But now there are too many people who know the name Liu Feng. Liu Feng is completely famous. Knowing that Liu Feng, a Tianlong man, killed the golden lion, many pirates still can't believe it.

  Liu Feng is famous on the sea, which is all due to the publicity of Morgans News.

  "To make money from my news, it seems that Morgans needs to pay something."

  In Liu Feng's heart, Morgans had already made up his mind, and asked Stuthy to contact Morgans and pay some fees.

  As for whether Morgans would agree?Liu Feng felt that Morgans should not dare to disagree.

  Marine Headquarters Marine Fando.

  "I didn't expect the golden lion to die." When Garp got this information, his expression was slightly complicated.

  And the Golden Lion is also an old rival. Roger, Golden Lion, and Whitebeard are all Garp's old rivals, and Garp was hunting down at that time.

  "That's a great thing for us."

  The mood of the Warring States period is quite good. Over the years, the Warring States Period has sent many people to look for the trace of the Golden Lion.

  Knowing the ambitions of the Golden Lion, after he escaped from the advance city, Sengoku was always worried. Now that the Golden Lion was killed by Uchiha Liufeng, the Sengoku can finally rest assured.

  "Yeah, that's a good thing indeed."

  The fewer pirates in the sea, the better it is for their navy.

  "The golden lion's bounty, just send it to him." Warring States thought about it and said to Karp.

  Although Liu Feng did not come to collect the golden lion's bounty, the Warring States period planned to send someone to give it to him.

  "It's up to you to decide, there's no need to tell me." Karp said, picking his nose.

  I don't know why the Warring States period has something to tell him, you can go to the three generals to discuss it, and ask me what to do.

  "That has something to do with you, I'm going to tell you." Warring States' expression became serious.

  After seeing Sengoku's serious expression, Garp felt that there was a little goal, and there must be no good things. At this time, Garp felt that it would be better not to talk about Sengoku.

  "How do you plan to solve the matter of your grandson Luffy?"

  Sengoku asked Garp this question seriously, and this question directly turned Garp's smiling face into a bitter one.

  "Ahaha, don't be so serious, I will definitely find a way to get that kid back."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  Garp was also very angry, but to say how much Garp did to capture Luffy, that's not true. In fact, Garp doesn't want to capture Luffy now.

  Because if he catches Luffy, he will be imprisoned in the big underwater prison. Garp does have a sense of justice in his heart, and his heart is also toward the navy, but he is not without selfishness.

  "Kapp, don't think I'm joking with you again. In fact, the Five Old Stars have also asked about your grandson, and even Marshal Kong has contacted me personally."

  Sengoku said solemnly to Garp.

  "What, the five old stars have asked, Luffy's ability, it is impossible for the five old stars to pay attention?" Garp's brows furrowed.

  The five old stars are all paying attention, what does the five old stars mean, do you want to arrest Luffy?

  If the Five Old Stars sent people to catch Luffy, with the ability of Luffy now, it seems that he can't escape at all.


  "because of you."

  Sengoku said to Garp faintly.

  Looking at the expression of the Warring States period, Garp can be considered to understand, the grandson betrayed the navy and became a pirate, what did he think, the five old stars could not ignore it, because Garp was not an ordinary Vice Admiral.

  If it was just the grandson of an ordinary vice-admiral who betrayed him and became a pirate, the Five Old Stars would definitely not be paying attention, but this is Garp's grandson.

  The Five Old Stars mainly wanted to know whether Garp would betray him. If Garp betrayed, even the Five Old Stars would not be able to accept it.

  "You have been implicated by your son and grandson." Sengoku looked at Garp and said.

  The son is the most vicious criminal in the world, especially now that the revolutionary army is rampant, and the Five Old Stars have given orders to find a way to catch the dragon first.

  Now the grandson Luffy has become a pirate, which makes the five old stars worry about the thoughts in Garp's heart.

  "Hey, I've been a navy all my life. Although I'm dissatisfied with some things, I won't betray the navy."

  Garp sighed and said to Sengoku.

  "I know you. As your friend for so many years, I also believe that you will not betray your beliefs, but the five old stars may not believe you."

  Of course, the Warring States believed in Garp, an old friend. He knew Garp too well. Garp would definitely not betray the navy, but would the Five Old Stars believe in Garp?

  Karp scratched his head worriedly, what should I do?Do you want him to personally take action to capture his grandson?


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Chapter 370

  Looking at the worried Garp, Sengoku shook his head slightly.

  "Don't worry, I'll hold you back for the time being. The Five Old Stars won't do anything now, but I'm afraid there will be some people around you monitoring you in the future."

  Sengoku also agreed with Garp in advance.

  I know that Garp will be dissatisfied, but I don't want Garp to do anything wrong. If Garp does something wrong, even if he and Garp have been friends for many years, they will arrest Garp, not because they are friends. Just show mercy.

  "I see." Karp was in a bad mood.

  "People who go to arrest Luffy will not be soft-hearted. Maybe your grandson will be captured soon, you have to be prepared."

  In the past, some navies might put some water on Luffy for Garp's face, but now there is an order from the Five Old Stars, and there is no way to release water.

  "If he is caught, it will be his life. The path is his own choice. If he does something wrong, he will be punished."

  Garp stood up and walked outside, his back was a little lonely at this time.

  If Luffy is captured, his life will definitely not be in danger, but he will be imprisoned in the big underwater prison and pushed into the city. It is unknown whether he will come out in the future.

  Entering the underwater prison, unless it is released, it is difficult to escape from it.

  In the original book, Luffy was able to make a big noise in the advance city, which was a special situation. At that time, the navy was preparing to deal with the Whitebeard Pirates, and the defense was lax and was taken advantage of.

  "Old friend, I can't help you either."

  Sengoku looked at Garp's back and sighed. He couldn't help Garp with Luffy, and even if he could, he wouldn't help because of Sengoku's character.

  From the moment Luffy became a pirate, his identity was that of a criminal.

  In the new world, after receiving Liu Feng's order, Stuthy found Morgans.

  "You are doing things for the Tianlong people now, what are you doing for me?" Morgans looked like he was wearing a dress and a polite albatross image.

  He has always maintained the form of an albatross.

  "It's natural to be looking for you. Lord Liu Feng asked me to find you." Stuthy said lightly to Morgans.

  On the surface, Morgans didn't see anything unusual, but in fact he was a little flustered. What was Uchiha Liufeng sending Stucci to look for him?

  Could it be because of previous news events?

  "Morgans, I relied on Lord Liu Feng's news before, but made a lot of money, right?" Stuthy stared at Morgans.

  "Yes, I made a lot of money, so what?"

  Morgans was a little wary. Could it be because of his money? Morgans has a greedy character, he can't get in, but he doesn't want to take out anything.

  "Since I made money from the news of Lord Liu Feng, should I donate a little to Lord Liu Feng?"

  After Stuthy proposed it, Morgans found it difficult to do, should he refuse it?It's easy to say no, but harder to actually do it.

  Uchiha Liufeng is a Tianlong person. If he refuses without giving face, will Uchiha Liufeng give up?

  It doesn't seem worth it to offend a Tianlong person, so Morgans thought about it and decided to break the bank and avoid disaster.

  Although it hurts in my heart, I still decided to take out the money to avoid disaster.

  "I don't know how much His Highness Liu Feng wants?" Morgans didn't want to pay too much, so he couldn't accompany him with everything he earned.

  "100 billion Berry, this shouldn't be difficult for you."

  "What? You're a lion talking."

  Morgans almost jumped up when he heard Stucci say 100 billion bery. He really regarded him as a cash machine. The number of 100 billion berry is too large.

  "It seems that you are dissatisfied, and dissatisfaction is very simple. Next, Lord Liufeng may order to get rid of you." Stuthy directly threatened Morgans with his life.

  In fact, Morgans's strength is not weak, and there are some strong people around him to protect him, but he will definitely not be able to fight against Stucci.

  Originally, Stuthy's strength was very strong. In addition, she ate the golden fruit and developed the golden fruit to a very strong level. It was very easy to solve a Morgans.

  Hearing Stucci's threat, Morgans felt aggrieved.

  "Okay, I can give you ten billion bells."

  In the end, Morgans accepted it and took out [-] billion Berries as a good deal with a Tianlong.

  In fact, if it is a relatively ordinary Tianlong person, Morgans still has the courage to not buy it, but Liu Feng just killed the golden lion Shiki, and Morgans dare not not buy it.

  "Choice wisely, otherwise the dark world will have one less leader." Stucci withdrew his gaze.

  "Hurry up and take out the money now, I have to go to work, you don't want to waste my time, right?"

  "it is good."

  Now that he has decided to take out [-] billion berries, Morgans will not be dawdling, and if he continues to dawdle, he will finally take out these berries...  

  After handing Berry to Stuthy, Stuthy left.

  After Stucci left, Morgans's expression was a little uncertain. The more he took a step back, the more he lost. This is what Morgans is now. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he was at a loss.

  "Oh, forget it, if you are extorted, you will be extorted. Keep your memory in mind. Don't publish news about Tianlong people in the future."

  Morgans finally swallowed this loss, and he would definitely not dare to take revenge.

  Not to mention that Tianlong people can't afford to offend him, even if Uchiha Liufeng is not a Tianlong person, Morgans can't afford to offend him at all. He is probably more terrifying than the Four Emperors of the Sea.

  As the president of the World Economic News Agency, Morgans has obtained a lot of information and knows a lot of things that others don't know.

  Even Kaido, one of the four emperors of the Beast Pirates, can only be honest with Uchiha Liufeng, what can he do.

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