"Why bother."

  Perona looked at Hogbaco who was kicked to pieces, and couldn't help but spread her hands and said.

  "You really don't plan to help Moria take revenge?" Liu Feng walked towards Perona.

  "What do you want to do?" Perona took a few steps back and looked at Liu Feng vigilantly.

  "I'm so close to you now that you won't try to attack me?"

  Liu Feng asked Perona.

  Perona's eyes lit up slightly, yes, if she attacks now, she will definitely be able to attack Uchiha Liufeng.

  Perona's is a ghost fruit person. In fact, the ghost fruit ability is quite powerful, especially the negative ghost, which can make people extremely negative.

  "Forget it, my intuition tells me that if I make a move, the unlucky person in the end must be me."

  In the end, Perona didn't dare to shoot against Liu Feng, because even if she could really solve Uchiha Liu Feng, there were other people beside her.

  "Well, can you let me go?"

  Perona asked Liu Feng...  

  "Leave? Do you still want to leave?"

  Liu Feng took out the Hailou stone handcuffs and put them on Perona before Perona could react.

  In an instant Perona lost her strength and fell to the ground.

  "Damn, if I had known earlier, I should have resisted." Perona looked at Liu Feng angrily.

  "Kalifa, take her to the boat and imprison her temporarily."

  Liu Feng felt that Perona might be able to use it in the future, because her ghost fruit ability is still quite powerful, and there are times when it is useful for platooning.

  Perona was caught by Liu Feng, and there were no Moria people on the entire island. Except for the three weirdos, Moria's subordinates were all zombies.

  "Is it time to scrape the treasure?" Nami has been waiting for a long time and wants to scrape the treasure.

  "Go." Liu Feng glanced at Nami and nodded to Nami.

  Now there should be no danger here, maybe Brook is here, but Brook will definitely not attack people at will.

  Liu Feng was also not interested in seeing the skeleton of Brook, but there should be a lot of good things under Moriah.

  After all, Moriah has done a lot of digging graves, and his treasure is definitely one of the best among the seven seas under the king.

  It is estimated that apart from Doflamingo, no one is richer than Moriah.

  "Can you tell me where the treasure here is hidden?"

  Nami, who had been looking for treasure, ran back, came to Perona's side, and asked Perona.

  If you look for it by yourself, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find, so Nami decided to let Perona, the prisoner, help out, perhaps saving herself some time.

  "Hmph, I will never tell you." Perona snorted coldly at Nami, then turned her head away. Anyway, her impression of Liu Feng and his party was extremely bad.

  "Then do you want to be handcuffed by Hailou Stone forever?" Nami had long thought that Perona couldn't say it so easily, but Nami also had a way to convince Perona, so Nami didn't panic at all.

  After hearing Nami's words, Perona's face was tangled. If she was handcuffed by Hailoushi forever, it would be better to kill her directly. She wanted to be free.


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Chapter 381

  "If I tell you the location of the treasure, can you let me go?" Perona asked Nami in confusion.

  "I can't guarantee this, but I can help you ask for mercy."

  Nami looked at Perona with a smile and said.

  "Then what else did you tell me, if you want the treasure, go find it yourself."

  Hearing that Nami said that she was just begging for herself and not letting herself go directly, Perona rolled her eyes and lost interest.

  "Hey, I originally planned to use a peaceful way to make you speak out, but you insisted on making me use violence, which is really impossible."

  Saying that, Nami took out a gun and looked at Perona threateningly.

  "Sister Nami, this is a bit bad." Shirahoshi glanced at the poor Perona and said to Nami.

  I feel that Perona is very pitiful now, and Nami is about to shoot. Is it really going to kill Perona?

  In fact, Bai Xing thought too much, Nami didn't mean to kill Perona, she just wanted to scare Perona and let Perona tell the treasure location.

  "Don't worry, Bai Xing, I won't make her feel pain."

  Nami smiled gently at Shirahoshi, then pointed the gun at Perona.

  "Wait a minute, I can tell you."

  Afraid that Nami would actually shoot herself, Perona couldn't bear it any longer, and she surrendered.

  "I thought you could hold on for a while longer, but I didn't expect you to be so spineless."

  Seeing that Perona was so easy to admit, there was a slight disappointment on Nami's face.

  "What is the backbone, can I eat it? Can I live?" Perona asked Nami calmly.

  Then Perona told Nami where the treasure was hidden, and the treasures belonging to Moonlight Moria were also moved to the Pluto.

  "These treasures will be placed in Amazon Lily's treasure trove in the future," Hancock said.

  "What? No, these are all mine."

  Hearing that Hancock said to put these treasures in the treasure house of the Amazon Lily Kingdom, Nami disagreed, and she wanted to hold these treasures by herself.

  "Who said it was yours?"

  Hancock glanced at Nami.

  "Even if it is given to you, it is of no use, and the concubine still needs to support the entire Amazon Lily Kingdom, all of which belong to the concubine."

  As he said that, Hancock made a fist towards Nami.

  "If you are not convinced, you can come to me and speak with your fists."

  "Isn't this bullying me with my fist? I can't beat you again, bullying others." Nami said to Hancock with some grievances.

  The strength gap between himself and Hancock is simply bigger than the sky and the earth.

  "Lord Liu Feng, you have to be fair." Nami looked at Liu Feng, only Liu Feng could help her keep Berry.

  Hancock will never object to what Liu Feng said.

  "Do you think I'll help you?" Liu Feng glanced at Nami, then asked Nami.

  "Forget it, count me out of luck."

  Nami didn't expect Liu Feng at all, because between her and Hancock, Liu Feng would definitely support Hancock, how could she be comparable to Hancock.

  Fortunately, she also hid some treasures privately, and it is not nothing.

  "Hei Dao Qiu Shui, I didn't expect to get such a big and sharp knife here."

  Peach Rabbit took a look at the black sword Qiushui. In the country of Wano, the black sword Qiushui is quite famous. This is the sword of the dragon-killing samurai Ryoma.

  "If you like it, I'll leave it to you." Liu Feng said to Taotu.

  "Forget it, I already have Jinpira, it's enough, it's useless to give me a black knife and autumn water."

  "Peach Rabbit doesn't like it, I like it, can you give me this knife?"

  Nami's eyes lit up slightly, she ran to Liu Feng's side, and asked Liu Feng with a look of anticipation in her eyes.

  "Hehe, do you really like this knife?"

  Liu Feng could see what Nami was thinking at a glance. I'm afraid Nami didn't like this knife, but liked to use this knife in exchange for Berry.

  "I keep it as a collection."

  If Liu Feng wanted to keep this knife as a collection, it would definitely be impossible to give it to Nami. It is estimated that if it was given to Nami, Nami would sell the knife the next day.

  A big sharp knife, it would be a pity to sell it.

  "Stay here for one night today, and continue to the Kingdom of Alabasta tomorrow."

  "What about this ship?"

  Nami glanced at the huge terrifying triad sailboat. It would be a pity to throw it away like this.

  "Go away if you want, I'm not interested in this ship."

  Liu Feng has no interest in the three terrifying sailboats. He wouldn't want it anyway. If Nami wants to drive away, it depends on Nami's ability.

  "Forget it, it's useless for me to ask for this ship."

  The main reason is that the boat is too big and it is difficult to drive away, so I have to give up.

  The next day, Liu Feng's Hades continued to head to the Kingdom of Alabasta, but this time there was no accident on the way.

  Because there was an incident that went the wrong way, Yamato also took the helm very seriously, and there was no such thing as a deviation.

  Liu Feng was not in a hurry, so it took several days to arrive at the Kingdom of Alabasta.

  "I heard that the Nafirutali family is one of the twenty royal families who founded the World Government [-] years ago? So is the king of this country also a Celestial Dragon?"

  Namei asked Liu Feng curiously.

  "I didn't live in the Holy Land Mary Joa, so I'm afraid no one will admit that they are Tianlong people." Liu Feng shook his head slightly towards Nami.

  If Neferutali Cobra was still a Draco, the Sand Crocodile wouldn't dare to come to the kingdom of Alabasta to make trouble.

  "It is estimated that the news that we are here, Crocodile already knows."

  Liu Feng's arrival was not concealed, so as long as Crocodile had some intelligence ability, he knew that Liu Feng had come to the kingdom of Alabasta.

  The kingdom of Alabasta is a desert kingdom, but is now in crisis because of the sand crocodile.

  The moment Liu Feng came here, Crocodile received the information, with a cigar in his mouth, Crocodile's heart was slightly heavy.

  What is Uchiha Liufeng doing here at this time?

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