Now that the Beast Pirates haven't come, let's get rid of the Don Quixote family first, and concentrate on dealing with Kaido.

  "No, Kaido has already killed him."

  Van Oka said to Blackbeard that Kaido had killed himself single-handedly. He used a sniper rifle to stop Kaido, but unfortunately failed.

  Van Oka is a good sniper, but can't pose much of a threat to Kaido.

  "I will meet him when I come."

  Blackbeard is not very afraid. After getting the dark fruit, he didn't think that there were a few people who could threaten him, and he felt life-threatening when facing Uchiha Liufeng.

  boom! ! !

  The moment Kaido and Blackbeard fought, Blackbeard was smashed out by Kaido's powerful force.

  "Blackbeard, you are not as good as the old guy with Whitebeard, but unfortunately that old guy died and was not killed by me." Kaido said lightly to Blackbeard.

  "What a strong threat." Shiliu slowly put his hand on the handle of the knife, faintly showing a bloody murderous aura.

  However, Kaido didn't look at Shiliu at all, his eyes were just staring at Blackbeard.

  "It hurts me to death."

  Blackbeard got up, there was blood on his face, and he didn't suffer too much injury, but when he fought against Kaido, he still suffered.

  "Kaido, if you go to war with Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu won't make it easier for you." Blackbeard said fiercely to Kaido.

  He came to the new world with ambition, but he hit a nail not long after entering the new world, and Blackbeard was furious in his heart.

  If this goes on, how will he realize his ambition, become the Pirate King, and how will he take revenge?

  Yes, revenge, seek revenge for Uchiha Liufeng, he has not forgotten the revenge of his finger being cut off, this revenge must be avenged.

  But Blackbeard is not stupid. He also clearly knows that with his current strength, he is far from being Liu Feng's opponent, and he is not even able to fight against Liu Feng, so he temporarily suppressed the hatred in his heart.

  "I didn't mean to fight you." Kaido said lightly to Blackbeard.

  "Kaido, are you kidding me?" Blackbeard stared at Kaido angrily. If you kill him, just give me a punch, and then you say you don't want to fight me. Can I believe you?

  "I want to cooperate with you." Kaido said lightly, staring at Blackbeard.

  When he heard Kaido say that he wanted to cooperate with him, Blackbeard almost thought he had heard it wrong. Kaido was actually looking for him to cooperate, and Blackbeard's face changed wildly.


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Chapter 402

  For Kaido to cooperate with him, Blackbeard was full of doubts and vigilance at the same time.

  From the outside, Kaido looks like a brainless brat, but Blackbeard knows that Kaido is not stupid. If there is no plan, will Kaido cooperate with him?

  In order to avoid being sold by Kaido, it is absolutely impossible for Blackbeard to cooperate with Kaido if Kaido does not make it clear.

  "Why do you want to work with me?"

  Blackbeard asked Kaido.

  "In order to fight against an enemy." Kaido gave Blackbeard a deep look, and then said lightly.

  "Against the enemy? Who are you against?"

  When Blackbeard asked, he also speculated in his heart, does Kaido want to cooperate with him to deal with Charlotte Lingling?

  Well, this is indeed possible. After all, the Beasts Pirates have been fighting with the BIGMOM Pirates for a long time now. They fought for Whitebeard's territory, and the truce is only now.

  "Uchiha Liufeng."

  Kaido said a name that made Blackbeard a little unexpected, and then a trace of hatred appeared on Blackbeard's face, and then he quietly asked Kaido, "Do you have any hatred between you?"

  Facing Blackbeard's question, Kaido did not speak.

  Not long ago, Yamato contacted him and asked him to choose to join Liu Feng, otherwise the consequences would be serious, and Kaido of course refused.

  It was shameful enough for him to compromise when he faced Uchiha Liufeng before, and it is absolutely impossible to want him to be a dog to Uchiha Liufeng.

  However, the threat of Uchiha Liufeng really made him fearful, and now he can only find a way to gather strength and fight against Uchiha Liufeng.

  Blackbeard's strength is obviously enough for him to win over, and Kaido has already negotiated with Charlotte Lingling before, if he can win Blackbeard, he will win over red-haired Shanks.

  Most of the power of the new world was gathered by him, and there is no need to be afraid to face Uchiha Liufeng.

  However, the possibility of attracting red-haired Shanks is not very high, and the relationship between him and Shanks is not good.

  "What if I refuse to cooperate with you?"

  Blackbeard asked Kaido.

  At the same time, I want to test Kaido's reaction.

  "Then there will be no Blackbeard in this sea anymore..." Kaido stared at Blackbeard coldly, and a strong sense of oppression erupted from his body.

  "Are you threatening Lao Tzu?"

  Blackbeard was also angry. In fact, he had already faintly wanted to cooperate with Kaido just now. After all, he also had a grudge with Uchiha Liufeng.

  As a result, Kaido actually threatened him, and Blackbeard couldn't accept it. His Blackbeard was not shorter than Kaido.

  "Young Master, there is something wrong with the situation."

  The Don Quixote family said to Doflamingo.

  They were going to take Blackbeard's head. As a result, Kaido seemed to be cooperating with Blackbeard, and he also had to deal with Uchiha Liufeng. What should they do now?

  Join the fight against Uchiha Liufeng, or quit?

  "let's go."

  At this time, Doflamingo couldn't laugh anymore. Joining them to deal with Uchiha Liufeng, Doflamingo didn't want to do it.

  Not to mention Uchiha Liufeng's ability to easily kill Whitebeard, it is said that to deal with Uchiha Liufeng, you must first face the navy, and this Doflamingo can't agree.

  Although Doflamingo has the idea of ​​overturning the world ruled by the Dragons, he will not do it stupidly now.

  "Now that we're gone, won't we offend Kaido?"

  The officials of the Don Quixote family asked Doflamingo.

  Kaido and the others can't afford to offend him. In fact, Doflamingo is a little afraid of Kaido in his heart.

  "Between Kaido and Uchiha Liufeng, how do you think I should choose?"

  Doflamingo asked Torrepol.

  Torrepol didn't speak anymore. Now there is nothing wrong with Doflamingo's choice. Offending Kaido will not be too dangerous.

  Now Kaido still needs to cooperate with him on the artificial devil fruit, so he will not easily turn his back on him.

  The ship of the Don Quixote family retreated directly, and Kaido also noticed it, but Kaido ignored Doflamingo.

  When Blackbeard and Kaido faced off, the Beasts Pirates also killed them. Not all the Beasts Pirates came, but the three disasters had already arrived.

  "Okay, I will cooperate with you to deal with Uchiha Liufeng."

  Blackbeard finally agreed to Kaido, not because Kaido was frightened, one of the reasons why he agreed was because Blackbeard himself and Uchiha Liufeng also had a grudge.

  The second is that you don’t want to suffer too much loss just after entering the new world.

  The Blackbeard Pirates still need to develop, and now he has no other pirates besides the cadres on board, and Blackbeard still needs to accumulate strength.

  "Don't go back on your promise, otherwise I'll make you regret it."

  Kaido threatened Blackbeard.

  After being threatened, Blackbeard was of course unhappy, but he was more tolerant. The Whitebeard Pirates had been able to endure it for decades while pretending to be ordinary, which shows how tolerant Blackbeard was.

  If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely settle accounts with Kaido, so please bear with it for the time being.

  After that, Kaido left with the Beast Pirates. When he left, he told Blackbeard that he would give him a development site for the Blackbeard Pirates.

  This is considered to be a stick to give a sweet jujube, threatening Blackbeard for a meal, but also to give Blackbeard a sweet jujube.

  For this gesture, Blackbeard also accepted it, and it was impossible for Blackbeard to refuse the benefits.

  "¨"Blackbeard, you disappoint me. "

  Shiliu glanced at Blackbeard and said lightly, originally thought that Blackbeard would fight Kaido.

  "It won't do us any good to fight Kaido's Beast Pirates."

  Blackbeard is not afraid that because of this incident, it will affect some people's views of him, and the decision he made is not wrong.

  Shiliu didn't say anything else. Now that they came to the new world, they were temporarily gaining a firm foothold.

  On the other side, Doflamingo returned to the Dressrosa Kingdom and took out the phone bug to inform Liu Feng.

  Tell Liu Feng that Kaido may join forces with Blackbeard, and will deal with him.

  "I didn't expect Kaido to deal with me."

  Liu Feng couldn't help but smile after receiving the news.

  "Kaido is going to deal with you, but you can still laugh (Zhao Hao Zhao)." Taotu couldn't help saying after seeing the smile on Liu Feng's face.

  "Why can't I laugh, I want to see what they're going to do with me, but don't let me down, it's good for me to have some fun."

  Liu Feng is really not afraid that someone will deal with him. Even if Kaido can summon the power of the whole world to deal with him, it would be nonsense. If Liu Feng used unlimited monthly reading, the creatures in the whole world would die.

  "It seems that Yamato failed to persuade Kaido. Kaido is too ignorant, and his concubine is going to take the Nine Snake Pirates to destroy him."

  "You want to take the Nine Snake Pirates to death, right?" Taotu glanced at Hancock, how could the strength of the Nine Snake Pirates beat the Hundred Beast Pirates.

  Hancock is strong now, but she can't beat Kaido either.

  Even if she can deal with Kaido, her Nine Snake Pirates are obviously not as good as the Hundred Beast Pirates.


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Chapter 403

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