Now that Konoha Village is already very difficult, Uchiha Liufeng has come to this hand, what does he want to do?

  "Hey, what a smart guy."

  Orochimaru showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, and then glanced at the furious Mr. Sarubi, who was angry but helpless.

  Uchiha Liufeng just saw this opportunity now, and Sarutobi Hijian can't help him, there is no foreign trouble and it is impossible to fight again.

  There is also the age of Uchiha Liufeng. Even if he does something wrong, he can cover the past with his young age, and at most leave a willful impression on others.

  "The whirlpool family, do you really want to advance and retreat with Uchiha Liufeng?"

  Jiraiya also glanced at Tsunade, saying that the Uzumaki clan were distant relatives of Tsunade.

  "What do you see me doing?"

  Tsunade was a little unhappy, and she directly clenched her fists. She was in a bad mood now and needed a punching bag urgently.

  Seeing the angry Tsunade, Jirai also shrank his neck in fear, and Tsunade punched him, killing him.

  "Neither Uchiha Liufeng nor the Uzumaki clan should stay. I think they have long wanted to betray Konoha, so it's better to kill them first." Danzo suggested.

  "Tanzo, this time, it's not because of you."

  Tsunade gave Danzo a cold look, and Tsunade believed that it had nothing to do with Liu Feng, and Danzo should be deliberately slandering Liu Feng.

  Even the incident of the one tail is likely to have something to do with this guy Danzo. This is Tsunade's intuition.

  "Three generations of old man, the best way now is to explain this matter to Liu Feng, and the two sides can resolve the conflict."

  Tsunade said to Sarutobi Hizan.

  This is the best way to deal with it, but Sarutobi Hiizan may not adopt it, and he cannot bow his head to Uchiha Liufeng.

  Give Liu Feng an explanation, isn't that his Hokage bowing his head to the twelve-year-old kid.

  Also, this matter is not easy to explain.

  "The seal of Ichiba Ryufeng may be due to Uchiha Ryufeng's lack of mastery of the seal technique, which caused Ichiha to break the seal, but it is a fact that Uchiha Ryufeng stood by and watched last night."

  "I didn't send Uchiha Liufeng to investigate the enemy's situation. Yesterday, someone saw Uchiha Liufeng and Shengshu together. It's a fact that he didn't take action in the camp, so it's Uchiha Liufeng's fault."

  Sarutobi Hiizhan said lightly.

  Tsunade frowned. In fact, she also knew this. Liu Feng was in the camp last night. In fact, she also saw it, but she didn't understand why Liu Feng didn't take action.

  "Damn, what the hell is that kid thinking?" Tsunade was so angry that he wanted to grab Liu Feng and beat him.

  However, Tsunade felt that there might be a reason why Liu Feng didn't make a move last night, maybe he was too exhausted to make a move.

  After all, he was only twelve years old, and he experienced a battle during the day, and how much chakra was consumed.

  Because of the good impression of Liu Feng, Tsunade subconsciously found a reason for Liu Feng, but after seeing Liu Feng again, she must ask clearly. .

Chapter 55

  From the Uchiha clan of Konoha Village, Liu Feng has returned with someone.

  "Uncle Vortex is really brave, he dares to follow me back."

  Liu Feng looked at the whirlpool Qi, in fact, the whirlpool Qi brought people back, not what Liu Feng asked, but the whirlpool Qi actively followed Liu Feng back.

  "Didn't we say that when we cooperated, advance and retreat together."

  "What's more, I also have my own selfishness. It is too dangerous to let the clansmen go to the battlefield to seal the tailed beast. If I really go to the battlefield, I don't know how many clansmen will be killed and injured."

  Vortex Kai said to Liu Feng.

  In fact, there is also a reason, that is, Uzumaki Kai's resentment towards Sarutobi Hizan, and now the Uzumaki family has split into two, but it has the handwriting of Sarutobi Hizan.

  "Liu Feng, if you do this, it means that you have completely torn apart your face with the three generations of Hokage."

  Mikoto's father, Uchiha Yun, was also here, and he also came back from the battlefield, with some worry on his face at this time.

  Although Sarutobi Hiizan can't handle Uchiha now, what about after the war?

  "Since you dare to do this, Liu Feng, there must be something behind you, right?"

  Uchiha Cang is the old god. For all Liu Feng's actions, Uchiha Cang did not stop him and let Liu Feng do it.

  "I think there is a backhand. Immediately send someone to spread the news. It is said that Danzo deliberately released a tail of guards to frame Uchiha Liufeng, and Uchiha Liufeng took the clan off the battlefield in a fit of anger."

  Liu Feng's eyes flickered, and he instructed Uchihano.

  "In addition, let me destroy the supplies of Sannin Village and spread the merits of catching Ichi, including my ability to fly the Thunder God, don't hide it, and let the Konoha villagers know it."


  Uchiha Ye didn't ask why, and went to perform the task obediently.

  Uchiha Cang, Uzumaki Kai, and Uchiha Yun immediately understood Liu Feng's arrangement, and Uchiha Kai's eyes lit up when he looked at Liu Feng.

  Manipulating the reel is really clever.

  "However, Liu Feng's reputation will also be affected. After all, you have gone too far with people leaving the battlefield," Uchiha Cang said to Liu Feng.

  "It doesn't matter, you don't care about reputation, the most important thing is to get the benefits."

  Liu Feng smiled. It doesn't matter if he loses some fame now. When he finally turns the tide, any dark spots will be covered.

  After that, there is nothing to discuss, so let's wait for Hizen Sarutobi to come to the door in person.

  If Hiruzen Sarutobi didn't come to invite him personally, Liu Feng would not be on the battlefield, even if he failed the super S-level mission and there was no reward, it didn't matter.

  Some things are more important than interests, and Liu Feng is not the one who suffers.

  From the time Sarutobi Hizan held a meeting and asked him to go, Liu Feng knew that he was definitely going to target him, and Danzo definitely had the tacit approval of Sarutobi Hizan.

  The two of them know best how Yiwei broke the seal, and they still have the face to blame him.

  Therefore, Uchihano's actions and arrogant attitude were also ordered by Liu Feng.

  He just wanted to take the face of Hiruzen Sarutobi in public, and not only that, he also wanted to step on Hirazan Sarutobi's face under his feet, and he had to send him to the door for him to step on.

  As for offending Hiruzen Sarutobi, does Liu Feng still care? As a member of the Uchiha clan, Hirazan and Sarutobi were originally enemies.

  For so many years, Konoha has suppressed Uchiha, but Liu Feng has seen it in his eyes, and this time at least he will take back everything he lost.

  After returning home and seeing Mikoto, Liu Feng's discomfort disappeared.

  "Mikoto, you seem to have lost weight."

  After hugging Mikoto, Liu Feng's hand touched Mikoto's body involuntarily.

  "Kushina is still here."

  Mikoto's face turned slightly red, and she whispered in Liu Feng's ear.

  At this time, Liu Feng only saw Jiu Xin Nai, Jiu Xin Na stared at Liu Feng angrily, this guy, after coming in, his eyes kept on Mikoto, and he ignored her without even looking at her.

  Of course, she will ignore Kushina. After all, although Mikoto is still small, her figure is still a bit predictable. Kushina is just a little bean sprout now, and Liu Feng is of course not paying attention.

  "Hmph, didn't you see me?" Jiuxinai asked with a cold snort.

  "Sorry, I really didn't see you. After all, you are so short, how can I see you without making a sound."


  Kushina gritted her teeth angrily, cursing Liu Feng in her heart, but I'm still worried about you.

  In the next few days, Liu Feng had a very leisurely life at home, but the form on the battlefield was quite bad.

  Three generations of Kazekage, who suffered a lot of losses in Liu Feng's hands, fought back with Ohnogi and Sanshoyu Hanzo with the tailed beast.

  Oh yes, Kazuo returned to Sand Shinobi's hands again.

  When Sand Shinobi came back, the three generations of Kazekage were all overjoyed, especially after knowing what happened inside Konoha.

  In the view of the three generations of Kazekage, Konoha Village is killing itself, and there are internal conflicts at this time. It is really God's death Konoha.

  "Ms. Sarutobi, we can't go on like this. We can't stop the attack of the tailed beasts. Let's dispatch the nine tails."

  Orochimaru looked embarrassed. If there was no tail beast, they could resist it, but under the super destructive power of the tail beast, Konoha Ninja suffered heavy losses.

  Even Orochimaru was injured, if it weren't for his first-class life-saving ability, I'm afraid he would die.

  "Sarutobi, there is bad news, Yun Ren, under the leadership of the three generations of Raikage, invaded the territory of our country of fire."

  Just as Sarutobi Hizan frowned, Danzo once again brought bad news to Sarutobi Hizan.


  Sarutobi Hizan really couldn't sit still, his hair turned white from worry, Yun Ren Village took action, and if Yu Ren was included, Konoha Village would have one enemy and four.

  There is also a Kirin who doesn't know the situation. Now that Konoha's situation is so critical, it's hard to guarantee that Kirin won't take the opportunity to get a piece of the pie.

  "We must send another ninja to block the three generations of Raikage."

  Danzo said to Sarutobi Hizan, if the three generations of Raikage are not blocked, I am afraid that the Konoha family will be stolen by the three generations of Raikage.

  "Damn the three generations of Raikage to take advantage of the fire."

  At this time, scolding is useless, only find a way to contain the enemy's offensive, and then find an opportunity to turn defeat into victory.

  "There is not much power left behind in Konoha Village, and it can't stop Yun Ren at all."

  Sarutobi Hizan felt more and more worried as he thought about it. As for the division of troops on the battlefield here?This is impossible, and now they can't stop the coalition forces in Sannin Village. .

Chapter 56

  "Hisashi Sarutobi actually asked you to come to me, do you want to play emotional cards?"

  Liu Feng looked at Tsunade and Naoshu in front of him, and the unbearable Sarutobi Hizan decided to let Uchiha Liufeng take action, so he asked Tsunade and Naoshu to persuade him.

  "If you are here as a guest, then we are friends. If you are here to help Hizan Sarutobi convince me to take action, then go back and tell him and let him come by himself."

  At this moment, Liu Feng was drinking the tea poured by Mikoto, not panic at all.

  "Liu Feng, Lord Hokage can't leave the battlefield now." Rope Tree said to Liu Feng.

  "Oh, so, then I can't go to the battlefield, there's no way."

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