If you want to deal with Liufeng, you need at least Sanjiao Yu Hanzo to come in person, the key is that you can't beat Liufeng even if you come in person.

  Don't look at Sanjiao Yu Hanzo, who is known as a demigod in the ninja world. In fact, this demigod in the ninja world is still very hydrated. At most, he has peak shadow-level strength, which is not much different from the shadow strength of the major ninja villages.

  On the next journey, Liu Feng and Mikoto were not attacked, and they arrived at the battlefield smoothly.

  "Well, why are you here?"

  Tsunade asked Liu Feng after seeing Liu Feng.

  "I'm here for a mission. This is the medicine that Mikoto and I escorted."

  Hand over the escort to Tsunade, Liu Feng and the others have completed their mission, and they can go back.

  "I dare to take up the tasks that come to the front line, and hurry back."

  Tsunade glared at Liu Feng, looking very unhappy.

  Although Tsunade's attitude was very bad, Liu Feng knew that this was for his own good, and even the task of transporting supplies was quite dangerous.

  Mikoto glanced at Liu Feng in amazement, Tsunade-sama seemed to be very concerned about Liu Feng, when did Liu Feng and Tsunade-sama have such a good relationship?

  "Actually, I still want to see it on the battlefield. I'm not in a hurry to go back for the time being."

  When he came to the battlefield, Liu Feng also wanted to stay on the battlefield and learn about the situation on the battlefield. After all, Liu Feng also had a system task with super high rewards.

  Although Konoha won in the original book, Xiaomeng said that he could not simply win by lying down, so there may be variables.

  If Konoha were really defeated, Liu Feng would not have any losses, but the reward would not be available. That would be the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, and Liu Feng would be reluctant to let go of this kind of reward.


  PS: Ask for collections, ask for flowers.

Chapter 41

  "Oh, I still have to go back."

  On the way back to Konoha Village, Liu Feng sighed.

  Before Liu Feng said that he would stay on the battlefield, but he was immediately driven away by the angry Tsunade, and Uchiha Ye, who was secretly responsible for protecting Liu Feng, did not want Liu Feng to stay on the battlefield.

  Any dangerous situation can happen on the battlefield. Even if the elite Junin is not careful, he will die unexpectedly in the next moment. How can Uchiha Ye dare to let Liu Feng take risks.

  When he was attacked before, if Liu Feng hadn't dealt with it quickly, Uchiha Ye would have jumped out of the shadows and attacked.

  He was extremely worried about what happened to Liu Feng, not to mention anything else, if something happened to Liu Feng, he would definitely be buried with him.

  "Liu Feng, the battlefield is too dangerous. Even if you are strong, it is not suitable for us."

  Mikoto said to Liu Feng, in fact, when Liu Feng said she wanted to stay on the battlefield, Mikoto was very worried.

  "Don't worry, I won't put myself in danger."

  He said he wanted to stay on the battlefield because with his strength, even in the battlefield, there would be no danger.

  Of course, Liu Feng wouldn't stay on the battlefield, so Tsunade left as soon as he rushed.

  Leaving this time does not mean that there will be no chance to go to the battlefield in the future. Although the war has lasted for half a year, it has not yet reached the real fierce time.

  A war will not end in a short period of time. As for when it will end, it depends on the situation of the war, and it will last for a few years at least.

  It took three days to go back, mainly because Liu Feng and Mikoto slowed down when they went back, and even went to a famous snack street for a stroll.

  "Uchiha Liufeng has come back safely, Sanshoyu Hanzo is really a waste."

  Inside the root tissue in the dark underground, Danzo had a gloomy face and murderous aura in his eyes.

  Since Liu Feng easily defeated Uchiha Fuyue last time, Danzo has been staring at Liu Feng, and such a genius must not stay.

  The genius of the Uchiha family is best killed. Of course, even if it is the genius of Konoha Village, Danzo will find a way to target it.

  "Lord Danzo, or we kill him personally, he's just a kid, it's easy to deal with him."

  "Go back."

  Danzo glanced at the subordinate and said lightly.

  Back to the village, how to kill?Uchiha Liufeng stayed in the Uchiha clan most of the time, could it be that he ran to the Uchiha clan to kill?

  Although Danzo acted recklessly and did anything by means of unscrupulous means, he couldn't be without fear. If he did, wouldn't he be trying to turn against Uchiha.

  In normal times, perhaps Danzo really dared, but now during the Great Ninja World War, if Uchiha is turned against him, Konoha Village will be over.

  "Let me take another chance, it's your death." Tuanzang snorted coldly, then closed his eyes.

  Liu Feng didn't know that Dan Zang wanted to kill him. In fact, there was no hatred between Liu Feng and Dan Zang, but Dan Zang felt that Liu Feng was a threat.

  After this mission, Liu Feng lived a peaceful life. Even if he had a mission, he would not do it. He had been cultivating and teaching Mikoto, and Kushina who would come to him from time to time.

  Sometimes I also go out to parties, such as with Rope Tree and the others who have a good relationship.

  A year has passed in this way, and the situation on the battlefield has become more and more intense. Even Yun Ninja and Iwa Ninja, who were originally on the sidelines, have a vague intention to join the Ninja World War.

  There are also Sand Ninja Village and Rain Ninja Village. They have temporarily reached an alliance. Konoha Village is too strong, so they chose to join forces.

  Konoha in this period is definitely not weak. Although Orochimaru, Jiraiya and Tsunade can't stand alone, their strength is already outstanding, and the three of them can fight against the shadow level together.

  Konoha Baiya Hatake Sakumo is a proper shadow rank, and he is not at a disadvantage in the face of three generations of wind shadows, and even faintly suppresses.

  And Sarutobi Hiizan has not yet entered the battlefield at this time, although this guy Danzo is not a good thing, but the strength is not said, it is also shadow-level.

  In addition to the major families of Konoha Village, Sand Ninja and Rain Ninja united, they are not enough for Konoha to fight.

  "Xiaomeng, is my luck too bad?"

  In the system space, today is the time to draw a character projection once a month. As a result, Liu Feng was once again drawn to an unknown dragon set.

  Twelve times a year, except for one, the others are basically genin and chunin, and the key is some tricks.

  As for the one whose luck broke out, Liu Feng couldn't afford it, the projection of Kaguya Otsutsuki.

  Although Kaguya Otsutsuki performed poorly and had no combat experience, her strength was adequately powerful, and she was the strongest among these character projections that Liu Feng had drawn.

  It seems that he is lucky, but he can't beat Kaguya Otsutsuki, and it actually brings little value to Liu Feng.

  "This may be because you are unlucky. Anyway, it's not my dark box operation, I can't do it."

  Xiaomeng quickly spoke to Liu Feng, lest Liu Feng suspect that she was operating behind the scenes.

  "Don't worry, how could I doubt you."

  Liu Feng patted Xiaomeng on the head, but he started with a little force, which made Xiaomeng very annoyed.

  You just gritted your teeth as if you were going to hit me, and said you didn't doubt me, you definitely doubted me.

  Open the task panel, there is only one solitary Super S-level task, and this task cannot be completed in a short time.

  Leaving the system space, Liu Feng walked towards the Uchiha training ground.

  On the way, Uchiha Ye suddenly came to report to Liu Feng.

  "Young Master, Uchiha Fuyue is on the battlefield, do you want me to deal with him?"

  Uchiha Ye has a ruthless face on his face. If he solves Uchiha Fuyue, then no one will compete with Liu Feng for the position of the patriarch. In the future, the position of Uchiha's patriarch must be Liu Feng.

  "As long as I take action, I can definitely make Uchiha Fuyue die on the battlefield."

  "Shut up, don't say that again."

  Liu Feng looked at Uchiha Ye with a cold face, the terrifying chakra fluctuation made Uchiha Ye back a few steps and quickly lowered his head.

  "I have a conflict with Uchiha Fugaku, but it's not the time when the same clan can kill each other."

  Unless he completely rips his face and becomes an enemy, otherwise he will never do things that cannibalize the same clan. This is Liu Feng's principle. Otherwise, with Liu Feng's strength, wouldn't it be very simple to kill Uchiha Fuyue.


  PS: Ask for collections, ask for flowers.

Chapter 42

  After Uchiha Ye was reprimanded by Liu Feng, he bowed his head in shame, and it was indeed shameful to shoot at his fellow clan.

  "Young Master, I still want to remind you that although you don't want to attack Uchiha Fuyue, there is no guarantee that they will not have the idea of ​​attacking you. Young Master should be on guard in the future."

  In the end, Uchiha Ye reminded Liu Feng.

  "Don't worry, if they want to do something, I won't be merciful."

  For the sake of the same family, although Liu Feng would not take the initiative to kill Uchiha Fuyue, if they did not care about their relationship, Liu Feng would not mind raising the butcher's knife.

  At that time, he would not regard the other party as a kin, but as an enemy.

  In fact, if possible, Liu Feng still hopes that Uchiha can unite to the outside world, but he also knows that this seems unlikely.

  Liu Feng didn't think much about Uchiha Fuyue going to the battlefield. Now the situation is a little bit wrong. Iwatoshi has begun to appear at the border, and he wants to intervene.

  According to the gossip, it seems that Sand Shinobi has paid some price, please go to Iwa Shinobi to help deal with Konoha Village.

  At the same time, facing two Great Ninja Villages, plus a Yu Ninja Village, which is second only to the Five Great Ninja Villages, this time is really a lot of pressure on Konoha Village.

  In particular, Yun Nin Village and Wu Nin Village need to be prepared. If Konoha Village is really at a disadvantage, it is absolutely impossible for them not to take action.

  "I hope Konoha Village will not be besieged."

  In the original Second Ninja World War, Konoha Village mainly fought with Sand Shinobi and Rain Shinobi, and not against Iwa Shinobi. Now there have been changes.

  Yan Ren joined in to deal with Konoha, and if he gains benefits, then the greedy Yun Ren will definitely take action.

  Konoha's location is the most affluent, and the benefits obtained by defeating Konoha are also the greatest, so Konoha Village is very likely to be besieged.

  If you play four, no, if you play five, no matter how strong Konoha Village is, it can't bear it. Konoha Village is the cradle of geniuses. Villages unite.

  I practiced ninjutsu a little on the training ground, and gave some pointers to the clansmen by the way.

  There are not many clansmen who are still cultivating on the training ground. They are probably going to the battlefield. Now many Chunin who are not young have been dispatched to the battlefield.

  All major families sent their clansmen to the battlefield. After all, the defeat of Konoha Village was not what these families wanted to see. Their interests were all tied to Konoha.

  "Rope tree, why did you invite me out?"

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