Anyway, Hancock has been accustomed to using the tool person, the mother-in-law.

  "Okay, Hancock, if you don't want to go, I'll take you there too."

  Liu Feng nodded towards Hancock and said.

  "What a hands-off shopkeeper, are you really suitable to be the king of a country?" Taotu glanced at Hancock and couldn't help saying.

  Liu Feng touched his nose when he heard Taotu's words. When he was in the ninja world, he was also a hands-off shopkeeper, similar to Hancock.

  After returning to Nine Snake Island for a day, he went to sea again and headed for the kingdom of Alabasta.

  "black beard? "

  I don’t know if it’s luck or not, this time I went to the kingdom of Alabasta to meet Blackbeard on the run.

  The black beard is very rough, his skin is a little dark, and there are a few missing teeth in his mouth. These missing teeth were knocked out by the red-haired Shanks.

  Shanks paid the price, though. Blackbeard left a few scars in his eye area.

  "This ship."

  Blackbeard looked at the Pluto, and there was some greed in his heart, but Blackbeard got rid of it immediately, he knew who this ship belonged to.

  This ship was built with the blueprint of the legendary ancient weapon Pluto, and the only person who owns this ship is Uchiha Ryufeng.

  Just offended the Whitebeard Pirates, Blackbeard didn't want to offend the Tianlong people, offending the Tianlong people was even more troublesome than offending the Whitebeard Pirates.

(Zhao Liao's) "His Royal Highness Liu Feng, I didn't expect to meet you." Blackbeard was very honest when facing Liu Feng.

  "I didn't expect you to know me."

  Liu Feng raised his eyebrows. At this time, Liu Feng had forgotten that he was no longer a nameless person in the sea, and now there are many people who know Liu Feng.

  "How could I not know His Highness Liu Feng?"

  At this time, Blackbeard and Liu Feng said this, but in his heart he wanted to leave quickly. He didn't want to have too much communication with Uchiha Liu Feng now.

  This person is the only person Blackbeard can't understand.

  "I wonder if you'd like to come and sit on my boat?" Liu Feng sent an invitation to Blackbeard with a smile on his face.

  In the face of Liu Feng's invitation, Blackbeard became vigilant, and he always felt that it was not a good thing for Liu Feng to be so enthusiastic about him. Heibeard believed in his own intuition, so he didn't want to go up to Liu Feng's boat.


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Chapter 378

  "His Royal Highness Liu Feng, I don't have time to be a guest on your ship right now. I will definitely go when I have the chance."

  Blackbeard rejected Liu Feng with a grim expression, and then wanted to leave here.

  "Oh, doesn't my invitation give you face? It seems that you don't take me seriously, Blackbeard." Liu Feng said lightly.

  As soon as Liu Feng finished speaking, Taotu directly stopped Blackbeard, the sky was already full of thunderclouds, and he would attack Blackbeard at any time.

  "Don't you dare to give your husband face, ugly guy, you are courting death."

  Hancock glanced at the black beard in disgust, this guy is really ugly.

  Well, compared with Liu Feng, Blackbeard's appearance is indeed a bit ugly.

  "His Royal Highness Liufeng, what does this mean?" Blackbeard asked Liufeng with a gloomy face. It seemed that Uchiha Liufeng would not let him go easily.

  "I don't seem to have offended His Highness Liu Feng, do I?"

  He didn't understand why Liu Feng was targeting him. He didn't remember that he offended Uchiha Liu Feng. After all, when he was on the Whitebeard Pirates before, he had to be as low-key as possible.

  "It's true that you didn't offend me, but does it matter?"

  Liu Feng asked indifferently to Blackbeard.

  Do you have to offend me before I deal with you?

  "Don't worry, I won't want your life, I just want some small parts on you."

  "Dark water."

  Blackbeard was very decisive. After confirming that Liu Feng would attack him, he decisively chose to attack Liu Feng first.

  Because of the use of Devil Fruit abilities, black smoke came out of his body, and his palms turned black.

  This trick is actually similar to Vientiane Tianyin.

  "Yes, you are very courageous and dare to do it. In fact, if you are honest, it will definitely be better than if you do it."

  Liu Feng stood there, the dark water of Blackbeard couldn't make him move at all.

  Seeing the helpless Liu Feng, Blackbeard aimed at other people, and when he was about to continue his shot, Taotu controlled the lightning and fell on Blackbeard's body.

  "It hurts, it hurts."

  The black beard who was hit couldn't help wailing. Although the dark fruit is a natural devil fruit, the dark fruit cannot be elementalized, but absorbs attacks.

  After absorbing the attack, the pain he suffered was doubled.

  Peach Rabbit's attack made Blackbeard scream in pain, but in fact it didn't cause any damage to Blackbeard at all, and the damage was absorbed by the ability of the dark fruit.

  The Dark Fruit can restrain all Devil Fruit abilities. As long as it is caught by the Dark Fruit ability, it will temporarily lose the Devil Fruit ability.

  "It's all right."

  Taotu looked a little shocked at Blackbeard's condition. It was nothing to be hit by her. Is it because her attack was weak, or Blackbeard's strength was really strong.

  "Peach Rabbit, come back first, let me come."

  Liu Feng said to Taotu.

  It would take a lot of time to get Peach Rabbit to deal with Blackbeard, and if Blackbeard wanted to escape, Peach Rabbit would not be able to catch Blackbeard.

  "Get on the ground for me, don't worry I won't kill you."

  As soon as Liu Feng's voice fell, Susanoo, who appeared in part, grabbed Blackbeard's arm, and then squeezed his arm hard, and a click sounded.

  Blackbeard's bones were all broken, and the force was too great.

  Immediately afterwards, Blackbeard was smashed on the deck of the Pluto in various ways. Fortunately, the Pluto was strong, so it was not damaged.

  Blackbeard, who was hit hard on the ground, spat out a mouthful of blood and looked like he was dying.

  In fact, Blackbeard's injury is not serious. Now he pretended to be dying. Blackbeard's ability to resist fights is still quite strong, especially after obtaining the Dark Fruit.

  Coming to the front of Blackbeard, Liu Feng directly pulled out the first-generation Guiche, feeling the cold light of the first-generation Guiche, and Blackbeard's heart was quivering.

  If Liu Feng really wanted to kill him, he would resist desperately.

  However, Liu Feng did not intend to kill Blackbeard, but only cut off one of Blackbeard's fingers with a knife.

  "Okay, you can go."

  Liu Feng said lightly to Blackbeard who was lying on the ground and pretended to be dead.

  Blackbeard was a little stunned. He already felt his fingers were cut off. He gritted his teeth and survived this injury, but is he having auditory hallucinations now?

  Uchiha Liufeng actually said to let him go, and attacked him with great fanfare, only to cut off one of his fingers?

  "Why, don't you want to go and continue to play dead in front of me? If you continue to play dead, you may be really dead, but think about it." Liu Feng reminded Blackbeard.

  In an instant, Blackbeard, who was pretending to be dead, bounced off the ground like a spring, and then quickly left the Pluto.

  After returning to his boat, he immediately drove the broken boat away from here. After not feeling Liu Feng's pursuit, Blackbeard was relieved.

  "Damn, I must avenge this revenge." Blackbeard's face had a vicious look, and then he bandaged his hands.

  After Liu Feng released Blackbeard, the Hades continued to move forward.

  "Husband just to cut off one of his fingers?" Hancock asked Liu Feng in confusion.

  It's too weird to grab Blackbeard just to cut off one of his fingers.

  "Kalifa, save this finger and give it to Vega Punk to study it." Liu Feng instructed Kalifa.

  Because Blackbeard's physique is very strange, he can eat two Devil Fruits, and it is said that he is different from ordinary people and does not need to sleep and rest.

  So Liu Feng planned to let Vega Punk study the body cells of Blackbeard.

  This is also the bad luck of Blackbeard. If Blackbeard hadn't met Liu Feng, Liu Feng would not have specially asked him to study him. Who made him meet Liu Feng unluckily?

  Kalifa nodded, then put away that finger.

  "Isn't it strange why I did this?" Liu Feng turned to look at Hancock and the others and said.

  Hancock, Taotu and the others immediately nodded, puzzled, hoping Liu Feng could answer their doubts.

  "Blackbeard's physique is unusual. His physique is very special. He can eat two Devil Fruits without dying. I'm a little curious, so I want to study him."

  It's just pure curiosity. When the next time I meet Kaido, Liu Feng plans to do the same, study it and see what Kaido is.

  If Yamato knew what Liu Feng was thinking, he didn't know how he would feel.

  "It turned out to be to study the physique of Blackbeard, but this time the husband shot him, he must hate the husband, and the husband should not let him go."

  Hancock felt that he should not let Blackbeard go. That guy is not a good thing at first glance, and he will definitely plan revenge.

  "If you don't let him go, how can the sea be so exciting? It's just a clown jumping on the beam. If he really comes to me for revenge, I will kill him at that time."

  Liu Feng didn't care about the threat of Blackbeard at all. To Liu Feng, Blackbeard had no threat at all. No matter how strong he became in the future, he would not surpass the strength of Whitebeard at his peak.

  Therefore, even if Blackbeard's strength reaches its peak in the future, if he comes to seek revenge on Liu Feng, it will only be simply to deliver food.


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Chapter 379

  "What a big fog, what is this place?"

  Taotu glanced at the mist outside and asked Nami suspiciously.

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