Although Liu Feng has some appreciation for Hawkeye, this does not mean that if they fight, Liu Feng will let Hawkeye go, which is impossible.

  Liu Feng can do things like releasing water, but basically it's when he treats his own people.

  "Haven't played yet, how do you know that I'm not your opponent?"

  Hawkeye never admits defeat, especially before he fights, he doesn't think he will lose, at least he won't lose in kendo.

  "Well, I'll make it up for you."

  Liu Feng agreed to Hawkeye's challenge. It seemed that Hawkeye couldn't conquer it, which was a pity.

  Hei Dao Ye appeared in Liu Feng's hands, which was the projection of Liu Feng defeating Hawkeye in the system space.

  When he saw Hei Daoye, there was a shock on Hawkeye's calm face. This was Hei Daoye, of course he knew it.

  And he feels that this is not a counterfeit item, and the feeling from the edge is exactly the same as the black knife night in his hand.

  There shouldn't be two identical knives among the supreme knives, right?This is really strange.

  But soon Hawkeye threw away these unnecessary emotions, and the same as his knife shocked him at most, and didn't affect him at all.

  The sharp eagle eyes stared at Liu Feng, and the eagle eyes were slowly raising his aura.


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Chapter 424

  "I really don't know why my husband agreed to Hawkeye's challenge."

  Hancock stood on the boat and looked at Liu Feng and Hawkeye without disturbing. Since Liu Feng accepted Hawkeye's challenge, Hancock would naturally not take action, so as not to make Liu Feng unhappy.

  "Are you curious about the knife in my hand?" Liu Feng asked Hawkeye.

  Hearing Liu Feng's words, Hawkeye's eyes fluctuated slightly. If he was not curious about the knife in Liu Feng's hand, it would be impossible.

  It is exactly the same as his Black Sabre Night. In the identity of Uchiha Liufeng, it is unlikely that he will come up with a fake to fool him.

  "You can use this knife as another black sword night, it is no different from the black sword night in your hand."

  The knife in Liu Feng's hand is actually exactly the same as the black knife night in Hawkeye's hand.

  After listening to Liu Feng's words, Hawkeye wanted to know where Liu Feng got the Black Sabre Night, but Hawkeye didn't ask, and this was not important to him.

  When his aura was at its peak, before Liu Feng could make a move, Hawkeye took the lead~ towards Liu Feng.

  Because Hawkeye is very clear that he is the disadvantaged party, of course, take the first shot - take advantage of the opportunity.

  In the face of Hawkeye's slash, Liu Feng raised his hand slightly, and used the same knife in his hand as Hawkeye's to block Hawkeye's almost extreme knife.

  "The speed of your knife is very fast, and other people may have been injured." Liu Feng said to Hawkeye with a smile on his face.

  Unlike Liu Feng, who had a smile on his face, Hawkeye was very solemn at this time, and his all-out slash, actually failed to have any impact on Liu Feng.

  He blocked his knife with one hand without shaking his wrist, which meant that his strength was far from the level of shaking Liu Feng.

  This is the first time for Hawkeye to fight against Liu Feng. After he really fought against Liu Feng, Hawkeye understood the horror of Liu Feng.

  No wonder the pirates in the entire sea have been suppressed, this power has far surpassed him.

  "Whether it is strength or speed, I am far more than you. Even if I don't know a little kendo skills, I can hack you to death."

  Liu Feng looked at Hawkeye's sharp eyes and said to him.

  One force can break all methods, and when the strength reaches a certain level, no matter how strong Hawkeye's skills are, it will not be of any use to Liu Feng.

  What's more, Liu Feng's skills are not weak in the first place. The average swordsman can't compare to him in terms of swordsmanship. Even Hawkeye, the world's largest swordsman, can surpass Liu Feng's swordsmanship.

  He had defeated Hawkeye's projection in the system space before, but had shown Hawkeye's swordsmanship. Liu Feng knew about Hawkeye's swordsmanship well, even better than Hawkeye himself.

  "To be honest, it's quite unreasonable for you to challenge me."

  The courage is commendable, but it is a bit over the top.

  Hawkeye didn't speak, he put his whole heart on the attack, and attacked Liu Feng frantically, but any attack that came towards Liu Feng was blocked by Liu Feng.

  The more he fought against Liu Feng, the more Hawkeye could feel this powerlessness, and all his attacks were useless.

  And now Liu Feng hasn't counterattacked, just let him attack, if he starts to counterattack, can he stop it?

  However, Hawkeye's mentality is still quite strong. In the face of this powerlessness, Hawkeye did not lose his temper, at least he did not show it in front of Liu Feng.

  "It's my turn to fight back."

  Liu Feng once again blocked Hawkeye's slash, and said flatly to Hawkeye.

  Afterwards, Liu Feng just flatly slashed at Hawkeye with a slash. It looked very dull, but Hawkeye had a feeling of unavoidable.

  Seemingly sluggish, the speed of swinging the knife is very slow, but in fact the speed is very fast, even making him have an illusion.

  Immediately raise the knife above your head, then place your left hand against the back of the knife.



  The black knife in Hawkeye's hand was cut off by Liu Feng with one sword, but Liu Feng cut off Hawkeye's knife with one sword, and caused a huge scar to Hawkeye.

  The knife in his hand was cut off, and Hawkeye's hand trembled a little. On the one hand, he was subjected to huge force, causing his hand to tremble a little. On the other hand, he couldn't believe it.

  How long has it been, I don't know how long his knife has not been cut off by others, and he is still one of the most powerful knives in his hand.

  "Have you experienced absolute power?" Liu Feng asked Hawkeye.

  Hawkeye was slightly absent-minded, he really experienced this absolute power, and even just now he almost thought he would be cut in half.

  "Okay, you can go."

  Liu Feng said lightly to Hawkeye.

  "You won't kill me?"

  Hearing Liu Feng say let him go, Hawkeye raised his head to look at Liu Feng, and asked Liu Feng seriously.

  "If I were to kill you, you wouldn't have survived just now."

  If Liu Feng wanted to kill Hawkeye just now, Hawkeye would have been cut in two by Liu Feng.

  "Let's go now while I'm being kind, or else I might change my mind." Liu Feng reminded Hawkeye.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  The sense of Eagle Eye is actually good, of course, even if the sense of Eagle Eye is good, Liu Feng will never be too forbearing.

  He is willing to let Hawkeye go now, but if Hawkeye doesn't leave and must be his enemy, Liu Feng really doesn't mind killing him.

  "In the future, I will challenge you again."

  Hawkeye didn't know how to lift up, glanced at the navy and pirates at war, and Hawkeye left here directly.

  "Husband, you actually let him go?"

  Hancock was a little puzzled, why should he let Hawkeye go? He dared to challenge Liu Feng, but he should not be allowed to live.

  "Are you still afraid that he will be able to do something big if I let him go?" Liu Feng asked Hancock with a smile.

...... 0

  What is he afraid of letting go of a Hawkeye? Liu Feng doesn't think that Hawkeye will be able to fight against him in the future. This time he let Hawkeye go, and Hawkeye can't seek revenge for him.

  However, Hawkeye said it was possible to challenge him again.

  "Maybe I can fool the eagle eye to challenge the five old stars of Taoism." Liu Feng's eyes flickered, and after dealing with the pirates, it was time to attack the five old stars.

  Although Hawkeye has lost the Supreme Great Sword, it is still easy to find a Great Sword. If Hawkeye can help him, then he will gain more combat power.

  Of course, if Hawkeye is unwilling, Liu Feng will not force it. The fact that he has one more battle power is just the icing on the cake, and there is no shortage of him.

  "Pirates are actually more difficult to deal with than I expected."

  Liu Feng watched the white-hot battle. If he didn't come, don't try to exterminate the pirates this time in the Warring States period, and it would be good not to even be defeated by the pirates.

  "Hancock, Yamato, help." Liu Feng didn't want to see heavy casualties in the navy. Now that the navy is Liu Feng's strength, Liu Feng naturally wants to ensure that they don't get too many casualties.

  "I wanted to make a move for a long time." Yamato said eagerly.

  In fact, as early as just now, Yamato wanted to take action, but he was afraid that Liu Feng would not let her take action, so he didn't move. Now, after receiving Liu Feng's order, Yamato rushed forward directly.

  Hancock also took action, and the others stayed on the boat and did not move, mainly because the combat power of others was not strong.


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Chapter 425

  In the previous battle between the navy and the pirates, it was impossible to say who was stronger.

  This is the addition of two general-level powerhouses, and the pirate side also lacks Hawkeye, and is also shocked by Liu Feng.

  Standing here now, Liu Feng can deter these big pirates.

  Although Liu Feng didn't do anything, Liu Feng's strength is here, and no one dares to ignore Liu Feng.

  What's more, these pirates can't be twisted into a rope. Although they are united in order to survive, they can only fight against the wind. If they fight against the wind, they start to be afraid and want to escape.

  There are already some pirates who want to escape, but these pirates are often the first to die.

  Douglas Barrett, who was controlled by Liu Feng using the other gods, was also here at this time, and he was completely suppressing those big pirates.

  "I didn't do anything wrong when I chose to use other gods to control him."

  Liu Feng looked at Douglas Barrett and nodded with satisfaction. His performance made Liu Feng very satisfied. The most lethal person here is Douglas Barrett.

  "Bai Xing, you control the sea kings, be surrounded by this area, and kill anyone who dares to run." Liu Feng said to Bai Xing.

  "Good Lord Liu Feng."

  Bai Xing nodded, and then silently communicated with the sea kings. These sea kings did not attack, but just surrounded.

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