The threat is great. Even when he played against his old rival Roger, he never encountered such a big threat, and he didn't feel it on Whitebeard.

  It's just that the golden lion is a little puzzled, who is the other party, and why is he not famous in the sea at all.

  Not a bit famous, but it is so powerful, the golden lion is a little puzzled.

  "Can you tell me your identity?"

  The golden lion asked Liu Feng.

  "Oh, do you want to be a sensible ghost? Well, I'll fulfill you. After all, it's not good to let you die without knowing who killed you."

  After listening to Liu Feng's words, the golden lion's face became more and more gloomy.

  Even if he still has the power under his commander than before, it is definitely not easy to bully.

  "My name is Uchiha Liufeng, maybe you haven't heard my name, I'm just an ordinary Tianlong person."

  Liu Feng introduced to the Golden Lion.

  "Nothing unusual?" Taotu wanted to complain after listening to Liu Feng's words.

  "My husband is not ordinary at all. My husband is a hundred times better than anyone else."

  Hancock, who was holding Liu Feng's arm, said.

  "But to deal with this old thing, do you still need to do it yourself? My concubine feels that this old thing is not qualified for you to do it yourself."

  Hancock looked at the golden lion disdainfully.

  The original golden lion was very hot, and now after listening to Hancock's words, it was like a ignited explosive barrel that was about to explode.

  "Thief hahaha."

  The golden lion laughed angrily.

  "Just let you guys see what happened to Lao Tzu."

  The angry golden lion floated directly to an island, not far from here, an uninhabited island.

  In fact, there are quite a lot of uninhabited islands in the sea. Most of these uninhabited islands are due to the harsh environment, resulting in no one living on the islands at all.

  Using the power of the fluttering fruit, the golden lion directly floated the entire island into the air.

  For the golden lion, this is just a matter of pediatrics. Even if there are a few more islands, the golden lion can make these islands float into the air.

  "Want to hit me with this thing? What else can you do besides this trick? Can you let me see something new, you're boring me like this."

  Liu Feng glanced at the golden lion in the sky and said lightly.

  The plain words were just enough for the golden lion to hear. After listening to Liu Feng's words, the golden lion's lungs would be blown up.

  The furious golden lion smashed the island down. To be honest, this move is not weak. Anyone who faces the smashed island can't be underestimated. Well, I am afraid that Liu Feng should be excluded.

  For Liu Feng, smashing an island in the sky is just a small scene, because he can summon a super-large meteorite to smash it down in minutes.

  "Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

  The repulsion force directly shattered the island, including the golden lion, which was blasted out by the repulsion force. The golden lion, which was blasted far away, spat out a mouthful of blood, which was mixed with pieces of internal organs.

  "Just use these two knives to end your life." Liu Feng held two knives, Sakura Ten and Muku.

  Golden Lion is very familiar with these two knives, and he is so familiar that he can no longer be familiar with them. Now he is replaced by the two knives of Ying Shi and Mu Ku.

  "How is it possible, how is it possible that you have these two knives in your hand?"

  Lying on the broken wooden edge board, the golden lion floating in the sea, forced to use his ability to float again, and asked Liu Feng.

  Ying Shi and Mu Ku, these two knives were actually held by Liu Feng, and the Golden Lion could see that they were not imitations.

  Is it possible to copy the fruit of the copy together with the weapon?If so that would be horrible.

  Up to now, the Golden Lion still believes that Liu Feng is the one who replicates the fruit ability.

  However, it is still unknown whether there is a copying fruit in this world. Even if there is a copying fruit, it is absolutely impossible to be perverted to the point where everything can be copied.

  "I'm too lazy to answer your question."

  Liu Feng did not answer the Golden Lion's question.

  The golden lion had a complicated expression. He knew that this time he was going to be planted. However, facing the Quartet, the golden lion was not too afraid.

  It's just the original dream, the original ambition can't be realized, and I feel a little uncomfortable.

  Unexpectedly, they have been in the sea for so many years, but finally died in the hands of the Tianlong people. Aren't the Tianlong people a group of waste who only rely on power and enjoy power?Why is it so strong?

  Golden Lion didn't know, and he didn't ask Liu Feng.

  "After I die, throw my body into the sea."

  If you didn't conquer this sea before you died, you should be buried in this sea after your death. For these big pirates, this might not be the best destination.

  "No problem, this request can still satisfy you, and it's too simple for me."

  Isn't it just throwing the corpse of the golden lion Shiji into the sea, and Liu Feng's original plan was also the same.

  After that, the golden lion did not resist, probably resigned. Maybe he knew that even if he resisted, he could not escape death.

  After realizing it clearly, the one move just now caused him to be severely injured, and his life was almost in danger, so Shiji the Golden Lion let go of his resistance.

  Liu Feng pierced the heart of the golden lion with a knife, killing the golden lion but leaving the golden lion with a whole body.

  The golden lion, famous among the pirates, was buried in the sea.


  Liu Feng said after returning to the boat.

  "It's too strong, maybe I'll never have the chance to achieve such strength." Taotu glanced at Liu Feng and said after taking a deep breath.

  Strong, Liu Feng let her know what it means to be strong, the golden lion was no match for her before, and even the golden lion had some upper hand.

  However, the strength was comparable to hers, and even slightly stronger, the golden lion was killed by Liu Feng so easily.

  "It goes without saying that you never had the chance to have the power of your husband." Hancock hit Taotu.

  "Hancock, don't go too far, otherwise."

  "Oh, what do you want? Do you still dare to threaten your concubine?"

  Hancock raised his eyebrows at Taotu and asked provocatively.

  "Hmph." Taotu snorted coldly, not wanting to say anything to Hancock, mainly to fight with Hancock in front of Liu Feng, and it was impossible to take advantage.

  The background of others is Liu Feng, after all, she is Liu Feng's woman. If you really want to talk about it seriously, she can only be regarded as a subordinate in front of Hancock.

  "Would you like to raise your identity to the same level as Hancock?"

  Taotu's eyes couldn't help but glance at Liu Feng, how it is the same as Hancock's status, the method is obvious.

  The woman who also became Liu Feng, to be honest, Taotu did not reject her in her heart.

  It's just that Taotu is a little tangled, whether Liu Feng likes her or not, and if she sends her to the door and people don't want it, it won't be too embarrassing.

  In fact, Taotu was completely overthinking it. If she took the initiative to send it to her door, how could Liu Feng not want it? It would be strange not to.


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Chapter 369

  "What are you thinking about?"

  Hancock was keenly aware that Taotu's eyes had been peeking at Liu Feng, so he asked Taotu.

  "Hehe, I'm thinking about how to turn your husband into mine." Taotu faced Hancock's question, hehe smiled and said to her.

  "Oh, it seems~ there is a good show to watch."

  Nami looks like she's watching the fun and doesn't think it's a big deal. I don't know if there will be a fight. I'm really looking forward to it.

  At this time, Hancock and Taotu didn't know what was going on in Nami's little head. If they knew, they would probably join forces to beat Nami first, to let her know that they must be more powerful than her.

  "Che, do you think I'll be afraid of you taking away your husband?"

  Hancock looked at Taotu with disdain.

  Even if Peach Rabbit really takes action, Hancock is not afraid. Anyway, he never thought about enjoying Liufeng all the time, and Hancock is not afraid that Peach Rabbit can compete for himself.

  As long as he can't shake his position, the other Hancocks don't care.

  Although the battle with Taotu is not small, in fact, Hancock does not reject Taotu.

  "Then try it."

  In fact, Hancock's disdainful eyes made Taotu annoyed this time, and this time she really wanted to try.

  "When the cranes and clams compete, the fisherman wins."

  Looking at Hancock and Taotu, Robin suddenly thought of something Liu Feng said.

  The two of them fight, who will win in the end?It must be Liu Feng.

  "Go back to Nine Snake Island first."

  Liu Feng said.

  Now all the members of the Flying Sky Pirates are dead, and the entire Flying Sky Pirates, together with the Golden Lion, are destroyed in the sea.

  A few days later, news of the death of the Golden Lion spread throughout the Great Channel.

  Perhaps the world does not know the news of the death of the golden lion, but the pirates and navy of the great waterway definitely know.

  Newsbird delivers this news around the world.

  "Morgans is really amazing." When Liu Feng got the news, he praised Morgans' ability.

  Although Liu Feng did not deliberately hide the news of the golden lion being killed by him, it was not publicized by anyone, and as a result, Morgans was able to get the news.

  Morgans is one of the leaders of the dark world, a person with the ability to form an albatross, and the president of the World Economic News Agency. His main business is to inquire about various news and then publish newspapers.

  In the original book, he was also the one who made Luffy the fifth emperor of the sea, and because of this, there was another five emperors in the new world.

  Before Liu Feng was not famous in the sea, only some powerful people knew about Liu Feng.

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