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Chapter 428

  The flat hat five old star left Wano country with anger.

  However, he was lucky to be able to leave. After returning to Wano Kingdom, others were a little surprised to see that the Five Old Stars with Flat Hats could return safely.

  "Aren't you in danger?"

  The blond five old star asked the flat hat five old star.

  Faced with the question from the blond five old star, the flat hat five old star did not want to speak, and he did almost get in.

  "I'm going to see Lord Im, and prepare to fight with Uchiha Rufeng."

  When he went to see Im, he didn't think it was possible for Im to agree to Uchiha Ryufeng's conditions and give up the throne of the king of the world.

  Hearing the Five Old Stars with the Flat Hat saying they were ready to fight, the other Five Old Stars sank, but they had already anticipated it.

  Even when the five old stars with the flat hat went to see Uchiha Liufeng, they knew that peace talks were absolutely impossible, and there was no possibility of peace talks at all.

  The five old stars of the flat hat met Yimu again and told Yimu about Liufeng's conditions, and Yimu was very angry.

  "It seems that I have been too tolerant of him."

  Im's tone was a little cold. Originally, he didn't want to make a big mess in the world, but the other party has already stared at her position, so it must be intolerable.

  "Lord Im, do we take the initiative or wait for Uchiha Ryufeng to come?"

  The Flat Hat Five Old Star asked.

  "Do you still have the capital to take the initiative? Waste."

  Im angrily said that the navy has now become Liu Feng's, and the power under the hands of the Five Old Stars has become less and less.

  Being angrily scolded by Yimu, the five old stars with the flat hat did not dare to show any dissatisfaction, and were scolded respectfully.

  "Wait for him to come, I guess it won't be too far, I want to see this Uchiha Liufeng."

  A dim light flashed in Yimu's eyes. The Five Old Stars reported to her about Liu Feng a long time ago, but Yimu never cared about it.

  Now I didn't expect it to become a threat that made her feel jealous. If I had known the current situation, Im would have sent someone to kill the threat in advance.

  But even if she regretted it now, she couldn't turn back time. Even if she really did, Yimu couldn't kill Liu Feng. If she started early, she would just die early.

  After the Flat Hat Five Old Stars left, they discussed the situation with the other Five Old Stars.

  At the same time, all the people in the CP organization gathered in the Holy Land Mary Joa, and even those Tianlong people who only knew how to eat, drink, and have fun felt something was wrong.

  "Kong, what do you think about the Warring States?"

  The Five Old Stars summoned Gang Kong Kong who was the commander-in-chief of the entire army.

  Gang Gu Kong used to be a naval marshal, but he recommended him to become a marshal in the Warring States period.

  Sora fell into silence listening to Wu Laoxing's inquiries, and he did not expect that Warring States would dare to do such a thing.

  But now that things have happened, what are the five old stars talking to him about?Do you want to blame him?

  If he is really guilty, he has no responsibility.

  "I asked you to come this time because I want you to contact the Warring States period and let them abandon the darkness and turn to the light." Wu Laoxing said the purpose of letting Kong come.

  "Five Old Stars, I'm afraid I don't have this ability."

  Sora already wanted to refuse in his heart. He knew the Warring States better, and the Warring States had made a decision, how could it be changed.

  "Then what do you think?"

  The blond five old star squinted at Sora.

  After hearing the question from the blond five old star, Kong finally knew why the five old star came to him and didn't trust him.

  After knowing the meaning of Wu Laoxing, Kong's heart is also unhappy. How many times he has done for the world government over the years, but now Wu Laoxing does not trust him.

  "I am willing to hand over all the power under my hands."

  Sora's heart was a little cold, and he handed over the power directly. In fact, he didn't have much power in his hands. Although he was the commander-in-chief of the entire army, he mainly managed the navy.

  Now that the navy has gone to rely on Liu Feng, the number of troops he can still control is not much, so let's just hand it all over to the Five Old Stars.

  Moreover, Sora didn't want to participate in this dispute, he wanted to quit.

  If Wu Lao Xing hadn't doubted him, Kong would still be willing to stand on their side, and now the cold-hearted Kong no longer wanted to get involved.

  Sengoku and Garp were regarded as disciples brought out by Sora, so Sora didn't want to become enemies with them, so it would be better.

  Sora left immediately.

  Looking at Kong leaving, Wu Laoxing's brows furrowed.

   "You shouldn't question him now, he's also a fighting force on our side." The Five Old Stars with a sigh sighed.

  Originally, they were somewhat inferior to Uchiha Liufeng in terms of strength. Now that there is less space, their side is completely at a disadvantage.

  "Can you completely trust him? What if he chooses to turn his back?"

  The Taoist Five Old Stars said.

  In fact, in the past, they could still trust Sora, but because the Warring States they trusted more chose to defect, of course there were more embankments for Sora.

  "Let the people in the CP organization monitor the movements of Uchiha Liufeng, notify us immediately if there is news, and notify all Tianlong people to take refuge."

  The long-haired five old star ordered to go on.

  When Wu Lao Xing was preparing, in Wano Kingdom, Long had brought the revolutionary army to meet Liu Feng.

  Of course, the dragon brought only part of it, and part of it was distributed in the first half of the Great Channel and the four seas.

  "His Royal Highness Liu Feng is going to do something, right?" Long asked Liu Feng.

  Before Liu Feng told him that as long as the pirates in the sea were dealt with, they would do it. Now that the pirates in the sea have been cleaned up, it is time to take action.

  "It's time to start."

  In fact, there are still some remnants of pirates in the sea, but these pirates can't make waves at all. After everything is resolved, we will clean up those remnants of pirates.

  Then Liu Feng ordered to let Warring States come with the navy.

  When he saw the dragon, Sengoku's expression was slightly stunned. Originally, he wanted to capture the dragon in a conditioned reflex, but he thought that his current identity was different from before, so he didn't do it.

  "Is the navy well-trained?" Liu Feng asked the Warring States period.

  "It has been cultivated."

  In fact, the damage to the navy last time was not too big, and this time Liu Feng told the Warring States that only the elites would be used to attack the Holy Land Mary Joa.

  For those who are relatively weak, even if they go, it is useless. It is equivalent to going to die. Of course, Liu Feng can't let his own people go to die.

  "Then get ready, the war to subvert this world is coming."

  Liu Feng said.

  For this war, Long is looking forward to it. As for the warring country, it is very complicated. Is this a betrayal?

  This time, when they attacked the Holy Land Mary Joa, Liu Feng didn't hide it, and the whole army was dispatched directly.

  Anyway, even if it is hidden, the Five Old Stars will definitely be able to receive the information, and it is impossible to hide it at all.

  When Liu Feng made a move, the Five Old Stars had already received the information, and his expression was very dignified.

  "Sure enough, it's over. This is a battle that will decide our life and death. If we lose, it will be over." The long-haired five old star sighed.

  And for this war, they have absolutely no certainty of winning in their hearts.


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Chapter 429

  Liu Feng's Pluto was at the forefront, standing on the deck, looking at the Holy Land Mary Joa not far away.

  "I hope it won't cause too much damage to the Holy Land Mariejoa this time." After Liu Feng eliminated the Five Old Stars and the others, he will definitely live in the Holy Land Mariejoa in the future.

  Therefore, Liu Feng naturally did not want the Holy Land Mary Joa to be damaged too seriously.

  "Husband, even if the Holy Land Mary Joa is destroyed, after we win, we can build a new Holy Land." Hancock said to Liu Feng.

  "Well, Hancock, you're right, it doesn't seem difficult for me to rebuild the Holy Land Mary Joa." Liu Feng nodded slightly.

  Then Liu Feng used the power of the fluttering fruit to make all the battleships float up and fly up towards the Holy Land Mary Joa.

  Originally, the Five Old Stars had set up defenses below, but seeing Liu Feng floating the battleship, those who set up defenses were stupid.

  Soon, Liu Feng set foot on the land of the Holy Land Mary Joa again, and Wu Laoxing was in front of him. At this time, Wu Laoxing looked at Liu Feng with a gloomy expression.

  "Why, is the battle to welcome me home so big?" Liu Feng asked the Five Old Stars with a light smile.

  The corners of Wu Laoxing's mouth twitched, are you going home?Are you trying to take the Holy Land Mary Joa for yourself?

  "By the way, did you convey what I asked you to convey to Im earlier?"

  Liu Feng asked the Five Old Stars with a flat hat.

  Faced with Liu Feng's question, the Five Old Stars with the Flat Hat did not answer.

  Liu Feng didn't care, glanced at the five old stars of the flat hat lightly, and then said, "In this situation, isn't Yimu appearing yet?"

  I am also very curious about Yimu Liufeng, she is quite mysterious, and Liufeng is also looking forward to meeting Yimu.

  "You don't need Lord Yimu at all to deal with you." The Taoist Five Old Stars said to Liu Feng.

  Liu Feng sneered when he heard the words: "I don't need Yimu, do you just rely on your five wastes?"

  "Uchiha Liufeng, what did you say?"

  Hearing Liu Feng say that they are waste, the five old stars stared at Liu Feng angrily, Shike could not be humiliated, and Uchiha Liu Feng was insulting them.

  "Oh, didn't you hear what I said just now? Could it be that you have a hearing problem?"

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