At that time, he will lose his combat effectiveness and let Uchiha Liufeng be slaughtered.

  He will definitely repay Blackbeard's favor. Of course, everything is premised on being alive. If he doesn't survive, then it is estimated that he can only repay it in the next life.


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Chapter 410

  When Liu Feng's eyes were on Blackbeard and Kaido, Charlotte Lingling saw that Liu Feng was not paying attention to her, and immediately thought of running away.

  She wants to leave here, Charlotte Lingling doesn't want to stay here and continue to fight the monster Uchiha Rufeng.

  She used to be called a monster, but now that she met Uchiha Liufeng, Charlotte Lingling felt that she only looked like a monster at most, and the real monster should be Uchiha Liufeng.

  Even the former Rox never had such a powerful force.

  "You still want to run under my nose?" Liu Feng asked indifferently to Charlotte Lingling.

  At this time, Liu Feng was already in front of Charlotte Lingling.

  Although Liu Feng didn't pay attention to Charlotte Lingling just now, if she thought that she could escape while Liu Feng was not paying attention, it would be a big mistake.

  "The three of you will die today. I didn't kill you decisively now, but I just wanted to see how you continued to struggle."

  Liu Feng just wanted to see how the three of them struggled and have some fun.

  "Uchiha Liufeng."

  These remarks completely angered them. Uchiha Liufeng's words, didn't they take them as a joke, that's okay.

  "Incompetent fury." Liu Feng glanced at the furious Kaido and said lightly.

  Kaido's rage is nothing but incompetent fury, he can do nothing but fury.

  Shi can kill and cannot be humiliated, and Kaido does not want to be insulted. Kaido, who can no longer maintain his dragon form, still uses his weapon to attack Liu Feng.

  "Thundering gossip."

  Don't look at Kaido's size, but in fact Kaido's movement speed is very fast. In the blink of an eye, he came behind Liu Feng and attacked the back of Liu Feng's head.

  The attack passed through Liu Feng's body, and there was no feeling of hitting the entity.


  Kaido didn't believe that his attack was in vain, could it be elementalization?No, that's not how elementalization works.

  Moreover, Kaido's attack was strengthened by the use of armed color, even if he used elementalization, he could still attack.

  Liu Feng uses Shenwei, which is actually very incomprehensible. Basically, as long as you don't encounter people who have the same spatial ability, you can play with each other at will.

  This is the case now, Kaido can't attack him at all, Liu Feng stood here and let Kaido attack, Kaido can't hit him.

  The most desperate enemy should be the enemy that cannot be attacked. After a few attempts, Kaido directly retreated.

  "He should have used some kind of devil fruit ability. I couldn't attack him. I suspect he ate more than one devil fruit."

  Kaido stepped back and said to Blackbeard, Kaido doesn't have any good feelings for Charlotte Lingling who wanted to escape just now.

  "Impossible, you can only eat one devil fruit."

  Charlotte Lingling does not believe that Liufeng has eaten more than one Devil Fruit.

  However, Blackbeard is very convinced that, first of all, the ability that Liufeng has shown is so much, which can only mean that Uchiha Liufeng has eaten more than one Devil Fruit.

  And the most important thing is that Blackbeard himself can eat two Devil Fruits, but he has not found a suitable Devil Fruit yet, and Blackbeard has not eaten the second Devil Fruit.

  "What devil fruit power is he using now?" Blackbeard asked Kaido.

  "I don't know." Kaido shook his head. There were so many Devil Fruits, and he didn't know the abilities of any Devil Fruits.

  Although there is a Devil Fruit Picture Book, in fact, only a part of the Devil Fruits are recorded in the Devil Fruit Picture Book.

  "I'll try to attack."

  A strange gleam flashed in Blackbeard's eyes. If he could successfully touch Uchiha Liufeng, he would be able to seal Uchiha Liufeng's Devil Fruit ability with the power of the Dark Fruit.

  Although Uchiha Ryu Kaede was very strong just now, a large part of his strength should be on the Devil Fruit.

  As long as his Devil Fruit ability is sealed, it is estimated that Uchiha Liufeng's strength will be greatly reduced.

  This is not without the chance of winning.

  At this time, Blackbeard was a little whimsical, but he didn't want to be defeated, so he naturally thought that he could win.

  Blackbeard shot at Liu Feng, and there was a dark breath on his hand, but even Blackbeard's attack could not touch Liu Feng.

  They don't have the ability to master the space class, and they can't pose any threat to Liu Feng at all.

  As for the other aunt of the Four Emperors, Charlotte Lingling, although Charlotte Lingling's strength is indeed not weak, she has nothing to do with Liu Feng right now.

  "It seems that you can't come up with any means, so let's start with you, Blackbeard."

  Liu Feng shot instantly and smashed his fist towards Blackbeard's head.

  In the face of Liu Feng's sudden attack, Blackbeard's eyes narrowed slightly, and he had already foreseen Liu Feng's attack...  

  Just when Blackbeard was trying to avoid through the predicted trajectory, he suddenly found that his body could not move, as if it was imprisoned by something.

  "Do you feel that your body can't move?" Liu Feng asked indifferently to Blackbeard.

  Blackbeard's expression was stiff, and he wanted to ask Uchiha Liufeng what method he used to make him unable to act.

  In fact, it was mental control. Liu Feng used mental power to control Blackbeard's actions and suppressed all his movements.

  Then Blackbeard could only watch helplessly as he got the punch.

  I didn't see how much power Liu Feng used, but Liu Feng's punch directly pierced Blackbeard's body.

  The position of his heart was directly pierced by Liu Feng, and the black beard stared at Liu Feng with wide eyes unwillingly. He felt that his vitality was slowly passing.

  With a thud, Blackbeard's body fell to the ground.

  "With your vitality, it shouldn't be so easy to die. You're not pretending to be dead now, are you?"

  Liu Feng looked at the fallen Blackbeard lightly, not caring about Kaido attacking him at all.

  After using Kamui, no matter how Kaido attacks himself, Kaido is just a clown.

  "Forget it, whether you're really dead or pretending to be dead, just whip the corpse."

  Liu Feng glanced at the black beard who had no breath at all, and said lightly.

  Just after he finished speaking, Blackbeard suddenly stood up. The speed of standing up was very fast, and Liu Feng looked a little surprised.

  Although I guessed that Blackbeard was playing dead, I didn't expect it to be true. This guy was really playing dead.

  "The run is over now."

  The Qiu Dao Jade in Liu Feng's hand had already fallen on Heibeard's body, and then the black beard was destroyed by the Qi Dao Jade's power and not even the slag was left.

  Blackbeard must be dead now, and the corpses were completely destroyed by Liu Feng. If he was still alive, it would be too much. There is no such power in the pirate world.

  After killing Blackbeard, Liu Feng looked at Kaido, who had been attacking him, and Charlotte Lingling. She couldn't escape before, but now Charlotte Lingling didn't escape either.

  He attacked Liu Feng with Kaido, but all the attacks were immune to Liu Feng's use of Shenwei, which is much easier to use than elementalization.


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Chapter 411

  "Blackbeard is dead, you should hurry up and be his company."

  Liu Feng came to Kaido in a flash, and this time Liu Feng also got serious.

  "Eighty Gods Air Strike."

  Countless huge fists hit Kaido, and even a huge meteor could be smashed into powder in front of Liu Feng's full-strength Eighty God Air Strike.

  Kaido is very resistant to beatings, but in front of Liu Feng's fist, even if he uses his armament color to protect himself, he can't resist the dirty Feng's fist at all.

  He was directly beaten to death by Liu Feng's beating.

  The body was beaten by Liu Feng and deformed, and the original appearance could not be seen.

  Yamato was a little lost watching this scene, although he had already drawn a clear line with Kaido in his heart, but now seeing the scene of Kaido's death, Yamato's heart is still a little uncomfortable.

  "Actually, if you interceded just now, Kaido might be able to survive." Taotu glanced at Yamato and said.

  If Yamato really pleads with Liu Feng and lets Liu Feng let Kaido go, Liu Feng will really leave Kaido a small life, but it is certain to abolish him.

  "Maybe 28 is his best destination. Even if Master Liu Feng lets him go, he won't be safe with his character." Yamato said with his head lowered.

  This is also the reason why Yamato didn't intercede. Liu Feng had already given Kaido a chance, so there were so many opportunities that Kaido couldn't grasp, so there was nothing he could do.

  Yamato is also embarrassed to help Kaido to intercede.

  And even if Kaido is let go, will Kaido be honest?No, he will definitely not be so honest, and he will definitely cause some trouble in the end.

  Taotu glanced at Yamato, but didn't say anything.

  Now that Kaido is dead, Charlotte Lingling is the only one left alive.

  "Aren't you begging for mercy?" Liu Feng looked at Charlotte Lingling and asked her suspiciously. She wanted to run away just now, but now she's not begging him for mercy, begging him to let him go?

  "Uchiha Liufeng, you underestimate me too much."

  Although Charlotte Lingling can escape, it is impossible for Charlotte Lingling to beg for mercy. She has dominated the sea for so long, and she has never asked anyone for mercy.

  "Indeed, I did underestimate you before. I apologize for my underestimation, but are you ready to die next?"

  It was impossible for Liu Feng to let Charlotte Lingling go. The goal this time was to wipe out everything in one fell swoop.

  It's a pity that there are still too few people brought by Kaido. If Kaido brings together all the power of all the pirates in the whole new world, then they can all be solved together.

  "It's not that easy to kill me."

  Even if the aunt knew that it was not Liu Feng's opponent, she would definitely not be caught.

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