Charlotte Lingling has three strongest Hormiz, namely Sun Prometheus, Thundercloud Zeus and Bicorne Napoleon.

  Among them, the double-horned hat Napoleon is also Charlotte Lingling's melee weapon.

  "Instant cut."

  In an instant, Liu Feng's figure disappeared, and then the thundercloud Zeus in the sky, and the sun Prometheus were annihilated by Liu Feng, together with the soul power injected by Charlotte Lingling.

  "So fast."

  Shiliu's pupils shrank slightly, both his own speed and the speed of his knife are too fast. If the target is him, I am afraid that even if he is killed, he will not know how to die.

  "To be honest, I'm just abusing vegetables when I deal with you."

  Liu Feng said lightly to Kaido and the others.

  "Whoever wants to die first can sign up first, after all, die early and reincarnate early." Liu Feng asked Kaido and Charlotte Lingling with a smile.

  "I don't want to die."

  Blackbeard suddenly appeared from behind Liu Feng, and a strong gravitational force erupted from his palm. He wanted to rely on this gravitational force to imprison Liu Feng.

  "It's not up to you whether you want to die or not. If I want you to die, you must die."

  Liu Feng's body disappeared from Blackbeard's eyes, and the speed was so fast that even the blackbeard's domineering look could not sense how Liu Feng left.

  The knife was placed directly on Shiryu Rain's neck.

  "Do you like beheading?" Liu Feng asked Shiliu.

  "I'm not so easily killed by you."

  In the face of the threat of death, Shiliu would of course resist, and instantly used the knife to open Liu Feng's knife, but his attack made Liu Feng's arm not even tremble.

  I can't shake the power of Liu Feng, and it is hard to imagine how Liu Feng's seemingly thin body contains such a powerful strength.

  "Wow, this is the real powerhouse." Nami couldn't help shouting, she was so handsome, if only she could be like Liu Feng.

  In the face of the four emperors in the sea, Liu Feng was not serious at all, as if he was playing. He didn't know how strong he would be if he was serious.

  From the time of the fight to the present, Liu Feng has not been serious yet, which is very embarrassing for Kaido and the others. When they joined forces, they couldn't even force them out with all their strength.


  Liu Feng slashed with his sword, and when Shiliu tried to block Liu Feng's attack, he was directly cut off by Liu Feng's sword.

  Along with Magellan, Shiliu, who was called one of the two iron walls of the advancing city, was directly beheaded.

  After Liu Feng beheaded Shiliu, he behaved very calmly, as if he beheaded a mere soldier. With Liu Feng's strength, he really didn't need to take Shiliu seriously.

  Kaido and the others lost Shiliu, and the pressure was increasing.


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Chapter 409

  "Why, don't you dare to do it?"

  Liu Feng asked Blackbeard indifferently.

  Now that Liu Feng is standing here, Blackbeard and the others did not do anything, as if they were frightened by Liu Feng.

  "If you don't make a move, I~ will make a move."

  Saying that, Liu Feng swung his sword towards Yan Jhin, splitting Yan Jhin's body in half in an instant, and even cut off Quinn's arm and arm who was standing with Jhin.

  Just wielding a knife at will, beheading Yan Zhanjin, it is simply terrifying.

  "It's not an opponent, let's escape."

  Quinn was a little scared. If he encountered a strong enemy, he still had the courage to fight, but Liu Feng in front of him was not as simple as a strong enemy.

  The most important thing is that Liu Feng's bottom line has not yet been tested, and it is still unknown how powerful Uchiha Liu Feng can exert.

  What I see now is only part of the power of Uchiha Liufeng.

  "Quinn, if you dare to escape, I will crush your head." Kaido said coldly to Quinn.

  Although Quinn dared to oppose Kaido in normal times, but now that Kaido is furious, Quinn does not dare to provoke him, so he can only stay here honestly.

  Just breaking an arm, Quinn doesn't have much strength now.

  "Lingling, Blackbeard, the only thing we can't escape is to fight with him." Kaido can see clearly, will he be able to escape if he escapes?

  With the speed that Uchiha Rufeng showed just now, if he ran away, he would only die faster, so Kaido gave up and escaped.

  "Choose wisely, knowing that there is no escape."

  Liu Feng put away Liu Ren Ruohuo and looked at Kaido with a light smile.

  If Kaido and the others choose to escape, Liu Feng will indeed make them die faster.

  "Kaido, do you regret it?" Liu Feng asked Kaido.

  If Kaido made the right choice, Liu Feng wouldn't kill him, and Kaido would instantly become his man.

  "Without any regrets, I, Kaido, will not yield to anyone."

  Kaido swore a long time ago that he would never submit to anyone in the future, and let him submit to Uchiha Ryufeng, then it would be better to kill him directly.

  "What about you two? Do you regret it?" Liu Feng looked at Charlotte Lingling and Blackbeard.

  If Charlotte Lingling and Blackbeard didn't come to help Kaido, maybe they could live for a while longer. In fact, Liu Feng planned to let the Navy take care of them after a while.

  This also saves Liu Feng's strength, and does not need Liu Feng to do it.

  As a result, now they have to rush to come to die, and that can only fulfill them.

  Blackbeard regrets it. If he said he didn't regret it, it would be a lie. If he knew that this would be the result, he would never bring the Blackbeard Pirates to deal with Liu Feng.

  But it's too late to say anything now, and it's impossible for Uchiha Liufeng to let him go, saying regret is useless.

  Charlotte Lingling is similar to Blackbeard. He shouldn't have listened to Kaido's words in the first place and came to help Kaido deal with Uchiha Liufeng.

  No wonder Kaido gave her so many benefits for her to help, but if she knew that Uchiha Liufeng was so powerful, Charlotte Lingling would definitely refuse no matter how much benefits were given to her.

  They both have regrets, but they can't say it.

  At this moment, Kaido suddenly spit out a fireball and attacked Liu Feng.

  "Shen Luo Tianzheng."

  The fireball that attacked Liu Feng had not yet touched Liu Feng, and was thrown out by the repulsive force.


  The huge Susanoo Valkyrie appeared, which was much bigger than the dragon that Kaido incarnated into. Now Kaido in the form of a dragon is a little smaller than Susanoo in Liufeng's form.

  "Is this a trick to hit Whitebeard hard?"

  Kaido already knew Susanoo, mainly because when he was in the war before, although the Sengoku ordered to shut down the image phone bug, it was not completely shut down.

  So what happened at the top of the war is actually no secret, and the moves Liu Feng used are no secret.

  "Susanoh's slash."

  Controlling Susanoo, and using Amaterasu and Kaguchi, he controls Amaterasu's black flame to wrap around Susanoo's sword.

  This knife cut down, Kaido didn't know the danger, and when it fell on him, Kaido's dragon-shaped body was cut off with huge wounds.

  In fact, this is not the most important, the most important thing is that Kaido's wounds have been ignited by Amaterasu's black flames.

  Amaterasu Black Flame is a flame that will not go out. Feeling the burning of the flame, Kaido immediately used the domineering armament to resist.

  Because of the domineering use of the armed color, Kaido will not be burned to death for a while, but if the flame is not extinguished, Kaido will die sooner or later.

  "Damn, what kind of flame is this."

  Kaido also noticed that something was wrong. The flame was a strange black color, and no matter how Kaido put out the fire, he couldn't put out the fire.

  Do you want him to jump into the sea?

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  He is a devil fruit person, no matter how strong he is, he can't be immune to the side effects of devil fruit.

  "Dark water."

  At this time, Blackbeard took action and absorbed the black flames from Kaido into the darkness.

  Liu Feng was slightly surprised. He didn't expect Blackbeard to actually crack Amaterasu. Sure enough, Amaterasu's pupil technique is still a bit of a waste.

  "How are you?" Blackbeard asked Kaido.

  At this time, Kaido can't die. If Kaido is dead, he can't fight against Uchiha Liufeng.

  "Sword of Thor, slash."

  At this moment, a long sword composed of thunder and lightning appeared in Susanohu's hand, which used the power of the thunder fruit.

  When the terrifying electric current collides, it makes a harsh sound, and if the distance is too close, it may cause tinnitus.

...... 0

  "I'll help you block it." Blackbeard stood in front of Kaido and helped Kaido block Liu Feng's blow.

  Blackbeard was badly injured and looked a little pitiful. The whole body was like coke, and the dark fruit was able to absorb damage.

  But if the damage is too great, the dark fruit cannot completely absorb the damage.

  "I just found out now, Blackbeard, that you are very kind and a good person."

  Seeing this scene, Liu Feng couldn't help but teased and said that he actually sacrificed himself to help Kaido block the attack. Could it be that the two of them are true love?

  Heibeard was lying on the ground, he also heard Liu Feng's ridicule, but he felt that Liu Feng's words were harsh, what kind of shit, can he be a good person?

  A good man is an insult to his Blackbeard, and Blackbeard didn't know before that Liu Feng's attack would be so strong that he couldn't completely absorb the damage.

  If he knew that Liu Feng's attack was so strong, it was absolutely impossible for Blackbeard to sacrifice his life to help Kaido block the attack, unless he had a problem with his brain.

  However, Kaido was still very moved. He didn't expect Blackbeard to be so reliable at this critical moment.

  If the attack just now hit him, he might not be able to kill him, but it would definitely kill him.

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