Compared with the fighting on the battlefield, the task of escorting the medicine is relatively safe, but the danger is still not small.

  "Should we take it or not?" Mikoto asked Liu Feng, she also knew that this task was more dangerous.

  "Yes, of course."

  Liu Feng smiled. For him, even on the battlefield, there was no danger, let alone an escort mission.

  And just to try it out, if someone wants to target him, he intuitively tells him that there must be a hole in this task.

  "Mikoto, don't go, I..."

  "No, I want to go with you."

  Mikoto interrupted Liu Feng's words and stared at Liu Feng seriously. If Liu Feng wanted to leave her, Mikoto would never agree.

  "That, all right."

  Liu Feng was originally thinking of safety, so he didn't want Mikoto to go with him, but he knew that he couldn't persuade Mikoto at this time.

  Even though Mikoto is usually very gentle, she basically listens to what Liu Feng says, but when she gets serious about some things, she will never give up.

  Even if she didn't take her with her, Mikoto would probably follow behind secretly.

  "But then, Mikoto, you need to listen to me."

  "Okay." A sweet smile appeared on Mikoto's face, and there was no problem with this straightforward answer.

  "Let's go then."

  Liu Feng took Mikoto away, and by the way, he also took Uchiha Ye. If he really encountered any danger, he could let Uchiha Ye be responsible for protecting Mikoto.

  "It's been a long time since I left Konoha Village."

  After coming outside the village, Liu Feng couldn't help but say that since he came back from the last mission, Liu Feng has not left the village, and has not left Konoha Village for more than half a year.

  "From here to the battlefield, if we hurry up, we can get there in about two days." Mikoto took out the map with a serious expression.

  Liu Feng also looked at the map. He looked at the map first to know the target location.

  The location is in the country of rain, the country that rains all the year round. Speaking of which, the country of rain is quite pitiful, and the geographical location of the country of rain is not very good.

  Completely surrounded by big powers, and then treated as a battlefield between big powers, this is why Sanjiao Yu Hanzo participated in the second ninja war.

  In addition to having ambitions, there is also the fact that I don't want to be bullied anymore. Enough is enough. Sanjiaoyu Hanzo doesn't want the country of rain to be treated as a battlefield forever.

  "Be careful, we may be attacked on the way."

  Liu Feng reminded Mikoto.

  The team escorting the supplies is very likely to be attacked, not to mention that Liu Feng feels that there may be a conspiracy in this mission.

  Whether it is the conspiracy of the three generations of Hokage or the conspiracy of Danzo, the task this time will not be so simple.

  Mikoto nodded. She could relax her vigilance in the village, but she couldn't relax her vigilance outside the village, especially during the war.

  On the first day of the journey, Liu Feng did not encounter any danger, not even a small thief on the road.

  "Let's take a break in front."

  Liu Feng said to Mikoto that he was not tired, but he also needed to think about Mikoto.

  Mikoto did not refuse. She was indeed a little tired. After opening the water bag and taking a sip of water, she handed the water bag to Liu Feng.

  As for sharing a water bag, Mikoto didn't mind because it was Liu Feng.

  "It's so sweet."

  After taking a sip of water, Liu Feng said with a smile.

  Mikoto's face was a little crimson, because she felt that Liu Feng's words meant something. After giving Liu Feng a big white eye, Mikoto sat down and took out the dry food.

  When you are doing tasks outside, don’t think about eating too much. You can only eat dry food. To be honest, it is indeed a bit unpalatable.

  He took out a piece of dry beef jerky, just took a bite, Liu Feng frowned, and it was not safe to eat.

  "We seem to be surrounded."

  He stuffed the beef jerky into his mouth, then pulled up Mikoto and took out the kunai.

  Although Mikoto didn't find the enemy, she didn't dare to be careless after hearing Liu Feng's words. She knew that Mikoto would definitely not aimlessly.

  After obtaining the Vortex Immortal Body, Liu Feng's perception ability became very strong. Although it was not as good as the Kagura Heart Eye of the Vortex Clan, it was much more powerful than the general perception ninja.

  What's more, Liu Feng also sensed killing intent through the nine-tailed chakra in his body.

  "It was discovered by two little ghosts, killed them, and took away their supplies."

  A team leader wearing a rain forehead guard came out with a cruel look on his face, and at the same time, nine ninjas appeared together and surrounded Liu Feng and Mikoto.

  "One Jounin, nine Chunin."

  Glancing at their ten-person team, if they really deal with two ordinary Chunin, they will definitely kill them.

  But in the face of Liu Feng's words, these people are really not enough to see, even an elite Junin didn't appear, they look down on him too much.

  Mikoto looked at the ten ninjas surrounding them. Although she was horrified, she remained calm. As long as Liu Feng was by her side, she felt that she had the backbone and would not be afraid.


  PS: Ask for collections, ask for flowers.

Chapter 40

  The ninjas who surrounded Liu Feng and Mikoto looked at each other without talking nonsense, and went directly to kill Liu Feng and the others.

  "Seeking your own way."


  Kunai slashed one of the chunin's neck in an instant, then rolled out a spiral pill with one hand, and hit a ninja in the abdomen with a single blow.

  The power of the Spiral Pill can pierce through a big tree hugged by one person and hit a person, creating a big hole in an instant.

  "Fire escape, the fire is extinguished!"

  The hands quickly formed a seal, and then spewed out a sea of ​​fire, in which five unlucky ninjas died and were burned to charred corpses.

  Of the ten ninjas, seven died in a blink of an eye, and the remaining three were stunned by Liu Feng.

  "You dare to deal with me with this little strength? Tell me, how did the information about us leak out?"

  Liu Feng looked at Jōnin among the remaining three ninjas. He was also the captain of the ten-man squad. At this time, his hands were shaking.

  When he received the task, he was dealing with two little devils who had just graduated and less than a year old. He didn't take this task seriously at all. Who would have thought that these little devils would be so terrifying.

  "Forget it, I don't think you might know, just kill it."

  Liu Feng's eyes showed ruthless killing intent, and he would never be soft-hearted towards the enemy.

  "Mikoto, deal with that chunin, leave the rest to me."

  Mikoto can't just watch, although Liu Feng can completely solve it by himself, but it doesn't help Mikoto grow.

  "it is good."

  Mikoto was also very decisive, using her best fire escape, to kill one of the chunin, leaving the rest to Liu Feng to deal with.

  "Thunderbolt Chidori!"

  Liu Feng's goal is that Chunin, solve this obstacle first, and finally deal with that Junin.

  At Liu Feng's speed, a mere Chunin could not escape his attack. He was pierced through the heart by Liu Feng's palm and died in unwillingness and panic.

  "Damn, just a mere brat."

  Yu Ninja Jōnin gritted his teeth, just now he actually felt scared, and he was actually afraid of this little devil standing in front of him, which was a great shame to him.

  "Art fire escape ho fireball."

  "Water Escape Water Formation Wall."

  The fireball collided with the barrier formed by the water escape, and a large amount of water vapor was scattered.

  "Is there any ninjutsu, use it quickly."

  Liu Feng opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, if the opponent performed any ninjutsu that he did not know, Liu Feng could copy it.

  Ordinary ninjutsu kaleidoscope Shaker is very easy to copy, but S-level ninjutsu is not so easy to copy, as for those special secret arts and blood-based limit ninjutsu, it is impossible to copy at all.

  If Sharinyan can copy all ninjutsu, it will be too strong.

  Yu Ninja Murakami's expression was ugly. He used the B-level ninjutsu water wall, and he almost failed to block Liu Feng's arrogant fireball technique.

  "Water Escape Water Dragon Ball Technique."

  This was the strongest ninjutsu he knew, and a huge water dragon rushed towards Liu Feng.

  "Water Escape Hard Vortex Water Blade."

  The water dragon spear was caught in Liu Feng's hand, and then threw it at Yuren Murakami.

  Hit by S-rank water escape ninjutsu, there is only one dead end. The power carried by the hard vortex water blade does not even leave the opponent's body, and a large hole is pierced through the ground.

  Looking at Mikoto, Mikoto's battle is almost over now. Although Mikoto doesn't have much fighting experience, she will not lose against an opponent of the same strength.

  Use Sharinyan's illusion to control the opponent for a second, and then use Kunai to pierce that Chunin's heart.

  "Come on, leave this place first."

  Liu Feng was no longer interested in staying where he was, and left here with Mikoto.

  At the same time, Liu Feng was also thinking about whether the other party really relied on his ability to find them, or whether someone deliberately informed them and wanted to kill them with a knife.

  "Forget it, first make a note for Danzang, don't care if it has anything to do with him, this account is on his head."

  As for whether Danzo was wronged or not, it doesn't matter. Anyway, he's not a good guy. What's wrong with taking the blame? Besides, this guy in Danzo is the king of the pot.

  In fact, Liu Feng really threw the wrong black pot. This time, the incident was really related to Danzo. Danzo deliberately sent someone to leak information to Sanjiaoyu Hanzo.

  It's just that Sanjiaoyu Hanzo doesn't pay enough attention to Liu Feng. Well, in Liu Feng's opinion, he doesn't pay enough attention, but in fact, he already attaches great importance to him.

  Is it not enough to send one Shangnin and nine chunin to deal with two chunin who have just graduated less than a year ago?

  It's a pity how did Sanjiaoyu Hanzo know that Liu Feng was only a superficial chunin, and the destructive regiment wiped out the men dispatched by Sanjiaoyu Hanzo.

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