"We seem to have come to the magic triangle."

  Nami looked outside, then looked towards Yamato.

  Because the helmsman is Yamato, the Pluto will come here because of Yamato.

  "Nami, what are you looking at me for?" Yamato glanced at Nami in confusion and asked Nami.

  "You are the helmsman. It's because of you that you came here. I don't care who you look at." Nami said angrily.

  "Cough, I just forgot to take the helm because of my practice." Yamato scratched his hair, then looked at Nami with an awkward smile.

  "This place is the territory of the King Qiwuhai Moonlight Moria. I wonder if Moonlight Moria will attack us."

  Nami looked into the distance and said.

  "Assault us? Does he have the guts?"

  Liu Feng laughed after hearing Nami's words. Moria's bounty was very high, but he was the one with the most moisture among the seven seas under the king.

  In the original work, after the war on the top, Moria was removed from the Seven Wuhais under the King because he was too weak.

  "Since you're here, let's take a look at the terrifying three-masted sailboat that is known as the world's largest pirate ship."

  In fact, this place originally had no islands, but the terrifying three-masted sailboat was as big as an island, and it stayed here.

  Many of the pirates who entered here were deprived of their shadows by Moria, resulting in no sunlight for the rest of their lives.

  Brooke was taken away from the shadow and trapped in this place.

  The Pluto was heading towards the terrifying three-masted sailing ship. It was difficult to tell the direction in this thick fog, but if you had seen and heard domineering, it would be simple.

  Easily find the location of the Horror Barque and head towards Ghost Island.

  "It seems that I underestimated the boldness of Moonlight Moriah."

  Liu Feng looked at the corpse in front of him indifferently. Absalom, one of the three weirdos, with the ability of transparent fruit, can make himself transparent to the level of invisibility.

  I just sneaked into the Pluto, but just after sneaking into the Pluto, I was discovered by Liu Feng's arrogance and domineering, and then this guy turned into a corpse.

  "Actually, I don't think Moonlight Moriah has the courage. Maybe he didn't come to sneak into our ship under the order of Moonlight Moriah."

  Taotu glanced at the lion man's body and said to Liu Feng.

  Moonlight Moria, does that guy have the guts to provoke Liu Feng?She felt that the other party should not have the courage.

  "Anyway, finding him to settle accounts is inevitable."

  Liu Feng kicked Absalom's body, and the lion man Absalom's body was directly kicked into the sea by Liu Feng.

  Not long after that, the Pluto finally came to the Terrorist Barque. This ship was really big, and it felt no smaller than Noah at all, and it might even be bigger than Noah.

  "I'll have Moonlight Moriah come to meet me."

  Taotu turned into an electric light and disappeared, and after a while, he came directly to Liu Feng with Moonlight Moria.

  Seeing how Momotu threw Moonlight Moria on the ground, Moonlight Moria should have been forcibly dragged by Momota to meet Liu Feng.

  Moonlight Moriah is very tall, even taller than Whitebeard, but his appearance is very strange, with a fiery hairstyle, he is definitely not a normal human being.

  Moonlight Moria once also fought in the New World, but was defeated by Kaido, and all the companions on the ship were killed by Kaido, which was a major blow.

  "Abu Salom was sent by you to sneak into my ship?" Liu Feng asked Moonlight Moria indifferently.

  "What, Absalom infiltrated His Royal Highness Liufeng's ship?"

  Moonlight Moriah, who got up from the ground, held back the displeasure in his heart, and then had a puzzled expression on his face.

  "Okay, Moriah, you dare to lie in front of me, but you're not small."

  Liu Feng could tell at a glance that Moriah was lying, and it seemed that Absalom was really sent by him to infiltrate the Hades.

  Before, I thought that Moria would not dare to shoot him, but now it seems that Liu Feng is sloppy and underestimated Moria's courage.

  "His Royal Highness Liu Feng, it really has nothing to do with me."

  Moonlight Moria's eyes flickered for a moment, and then quickly said to Liu Feng, at this moment, cold sweat was already on his back.

  In the past, he didn't care much about Uchiha Liufeng, who was famous on the sea, but now he can feel the pressure when facing Uchiha Liufeng.

  "Dare to quibble in front of me, I have seen and heard domineering, and I have cultivated to the point where I can peep into your inner thoughts and thoughts."

  Liu Feng said lightly to Moriah.

  I'm not lying to Moriah, Liu Feng's arrogance can really spy on other people's inner thoughts, and can predict future fragments.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  This is the power of seeing and hearing domineering to the extreme.

  However, Liu Feng does not have the ability to listen to the voice of all things like Roger, the pirate king, which is a pity.

  Or draw Roger's character projection, and the ability to listen to the voice of all things exploded from Roger's body.

  Hearing Liu Feng say that he already knew what he was thinking, Moria immediately showed a sinister smile on his face, and then grabbed towards Liu Feng's shadow.

  Moriah is a shadow fruit power user, and the shadow fruit's ability is to control the shadows of others.

  He can catch other people's shadows, and then cut out other people's shadows, and those whose shadows are taken away will be burned to ashes when exposed to the sun.


  If the captured shadow is placed in the corpse, it can be turned into a zombie. The zombie itself has the same combat power and character as the owner of the original shadow, but the power of the devil fruit cannot be transferred to the zombie.

  Although it is impossible for zombies to inherit the ability of devil fruit, it is enough perverted. In fact, Moriah's shadow fruit ability is very strong.

  boom! ! !

  Before touching Liu Feng's shadow, Moriah was kicked out by Liu Feng, and the lightning-fast kick made him unable to react at all.

  In the past, Moonlight Moria might have been a character, but now Moonlight Moria, like the sand crocodile Crocodile, ignored the improvement of his own strength.

  Crocodile wants to find the Pluto and relies on the power of Pluto, and Moria relies on the power of the zombies he created.

  He really dared to take a shot at Liu Feng, wanted to cut Liu Feng's shadow, and then came to control a Tianlong person.

  If Liu Feng was outside, Moria would be afraid, but when he came to his site, Moria felt that it would be okay to shoot Uchiha Liu Feng, but it was a pity that Moria regarded herself too highly.

  "You are too fragile, you are such a tall man as Bai Chang." Liu Feng glanced at Molia with some contempt, and was kicked by Liu Feng, and now he can't get up.

  Liu Feng kicked Moonlight Moriah just now, but he didn't use all his strength, so he couldn't get up. With such strength, I really don't know where he dared to provoke him.


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Chapter 380

  Liu Feng stood in front of Moonlight Moria, looking down at Moria who fell to the ground.

  "Tell me Moriah, how do you want to die?"

  "I am the king of the Seven Martial Seas." Moria said her identity, trying to rely on her identity to ensure that she would not die.

  "Oh, do you think that you are the king of Qiwuhai, so I won't kill you? Do you think this is your protector?"

  Liu Feng smiled, even if Liu Feng killed Yueguang Moria now, who would give him a head start and count on the navy?

  Impossible, the navy just used the power of Wangxia Qiwuhai, and regarded Wangxia Qiwuhai as a tool. If Liu Feng killed Yueguang Moria, the Warring States period might be happy.

  Anyway, if a King's Qiwuhai died, and someone else could be found to take the position of the King's Qiwuhai, Moonlight Moria was not unique and irreplaceable.

  Even as long as there is a chance, the navy does not mind destroying any of the kings under the Qiwuhai.

  Feeling Liu Feng's strong killing intent, Yueguang Moria was a little scared. He knew that Liu Feng really wanted to kill him.

  "I can give you all the treasures I have collected."

  Moriah intends to buy her life with her own money.

  When Nami heard Moriah's words, her eyes lit up slightly, this is good, Nami was looking forward to Moriah being able to bring out the treasure.

  "Even if you die, everything you own belongs to me, so there's no need to talk nonsense with you."

  Liu Feng raised his hand and aimed it at Moriah's head, and then the laser light hit Moriah.

  It pierced Moria's head in an instant, and Moria was a little unbelievable when she was killed.

  Moria died, the shadows that he had cut out all returned to the original owner, and all the zombies he controlled died.

  In fact, the power controlled by Moria is really not small, but it is a pity that he offended Liu Feng, otherwise Moria could still be at sea for a while.

  "You guys, are you here to avenge Moonlight Moriah?"

  Liu Feng looked towards the front and saw two people walking towards this side, Perona and Hogbach, the two of them and the lion man who was killed by Liu Feng before are the three terrifying roaring monsters under Moria. .

  Among them, Hogbach has no fighting power, he is a surgeon.

  Perona looked at the dead Moonlight Moria, widened her small round eyes, and then glanced at Liu Feng with a tangled look on her face.

  Do you want to take revenge on Moriah?She was raised by Moriah, so she also respects Moriah very much. Now Moriah was killed by Liu Feng, does she want revenge?

  But if he really took revenge, the final result would definitely be to be killed.

  Even Moriah was killed, let alone her.

  "Well, I didn't avenge Moriah."

  In the end, Perona persuaded, although her Devil Fruit ability was very powerful, but so many people, she was not sure to kill them all in one second.

  Life is more important. Anyway, what I owe Moriah has been paid off by helping him over the years, and now Moriah is dead, there is no need to take his own life for Moriah.

  "You can see the situation clearly, what about you?"

  Liu Feng looked at Hogbuck.

  Hogbach's expression was particularly gloomy, looking at Liu Feng full of hatred, but he was not hated because of Moria's death.

  In fact, he and Moriah are only in a cooperative transaction relationship, and he doesn't care much about Moriah, but after Moriah's death, his ability also disappeared.

  Those zombies have all been killed, including Xin Duoli, he will help Moria, because Moria can help him resurrect Xin Duoli.

  Although Hogbuck was not a good doctor, he liked Xin Duoli very much, so for Xin Duoli, Hogbuck angrily shot at Liu Feng.

  With his weak strength, he was petrified by Hancock before he came to Liu Feng.

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