And after becoming the king of the Qiwuhai, the reward will not continue to grow.

  And Hancock is a man of Liu Feng, and this Warring States period is clear, so it is meaningless to order a higher Berry for Hancock, because there is no way to move.

  "I'm just an ordinary person."

  Robin doesn't think she is so powerful, her bounty is just inflated, and her own strength is not comparable to this bounty.

  Robin doesn't say anything about strength, but her strength is really not strong.

  "She will be one of the members of my ship in the future," Liu Feng announced.

  "Please advise."

  Robin said to Hancock and Taotu.

  For Robin, Taotu didn't have much hostility, but Hancock looked at Robin with great vigilance.

  The main thing is to guard against whether Robin is her rival in love.

  In fact, Hancock didn't particularly care about how many women Liu Feng had, but Hancock didn't want women to threaten his status.

  She wants everyone to know that she is Liu Feng's favorite person, and everyone else must be under her.

  "Robin, you should follow Taotu to practice in the future."

  Liu Feng ordered to Robin.

  Although Robin is studying history, his strength should not be too weak, so Liu Feng plans to let Taotu help Robin to improve his strength.

  In the sea, if the strength is too weak, there is no way to survive.

  "it is good."

  Robin didn't refuse either, mainly because Robin didn't feel that he had the right to refuse, so let's be obedient, and it's not bad for her to improve her strength.

  In fact, Robin has long recognized the importance of strength. If she hadn't been a devil fruit person at first, she would have been caught long ago.

  In recent years, her strength has not improved much. In fact, it is not that Robin does not want to improve her strength, mainly because she has no chance to improve her strength.

  She needs to hide in the east, and she has to learn some knowledge. Improving her strength can only be put in the back.

  What's more, without a teacher to teach, how much can Robin improve by simply relying on himself?

  After Taotu left with Robin, Hancock looked at Liu Feng with bright eyes, as if he was hesitant to speak.

  Liu Feng raised his hand, squeezed Hancock's cheek, and asked Hancock, "What do you want to say to me? Seeing how tangled you are, I feel bad for you."

  "My concubine wants to know the relationship between my husband and Robin."

  Hancock asked Liu Feng frankly.

  "What do you think our relationship is?" Liu Feng asked Hancock with a smile, looking at Hancock's expression, he should be jealous.

  "I don't know about my concubine, can my husband tell me?"

  Now Hancock just wants to listen to Liu Feng, and doesn't want to make guesses.

  "It doesn't really matter." Liu Feng stopped teasing Hancock and told Hancock directly.

  "Well, the concubine believes in her husband." Hancock had a sweet smile on his face.

  "You just believe me, are you not afraid that I will lie to you?" Liu Feng touched Hancock's little head with some pity, and then put her in his arms.

  "Don't be afraid, the concubine believes that her husband will never lie to me. Even if you lie to me, the concubine is willing to be deceived." Hancock said seriously to Liu Feng.

  Although in the face of other people, even in the face of subordinates, Hancock is very domineering and arrogant, and doesn't take anyone seriously.

  But in front of Liu Feng, Hancock was gentler than anyone else.

  "Hancock, I like you more and more....."

  Liu Feng, who was holding Hancock, whispered in Hancock's ear, "Really, now Liu Feng likes Hancock more and more.

  "My husband likes the concubine, and the concubine thinks it is enough." Hancock felt sweet in his heart, so he let it go as sweet as honey.

  Hancock is easy to satisfy and doesn't need much, as long as Liu Feng likes her all the time, it's enough.

  "How can you not like Hancock like this." Liu Feng hugged Hancock directly and walked towards the bedroom. As for what to do, it is impossible to describe.


  "How do you feel about life now?"

  On the seaside of Nine Snake Island, Liu Feng asked Robin.

  "I don't know how long I haven't lived a peaceful life. This may be the life I most yearn for. It would be nice if my mother was still alive." Robin was slightly lost in thought.

  For the current life, Robin is very satisfied in his heart, and he doesn't have to worry about being hunted down.

  Safety is guaranteed, and the originally tense heart is completely relaxed, and the mood is very comfortable.

  "It might be better if Taotu wasn't so strict with me."

  Thinking of Taotu's strict supervision of her cultivation, Robin couldn't help but smile. It had been nearly a month since he followed Liu Feng to Nine Snake Island.

  Taotu has never relaxed with Robin, and has been letting Robin practice. Because it was Liu Feng's order, Taotu was very serious.

  "Peach Rabbit is also for your own good. If you want revenge, try to master your strength. If you don't have the slightest idea of ​​revenge, then you can do whatever you want."

  Liu Feng said to Robin with a light smile.

  "Vengeance? How can I possibly have the ability to take revenge." Robin smiled bitterly. She was powerless to deal with the people who participated in the Demon Slaying Order.

  Especially Akainu, who has now become one of the admirals, does she have the ability to deal with the admiral.

  The other enemy Wu Laoxing, they are the ones who ordered, and Wu Laoxing is even more unable to deal with it, so even if Robin wants revenge in her heart, she does not have the strength.

  "You really don't have the ability to take revenge, but if you can convince me one day, maybe I can help you take revenge."

  Liu Feng glanced at Robin who had given up hope and said.


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Chapter 366

  Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was already the year 1520 of the Haiyuan Calendar. In the original book, Luffy went to sea in this year.

  The four emperors at sea in the new world dominate the sea. The navy, the four emperors, and the kings under the Qiwuhai are the three most powerful forces in the sea today.

  Ace went to sea three years ago. He was originally invited to be one of the seven seas under the king, but he refused. Now he has boarded Whitebeard's ship and became the son of Whitebeard and the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates.

  Liu Feng had been staying on Nine Snake Island all these years and did not return to the Holy Land Mary Joa.

  In fact, Liu Feng is not in the Holy Land Mary Joa. The five old stars are very happy, and they wish Liu Feng would never return to the Holy Land Mary Joa.

  In the system space, Liu Feng glanced at his points.

  With 965 million points, he just defeated Akainu's projection, and also revealed Akainu's rock berry ability.

  "It takes 1000 million points to travel through other worlds. It seems that I can't continue to consume points after that."

  Next, Liu Feng does not plan to continue to consume points. If you want to get points, you can only get the points by defeating the drawn character projection, or by doing system tasks.

  But now Liu Feng has not seen the system tasks.

  28 In order to obtain system tasks, Liu Feng needs to consume points to refresh, but many times the refreshed tasks are pits.

  The points earned by completing those tasks may not be as many as the points consumed by refreshing tasks.

  Leaving the system space, Liu Feng went to see Hancock.

  Now that the Nine Snake Pirates go to sea, Hancock, the captain of the Nine Snake Pirates, will not go out to sea with him, but Taotu has gone out with the Nine Snake Pirates many times.

  This is Liu Feng's order, otherwise, Taotu will never follow the Nine Snake Pirates.

  Following the Nine Snake Pirates, I felt that I had become a pirate, and I felt a little ashamed in my heart.

  In the past, her identity was also a navy, but now she has betrayed the navy by running on a pirate ship.

  "What are you looking at?" Seeing Hancock looking at the newspaper seriously, Liu Feng couldn't help but take a look.

  "Husband, Garp's grandson defected and is now a pirate."

  Hancock said to Liu Feng, this is the latest newspaper, Monkey D. Luffy defected to the navy and became a pirate, making Garp's face almost lost.

  "I didn't expect that he would still become a pirate. Sure enough, there is still no way to change his mind."

  When Liu Feng saw the news, he was a little surprised, but not particularly surprised.

  "Husband, you seem to be very familiar with this guy."

  Hancock asked with some doubts, do you know this Luffy?

  "His original dream was to become the Pirate King. If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't have gone to the Navy Headquarters to become a navy."

  However, the current Luffy is significantly higher than the starting point in the original work. For example, the current bounty has been offered a reward of 7000 million Berry at the beginning.

  Now Luffy's strength is worthy of this reward, and as he is a traitor, the navy's reward for him will naturally be higher.

  "Husband, do you want this guy to become a navy? Then this guy actually became a pirate, and he failed his husband's expectations. The concubine will send someone to deal with him."

  Hancock said angrily.

  She may still be alive if she goes against her, but if she goes against Liu Feng's thoughts, Hancock will definitely kill him.

  "Don't worry about it, in fact, I don't have any ill will towards him."

  Before Liu Feng let Luffy be taken to the naval headquarters, it was actually just a whim to try to reverse the plot and let Luffy abandon the idea of ​​becoming a pirate.

  This is just a whim test, even if Luffy is still a pirate now, Liu Feng doesn't care.

  "Since the husband said so, then let him go."

  Hancock nodded after listening to Liu Feng's words. If Liu Feng wanted to get rid of Luffy, Hancock would definitely use the power of the entire Nine Snake Pirates.

  puff puff! ! !

  Listening to the voice of the phone bug, Liu Feng glanced at Hancock's phone bug.

  Hancock glanced down at the phone bug on the table, then wanted to slap it down with one hand.

  Being with Liu Feng, Hancock doesn't have time to pay attention to others, this phone bug is very annoying, just kill him.

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