"Forget it, I've heard about the taste of devil fruit, and I won't eat it if I'm killed."

  Nami didn't want to eat devil fruits, and even Yamato didn't want to eat them. Otherwise, Liu Feng would still want to find some powerful devil fruits for Yamato to eat.

  "Is it true that I won't be attacked again when I go out?"

  Bai Xing, who followed Liu Feng to the door, asked nervously.

  "Even if Vanderdeiken IX attacks you, the attack will not fall on you, and now Vanderdeiken IX has been caught."

  Liu Feng said to Bai Xing.

  Using the domineering arrogance of knowledge, it has been found that Taotu has captured Vanderdeken IX and is now on his way back.

  Sure enough, just as Liu Feng walked out of the hard shell tower with Bai Xing, Taotu appeared in front of Liu Feng with Vanderdaiken IX.

  After seeing Vanderdaiken IX, the timid Bai Xing hid behind Liu Feng in fear.

  "I really caught it." Nepton was very excited after seeing Vanderdeaken IX, and then stared at Vanderdeiken IX viciously.

  "His Royal Highness Liu Feng, what should I do with Vanderdaiken IX?" Neptune asked Liu Feng.

  "Of course this guy was killed, otherwise would this scourge still remain?"

  Liu Feng glanced at Nipton and said lightly.

  Hearing that Liu Feng said he was going to kill Vanderdeaken IX, Nepton nodded, killing this scourge was not bad, but if it was Nepton, even if he didn't kill Vanderdeaken IX, he would definitely do it forever. imprison him.

  "Peach Rabbit, take him to a place where no one is, and kill him."

  Liu Feng ordered to Taotu.

  Now that Bai Xing is here, with Bai Xing's cowardly appearance, it is better not to kill Vanderdeaken IX in front of Bai Xing.

  Taotu nodded, and then left with Vanderdeken IX, who was struggling frantically.

  "Don't kill me, I..."

  Vanderdaiken IX, who asked for forgiveness, was knocked out by Taotu before he finished speaking, so as not to disturb Liu Feng.

  "You shouldn't need to be afraid now, right?" Liu Feng asked Bai Xing.

  "Well, that bad guy was finally caught, but do you really want to kill him?" Bai Xing couldn't help asking Liu Feng.

  "Of course he really killed him, otherwise you still want to let him go. Have you forgotten how he made you stay in the hard shell tower?"

  Liu Feng looked at Bai Xing, Bai Xing's character is very kind, but sometimes kindness also depends on who is right, and the person who is excessively kind will ultimately hurt only himself.

  "His Royal Highness Liufeng, I have already instructed people to prepare the food, please come and enjoy it," Nipton said to Liufeng.

  The solution of Vanderdaiken IX is also a matter of Nipton's mind, but in the future, Shirahoshi is likely to leave with Uchiha Liufeng, and Nipton's heart is a little reluctant when he thinks of this.

  But in the end Nipton didn't want to stop it, mainly because he understood that he couldn't stop it at all, and hoped that Uchiha Liufeng could treat Shirahoshi well.


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Chapter 374

  The banquet prepared by Nepton was very rich. After the meal, Nepton glanced at Shirahoshi, who was happily communicating with Nami, and then looked at Liu Feng.

  "His Royal Highness Liu Feng, is there something I want to talk to you about alone?"

  At this time, to speak up, Nepton was also quite bold.


  Liu Feng knew that what Nepton was going to talk to him should be about Bai Xing, so Liu Feng didn't mind talking to Nepton.

  Following Nepton to a separate place, Liu Feng looked at Nepton calmly.

  "His Royal Highness Liu Feng is interested in Bai Xing because of Bai Xing's identity?" Nipton asked in a deep voice.

  The mermaid princess who will only appear in [-] years, the sea king Poseidon, sometimes Neptune does not want Bai Xing to have this identity, but just wants her to live a peaceful life.

  But just because Bai Xing is Neptune Poseidon, she can't live a peaceful life.

  "Yes, I'm here because Bai Xing is Neptune Poseidon." Liu Feng nodded lightly towards Neptune.

  Although it wasn't all because Shiraishi was an ancient weapon, he came to Shixing, but this accounted for most of the reasons.

  "His Royal Highness Liu Feng, Bai Xing can listen to you in the future, but I hope that His Highness Liu Feng will not use Bai Xing as a tool."

  Neptune asked Liu Feng.

  He could see that although it was only a short-term exchange, Bai Xing already regarded Liu Feng as a friend, and he was afraid that Bai Xing would treat others as friends in his wishful thinking, and as a result, they would use her as a tool.

  If this is the case, I am afraid that Bai Xing knows that it will collapse.

  "I won't treat her simply as a tool." Liu Feng shook his head slightly towards Neptune.

  Liu Feng did not simply intend to use Bai Xing, let alone with Liu Feng's power, does he still need to use Bai Xing?Not needed at all.

  "Thank you, maybe it would be better for Bai Xing to follow you."

  Neptune said.

  If Liu Feng can be very good to Bai Xing, then Bai Xing is obviously the best choice to follow Liu Feng, because with Uchiha Liu Feng, she can truly be safe.

  Otherwise, Bai Xing's identity as Neptune Poseidon is exposed, and I don't know how many people will attack her.

  I don't know how many people covet ancient weapons, and even the Four Emperors of the Sea may not be able to ignore the temptation of ancient weapons.

  As long as Bai Xing's identity is exposed, Neptune will not be able to protect Bai Xing at all.

  After that, Nipton wanted to ask Liu Feng to stay in the Dragon Palace Kingdom for a few more days. If Liu Feng left, Bai Xing would also leave with Liu Feng.

  He stayed here for a few days, and Bai Xing would also stay here for a few days, so Neptune certainly looked forward to Liu Feng staying on Fishman Island for a while longer.

  "Even if you don't say it, I will stop at Fishman Island for a while."

  Liu Feng will definitely stop at Fishman Island. This is the first time he comes to Fishman Island. How could he not visit Fishman Island?

  "I may go to Murloc Street next, so remind Neptune King to manage the Murlocs on the island." Liu Feng reminded Neptune.

  If a murloc offends Liu Feng, Liu Feng will not give Neptune any sympathy, and will definitely kill the murloc who offended him.

  "I see."

  Hearing Liu Feng said that he was going to Fishman Street, Neptune felt a little sad. In fact, Fishman Street was not a good place, it was very chaotic.

  It is obvious that Fishman Island is stronger than Fishman Street. I really don't know why Uchiha Rufeng wants to go to Fishman Street. That place is obviously a place of chaos.

  But since he knew that Uchiha Liufeng was going to Fishman Street, he must be prepared to deal with it, lest someone really offend Uchiha Liufeng.

  In the past, Nepton was a little bit indulgent to the fish people in the fish-man street, but this time it must be handled well, otherwise they offend Uchiha Liufeng, and the whole fish-man island is unlucky.

  After a day's rest in Ryugu Castle, Liu Feng took Hancock and the others to Fishman Street, oh, Bai Xing is now following Liu Feng and the others.

  Bai Xing is actually very curious about Fishman Island. The last time he visited Fishman Island was eight years ago.

  "Are we going to Fishman Street?"

  Taotu was a little puzzled when he heard Liu Feng's words. It is clear that Fishman Street is a chaotic and lawless place. What are you going to do there?

  "I won't be with you anymore."

  Robin doesn't plan to follow Liu Feng and the others to Fishman Street. Robin plans to go to see the historical texts left on Fishman Island.

  For that historical text, Liu Feng was not interested, because Liu Feng knew the content of the historical text.

  The content above is an apology about Joey Boy, a man who lived in a blank 100-year history, who had a promise with the then-mermaid princess.

  But the pact was not fulfilled, so Joyboy left an apology text.

  "What are you doing here at Fishman Street?" Hancock asked Liu Feng curiously.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  Not only Hancock was curious, but Taotu and the others were also very curious, but they didn't ask. Now that Hancock asked, they all pricked up their ears.

  "Noah, let me take a look at this oath boat."

  Liu Feng came here because of Noah, otherwise he would not have come to the chaotic place like Fishman Street.

  "I see."

  Hancock nodded, she was also curious about the so-called Noah.

  Hancock has also heard about the legend of Noah after he came to Fishman Island.

  Noah was built by the residents of Fishman Island hundreds of years ago and placed on Fishman Street. Noah's ship is bigger than the Pluto of Maple.

  This ship also involves the engagement of Joyboy.


  After coming to Fishman Street and seeing the ship, Liu Feng glanced at Bai Xing. If anyone can make the ship move freely, it is only Bai Xing.

  This ship is obviously not driven by other power, but a ship that is pulled by the sea kings. Only the white star can let the extremely large sea kings pull the ship.

  "Lord Liufeng, what do you see me doing?"

  Seeing Liu Feng looking at her, Bai Xing lowered his head slightly embarrassed.

  "It's nothing." Liu Feng just chuckled. Now Bai Xing can't summon and control the sea kings freely. Maybe when she encounters danger, she will passively trigger the ability.

  Taotu, Hancock and the others were thoughtful, and now they knew from Liu Feng that Shirahoshi was the legendary ancient weapon Sea King Poseidon.

  In fact, they did not expect that the legendary ancient weapons could actually be creatures, which was incredible.

  Bai Xing didn't know his identity, Liu Feng didn't tell Bai Xing, and Nipton didn't tell Bai Xing, and even Nepton hoped that Bai Xing would never know.

  And Liu Feng didn't tell Bai Xing because Liu Feng never thought of letting Bai Xing awaken the power of ancient weapons.

  Because Liu Feng does not lack the power of Bai Xing at all, and he is not particularly concerned about the power of Neptune Poseidon.

  Liu Feng didn't tell Bai Xing, of course Hancock and the others would not tell Bai Xing this.

  In the fish-man street, Liu Feng did not encounter anything that made him angry, and even no fish-men appeared on the street. It seemed that Neptune did it on purpose.


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