"I can promise you that after I catch Luffy, I won't imprison him in the underwater prison."

  The Undersea Prison Advance City was destroyed before, but now it has almost been rebuilt. That place is a place that any criminal does not want to stay.

  "Where is he being held?"

  Garp was in a good mood. In fact, even if Warring States didn't bring it up, Garp also planned to find Warring States to take a back door. As long as things didn't violate the principles, Warring States could still give him a face.

  "I've already thought about it, so I'll be imprisoned in the Navy Headquarters. You can educate him well. If you educate him, I might consider letting him join the Navy again."

  With the guarantee of the Warring States period, Garp, who was in a bad mood, was in a better mood.

  "According to the information obtained, Luffy's group is in the Chambord Islands, let's hurry over." Warring States let the warship advance at full speed.

  At this moment, in the Chambord Islands, Liu Feng and Luffy's group collided. It was a coincidence that when he was bored in the Holy Land Mary Joa, he came to the Chambord Islands and met Luffy.

  "Yo, does Luffy remember me?"

  Liu Feng asked Luffy.

  "You are? It was you."

  When I first saw Liu Feng, I didn't remember who Liu Feng was, but Luffy quickly recalled what happened a long time ago.

  "Are you the one who notified my grandfather to take me to the Navy Headquarters?" Luffy looked at Liu Feng with resentment in his eyes.

  "I asked your grandfather to take you to the navy headquarters. I didn't expect you to become a pirate. Do you want me to arrest you now?"

  Liu Feng is bored and doesn't mind talking to Luffy.

  "Impossible, I will never let you catch it." Luffy looked at Liu Feng vigilantly, and was ready to do it.

  "Hey, Luffy, do you know who he is?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  Sanji wants to beat up Luffy now, but the person in front of him is a Heavenly Dragon. It's hard for this guy, Luffy, to not read the news.

  Oh, it seems that Luffy doesn't really pay much attention to the news on the ship.

  "Hurry up and run."

  Sanji grabbed Luffy directly, then greeted Zoro, and the group immediately fled.

  "Hey, why are you pulling me?"

  Luffy, who was being dragged and ran, shouted loudly.

  "Liu Feng, won't you bring them back?" Taotu asked Liu Feng.

  "No, I didn't want to arrest them."

  This time, it's to give Garp a face. If he sees Luffy again in the future, if Luffy is still a pirate, then Liu Feng will not give Garp face.

  At that time, Luffy may not be as simple as being caught. At that time, Luffy may be dead.

...... 0

  "Information came from Stuthy that Kaido united with some big pirates to prepare for the idea of ​​fighting Wano." Taotu said to Liu Feng.

  "Oh, Kaido is so bold."

  Liu Feng really didn't expect that Kaido was planning to do it to himself first, and he didn't have a hand to deal with him before, but it made him arrogant.

  "It looks like I'm going to the New World." Liu Feng plans to go to the New World. There are already quite a few big pirates gathered in the New World, and Liu Feng plans to get rid of them one by one.

  "Let's return to the Holy Land Mariejoa first, and then head to the New World." Liu Feng planned to meet Kaido and see where Kaido came from.

  On the other side, the Straw Hat gang, who had just run away not long ago, directly bumped into Garp and Sengoku.


  "What, the naval hero Garp is your grandpa?" Zoro looked at Luffy in shock when he heard Luffy call him Grandpa Garp.

  Originally thought that encountering a naval hero would be over, but now it seems that things are turning around.

  But Sauron knew right away that, when he turned around, Sauron was not polite at all, and he didn't use the Warring States shot. With one punch, all the members of the Straw Hat Pirates were knocked out.

  "It's not that you can't do it." Sengoku glanced at Garp.

  "When I came, I was mentally prepared, so I was so decisive. Let's tie them all up, and let's go back."

  Karp was ready to make a move before, and he was mentally prepared. At this time, he was too cruel to make a move, and it was for his own good.


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Chapter 405

  Liu Feng did not know that Luffy was caught by Garp, and now he has driven the Hades to the new world.

  "There are a lot of criminals released by Blackbeard in the underwater prison. Many of the vicious criminals who were imprisoned have come to the new world, so the new world is very chaotic."

  On the Pluto, Taotu introduced the specific situation of the new world to Liu Feng.

  Some of this information about the New World was obtained through the newspapers, and some was passed on by Stuthy.

  Then Taotu also gave Liu Feng some information, such as the information of the Red Earl Baroric Redfield.

  This guy is also quite a powerful character. He alone has the strength to be on an equal footing with Roger and Whitebeard.

  The combat power is absolutely on the table, a very dangerous guy, but I don't know where to go now.

  There is also world destroyer Bundy Waldo, and Douglas Barrett, a crew member of the Roger Pirates, who once had the same strength as Rayleigh.

  It is Rayleigh in his peak period, and he can be comparable to Rayleigh in his peak period. It is conceivable that this guy is at least not weaker than the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, and may even be stronger than the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

  "There are so many powerful pirates in the new world."

  Liu Feng saw the information that Taotu brought out, only to realize that there are almost as many big pirates in the new world.

  Great pirates with a bounty of over [-] million bells are very common, such as Kaido's Beast Pirates, and there are many pirates under its banner, and these pirates are all great pirates.

  "So it won't be easy to wipe them out completely."

  Taotu said to Liu Feng.

  These pirates gather together and gather their strength together, which is definitely the most powerful force in the entire pirate world.

  Although the pirates are basically impossible to unite due to various hatreds and other reasons, if the external threat is too great, they will definitely choose to stay warm.

  If these pirate powers are assembled, the navy will definitely not be able to defeat them, and even adding the power of the world government is a bit reluctant.

  This is still the pirates of the new world. If the pirates of the whole world are united, this is definitely the biggest force.

  "As long as the husband is willing, it is not very easy to destroy them." Hancock said proudly holding Liu Feng's arm.

  "I know Liu Feng's strength is strong, but facing so many pirates, there is still pressure."

  Taotu knows that Liu Feng's strength is already the strongest, and it is estimated that there is no one stronger than Liu Feng in the whole world.

  But too many ants may kill the elephant.

  "No, in fact, I have no pressure at all, and I even feel that their strength is very weak."

  How could Liu Feng be under pressure?

  "With the power of the Pluto battleship, you don't need to be very afraid of them." Robin said.

  The power of the Pluto, Robin has also seen it before, it can really destroy an island with one shot. This kind of power can exert this kind of power even if the top powerhouses burst out with all their strength.

  But the threat of Pluto is even greater, let alone Pluto, there is also a sea king Poseidon on board.

  Now that Bai Xing has mastered some ability to communicate with Neptunes, as long as Bai Xing erupts, all Neptunes in the sea will be used by Bai Xing.

  If you compare the number of white stars on the sea, I am afraid no one can match the white stars.

  In particular, the sea kings in the sea are not only numerous, but also quite terrifying in strength, comparable to the sea kings on islands, how terrifying the power will be?Hard to imagine.

  "Sister Taotu, you just worry too much."

  Nami said to Taotu, saying that Taotu was worried too much.

  "I don't think I'm worried too much, but you guys are too lax."

  Taotu couldn't help but say, in fact, Taotu wants to propose that the three generals of the Navy headquarters come, so that at least there will be no trouble in the new world.

  But think about it, even if she brought it up, it is estimated that Liu Feng would not agree with it, because Liu Feng has now ordered the three admirals of the navy to deal with the pirates in the sea.

  Along the way, Liu Feng did not encounter any attacks. The Pluto is so big and iconic. When you see the Pluto, you know that this is Liu Feng's ship.

  There are really few people who dare to take the initiative to attack Liu Feng's ship.

  After all, it was the one who killed Whitebeard. There were many pirates who worshipped Whitebeard in the sea, but all of them died in Liu Feng's hands, and they were a little afraid of Liu Feng.

  Even Kaido, who intends to fight against Liu Feng, does not dare to do it easily now.

  Kaido also knew that Liu Feng had come to the new world, but he knew that Liu Feng had come to the new world, but he did not send anyone to deal with Liu Feng.

  Including those who joined Kaido, such as Blackbeard and Big Mom Charlotte Lingling, didn't do anything.

  When Liu Feng didn't come to the new world, Kaido and some other people shouted quite loudly, but now that Liu Feng came to the new world, those who shouted were all dumbfounded.

  All were frightened by Liu Feng, all frightened...  

  "A bit disappointed."

  After arriving in Wano Country safely, Liu Feng felt a little disappointed. He thought that when he came to the new world, he would take the initiative to attack him with Kaido's attitude.

  As a result, Kaido didn't even move at all, which disappointed Liu Feng too much.

  "It should have been frightened by the husband. Some of the courageous guys still want to gather to deal with the husband. They don't know whether to live or die."

  Hancock said with a sneer on his face.

  When I came to Wano Kingdom, I had long known that Liu Feng would come to Wano Kingdom's Stuthy to greet him, and told Liu Feng about the current situation of Wano Kingdom.

  The development of Wano Country is not bad now, it has been completely established, and it is no different from other countries in the world.

  Many people in Wano Country have chosen to go to sea. These people may be exploring, or they may become pirates by going to sea.

  At the same time, the country of Wano does not exclude outsiders. Even if there are outsiders who come to the country, they will welcome them in a friendly manner.

  Of course, it also depends on who it is, if it is a vicious pirate, Wano country is still not welcome.

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