This time Crocodile came with Robin, and after leaving Robin, Crocodile left.

  As for Nicole Robin, who was brought to Liu Feng by Stucci, Robin was expressionless at the moment.

  Unexpectedly, Crocodile betrayed her, and this time the betrayal still fell into the hands of the Tianlong people. There was no expression on his face, but Robin was very desperate in his heart.

  Now in the hands of the Tianlong people, can they still escape?Is this the end of her life?In fact, Robin is not afraid of death, but she promised her mother to live well in her place.


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Chapter 364

  After Nicole Robin was brought to Liu Feng by Stuthy, Stuthy turned and left, leaving Liu Feng and Nico Robin in this room.

  Liu Feng looked at Nicole Robin, thinking that she would have dark wheat-colored skin now, but she didn't expect to look quite white now.

  "You don't seem to be afraid of me?" Liu Feng looked at Robin and said.

  "Why should I be afraid of you?"

  Robin looked at Liu Feng calmly. If she was destined to die, even struggling would be useless. Robin has now looked away.

  However, the Tianlong person in front of her is different from the Tianlong person she knows, but Robin doesn't think Liu Feng will be a good person. Can a good person appear in the Tianlong person?

  "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

  Liu Feng asked Robin.

  "I'd be lying if I said I'm not afraid of death at all, but maybe death is a relief for me too."

  She has experienced too much, and she has been offered a reward of 7 million beries since she was a child. Her hometown is in the West Sea, and in the West Sea, such a reward is definitely the highest in the entire West Sea.

  There are many people who are greedy for the 7 million Berries, and many pirates want to capture Robin and exchange her for a reward.

  She was betrayed and abandoned many times. During these times, she also learned to betray others and how to survive the search by the navy.

  This time, being betrayed by Crocodile was somewhat unexpected, because originally she was valuable to Crocodile.

  "You are very open."

  Liu Feng looked at Robin and raised his eyebrows slightly, and now Robin is about to see life and death.

  "Before I die, I want to know, what deal did Crocodile make with me?" Robin asked Liu Feng.

  Although he has not known Crocodile for a long time, Robin knows that Crocodile is definitely a person who can't afford to pay early. He is not afraid of the navy's acceptance of her, but it is for ulterior motives.

  Of course, Robin chose to join the Baroque Work Society, and also meant to use Crocodile.

  Crocodile is one of the seven seas under the king, following him, so he doesn't need to worry about the navy for the time being.

  "You want to know?"

  "I wish I could be told so I know my worth too."

  When Robin said this, he felt very sad in his heart, that's all, people who should have died a long time ago have been blessed to live so long.

  "Actually, your value is quite high. He traded you for his own life." Liu Feng said to Robin.

  Hearing Liu Feng's words, a light flashed in Robin's eyes.

  "In other words, he got nothing in this transaction."

  After knowing that Crocodile had not traded anything, Robin was in a good mood. It was impossible for Robin to be betrayed by Crocodile.

  She is not a saint, and naturally hates Crocodile.

  "Are you interested in staying with me and continuing to study historical texts?" Liu Feng suddenly asked Robin.

  Robin, who was waiting to die, was stunned for a moment, then looked at Liu Feng in disbelief.

  But Robin is not an ordinary person. Soon Robin calmed down and asked Liu Feng, "What if I refuse?"

  "There are very few people who can reject me. Generally, those who reject me are dead. Do you really want to die?" Liu Feng asked Robin with a smile.

  "After thinking about it clearly, there are many benefits to being by my side. For example, even if you are a five-star, you won't dare to do anything to you again."

  The news that Robin was beside Liu Feng spread, it is estimated that the five old stars would give up on Robin.

  At this time, Robin's face also showed hesitation, and if he rejected Uchiha Liufeng's words, then he might really die.

  She didn't think that the other party would joke with her, in other words, she was not qualified to let the other party joke with her at all.

  However, if she took refuge in the Tianlong people, her heart was also very uncomfortable. O'Hara was destroyed by the World Government's order to use the demon slaughter order.

  And the Tianlong people, aren't they the controllers of the world government?

  If you really rely on the other party to survive, is this considered a thief as your father?This is what Robin has in mind.

  "I can give you some time to think about it, but the time is limited. I hope you can think about it clearly."

  After Liu Feng finished speaking to Robin, he turned and left.

  He will give Robin some time to think about it. If Robin rejects him, Liu Feng doesn't mind handing her over, so he can make a fortune from the Five Old Stars.

  Three days later, Liu Feng saw Robin again, ready to hear Robin's choice.

  "How about it, give you three days, you should think about it?" Liu Feng asked Robin.

  "I'm still alive now, which is the best answer. Sure enough, I still don't want to die." Robin smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly.

  No matter what the reason is, but now if there is a chance to live, Robin still doesn't want to die, she still wants to live.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  So in the future, follow Uchiha Liufeng. Although the other party is a Tianlong person, he is not his own enemy.

  If you really want to say her enemies, it should be the five old stars and the navy.

  So Robin can't talk about how repulsive Uchiha Liufeng is.

  But if she finds a chance to leave in the future, Robin will definitely choose to leave Uchiha Liufeng.

  "Wise choice, if you don't want to follow me, I will hand you over to Five Old Stars." Liu Feng told Robin directly.

  If Robin is handed over to the Five Old Stars, Robin will definitely die, and even if he doesn't die, he will be imprisoned in the Undersea Prison Push City.

  In fact, being detained in Pushan City would be better than dying.

  "Leave with me."

  Liu Feng used Huangquan Hirazaka to open the space channel, and then walked in. Robin followed without hesitation.

...... 0

  From the country of Wano, I came to Nine Snake Island in an instant.

  "You are quite decisive, aren't you afraid that I will hurt you?" Liu Feng looked back at Robin and asked.

  The dark space channel opened by Huang Quan Hirazaka, most people dare not step into it easily, originally Liu Feng thought that Robin would hesitate for a while.

  Who would have thought that Robin would be so decisive, and followed Liu Feng directly to Nine Snake Island.

  "If Your Highness wants to kill me, you don't need to be so troublesome." Robin is very smart, she knows that it is impossible for Liu Feng to kill her now.

  "Call me Master Liu Feng in the future."

  "Yes, Master Liu Feng."

  Robin is well-behaved, but she doesn't know what to do next, continue to study historical texts?

  If she continues to study historical texts, Robin will gladly accept it, because she is really interested in history.

  "Is this the Holy Land Mary Joa?"

  Robin's eyes couldn't help but look around, the Holy Land Mary Joa, that is where the dragon people live.

  "No, this is Nine Snake Island, in the palace of the Amazon Lily Kingdom."

  "Nine Snake Island?"

  Hearing that this is Nine Snake Island, Robin is still a little interested. Nine Snake Island is the legendary Daughter Island. Robin has heard of it before, but he didn't expect that Nine Snake Island is actually related to Liu Feng.

  Boya Hancock, the queen of Nine Snake Island, is also one of the members of Wangxia Qiwuhai, right?Moreover, the Nine Snake Pirates are still the overlords of the first half of the great channel.


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Chapter 365

  "Husband, you are finally back, but who is this woman?"

  Hancock looked at Robin with hostility. This woman is about his age. Could it be his rival in love?

  "Her name is Nicole Robin, have you heard of it?" Liu Feng asked Hancock.

  "Nicole Robin? It sounds familiar, I seem to have heard of it."

  Hancock thought Robin's name sounded familiar, but he just couldn't remember who it was.

  "Son of the Devil, a criminal with a bounty of 7 million beries from the age of eight. At the age of eight, her bounty is the highest."

  At this time, Taotu walked in, looked at Robin and said.

  Although Robin's bounty is still these Berries, but Taotu really wants to know what Robin is capable of, and he has been rewarded with so many Berries since he was a child.

  Did she really destroy six naval battleships?Taotu is a little unconvinced.

  Taotu had also heard about O'Hara's Demon Slaying Order, but he didn't know much about it, only that Nicole Robin was the only survivor.

  "This bounty is about to surpass that of a concubine."

  Hancock said involuntarily.

  Hancock's bounty is not high, only 8 million bery. For Hancock's current strength, the bounty is only 8 million berry, which is indeed a bit low.

  If the bounty is based on strength, Hancock should be at least 20 billion bery or more now.

  However, the bounty is calculated based on the harm, and Hancock itself does not cause much harm.

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