"Don't worry, I am a good person in the sea, so don't be afraid that she will bump into me."

  For Liu Feng's words, Nipton knew that he had to let Uchiha Liu Feng see Shi Xing.

  Neptune had a bitter smile on his face.

  He then explained to Liu Feng the current situation of Bai Xing, and told Liu Feng that Bai Xing was being targeted by Vanderdeaken IX.

  Vanderdaiken IX is a target fruit ability person. The target target fruit ability is that as long as it is determined as a target, the objects thrown by the ability person will automatically track and attack the target, even if it is useless to hide in the ends of the earth.

  Don't stop tracking unless you're shot down on the way or blocked by an obstacle.

  Therefore, in order to avoid Bai Xing being attacked, Bai Xing can only live in the hard shell tower.

  "It's simple, Taotu, go and catch Vanderdeaken IX."

  Liu Feng originally planned to take care of Vanderdaiken IX, lest he continue to do things, let's get rid of him first, Liu Feng didn't want to see any moths appear.

  "Well, it's probably not easy to find him. King Van der Deacon IX is hiding. I've been sending people to hunt him down, but I haven't been able to catch him."

  Neptune also had trouble on his face.

  If he can catch Van der Deaken IX, Nepton will of course not let him go, but he doesn't know where Vanderdeaken IX is hiding, and he can't find it by sending someone.

  "Just give me the portrait of Van der Deaken IX."

  Taotu said to Neptune.

  Neptune sent people unable to find Vanderdeiken IX, but Taotu had absolute certainty that they could catch Vanderdeiken IX.

  "Okay, I'll give you the portrait of Vanderdeiken IX right away."

  Nepton nodded immediately and was able to get rid of Vanderdeaken IX, which was what Nepton wanted to see. Vanderdeaken IX, Nepton hated him to the core.

  If it weren't for him, Bai Xing wouldn't have to live in the hard shell tower and couldn't come out.

  "Do you need my help?" Yamato asked Taotu.

  "No, my own words are faster."

  After Taotu finished speaking, he left Ryugucheng. Yamato was a little dissatisfied. You are faster yourself. Isn't that saying that I am useless at all, and it will only be a disservice.

  "How about King Nepton take me to see Shiro first?" Liu Feng asked Neptune.

  "Okay, I'll take Liu Feng's Highness down now."

  After Nipton knew that Liu Feng's thoughts could not be changed, he could only accept his fate.

  "His Royal Highness Liu Feng, if Bai Xing has offended His Highness, please don't blame Bai Xing, after all, she is just an ignorant little girl."

  After reaching the hard shell tower, Neptune said to Liu Feng.

  What he is most worried about is that Liu Feng hurts Shirahoshi. If Shirahoshi is hurt, even if Uchiha Liufeng is a Tianlong person, Nipton will go to hell with Uchiha Liufeng.

  "I don't think she can offend me."

  Liu Feng thought of Bai Xing's character, she is a timid crybaby, how could she offend Liu Feng.

  The door of the hard shell tower was opened, and Bai Xing, who was lying on the shell bed, looked at the door instantly. When he saw Neptune, Bai Xing's eyes lit up slightly. Her father had not seen her for a long time.

  But soon Bai Xing also saw that there were outsiders, Liu Feng and Hancock who were following behind Liu Feng.

  "Are all mermaids that big?" Nami couldn't help but said looking at Shirahoshi.

  Bai Xing's body is no smaller than Nepton, and his height is also more than ten meters. Nami feels that Bai Xing is a giant.

  "Father, he... they are?" Shirahoshi was a little scared.

  "Don't worry about Bai Xing, they are all good people and won't hurt you."

  Neptune immediately reassured Shirahoshi, who was a little scared.

  "Yes... Is it?" Bai Xing carefully looked at Liu Feng.

  "Are you human?"

  Although Bai Xing was afraid, she was also a little curious. Humans are completely different from her. They have legs and no fish tails.

  In fact, the tail of a female mermaid will become legs, but it will not become legs until the age of [-].

  "¨" looks so delicate. "

  What Hancock pays most attention to is Bai Xing's appearance. Although Hancock is very narcissistic, he has to admit that Bai Xing's appearance is not inferior to her at all.

  However, Hancock has eaten sweet fruits, and in terms of charm, he surpasses Shirahoshi.

  Nipton was looking at Liu Feng, and when he saw that Liu Feng did not show any malice, he was slightly relieved, as long as there was no malice.

  If Bai Xing and Liu Feng had a better relationship, then there would be no need to worry about danger. Thinking of this, Nepton suddenly felt that the arrival of Liu Feng, a Tianlong man, was not all bad.

  Liu Feng also talked with Bai Xing. Although Bai Xing is timid, she is relatively simple. Because most of the time she spends in the hard shell tower, she is like a blank sheet of paper.

  Therefore, Liu Feng simply became Bai Xing's friend.

  "Bai Xing, do you want to go to the sea to see (Zhao Dezhao)?" Liu Feng asked Bai Xing.

  From the conversation with Shirahoshi, Liu Feng knew that Shirahoshi yearned for the sea, so he sent an invitation to Shirahoshi.

  Nepton, who was next to him, hesitated after hearing Liu Feng's words. Hearing Liu Feng's expression, he seemed to want to take Bai Xing away.

  To be honest, Nepton was reluctant in his heart, but he didn't dare to say no to refuse, and Uchiha Liufeng really wanted to take Shirahoshi away, so he would be free if he was hard.

  "On the sea."

  There was longing in Bai Xing's eyes.

  When communicating with Liu Feng before, Bai Xing asked a lot of questions about the sea.

  "I want to go out, but I can't." Bai Xing felt a little aggrieved. She was targeted by bad guys, and she couldn't even get out of this room.

  Looking at Bai Xing's expression, Neptune's eyes flashed a hint of distress. Damn Vanderdeaken IX, he must be cut into pieces.


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Chapter 373

  Liu Feng looked at Bai Xing who was crying aggrieved and was slightly speechless.

  "If you don't know this, you think I made you cry. You are worried about Vanderdeaken IX. He is going to die soon, you don't have to worry about his threat."

  Liu Feng said to Bai Xing.

  "White Star, His Highness Liu Feng has already sent someone to deal with Vanderdeken IX. With His Highness Liufeng's ability, it should be no problem to deal with a Vanderdeiken IX." Nipton said to Bai Xing distressed.

  In fact, Nepton wasn't sure either, so he used an answer when he spoke, mainly to comfort Shirahoshi.

  Nipton didn't think that Uchiha Liufeng couldn't deal with a small Vanderdeaken IX, but it was difficult to find Vanderdeaken IX.

  "Really? Will I be able to leave the Hard Shell Tower in the future?" Bai Xing's little face was slightly excited.

  It seems that Bai Xing is not willing to stay in the hard shell tower all the time, even though she has been in it for many years, but the longer she stays here, the more she yearns for the outside.

  "Of course it's true, you can follow me out now." Liu Feng said to Bai Xing.

  "System, if I make the white star smaller, what can I do?"

  Liu Feng raised his head and glanced at Bai Xing, then asked the system in his heart.

  In the future, let Bai Xing follow him. Now Bai Xing's body is too big, which is a little inconvenient.

  "Consuming 100 million points, the system can make Bai Xing a normal human body." The system replied Liu Feng.

  "That's it, then spend 100 million points to make Shiro into a normal human size."

  Liu Feng instructed the system.

  100 million points is not too much, not too much, but Liu Feng can consume it.

  After the points were deducted, a ray of light enveloped Bai Xing, and in an instant Bai Xing's height of about ten meters became the height of a normal human girl around fifteen or sixteen years old.

  "I...how did I get smaller?"

  It's strange to find that the white star has become smaller, how can it become smaller all of a sudden.

  Nepton was also shocked by his daughter's change. What's going on? Under normal circumstances, her daughter's body should not become smaller.

  "Could it be?" Nipton glanced at Liu Feng, feeling that it was probably related to Liu Feng.

  "I made you what you are now." Liu Feng came to Bai Xing's side and rubbed his hand on Bai Xing's smooth hair, feeling unexpectedly good.

  Bai Xing did not resist Liu Feng, but felt that Liu Feng's hand was very warm, which made her a little fascinated.

  "This, Your Highness Liu Feng, will Bai Xing be okay?" Nipton asked Liu Feng quickly.

  Bai Xing has become smaller now, will it not have any side effects?

  "Nothing will happen, if Bai Xing wants to, she can change back to her original state." Liu Feng said.

  Just now Liu Feng asked the system, Bai Xing can still change back to the original body shape, and can change back again, with an extra ability to grow bigger and smaller.

  "Oh, that's good." Nipton breathed a sigh of relief, Liu Feng should not lie to him, it would be good if there were no side effects.

  After Bai Xing heard that he could change back, he immediately started to try, and then he had a lot of fun between getting bigger and smaller.

  "Is this the ability of the Devil Fruit?" Nami asked involuntarily.

  "It's not a devil fruit ability."

  Liu Feng shook his head, he did have a mini fruit, one of the superhuman devil fruits, but now Shirahoshi is not getting the power of a devil fruit.

  "Can that make me have this ability too, but I don't want to shrink, I want to grow bigger."

  Nami wants to have the ability to grow bigger. If she grows bigger, will her strength also increase, so she will be very powerful.

  "Do you think I'm just giving others powers without paying a price?" Liu Feng gave Nami an angry look.

  "Oh." Nami nodded gloomily, and then knew that she must have no hope.

  "If you want to eat devil fruit, I can find you a good one. How about the fruit of surgery?"

  The fruit of the surgery that Liu Feng once obtained, has yet to find a suitable candidate.

  And Liu Feng himself already possessed the ability of the fruit of surgery. He drew Luo's projection in the system, and then defeated the one that exploded.

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