Liu Feng waved his hand, but the oil and salt didn't come in. He didn't care how difficult Sarutobi's current situation was, anyway, as long as he didn't come and invite him in person, Liu Feng really wouldn't go.

  The big deal is watching Konoha defeated, and even Konoha's destruction of the village has nothing to do with Liu Feng, he can protect the Uchiha tribe who are loyal to him and leave.

  "Liufeng, at the time of Konoha's crisis, don't you have any feelings for Konoha Village? We can resolve any conflicts later."

  Tsunade looked at Liu Feng with a headache. She had been here to persuade Liu Feng for an hour, but there was no progress.

  "The things in the future will be discussed later, and the things in the present will be resolved now."

  "Stinky brat, are you going or not? Believe it or not, I'll hit you."

  Tsunade, who used to restrain his temper, couldn't restrain himself now, and slapped the table of Liu Feng's house with a slap.

  "For the sake of our good relationship, I won't let you pay. I think you'd better stop talking nonsense with me here, and go find Hiruzen Sarutobi, so as not to waste time."

  Liu Feng and Tsunade looked at each other, their eyes did not fluctuate in the slightest, making Tsunade discouraged.

  "Why? If Konoha Village is really defeated, will it be good for Uchiha?" Tsunade asked Liu Feng unwillingly.

  "It's really good. If Konoha is defeated, Uchiha will have the opportunity to run for Hokage. Isn't it good for Uchiha to control Konoha Village?"

  Liu Feng said bluntly.

  Tsunade's face changed in shock, looking at Liu Feng who was as calm as water, she realized that she didn't seem to understand the kid in front of her at all.

  "Uchiha Liufeng, if you want to run for Hokage, I can support you, but I will never allow you to take advantage of the fire. Don't you think this is too despicable?"

  With anger in Tsunade's eyes, he stared sharply at Liu Feng.

  "Hehe, do you support me? Who do you think you are? What's the use of your identity as the princess of Konoha Village? Do you think you have the right to speak?"

  "I can support you on behalf of the Thousand Hands Clan, so be it." Tsunade's eyes were a little indifferent.

  Originally, she thought Liu Feng was good, and because she was friends with Shengshu, she also regarded Liu Feng as her younger brother in her heart, but now she felt that the relationship between them was over.

  "Your words are the funniest joke I've heard. It represents the Qianshou family. Is there still the Qianshou family? The two of you are left in the Qianshou family."

  There was sarcasm and sarcasm on Liu Feng's face.

  "Tsunade, do you know how Uchiha got here over the years?"

  "Other families in Konoha Village have their own industries and are very rich, but Uchiha survived by living on his own and doing tasks."

  "Since the death of the first generation, Uchiha has been suppressed, the former industry is gone, the responsibility of the police department has offended all the families who can offend, and the Uchiha clan members are not eligible to participate in the Konoha high-level meeting. Do you think Konoha is against Uchi? How is Bo? Is it worth Uchiha's life?"

  "Does Konoha consider Uchiha a part? You ask your conscience, are you embarrassed to let me work for Konoha Village here?"


  Looking at Liu Feng's indifferent expression and listening to his questioning, Tsunade opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

  Rope Tree couldn't say a word at this time.

  "Not everyone is as selfless as your Qianshou family, and I don't give up the family of Nuoda. I, Uchiha Liufeng, are not a good person, but I will not let the people who follow me suffer."

  "They can bleed for Konoha, but Konoha shouldn't even think about it."

  Tsunade's expression was very complicated, and she had given up Nuoda's family. Yes, at this time she realized that she and Shengshu were the only two left in the Qianshou family.

  "Let's go back."

  Tsunade said to the rope tree a little disappointed.

  Walking to the door, Tsunade turned his head to Liu Feng and asked, "Why didn't you take action that night when the seal was broken? I want to know the answer."

  "You can't live by yourself. Since they released a tail, they have to bear the consequences. I'm not a nanny, and I won't wipe their butts."

  Liu Feng said lightly.

  "I see."

  Tsunade clenched his fists and left, Rope tree looked back, and followed Tsunade with a complicated face.

  "Do you feel bad?"

  After Tsunade and Roshu left, Mikoto came to Liu Feng and looked at Liu Feng with concern.

  "It's really a bit uncomfortable. This time, the relationship between Tsunade and Tsunade and the rope tree is probably broken."

  Liu Feng sighed slightly, maybe they couldn't be friends at all because they had different ideas.

  He was a selfish person and couldn't sacrifice for Konoha. He cared about the people around him, followed by the clansmen who followed him. As for Konoha Village, he couldn't rank at all.

  "I need Mikoto to comfort me." Liu Feng hugged Mikoto.

  "I think you're just trying to take advantage of me."

  Mikoto rolled her eyes at Liu Feng, but didn't push Liu Feng away. As long as there was no one around, Mikoto wouldn't be very shy.


  "Sister, can Liu Feng and I stop being friends?" Shengshu asked Tsunade in a low tone.

  "No, you've known that kid for so long, don't you know him yet? As long as you still treat him as a friend, he will treat you as a friend."

  Tsunade raised his head and said in a low voice.

  "Sister, aren't you in a bad mood? You also care about Liu Feng, right?"

  "Hmph, stop joking, I will care about a kid I haven't known for a long time."

  "Then why do you act like you know him better than I do?" Shengshu murmured softly.

  Alas, I hope he and Liu Feng can still be friends after this time. Shengshu's real friend is only him, and everyone else approaches him based on his identity.

  Don't look at Shengshu's naivety, but in fact he can tell that he is not stupid.


  PS: On the shelves at [-]:[-], ask for support, ask for flowers, the shelves will definitely explode! ! ! .

Chapter 57

  The border of the country of fire, Konoha camp headquarters.

  Sarutobi Hiizan frowned, and since the bad news came one by one, his brows have not loosened.

  Tsunade returned to the battlefield, but brought him bad news, Uchiha Liufeng actually asked him to go in person.

  I thought that Tsunade would be able to take care of that kid, but I didn't expect that kid to be so difficult to deal with.

  And after Tsunade came back, he actually questioned him again if Ichio was released by them. It is estimated that Uchiha Liufeng and Tsunade said something.

  Although he denied Tsunade's questioning, it could be seen that Tsunade did not believe him and was suspicious of him.

  "Danzo, here you are, I'll leave the Konoha camp to you for the time being. I'll go back to Konoha Village first."

  Seeing Danzo walking into the headquarters, Hiizan Sarutobi immediately gave him the task.

  "What are you doing back at Konoha at this time?"

  Danzo's only remaining eye was staring at Hizen Sarutobi, who lost one eye in the battle not long ago.

  "Deal with Uchiha Liufeng's affairs, and leave the battlefield affairs to you."

  Sarutobi Hizan didn't want to say more, or there was no time to waste, the situation was very urgent for Konoha.

  Yun Ren's offensive is very strong. The most important thing is that no one can stop Yun Ren's offensive. Uchiha must be dispatched.

  There is also the vortex family, the tailed beast is too difficult to deal with, only with the help of the sealing technique of the vortex family.

  Although Sarutobi Hizan drew some Uzumaki clansmen, none of the Uzumaki clansmen he attracted were strong.

  Afterwards, Sarutobi Hidden returned to Konoha Village at the fastest speed, and ordered Hatake Sakumo and the others to defend. If Sannin Village attacked, they would retreat.

  After rushing back to Konoha Village, Sarutobi Hiizan did not rest, and went directly to the Uchiha clan.

  "Young Master, Sarutobi Hibiki is here."

  Uchiha Ye reported to Liu Fenghui, who was instructing the ninjutsu of the tribe on the training ground.

  "Oh, so fast."

  Liu Feng nodded, then went to the hall, where Uchiha Cang and Uchiha Yun were also here.

  "The three generations of Hokage are not on the battlefield, what are you doing back to Konoha at this time? Could it be that the three generations of Hokage are greedy for life and fear of death, and returned to Konoha to take refuge?"

  Sarutobi Hizan's face immediately turned ugly, and he turned his head to look at Uchiha Rufeng who walked into the living room.

  "Liu Feng must not be rude to Hokage."

  Uchiha Cang said something neither light nor heavy, and then he stopped.

  Taking a deep breath, Hiruzen Sarutobi said solemnly: "Liu Feng, I know you are very resentful because of the misunderstanding of Danzo consultants, but at the moment of Konoha's life and death, as a member of Konoha Village, do you want to Did Konoha lose the battle or even perish?"

  "Hehe, okay, don't say such things, I've heard too much."

  Liu Feng sneered, then waved his hand impatiently.

  "Five billion taels, send five billion taels first, and give me [-]% of Konoha Village's income in the future, and I will bring someone to help."

  What is the lion's big mouth, this is called the lion's big mouth, after Liu Feng finished speaking, Sarutobi Hizan's face turned black.

  "Five billion taels of Konoha Village can't get it, and [-]% of the income is even more impossible."

  "Since it's impossible, the three generations of Hokage-sama should leave, so as not to waste time here, after all, if you waste a second, the battlefield will be more dangerous, so let's see you off."

  Liu Feng stood up and walked outside.

  Do not agree, now is the time when you can not agree?

  "Wait a minute." Sarutobi Hizan immediately stopped Liu Feng.

  "Konoha Village really can't make money. Now during the war, there are not enough materials in Konoha Village."

  "I know Konoha Village can't take it, but the Sarutobi clan can take it? Can the Shimura clan take it? This is the time to test Hokage-sama's loyalty to Konoha Village, sacrificing the interests of the Sarutobi clan to save Konoha should be Isn't it too much?"

  Liu Feng turned around and stared at Hiruzen Sarutobi.

  The Sarutobi clan has been very rich over the years, and with the care of the Sarutobi Hizan, the Sarutobi clan has developed at a rapid rate over the years.

  There is also the Shimura family, and Danzo conducts some taboo research, which is supported by the money of the Shimura family.

  Although these two families are low-key, they are definitely the two richest families in Konoha Village.

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