Those pirates who obey the rules, the residents of Wano country are not excluded, but the pirates who do not obey the rules, the residents of Wano country are very annoying.

  "Yes, Stuthy, you manage well." Liu Feng praised Stuthy.

  She really didn't make a mistake in choosing Stucci at the beginning, and she didn't let herself down.

  "This is all the cultivation of Liu Feng." Stu Xi was very excited after being praised by Liu Feng.

  But her words were purely flattering Liu Feng. Liu Feng had little cultivation for Stuxi. He was completely a hands-off shopkeeper, and then handed things over to Stuxi.

  "You passed on information earlier that Kaido was planning to fight Wano Country?" Liu Feng asked Stuthy.

  If Kaido really wants to fight Wano Country, Stuxi's strength is really unstoppable.

  Stuthy was still weaker, unable to resist the strength of the Four Emperors.

  "Yes, Kaido and Blackbeard cooperated and planned to attack Wano Country, but they retreated before."

  "Probably heard the arrival of Lord Liu Feng, so I'm afraid to retreat."

  Liu Feng pondered slightly when he heard Stucy's words. Could it be that Kaido wanted to use Wano to attract him here, and then did it to himself?


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Chapter 406

  Liu Feng felt that his guess was very likely. Kaido showed a posture of attacking Wano, just to attract him to the new world.

  "Let me see what you will do next, don't let me be too disappointed." Liu Feng said lightly.

  It just depends on whether Kaido will do it next. If Kaido doesn't do it, then Liu Feng will be disappointed. Liu Feng is waiting for Kaido to do it.

  Meanwhile, Kaido has contacted Blackbeard.

  "Prepare to attack Uchiha Liufeng."

  Kaido said to Blackbeard.

  "Are you so sure about dealing with Uchiha Liufeng?" Blackbeard was actually a little afraid of Liufeng in his heart. He was more arrogant and arrogant, but after suffering losses in Liufeng's hands, Blackbeard was always afraid.

  Even the one who originally planned to deprive Whitebeard of Zhenzheng's fruit knew that Liu Feng was also in Malinfando, and Blackbeard did not dare to go to Malinfando.

  This time, is Kaido really sure about Uchiha Liufeng's shot?If you are not sure, maybe they will all get in.

  "Now is the best time. The Admiral is in the first half of the great waterway. They will not intervene to support. This is the best 28 chance to get rid of Uchiha Liufeng."

  Kaido said lightly to Blackbeard.

  No matter how big a storm would be to kill Uchiha Liufeng, but he had to get rid of him. Uchiha Liufeng had threatened him before.

  Even if he doesn't take action against Uchiha Liufeng, Uchiha Liufeng will also deal with him, so Kaido just strikes first to be stronger.

  "Besides you, I also contacted Charlotte Lingling, she will also take action, do you think we will lose?"

  "What about the red hair?" Blackbeard asked Kaido.

  Red-haired Shanks, Blackbeard and him have a bad relationship, but if he can join this time, Blackbeard will feel safe.

  "He refused."

  Kaido's face was a little gloomy, if he hadn't wanted to deal with Uchiha Ryu Kaede now, he would definitely have fought with the red-haired Shanks.

  "Okay, I promise you, when will I start."

  Blackbeard's eyes rolled and agreed. In fact, Blackbeard had some calculations in his heart.

  If the plan fails this time, he will take the opportunity to escape, as long as he finds an opportunity to escape.

  If it can be successful, that is to solve a big problem of the confidant, and it seems that it is not a loss.

  What's more, Uchiha Liufeng also wants his life. Before Doflamingo shot him, Uchiha Liufeng ordered him.

  If it wasn't for Kaido to stop Blackbeard, Blackbeard would definitely kill Doflamingo.

  However, Kaido felt that Doflamingo was still useful now and did not want to get rid of him, but Kaido also warned Doflamingo.

  "When the capital Charlotte Lingling arrives, we will attack Wano."

  Kaido has prepared a plan for a long time. Charlotte Lingling's BIGMOM Pirates will arrive in two days, and that's when it's time to gather strength and attack Uchiha Liufeng.

  Before Charlotte Lingling arrives, Kaido will definitely not be this early bird, and the early bird will die early. Kaido still understands this.

  Even if he gathered so much power, Kaido was still full of fear when facing Liu Feng.

  It's not just Blackbeard who is afraid of Liu Feng, but Kaido is also more afraid of Liu Feng.

  In less than two days, aunt Charlotte Lingling came to reconcile with Blackbeard and Kaido. Charlotte Lingling glanced at Blackbeard and then looked at Kaido.

  "Kaido, don't forget the terms you promised me."

  Asking Charlotte Lingling to take action, Kaido paid a lot of money, otherwise why would Charlotte Lingling help him, just because they were once crew members of the Rocks Pirates?

  "I will not forget."

  Kaido nodded towards Charlotte Lingling, as long as the big threat of Uchiha Ryufeng can be solved, it will be worth paying a great price.

  Blackbeard was in a bad mood at the moment. After Charlotte Lingling came, he didn't seem to look down on him at all, which made Blackbeard's face darken, and the originally black blackbeard looked like black charcoal.

  But now Blackbeard also knows that it was not the time of the conflict with Charlotte Lingling, and this matter was temporarily recorded.

  If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely seek revenge for him this time.

  "Get ready to do it, the sooner the better, otherwise he will have no chance if he leaves us."

  Kaido said to Blackbeard and Charlotte Lingling.

  If Uchiha Rufeng returns to the Holy Land Mary Joa, even Kaido doesn't think there is any chance to deal with Uchiha Rufeng.

  Kaido will not be arrogant, and relying on his strength, he can break into the Holy Land Mary Joa.

  The three pirate groups joined forces and headed towards Wano Country.

  There are so many people who can't hide it, so Liu Feng in Wano country knew it right away.

  "It was such a disappointment that it made me wait two days."

  Liu Feng knew that Kaido would definitely kill him, but Kaido killed him too slowly, making him wait for a long time.

  "Do you want to bombard it with Hades first?"

  Taotu asked Liu Feng.

  "No, I'm going to get them a big one."

  Liu Feng shook his head slightly towards Taotu.

  "Yahe, don't follow this time." Liu Feng said to Yamato.

  "No, I'll follow you." Yamato shook his head, "Don't worry, even if he is my father, I won't be merciful, and I don't have this father for a long time."

  When he was traded by Kaido, Yamato had already given up on Kaido.

  "Okay, follow along if you want."

  Liu Feng did not refuse Yamato, and went directly to the Hades. The battlefield could not be placed in the country of Wano.

  Wano Country is now Liu Feng's territory. Liu Feng does not want to destroy his own territory because of the battle, so the battlefield should be kept outside of Wano Country.

  The movement this time actually attracted the attention of some pirates in the new world, and some pirates who got the news wanted to come and watch the fun.

  These are three four emperors, yes, Blackbeard has now replaced Whitebeard's former position of the Four Emperors.

  Blackbeard, Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, this lineup is much stronger than Whitebeard's lineup who went to Marine Vando to save Ace.

  "There is such a big thing in the new world, what should we do?" When Warring States got the news, there was a sad look on his face.

  He doesn't like Tianlong people, but he still has a good impression of Uchiha Liufeng, a Tianlong person, but now he can't rush over if he wants to help.

  Even if the three generals rushed over at full speed, after waiting, it is estimated that the day lily will be cold.

  As for the naval power in the new world, let alone the naval power in the new world is too weak, especially to clear the pirates in the four seas and the first half of the great waterway.

  The main force of the navy has been transferred to the first half of the great channel and the four seas. There is really no way to help. The three and four emperors took action, and Sengoku felt that Uchiha Liufeng's strength was terrible.

  Compared with the worrying state of the Warring States period, the five old stars were more happy when they got the news. They wished that Uchiha Liufeng died in the new world.


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Chapter 407

  "Kaido did a good deed to help us get rid of Uchiha Liufeng."

  The blond five old star was in a good mood, and a rare smile appeared on his serious face.

  "Don't be too happy, do you really think Kaido has the strength to solve Uchiha Ryufeng?"

  Compared with the optimism of the blond five old stars, the Taoist five old stars are not so optimistic about Kaiduo, Kaido's strength is very strong, but Uchiha Liufeng is even more perverted.

  And Uchiha Liufeng is not the only one under his hands, Taotu and Hancock are not weaker than the general.

  In this way, the high-end combat power seems to be no less than the other three four emperors teaming up.

  As for low-end combat power, are those combat powers useful?Thinking of the domineering domineering that Uchiha Liufeng once showed, it is estimated that when the domineering domineering is turned on, all those trash fish will be killed in seconds.

  The blow of the Taoist Five Old Stars made the smiles on the faces of the blond Five Old Stars restrained. If you think about it carefully, it seems right. Even if the three Four Emperors at sea join forces, they may not beat Uchiha Liufeng.

  The more I think about it, the more terrifying it becomes. The three and four emperors join forces, and even the five old stars feel a headache, but these people can't beat Uchiha Liufeng.

  "Should we help them?" The bearded Wu Laoxing showed a vicious look on his face.

  Help Kaido and the others to get rid of Uchiha Liufeng. The contradiction between them and Uchiha Liufeng is getting bigger and bigger, and they will definitely not be friends in the future.

  If there is no way to get rid of Uchiha Liufeng this time, there will be no chance in the future.

  "How to make a move? Can we make an open move?"

  The five old stars with flat hats feel that the proposal of the five old stars with beards is not reliable at all. If they take action against Uchiha Ryufeng and are exposed, how will the people of the world view them?

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