The power on Liu Feng's side is getting stronger and stronger, and the power they master is either solved by Liu Feng or pulled away by Liu Feng.

  "Then, Your Highness Liu Feng, you can handle it yourself."

  The long-haired five old star replied indifferently, not caring about Akainu's life or death at all.

  "Five Old Stars, that's how you treat me?" Akainu couldn't help roaring.

  He couldn't help but scold him. When he was wooing him, the Five Old Stars promised a lot of things. Now Akainu understands that everything is bullshit.

  The Five Old Stars are a bunch of bastards, you shouldn't believe them, and you're also stupid.

  "You were abandoned, Akainu."

  Liu Feng looked at Sakaski lightly. At this time, Sakaski really looked like a dog, a lost dog.

  "Bastard, die for me."

  The furious Akainu pinched the phone bug. He did not beg Liu Feng for mercy, which was inconsistent with his character, and the magma fist bombarded Liu Feng.

  This punch is enough to penetrate a warship, but it cannot break the repulsion protection around Liu Feng.

  Use the repulsive force formed by Shinra Tianzheng to directly resist Akainu's attack, and Akainu's attack can't even touch Liu Feng.

  "You are very strong, but unfortunately I am much stronger than you."

  Liu Feng raised his hand and pressed down instantly, Akainu was directly overwhelmed by the supergravity.

  This is the Gravity Fruit ability that Liu Feng obtained by defeating Fujitora's projection in the system not long ago.

  The supergravity couldn't bear it, and Akainu didn't want to lie on the ground waiting to die, so he chose to use elementalization to avoid the oppression of supergravity.

  The ability of elementalization is still very strong, unless you use the armed color domineering, otherwise the physical attack can be completely immune to damage.

  Of course, some special attacks are not immune at all.

  For example, if Liu Feng uses the Daoyu jade now, even if it is elementalized, it will be useless, and it will still be erased.

  "¨" Armed · Hardened. "

  Liu Feng's fist was covered with armed domineering, and then he punched Akainu.


  Poof~! ! !

  Akainu spewed a mouthful of blood, and the whole person smashed into the sea.

  "Vientiane Tianyin."

  Liu Feng shot directly and pulled back the red dog that was smashed into the sea.

  "Akainu, let you see the real temperature." Liu Feng took out the flowing blade Ruohuo and said to Akainu.

  Liu Feng planned to give Akainu a burial, let him die in a decent manner, and use Liu Jianruohuo to solve Akainu.

  "There are all kinds of things, they are all ashes! The blades are like fire!"

  After the initial solution, Ruo Ren Ruohuo burst into a terrifying explosion, and the surrounding temperature increased significantly.

  "Swallow solution, residual fire sword."

  The moment Liu Feng began to dissolve, even the air was affected by this blazing heat, and the surrounding water quickly disappeared, and it could be seen that the seawater on the sea (Zhao Li's) was evaporating.

  The temperature of the residual fire sword is too large. If Liufeng keeps turning on the solution, maybe the seawater in the entire sea will evaporate.

  "It's so hot." Taotu and the others couldn't help but stand farther away, not because they didn't want to get close, but because it was so hot that they were about to melt away.

  "What temperature is this?" Akainu's eyes widened, far exceeding the temperature of his magma. Akainu had a feeling that if he touched the knife now, he might be vaporized in an instant.

  He, a magma man who ate rock berries, had only a sense of powerlessness in the face of this temperature.

  "To be honest, I came to this world, and I haven't used the true power of Ruo Ruo Huo on other people. You are the first."

  Liu Feng felt that Akainu could feel honored. Before, he had not even used the first solution, and now he has arranged a swastika for Akainu. This is a special sense of care for Akainu.


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Chapter 423

  "Remnant Fire Sword, East, Rising Sun Blade!"

  Liu Feng didn't talk nonsense with Akainu anymore, mainly because this is the country of Wano. The longer he opened the solution, the greater the damage to the country of Wano.

  The temperature of the core of the sun condensed on the blade, and after Liu Feng slashed it, Akainu was directly wiped out by the terrifying temperature of the residual fire sword.

  Immediately after that, the Swastika was released. After Liu Feng released the Swastika, he used the power of the frozen fruit to release the cold air, which quickly lowered the surrounding temperature.

  "Huh, my concubine almost thought I was going to be overheated to death."

  Hancock breathed a sigh of relief, she could really be killed by the heat, and she felt that all the water in her body was evaporating, including blood.

  "Is this knife eating a devil fruit?"

  Taotu looked at Liu Ren Ruohuo and couldn't help but asked Liu Feng.

  Dead objects can also eat Devil Fruits, thanks to Vega Punk's research.

  "No, do you think there is such a powerful Devil Fruit?"

  Liu Feng heard the words and shook his head at Taotu, but did not explain to Taotu what the theory was, mainly because it was difficult to explain clearly.

  Taotu didn't ask too much. In fact, how much power Liu Feng showed was not surprising to them, because Liu Feng showed too much power before.

  "My dear Lord Liu Feng, can I discuss something with you?" Nami came to Liu Feng and asked Liu Feng.

  "What's up?"

  "Don't use this kind of power in the future, okay? It takes such a big battle to kill an Akainu, and I'm worried that the enemy will not be killed in the future, and we will die first."

  Nami spoke to Liu Feng with some resentment.

  I really experienced a feeling of dying just now, and the orange tree she planted on the boat has now completely withered, making Nami very distressed, more distressed than losing [-] million Baileys.

  "If someone kills my orange tree, I will never let that person go, and I will definitely fight with each other."

  Nami looked at the orange tree in distress.

  "Don't worry, I'll help you save your life."

  Liu Feng used the power of Mu Dun to restore the orange tree to life, and also made the orange tree even taller.

  Nami's eyes widened, the orange tree was obviously dead, but Liu Feng was unexpectedly rescued.

  "Now I just found out, Master Liu Feng, you seem to be omnipotent." Nami looked at Liu Feng with some admiration, and she looked at Liu Feng as if she was looking at a god.

  As long as you save my orange tree, then we are good friends.

  "Thank you."

  At this time, Robin came to Liu Feng and thanked Liu Feng.

  Liu Feng was stunned for a moment, then thought that Robin and Akainu had a grudge. Robin's hometown, O'Hara, was destroyed by the Demon Slayer Order, and the person who executed the Demon Slayer Order at that time was Akainu, and Akagi Dogs are quite cruel.

  At the time, people blew up an escape ship full of O'Hara residents, citing the possible presence of archaeologists on board.

  "Thank you so much, I accept it."

  Liu Feng smiled and said to Robin, Robin smiled slightly, thinking about it now, being traded to Liu Feng by Sand Crocodile was a big good thing for her.

  After the red dog was killed by Liu Feng, the people who were brought by the red dog were not spared, and they were all dealt with.

  "The guy who wasted my time."

  Liu Feng began to think of the battlefield on the other side again, but it was too late to go back and take a look.

  "Stussy, the matter of Wano country is handed over to you, Momotu, you should stay in Wano country for the time being."

  In order to prevent the family from being stolen, Liu Feng arranged for Taotu to stay in Wano Kingdom. Fortunately, Taotu did not follow him before, otherwise the loss of Wano Kingdom would be great.

  Taotu did not refuse. Anyway, she was not particularly interested in the battle between the navy and the pirates on the other side. Mainly, Taotu knew that the navy side would win.

  In addition, Taotu still wants to know the trace of Doflamingo, find Doflamingo and deal with this guy.

  After that, Liu Feng used Huangquan Hirazaka again, and returned to the battlefield again. In fact, it didn't take much time to solve the Akainu and return.

  Now that Liu Feng came back, the battle was still heated up.

  When Liu Feng's Hades appeared here before, the pirates had already discovered it, but they were taken aback at the time.

  But he left again soon, which gave them a sigh of relief, but now that they are back, they can't help but lift their hearts again.

  Compared with some nervous pirates, Hawkeye is happier, and he wants to challenge Liu Feng.

  It's hard to just see Liu Feng. Now that Liu Feng is here, maybe he has a chance to make a move.

  Abandoning the opponent in front of him, Eagle Eye went straight to Liu Feng's Pluto, and even threw a sword energy in the middle, slashing at Liu Feng.

  However, the green sword energy was directly scattered by Hancock.

  Hancock stared at Hawkeye full of cold light, this bastard was courting death.

  "Hancock, don't be angry." Liu Feng said to Hancock with a smile while holding Hancock's shoulder.

  "It seems that your goal is very clear, it's me."

  Liu Feng looked at Hawkeye Mihawk lightly, but he was actually stared at by Hawkeye.

  "I want to learn swordsmanship with you."

  Hawkeye stood on a wooden board and calmly said to Liu Feng.

  "Compete with me? If you play against me, it's not as simple as sparring, you may die." Liu Feng reminded Hawkeye.

  If they really fight, Liu Feng will not show mercy.

  "Actually, I admire you very much. Why help the pirates, just because of the relationship with the red hair? Why not abandon the darkness and cast the light?" Liu Feng said to Hawkeye.

  "I just want to fight with you, and I'm not afraid of death." Is Hawkeye afraid of death?No, he is not afraid of death, he knows that Liu Feng's swordsmanship is very strong, and he wants to see if Liu Feng's swordsmanship has surpassed him.

  "You should understand that you are not my opponent, you are here to kill yourself." Liu Feng gave Hawkeye a deep look.

  Fighting against him, Hawkeye is not a death sentence.

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