Taotu's attack on Hancock made Hancock annoyed and insisted on a duel with Taotu. If Liu Feng hadn't stopped them, it is estimated that they would really go out to a duel.

  "How is the navy now?"

  Liu Feng asked Taotu.

  I haven't learned about the situation in the navy recently, but before the Five Old Stars wanted to recruit troops from all over the world to deal with the pirates.

  This is the intention of Zhenghe Liufeng, so many pirates at sea must be attacked.

  "Marshal Sengoku wants to abdicate, and now Akainu and Aokiji seem to be competing for the position of Marshal, but according to the information, the five old stars seem to be supporting Akainu."

  Taotu informed Liu Feng of all the latest information about the navy.

  Before Liu Feng told Taotu to pay attention to the Navy's information, Taotu paid close attention to the Navy's information.

  Warring States had the intention of abdicating, and now within the navy, Warring States, Garp and the others supported Aokiji to become the next admiral.

  However, there are many hardliners in the navy, and there are many people who support Akainu, and the Five Old Stars seem to be more optimistic about Akainu.

  The other admiral, Kizaru, seemed to be invisible and did not participate in the competition at all. Kizaru was not interested in the position of the marshal.

  And according to Kizaru's character, not many people support him as a marshal.

  "The pirates haven't been wiped out yet, so are you busy engaging in internal battles?"

  Liu Feng knew the result of this competition. Akainu and Aokiji finally fought a battle. Akainu won and became the next marshal, while Aokiji quit the navy directly after losing.

  Akainu became a naval marshal, but as a result, there was one less general in the navy, but two more generals, Fujitora and Green Bull, were recruited through the world conscription.

  "Peach Rabbit, you go and inform the Five Old Stars that the Warring States period is not allowed to abdicate, and let him continue to sit in the position of the Admiral of the Navy first."

  The next plan of Liu Feng is to eliminate the pirates. I don't want the navy to engage in all these things now, and I want to break out internal disputes. I will wait until the pirates in the sea are calmed down.

  "This...Will the Warring States Congress agree? Will the Five Old Stars agree?"

  Taotu couldn't help asking when he heard Liu Feng's order.

  Sengoku seems to want to abdicate himself, in case he refuses to continue to be a marshal in the end.

  "It is very simple not to agree. If the Warring States period does not agree, he will be imprisoned in the Great Undersea Prison. If the Five Old Stars do not agree, let them come to me."

  Liu Feng said that even if you are forced to agree, you must agree. If you don't agree, you will be at your own risk.

  And Karp, don't even think about retiring me, it's like retiring if you don't play the last remaining heat?Liu Feng did not agree.

  "Okay, I'll try it."

  Taotu finally nodded and agreed, and then went to the Five Old Stars.

  Coming to Wu Laoxing, Taotu directly repeated Liu Feng's words to Wu Laoxing, making Wu Laoxing's face very ugly.

  The Warring States period has his own intention to abdicate, and it also has the meaning of the Five Old Stars. The Five Old Stars also want to replace a naval marshal.

  "His Royal Highness Liu Feng is not good at pointing fingers."

  The blond five old star said to Taotu with a gloomy face.

  They are the ones in power, and Uchiha Liufeng is now going to point fingers, and of course they are not happy in their hearts.

  "If you don't feel good, then go to His Highness Liu Feng and say it in person."

  Taotu glanced at Wu Laoxing lightly, and the words were finished. It was up to Wu Laoxing to agree or not, but if Wu Laoxing really refused, Liu Feng's character would definitely not let them off easily.

  "What do you think?"

  After Taotu left, the blond five old star angrily asked the other four.

  "I don't think I can agree. You don't think we compromised too much when we faced Uchiha Liufeng. If we continue to compromise, Uchiha Liufeng will gain an inch."

  The Taoist Five Old Stars gritted their teeth, and the muscles on his face bulged, looking a little hideous.

  "I also agree that we have compromised too much with him. If we compromise again, there will be another time."

  Bearded Five Old Stars said the same.

  They were very upset with Liu Feng's finger-pointing, and now that Lord Yimu doesn't speak, they are the rulers of this world government.

  Although Uchiha Liufeng is a Tianlong person, he is a person who enjoys rights, as long as he can enjoy it.

  If you step into the power, it will touch their bottom line.

  "Then have you ever thought about it, with Uchiha Liufeng's strength, what will be the consequences if we reject him?"

  The Five Old Stars with a flat hat sighed slightly, and then asked the others.

  "As for the video of Uchiha Liufeng's shot on the top of the war, you have seen it. We haven't figured out what his strength is."

  Although Whitebeard was injured at the time, he seemed too vulnerable when facing Uchiha Liufeng, and Pluto Rayleigh was also killed by Uchiha Liufeng.

  As one of them, who is sure to kill Rayleigh alone?Even if it can be done, it will take some injuries.

  "That Khalifa is useless at all."

  The blond five old stars couldn't help but show anger on their faces when they thought of arranging the undercover agent in the past, so far they haven't given them any news.

  "Don't think about Kalifa. If I guessed correctly, she should already be from Uchiha Ryufeng."

  The long-haired five old star shook his head and said.

  As an undercover agent, there has been no news for such a long time, and it is obvious that he has betrayed.

  "Promise Uchiha Liufeng this time, it's not bad for us anyway." The Five Old Stars with a flat hat suggested.

  Even if the Warring States period continued to be a marshal, there would be no harm, at least not for them.

  However, Uchiha Liufeng is so concerned about the navy now that there must be a problem, which needs to be investigated clearly.

  "So we compromised with Uchiha Liufeng again?" Taopao Wu Laoxing glanced at the flat hat Wu Laoxing with an unhappy expression on his face.

  "I know that you are unwilling to compromise, but it is the most important thing to stabilize the situation at sea right now. What good will it be for us to fall out with Uchiha Liufeng?"

  If they win against Uchiha Liufeng, they will also suffer heavy losses, and even their chances of winning are not very high.

  If they lose, it goes without saying that they end up with nothing.

  In the end, the five old stars with the flat hat, relying on their own persuasion, finally succeeded in persuading the other five old stars to compromise with Uchiha Liufeng again.

  After the Five Old Stars compromised again, they issued an order to the Warring States period, rejecting the Warring States abdication and letting the Warring States continue to be the marshals of the navy.

  This is the order of the Five Old Stars, and even the Warring States can not disobey, so the Warring States can only continue to serve as the Admiral of the Navy.

  Akainu and Aokiji, who were fighting fiercely in the past, are now a little embarrassed. Suddenly, the Warring States period will not abdicate. What should they do?I can only honestly continue to be a general.

  However, the dispute this time has also made the relationship between Akainu and Aokiji even worse. Of course, their relationship was not good before.

  Aokiji doesn't like what Akainu does, and Akainu doesn't like Akainu either. The two of them have a conflict of ideas. Maybe there will be a battle sooner or later, and one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers.

  However, even if a conflict breaks out sooner or later, it must be suppressed now, and Liu Feng needs their strength to suppress the pirates.


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Chapter 404

  "I originally wanted to retire, but I didn't expect to go out to sea to deal with pirates when I was so old."

  Garp sighed and said to Sengoku.

  At this time, Garp received an order to let him go out to sea to deal with the pirates. This was an order from the Five Old Stars. The consequences of refusing were very serious, and Garp could not refuse.

  "Even my marshal has gone to sea. It seems that this time we are serious about dealing with pirates."

  Sengoku looked into the distance and said.

  Originally, the loss of the war navy was not small, and the Warring States period was to blame. He wanted to abdicate, but the Five Old Stars did not allow him to continue to be the marshal.

  Didn't he allow him to retire before, why did he suddenly change his mind, and Sengoku didn't know why, he and Karp couldn't refuse at a glance.

  In the past, the Five Old Stars were serious about dealing with pirates, but this time, they seemed to be very serious about dealing with pirates, and the entire navy had already been dispatched.

  Whether it is the pirates of the great waterway, or the pirates in the four seas, they must be cleared.

  The current troop strength of the navy is obviously far from enough, but the five old stars have already prepared for the recruitment-plan.

  "This time the sea will definitely be completely shuffled."

  Garp actually wanted to see this scene. The navy was originally meant to deal with pirates, and it would be best to wipe out all the pirates in the sea.

  "Our first target is really your grandson?"

  Sengoku asked Garp.

  "Well, I don't know what the situation is now. I can't let Luffy mess around in the sea. I'd rather let him enter the underwater prison to reflect for a while."

  This time Garp was serious, and he thought of Liu Feng's reminder to him before.

  "Warring States, do you remember Uchiha Liufeng's reminder before? Maybe the real promoter of this time is not the Five Old Stars, but him."

  Garp's guess is already inseparable, and it is true, this time it is Liu Feng who is pushing to destroy the pirates.

  Moreover, Liu Feng asked the navy to temporarily give up dealing with the pirates in the new world, and concentrate on clearing up the pirates in the first half of the great channel and the four seas.

  The pirates in the new world are not in a hurry. After they all get together, they will serve it directly. Although the pirates in the first half of the Great Channel and the four seas are relatively weak, they cannot be ignored.

  It is in the first half of the great waterway that there are still potential pirates emerging from the four seas, that makes the pirates in the new world stronger and stronger.

  First of all, the pirates deal with supernovas. Although Luffy's trajectory has changed a lot, he is also one of the supernova pirates.

  "I hope you can do it when the time comes, but don't be merciful." Sengoku looked at Garp and said.

  "Didn't I bring you here? Even if I am soft-hearted, with you here, you can't be soft-hearted."

  Garp glanced at Sengoku.

  He understands how unselfish and selfless the Warring States are, and it is impossible for him to be soft-hearted in the dictionary of the Warring States.

  "No wonder you are pulling me. It seems that you are afraid of letting him go."

  "Oh, sometimes I really can't let go."

  Don't look at Garp's fierceness when he taught Luffy, but if he really wants to arrest and imprison Luffy, he really can't do it.

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