Liu Feng took a step forward and directly suppressed the momentum of the Five Old Stars. Compared with Liu Feng, they seemed a little too immature.

  Both in terms of momentum and strength, they are far worse than Liu Feng.

  Feeling the pressure brought by Liu Feng, Wu Lao Xing's expression was particularly solemn. Even in Lord Yimu, he had never felt such a terrifying pressure.

  "Warring States, I didn't expect you to have the courage to rebel with the entire navy."

  The five old stars of the flat hat dared not look at Liu Feng, and shifted their target to look at the Warring States Period.

  When the other five old stars heard the name of Warring States, their extremely cold eyes stared at Warring States fiercely. If they had the power of Warring States, they would not be afraid of Uchiha Liufeng.

  After all, the strength of the navy is very strong, but now the navy not only did not help them, but also stood on the side of Uchiha Liufeng, and the five old stars were furious.

  "Five old stars, everyone has their own aspirations, and I am also looking for a way to survive for the navy." Warring States did not fear anything when facing the hated eyes of the five old stars.

  "good very good."

  The five old stars with blond hair are almost at a loss for words. What do you mean, looking for a way out for the navy, doesn't this mean that they will definitely lose to Uchiha Liufeng?


  The bearded five old star shouted angrily.

  In an instant, countless cannonballs roared, the army of the World Government fired, and countless cannonballs hit this side.

  However, these shells did not need Liu Feng to shoot, and they were all blocked by the strong men of the Navy and the Revolutionary Army.

  Such shells are a big threat to ordinary people, but not a big threat to the strong.

  "Since everyone has taken action first, why can't we treat them well?" Liu Feng said lightly.

  The Five Old Stars chose to strike first and become stronger. Liu Feng had long expected. Anyway, they have nothing to talk about now. Liu Feng will not stop because he is for the mission of the system.

  And the five old stars will not give in, they will not give up their status.

  What's more, they still have confidence in their hearts. The situation in front of them is not inevitable for the Five Old Stars. After all, they still have Lord Yimu.

  Yimu is the last belief of the five old stars. If Liu Feng beat Yimu, maybe they will collapse.

  Liu Feng didn't make a move, but the powerhouses behind him had already made a move.

  Dragon, Sengoku, Garp, Aokiji and Kiabou, oh, and Douglas Barrett, who was controlled by Liufeng using Besten.

  "Liu Feng, I'll deal with Brother Doflamingo."

  Peach Rabbit's eyes have already seen Brother Doflamingo, and sure enough, this guy is in the Holy Land Mary Joa. Although he is hiding in a relatively back position, Peach Rabbit has already found Brother Doflamingo.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  "Okay, you go, be careful."

  Liu Feng reminded Taotu that this is the Holy Land Mary Joa. Although Brother Doflamingo is not Taotu's opponent, what if there are other strong people.

  I don't know how many strong people there are in CP0, Liu Feng. Anyway, no one who can enter CP0 is weak, and even there are people in CP0 who can match the strength of generals.

  "I will be careful."

  Taotu won't be careless in the Holy Land Mary Joa. After all, there are quite a few strong people here. If you don't talk about others, just talking about the five old stars, they have more strength than themselves.

  Maybe Taotu won't lose to any of the Five Old Stars in a heads-up, but it definitely won't be able to beat any of them.

  Yamato also made a move, and Yamato's goal was actually the Five Old Stars.

  "Aren't you going to do it, Hancock?" Liu Feng glanced at Hancock and asked.


  "My concubine's task is to accompany my husband. If my husband wants my concubine to take action, my concubine will do it now."

  Hancock looked at Liu Feng and said.

  "Then don't make a move."

  Liu Feng held Hancock, and the current battle strength is enough. The strength of their side is actually stronger than that of the Five Old Stars.

  And Liu Feng was also waiting for Yimu to appear at this time. Now Yimu didn't show up, but he was not in a hurry. After Wu Laoxing died, he was not afraid that Yimu would not come out.

  "These five old guys are quite strong." Liu Feng glanced at the five old stars.

  In fact, Liu Feng didn't know much about their specific strength before, anyway, the strength is far worse than him.

  Since he is weaker than himself, Liu Feng is not interested in learning about it, but looking at the performance of the five old stars now, Liu Feng is still very surprised.

  The enemy facing the Five Old Stars with the flat hat is Garp, and the combat power of the two sides is comparable.

  The opponent of the Bearded Five Old Stars is the Warring States Period, and when they fight against the Warring States Period, they can still have some advantages.

  Then the opponent of the five old stars of the blond hair is the dragon, and their strength is also comparable to each other, and it is impossible to see who is stronger.

  The opponent of the Taopao Five Old Stars is Douglas Barrett, the long-haired Five Old Stars' opponent is Kizaru, and Aokiji is the powerhouse to deal with CP0.

  It is not so easy to tell the winners and losers among the top powerhouses. If there is no situation where one side has an overwhelming advantage, the battle may be over for several days.


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Chapter 430

  Liu Feng will not let the battle continue for several days without ending. If the battle between them is really difficult to determine the winner, Liu Feng will step in and end the battle.

  "I think Pluto can be used to help them."

  Nami suggested to Liu Feng.

  "Do you want to kill all of your own people?" Robin glanced at Nami and couldn't help saying.

  With the power of Hades, if he really fired a shot, it is estimated that the first person who would be hurt would be his own.

  "Lord Liufeng, is there much treasure in Holy Land Mary Joa?"

  The question that Nami is most concerned about should be this question, after all, her little thief cat Nami likes money the most.

  "Sacred Mary Joa gathers most of the wealth of the entire world."

  Liu Feng gave Nami an answer that made her very satisfied.

  This is indeed true. The entire Holy Land Mary Joa does gather most of the wealth in the entire world. The wealth in the hands of the Tianlong people is too much, which is the accumulation of hundreds of years.

  "But don't be too happy. Even after the war is over, these things are mine and have nothing to do with you."

  Liu Feng reminded Nami.

  "Don't, Master Liufeng, don't be so ruthless, I won't want a lot, I just want a little bit." Nami drew with her finger.

  "A little bit? Are you sure it's not a million dots?"

  Liu Feng doesn't believe in Nami, her greed makes Liu Feng unable to believe her.

  Seeing that Liu Feng didn't want to pay attention to her anymore, Nami smiled embarrassedly, and then hurriedly squeezed Liu Feng's shoulders, trying her best to please Liu Feng.

  "Nami, as far as I know, you have dropped a lot of Bailey from Bai Xing's hands, right?" Liu Feng looked at Nami with a half-smile.

  "When, no."

  Hearing Liu Feng's question, Nami immediately denied it.

  "Sister Nami didn't cheat on me."

  Shirahoshi on the other side also helped Nami to defend together.

  Liu Feng glanced at Bai Xing, she was really cheated and helped others count the money, but Nami often cried poor in front of Bai Xing, and the kind Bai Xing always gave Nami some bailey.

  As the princess of the Dragon Palace Kingdom on Fishman Island, Bai Xing is quite rich. When he left Fishman Island, Neptune gave Bai Xing a lot of treasure and berry.

  These treasures and Bai Li Baixing have basically not been spent, but half of them have already disappeared. They were all deceived by Nami with various reasons.

  "Kalifa has told me, don't cheat on Baixing in the future, otherwise don't blame me for cleaning you up." Liu Feng said to Nami angrily.

  "Ahaha, I'm actually helping Shirahoshi save money." Nami scratched her head awkwardly and said.

  Then Nami glanced at Kalifa, in a bad mood, Kalifa actually betrayed her, no, if there is a chance in the future, she must settle accounts with Kalifa.

  At the same time, Peach Rabbit on the other side had pushed Doflamingo to a corner.

  At this time, Doflamingo was covered in blood, and the people of the Don Quixote family around him had all fallen into Taotu's hands.

  "Uchiha Liufeng is going to kill me, but I didn't offend him."

  Doflamingo was a little angry, and he fell down one by one as his family buddies, and even his life was in danger, Doflamingo felt a little aggrieved.

  If he had offended Uchiha Liufeng before, and then was targeted by Uchiha Liufeng, it would be his own fault, but he had never offended Uchiha Liufeng.

  Even when facing Uchiha Liufeng, Doflamingo was very respectful. He became a grandson in front of Uchiha Liufeng, but Uchiha Liufeng wanted to destroy him.

  Indeed, Doflamingo did not offend Liu Feng, but Liu Feng did not need Doflamingo to exist.

  This guy is a restless guy, and there is no place for him in the world Liu Feng wants to create.

  Like this kind of guy, it's better to destroy it.

  "Is this your final last word?" Peach Rabbit asked Doflamingo indifferently.

  Doflamingo's face was gloomy, knowing that Taotu was determined to kill him, but Doflamingo would not give up his resistance.

  A thread that can cut through steel pops out of Doflamingo's hand, and then kills Momo rabbit.

  Knowing that Taotu is a natural devil fruit person, Doflamingo has a domineering look on the silk thread.

  The original silk thread was transparent and hard to spot, but with the armed color domineering, it was very conspicuous.

  It can also be used for sneak attacks before, but now the effect of sneak attacks is not good.

  "Where are you attacking?"

  Taotu has already appeared behind Doflamingo. Taotu can create an electromagnetic field. In the electromagnetic field, Taotu can move at will, and the speed is almost the same as teleportation.

  By the time Doflamingo's sense of domineering found Taotu, it was already too late.

  The thunder and lightning gathered in the palm of the peach rabbit bombarded Doflamingo, even if Doflamingo covered his whole body with a domineering armed color, he was severely injured and dying...  

  Originally, he was seriously injured by Taotu, but now that he was severely injured, Brother Doflaming couldn't hold it anymore.

  "Goodbye Doflamingo, you should have died a long time ago."

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