"That's really a disappointment."

  There was disappointment on Robin's face. He originally wanted to tell Liu Feng, but Liu Feng was not interested, so Robin didn't know what to say.

  "Lord Liufeng, you should know about that blank [-]-year history, right?"

  Thinking of Liu Feng's identity as a Celestial Dragon, Robin couldn't help but ask, obviously the blank history that was covered up was definitely related to the Celestial Dragon who founded the World Government at that time.

  So it is not impossible for Liu Feng to know.

  "I don't know."

  His identity as a Celestial Dragon was only given by the system. Of course, it is impossible to know the blank history, and even the current Celestial Dragons may not know the blank one hundred years of history.

  "Actually, I'm not particularly interested in the so-called history and truth. The past is actually not important. At any time, the most important thing is always the future."

  Liu Feng's words made Robin ponder. It is true that what Liu Feng said makes sense, but she still wants to dig out the blank history because she is a historian.

  This can be regarded as inheriting O'Hara's will.

  After staying on Fishman Island for about half a month, Liu Feng planned to leave Fishman Island.

  "Nipton, before I leave, I have a message for you."

  Liu Feng looked at Neptune and said.

  "Your Highness Liu Feng, please tell me?" Nipton looked at Liu Feng with a very attentive expression.

  "Princess Otohime was killed by Hody Jones's design, and he may also be plotting against the entire Ryugu Kingdom, so you'd better pay attention."

  "What? Is this true?"

  Neptune's face was shocked and angry when he heard the news.

  "Do you think I'll lie to you?" Liu Feng asked Neptune indifferently.

  "Sorry, Your Highness Liu Feng, I'm not questioning you, but I'm a little shocked after hearing the news."

  Nepton actually believed the news Liu Feng gave him, because Uchiha Liu Feng had no need to deceive him.

  "Thank you, Your Highness Liufeng."

  At the beginning, Nepton only thought that it was Princess Otohime killed by human pirates, but he didn't expect it to be the ghost of Hody Jones.

  "Father, I'm gone, I'll come back to see you in the future." Bai Xing waved to Nepton and the three older brothers who followed Nepton.

  "Bai Xing, if you want to listen to His Highness Liu Feng outside, Longgongcheng welcomes you back at any time."

  Neptune looked at Bai Xing with tears in his eyes. The baby girl was going to be separated from him this time, and he didn't know when they would meet again.

  Bai Xing was also a little reluctant, but she also wanted to see the scenery on the sea, and her father Neptune also let her go.

  Considering that the identity of Bai Xing's ancient weapon was no longer a secret, Neptune did not want Bai Xing to stay on Fishman Island.

  The situation on Fishman Island is still too chaotic. He may not be able to protect Shiro Xing when he stays, and it is safer to leave with Uchiha Liufeng.

  So even if you are reluctant to part with Shirahoshi, let Shirahoshi leave.

  After Liu Feng and the others left, Neptune dispatched the Sea King Army to deal with Hody Jones, and the revenge of Princess Otohi must be avenged.

  Both Neptune and his son wanted to avenge Princess Otohime.

  And Hody Jones is indeed a threat, entrenched in Fishman Island, but a lot of major incidents have occurred, and he can no longer be kept.

  On the Pluto, Liu Feng looked at Bai Xing.

  At this time, Bai Xing's fish tail is a little troublesome, and it is definitely not as convenient as human legs. If it is in the sea, the speed of swimming with fish tail is very fast.

  "Lord Liu Feng, what have you been looking at me for?" Bai Xing asked Liu Feng a little embarrassedly.

  "I was thinking about your fish tail." Liu Feng poked Bai Xing's fish tail with his hand.

  "Yeah~! Master Liu Feng doesn't want it."

  Bai Xing stepped back quickly, looking at Liu Feng with a flushed face.

  "Those who don't know think I've done something to you." Liu Feng looked at Bai Xing speechlessly. It seemed that Bai Xing's fish tail was very sensitive.

  "System, can you make Bai Xing's fish tails become legs now?"

  A mermaid will only transform into legs after the age of [-]. Well, only a female mermaid can transform, and a male mermaid will not transform.

  Just look at Nepton, and now Nepton still has no legs.

  "Yes, it needs to consume 50 points. As long as there are points, the system can do everything."

  The system really didn't disappoint Liu Feng, but the consumption of points made Liu Feng feel a little heartache. Forget it, just consume these [-] points for convenience.

  After Liu Feng spent the points, Bai Xing's fish tail began to transform into legs.

  During this process, Liu Feng naturally feasted his eyes, but Nami was quick to respond, and immediately took out her clothes to cover Bai Xing.

  "Nami, you don't want to take a Berry from me in the future."

  Liu Feng glanced at Nami, and said secretly in his heart.


  PS: Ask for subscriptions, flowers, and evaluation tickets! .

Chapter 377

  When leaving Fishman Island, you can choose to go to the new world, or you can return to the first half of the great waterway, and Liufeng is naturally the same way to return to the first half of the great waterway.

  "Wow, is this the sun on the sea?"

  Shirahoshi raised his head to look at the sun in the sky, and then opened his hands.

  "Don't you think it's dazzling?" Liu Feng came over with a parasol.

  "Don't get tanned, you won't be pretty if you get tanned."

  Reaching out and pinching Bai Xing's little face, Liu Feng now particularly likes pinching Bai Xing's little face.


  Bai Xing moved his footsteps carefully. The reason why he was so careful was that he was not used to having two legs just now.

  Now Shirahoshi has difficulty walking, and he may fall down when he walks.

  "Is there any big news lately?"

  Liu Feng turned his head and glanced at Hancock, and asked Hancock.

  At this time, Hancock was holding a newspaper in his hand, and he didn't pay attention to what happened in the sea on Fishman Island. Now there are some big things happening in the sea.

  "Husband, Blackbeard Marshall D. Teach killed Thatch, captain of the fourth team of the Whitebeard Pirates, and then defected from the Whitebeard Pirates. This is a recent major event."

  Hancock said to Liu Feng.

  This incident is the biggest incident in the ocean today. The Whitebeard Pirates have always been a symbol of unity. Such a bad incident has attracted the attention of many pirates.

  Even the Navy is paying attention.

  "Blackbeard defected to the Whitebeard Pirates? Where did he get so much courage?" Taotu was curious about where Blackbeard had such a boldness to dare to betray the Whitebeard Pirates.

  "Don't underestimate Blackbeard, he's actually quite powerful."

  Liu Feng smiled and said to Taotu, Blackbeard Marshall D. Titch should be the person who hides the deepest, and the person who can hide the most.

  "Also, if you don't have the skills, you wouldn't dare to kill the captain of the fourth team of the Whitebeard Pirates, and become the enemy of the entire Whitebeard Pirates."

  Taotu nodded. Before, he despised Blackbeard in his heart, but now the contempt in his heart has completely disappeared.

  "Blackbeard killed the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, what is the reaction of the Whitebeard Pirates now?" Yamato asked Hancock curiously.

  "I don't know, it's not in the newspapers."

  Hancock shook his head. Newspapers only said that Blackbeard had defected. It is unclear how the Whitebeard Pirates reacted.

  But it is certain that the Whitebeard Pirates will never let Blackbeard go easily.

  They didn't know, but Liu Feng knew that if the plot didn't change too much, Ace would definitely come to arrest Blackbeard.

  Blackbeard was originally a member of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, and the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates was Ace.

  Ace will definitely come to arrest Blackbeard, and then he will be killed by Blackbeard and handed over to the Navy, and it will be announced that Ace is the son of the pirate king Roger.

  "Go back to Nine Snake Island first and get some information."

  Liu Feng asked Pluto to go to Nine Snake Island first.

  Hearing Liu Feng said to go to Nine Snake Island instead of the Holy Land Mary Joa, a happy smile appeared on Hancock's face.

  After returning to Nine Snake Island, Liu Feng could be considered to have understood some of the things that happened in the sea during this time through the information obtained by the Nine Snake Pirates.

  "Is it the inertia of the plot? Zoro and the others are still together with Luffy."

  After Liu Feng saw the information about the Straw Hat Pirates, he raised his brows slightly. Not only Zoro, but Sanji and Usopp were also on Luffy's boat, but Nami was missing.

  After looking at the specific information, Liu Feng knew that Luffy had returned to the East China Sea. Zoro and the others were Luffy's partners in the East China Sea, and there was indeed a plot correction.

  Now Luffy's Straw Hat Pirates have come to the Great Channel from the East China Sea, but they have recently been targeted by the navy and are being chased frantically.

  It is estimated that even if the plot has inertia, it will not be the same as the original plot.

  "The grandson of Lieutenant General Garp is still a pirate. I don't know how Lieutenant General Garp feels." Taotu stood beside Liu Feng and followed Luffy's information.

  "How are you feeling? It's going to be more difficult for Karp next."

  It won't be long before Ace will be given to the Navy by Blackbeard in exchange for the position of the king under the Qiwuhai.

  Garp saw Ace being caught, and that was the hardest part.

  "Let's go to the kingdom of Alabasta."

  Liu Feng plans to go to the kingdom of Alabasta to see if Hades is really there.

  Since Crocodile went to the kingdom of Alabasta to try to obtain Hades, it means that he must have some information.

  Taotu didn't ask why she was going to Alabasta Kingdom. Since Liu Feng said she was going to Alabasta Kingdom, of course she went to prepare.

  "The concubine should also follow her husband."

  Liu Feng is going to leave, of course Hancock will follow Liu Feng. As for Amazon Lily's affairs, these things should be left to Granny Zha.

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