemnly.

  He knew that Hancock would not give up, and he did not stop Hancock, and Hancock might not be able to learn to cook well. Liu Feng still believed in Hancock's talent.

  Although Hancock is doing very poorly now, compared to Kushina and Tsunade, Hancock is actually much stronger.

  I stayed on the island of Ruscaina for half a month, and the reason why I stayed for so long was not because there were so many interesting things on this island.

  There are only fierce beasts on this island, and there is no fun. Staying here for so long is mainly to train Yamato and Kalifa.

  In the past half a month, Kalifa's strength has improved a lot, at least he can use the six naval styles proficiently.

  Then, when Nami saw Kalifa practicing the six-step navy, she expressed that she wanted to learn.

  Of course, this ability has to be learned. Everyone has a dream of flying, and Nami is no exception.

  However, if you want to learn the moon step, it is too difficult. The moon step should be a more difficult skill to learn among the six naval styles.

  It's easy to learn if you have a good foundation, but Nami doesn't have any.

  If she wants to learn the moon step, the time spent should be calculated in years, I don't know how many years it will take to learn.

  If the physique is not enough, even if you master the skills, you will not be able to use it at all. Now Nami should improve her own physique the most.

  After staying for half a month, Liu Feng and the others left Ruskaina Island and returned to Nine Snake Island again. After returning, Nami went out to sea with the Nine Snake Pirates a few times.

  The revenue of Nine Snake Island basically depends on the Nine Snake Pirates.

  And the target of the Nine Snake Pirates is not ordinary people, but the pirates in the sea.

  The objects they robbed were these pirates in the sea.

  Because robbing ordinary people, not only will they gain less, but also make the name of their pirate group notorious.

  Therefore, it is obviously the best to take action against those pirates in the sea, and those pirates are still relatively wealthy.


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Chapter 362

  "Crocodahl wants to see me? Why does he, a pirate, want to see me?"

  There was something strange on Liu Feng's face.

  Crocodile, also known as the Sand Crocodile, has now become one of the seven seas under the king, and is naturally a sand fruit capable.

  Crocodile became famous a long time ago, and even fought against Douglas Barrett of the Roger Pirates several times.

  He also challenged Whitebeard, although he failed miserably in the end.

  Ambition is great, want to get Pluto, rely on the power of Pluto to achieve their ambitions.

  Now Crocodile went to Wano and asked to see Liu Feng, and Stuthy told Liu Feng the news. It was Liu Feng's decision whether to see Crocodile or not.

  "Go and meet this guy."

  He is also a very famous guy in the sea, but Liu Feng felt that Crocodile wanted to see him, probably for Hades.

  Using Huangquan Hirazaka to open the space channel, Liu Feng came directly from Nine Snake Island to Wano Country, from the first half of the great channel to the new world in the second half.

  "Lord Liufeng, you are here."

  After seeing Liu Feng, Stuthy bowed respectfully to Liu Feng.

  "Okay, there's no need for these false gifts. I don't care about them. As for the sand crocodile, let him come to see me." Liu Feng waved his hand towards Stuxi and said.

  Then Stuthy went to inform the sand crocodile, and soon the sand crocodile came to Liu Feng, looking at the sand crocodile standing in front of him, Liu Feng asked lightly: "What are you looking for from me, hurry up, I don't have time. waste with you."

  In the face of Crocodile, of course Liu Feng did not need to be polite to him. It could be seen that Crocodile was very angry, but he did not dare to attack.

  He knew Liu Feng's identity. This person was a Tianlong person. Offending Liu Feng would not do him any good. Maybe the position of the king's Qiwuhai would be lost.

  The position of Wangxia Qiwuhai, Crocodile still does not want to lose, the reason is very simple, he needs the identity of Wangxia Qiwuhai to do something.

  Everyone who becomes the King's Seven Wuhai has his own purpose.

  "Your Highness Liu Feng, I want to make a deal with you." Crocodile said to Liu Feng.

  "Huh? Make a deal with me? What kind of thing are you, you are also worthy of making a deal with me?"

  Liu Feng unceremoniously despised Crocodile for a meal, and Crocodile, who was disdainfully despised by Liu Feng, was directly stunned.

  His right hand was slightly clenched, and Crocodile's eyes flashed coldly. Even if he knew Liu Feng's identity, he would obviously be angry if he was so despised.

  Even when he was defeated by Whitebeard, Whitebeard didn't look down on him so much.

  "Why, you look very unconvinced?"

  Liu Feng looked at Crocodile playfully.

  "Believe me or not, I will make you a lost dog at sea."

  "His Royal Highness Liu Feng, don't talk too much. I have a bad temper. It's just the two of us here. Your status is so noble, don't force me and you to exchange our lives for our lives."

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