Crocodile threatened Liu Feng.

  I can't help it anymore, I know that Tianlong people are arrogant and look down on others, but he was really broken by Liu Feng's words.

  "Oh, can I think you're threatening me?"

  Liu Feng looked at Crocodile lightly.

  It seems that Crocodile doesn't understand his strength, yes, not everyone knows Liu Feng's strength.

  He just knew the identity of Liu Feng Tianlong, but he did not know how strong Liu Feng was.

  So Crocodile felt that he could still threaten Liu Feng, but seeing that Liu Feng did not change his expression at all under his threat, Crocodile was unhappy.

  Is it because he is determined that he does not dare to do it?Crocodile felt compelled to let the Draconian see it.

  "Threatening me requires strength, and obviously you don't have that strength. I really don't know how you dared to threaten me."

  The figure of Liu Feng disappeared in front of Crocodile and appeared behind Crocodile.

  By the time Crocodile reacted, it was already a little late.

  boom! ! !

  Liu Feng slapped Crocodile on the head, and in an instant Crocodile was knocked to the ground, and it was difficult to even stand up.

  "Lord Liufeng, what's wrong?"

  Stuthy, who was originally outside, walked in without even looking at Crocodile, who was lying on the ground, and asked Liu Feng.


  Liu Feng shook his head at Stucci, then looked at Crocodile on the ground.

  He was almost stunned by the slap of Liu Feng, and it is estimated that Crocodile is still in a state of confusion.

  "Why, can't you get up now?" Liu Feng asked Crocodile.

  "With such strength, you dared to threaten me just now, Crocodile, you are not qualified enough." Liu Feng said lightly.

  "He actually dared to threaten Master Liu Feng, it seems that he will disappear."

  A cold light flashed in Stuthy's eyes, even if Crocodile was one of the seven seas under the king, Stuci would not mind letting Crocodile disappear.

  And even if an accident happened to one of the kings and the seven seas, the navy would not pay attention. In fact, these kings and seven seas were not friends for the navy, they were just users.

  Even if a king's subordinate Qiwuhai died, he could find a replacement at will.

  "Wait a moment. "

  Just when Stuthy was about to kill Crocodile, Liu Feng asked Stuci to stop.

  Although I don't know why Liu Feng told her to stop, Stuthy obediently chose to stop and let Crocodile live for the time being.

  "Actually, I'm still very curious about the transaction you want to make with me. Can you tell me about it now?" Liu Feng stood in front of Crocodile and asked Crocodile.

  At this moment, Crocodile is almost back to his senses, but he is a little difficult to accept that Liu Feng, a Tianlong person, is so strong.

  Aren't the Tianlong people a bunch of rubbish relying on power?Why is it so strong now?He didn't respond and was beaten to the ground.

  He is a natural devil fruit person with the ability of elementalization, but the elementalization does not take effect. It is obvious that Uchiha Liufeng attacked him just now with a domineering look.

  "Don't you plan to say it? If you don't plan to say it (Zhao De's), I won't talk nonsense with you anymore, so you are ready to die." Liu Feng gestured to Stuxi.

  "Wait a minute, I have someone you definitely want." Crocodile didn't want to die here now, and he still had his dream of becoming the Pirate King unfinished.

  That's right, Crocodile's dream is to become the Pirate King, but after the challenge to Whitebeard was defeated, Crocodile didn't want to rely on his own ability to fight, and he began to think about finding external forces.

  Why did Crocodile act so badly when he met Luffy in the original book?Mainly because he wasted his strength improvement.

  He wanted to find Pluto and use Pluto's power to make himself the Pirate King, so his strength didn't improve at all.

  Not to mention improving his strength, even if his strength does not regress, it is already good, so he will be defeated by the fledgling Luffy.


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Chapter 363

  Crocodile's words did make Liu Feng a little interested.

  Stuthy probably saw that Liu Feng was interested in Crocodile's words, so she stopped when she was going to kill Crocodile.

  "Tell me, I absolutely want to know who it is." Liu Feng said lightly to Crocodile.

  "O'Hara's demon, the devil's son Nico Robin."

  After Crocodile felt that the threat to his life had temporarily disappeared, he breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately said the name to Liu Feng.

  That's right, Crocodile originally wanted to trade with Robin and Liu Feng, and the item traded was the blueprint of Hades.

  Now he already knows that the battleship that Liu Feng made in Wano country was made with the design of Hades, the legendary Hades.

  Now that he has the blueprint of Hades, he didn't want to search for the Hades battleship that he didn't know existed or not, so he had the idea of ​​making a deal with Liu Feng, a Heavenly Dragon.

  Nicole Robin, who previously joined his baroque studio, is clearly a good deal item.

  Nicole Robin was born in O'Hara, a famous archaeological sanctuary in the West Sea. O'Hara's scholars studied historical texts and explored the 100-year blank history that was erased by the world government, which led to O'Hara's destruction by the Slaughter Order.

  The only surviving Robin also became the child of the devil. When she was young, she was rewarded with 7 million bery in the name of destroying six warships.

  "It turned out to be her."

  When Liu Feng heard Nico Robin's name and nodded, he was just a little surprised. He didn't expect that Crocodile wanted to use Robin to make a deal with him.

  "What did you want to trade Robin for?"

  Liu Feng asked Crocodile.

  "Pluto blueprint, the thing I want to trade is the Hades blueprint."

  Facing Liu Feng, his life is in the hands of others, so he can only answer honestly.

  "It turned out to be the design of Hades, but unfortunately the design of Hades has been destroyed, but even if the design of Hades still exists, do you think the value of Robin can be compared with the design of Hades?"

  Liu Feng looked at Crocodile with some amusing.

  It's a bit whimsical, Crocodile. Could it be that he thinks that Robin's value can be compared to the design of Hades?

  Even in the eyes of the Five Old Stars, the design of Pluto is more important.

  "Pluto's design has been destroyed?"

  After hearing the news, Crocodile was very excited, the design was destroyed, and what he originally wanted to trade was gone.

  "What, do you still want to draw the idea of ​​Hades' design?" Liu Feng crouched down and looked at Crocodile.

  Crocodile doesn't even have the ability to get up now.

  "Now you still think about it, what can you use to buy your life." Liu Feng returned to his seat and said to Crocodile.

  Crocodile was slightly silent. Indeed, what he should think about now is not the blueprint of Hades, but how to get out safely from here.

  "Is Nico Robin worth enough?"

  Originally, Robin was used to trade Hades' blueprint, but now he can only trade Robin for his own life.

  "Oh, do you think Nico Robin's life is worth more than yours?" Liu Feng asked Crocodile.

  Crocodile could understand what Liu Feng's question meant, but he wanted to tell him that one Nicole Robin was not enough.

  "Then what else do you want?" Crocodile was angry in his heart.

  "It's not what I want, but what you can give."

  "Actually, your life is in your hands, so I think you still have to make decisions carefully, otherwise you may die accidentally."

  Liu Feng is threatening Crocodile. If you can't come up with something that pleases me, then you will die.

  "A billion berry, that's all my wealth."

  After a moment of silence, Crocodile gritted his teeth and took out all his wealth to buy his life.

  "All your wealth is only one billion berry, are you sure you are not kidding me?" Liu Feng felt amused when he heard Crocodile said to take out one billion berry.

  Is it a billion berido?There are indeed a lot. After all, there are not many big pirates who have been rewarded with a billion berry, but Crocodile has been in the sea for so long, and his reputation is not small.

  "You obviously don't have enough chips. It seems that you don't want to live anymore. It doesn't matter, I can fulfill you."

  "That's all I can take out, but it won't be long before I can take out more."

  Crocodile said hurriedly, and if he didn't speak, he would probably die.

  Now that Crocodile has begun to attack the kingdom of Alabasta, he has the opportunity to get the wealth of the entire kingdom of Alabasta.

  "Okay, I can let you live for the time being, but whether you can live peacefully in the future depends on your sincerity. I hope you don't do stupid things."

  Liu Feng finally chose to let Crocodile go and keep him to help him continue to make profits.

  Anyway, he will not pose a threat to himself if he is alive. Liu Feng doesn't mind keeping Crocodile alive, but the premise is that Crocodile can bring benefits.

  "Okay, you can get out of here, but Robin will stay."

  Liu Feng said to Crocodile.

  For Crocodile, this should be his best result, and it is lucky enough to be able to leave here alive.

  After walking out, Crocodile sighed, this time to find Uchiha Liufeng, it is really a loss, and it is still a big loss.

  "Lost Robin, the Hades of Alabasta doesn't know if he can still find it."

  Originally, I thought about relying on Robin to exchange for the design of Pluto and build Pluto directly, so I felt that Robin was of little value.

  But now I haven't got the design of Hades, and Robin's value has returned.

  But even if Robin is still valuable, he must leave Robin to Uchiha Liufeng, otherwise he will not be able to get out of Wano Kingdom.

  Who would have thought that a Tianlong person was so powerful, and Crocodile had no information on this before.

  Since Uchiha Liufeng is so strong, it seems that the plan of the Hades who originally planned to snatch Uchiha Liufeng can only be eliminated.

  In fact, Crocodile also thought about grabbing Liu Feng's Pluto, but he was afraid of Liu Feng's identity as a Heavenly Dragon, so he temporarily let go of this idea.

  But now he doesn't dare to have this idea. Uchiha Liufeng is too strong. If he has this idea again, it is estimated that he will die first if he fails to get the Pluto.

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