At the same time, in the Konoha camp, Liu Feng was thinking about how to end this ninja war as quickly as possible.

  Sand Shinobi suffered a lot of damage from his attack, and Yan Shinobi suffered more damage than Sand Shinobi, but neither of them retreated.

  "The attitude of defeating Konoha is very firm, but unfortunately for my reward, it is impossible for you to win."

  Liu Feng's eyes flickered, and he already had a plan in his heart.

  If you guessed correctly, Oh Yegi and the others, who are still not giving up, will definitely unite completely to deal with Konoha Village. Such a reckless fight will definitely be a disadvantage for Konoha Village.

  "Uchiha Ye, in the next few days, you are responsible for taking the clansmen, and don't let the clansmen suffer too much damage."

  Liu Feng called Uchiha Ye in and instructed Uchiha.

  "What are you going to do, Mr. Liu Feng?"

  "Iwa Ninja Village."

  Taking out a map, Liu Feng looked at the rock ninja village on the map. Now the elite ninjas of the rock ninja village were brought out by Onogi.

  At this time, if Liu Feng enters Yannin Village, who can resist the entire Yannin Village?At that time, Ohnogi can only take Iwa Ninja back to the rescue, and he must withdraw from this Ninja World War.

  I don't believe that Onomu can still be indifferent after being stolen from his home. If he can really be indifferent, Liu Feng really has to admire Onogi.

  After Liu Feng left, he did not tell Sarutobi Hizan the plan, and it was pointless to tell him.

  Now he is not fighting for Konoha, nor is he fighting for Sarutobi Hidden, but for the eternal kaleidoscope of the quest reward.

  "What did Uchiha Liufeng leave the camp for?"

  Sarutobi Hiizan was the first to know the news of Uchiha Liu Feng's departure, because Liu Feng left with Wu Tai Mu Wang when he left.

  It was impossible for Sarutobi Hiizan to not know about the movement, and even Iwa Shinobu, Sand Shinobi, and Rain Shinobi got the news, so they were careful to prevent another surprise attack by Uchiha Ryufeng.

  But when Sannin Village was on the defensive, Liu Feng had already galloped towards Yannin Village with Wuwei. Wuwei was running very fast, and he didn't know he was tired.

  It only took less than half a day to travel from the border between the Land of Rain and the Land of Fire to Iwanin Village, which is located in the hinterland of the Land of Earth.

  "Is this Iwanin Village? It's completely different from Konoha Village."

  This is the first time Liu Feng has seen other Da Nin villages, but at first glance, it is not as good as Konoha. Konoha Village is the best developed among the five major Ninja villages.

  Occupy the best place, have the most money, if you can't develop the best, just kill it.

  "Five tails, first give me a tailed beast jade."

  Liu Feng won't sneak in quietly. If he wants to enter, he will enter openly. The five-tailed beast jade bombards Yannin Village.

  boom! ! !

  After a sensation of shaking the ground, the ninjas of Iwa Ninja Village reacted. To be honest, they really did not expect to be attacked by the village.

  "No, that's the five-tailed King Mu. Could it be that the five-tailed man has gone violent?"

  "Look at its eyes, it's a three-gou jade writing wheel eye, and the five tails are being controlled by the writing wheel eye. It's not good, it's going to enter the village, hurry up and block it."

  "Mori, you go to instruct the villagers to evacuate. Chunin and Genin are not allowed to participate in the battle. In addition, send someone to pass the news to the three generations of Tukage-sama, saying that our rock ninja village was attacked."

  "Yes, Elder Ishida is careful."

  The entire Rock Ninja Village was completely chaotic because of the tailed beast jade. Fortunately, they have also been attacked in the acting village. After the initial chaos, they quickly took action.

  At this time, the five tails had already rushed into the village, and the five tails were waving, and any building touched by the tail was directly destroyed, and the destructive power of the tail beast was vividly revealed.

  "Damn beast."

  As a member of the Iwanin elders, Ishida naturally took the lead in the face of the five tails...  

  "Elder Ishida, this five tails are controlled by the Uchiha clan's Sharinyan, there must be someone hiding in the dark, and you need to be careful."

  An elite Joinin came to Ishida and said to Ishida.

  "I know, if I guessed correctly, it should be Uchiha Liufeng, I don't know where he is." Ishida is not a fool, and with the information from the ninja world, it is easy to target the enemy.

  The five tails made a chaotic and crazy attack, but Liu Feng did not show up at this time, because Liu Feng still had big things to do.

  "The five tails are raging outside, are you still guarding here?"

  In the Tuying office, the figure of Liu Feng appeared here, staring at the three elite Junin indifferently.

  "It's the enemy, kill."

  The three elite Junin were very decisive and attacked Liu Feng.

  "Monthly reading."

  Liu Feng and one of the elite Junin looked at each other, and destroyed each other's spirit with Yuedu, causing the other party's mental breakdown. If there is no accident, he will never wake up and can only be a vegetative person.

  Of course, Liu Feng didn't even give the opponent the chance to be in a vegetative state. A Kuwu pierced his throat and took his life.

  "You two, you should be damned too."

  Using the illusion of darkness, to seize the moment when the opponent was blind, Flying Thunder God's Slash killed one elite Jōnin, and another elite Jōnin was controlled by Liu Feng's illusion.

  "Where is the book of seals in your Rock Ninja Village?"

  Liu Feng asked the elite Joinin who was hypnotized by his writing wheel eyes.

  "do not know."

  "Since you don't know, then you have no value."

  Liu Feng did not hesitate to end the opponent's life, and then divided dozens of shadow clones to search around here.

  "As long as the sealed book is hidden here, I can definitely find it."

  However, Liu Feng was afraid that the Book of Seals would not be hidden here. After searching for ten minutes, the entire Tuying office was overturned, and still unable to find the Book of Seals in Yannin Village.

  "It doesn't seem to be here, forget it, if you can't find it, you can't find it."

  Liu Feng gave up the search for the book of seals, and then went to look for Yan Ninja's supplies. Most of the supplies in Yan Nin Village were sent to the frontline battlefield, but many of them were placed in the village. After Liu Feng found them, they were all moved to the system. in space.


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Chapter 77

  "It's a lot to gain."

  Liu Feng did not count the materials that Liu Feng received in the system space, but the amount was more than the accumulation of the Uchiha family's ancestors.

  The shuriken, kunai, and detonating talismans all fell into Liu Feng's hands.

  "It's time to do the right thing."

  Liu Feng used Susanoo, the third form of Susanoo's double swords to slash towards the surrounding Iwanin, and Liu Feng also gave priority to destroying the buildings of Iwanin Village.

  "Damn it, damn it, I'm going to kill this bastard."

  "No, my house was destroyed, damn it, damn it."

  A group of Iwa Shinobu red-eyed Susanohu who attacked Liu Feng, and then died heroically.

  In front of Susanoo, they looked fragile, especially now that the five tails had not yet done it, and the five tails were still killing the Quartet, causing no less damage than Susanoo.

  "For these ordinary ninjas, I am a dimensionality reduction blow."

  Liu Feng looked at the ninja who couldn't break his defense, and the two sides were not one-dimensional opponents.

  If there is a shadow-level powerhouse here, leading a group of ninjas can still cause trouble for him, but now there is no backbone in the rock ninja village.

  When Liu Feng was destroying the interior of Yannin Village, the third generation Tsuchikage 28 Onogi, who became the commander-in-chief of the Allied Forces of Sannin Village, was in high spirits, and his short stature seemed to be infinitely elevated at this moment.

  "Have you found any trace of Uchiha Liufeng?"

  Onogi asked Sandai Kazekage.

  "I haven't investigated it yet, but according to the direction Uchiha Liufeng is heading, it should be the direction of the land of the land."

  Although Sandai Kazekage was unhappy with Onogi's tone of questioning his subordinates, he held back in order to defeat Konoha Village.

  "You said that Uchiha Liufeng is heading for the land of the land?"

  There was an inexplicable panic in Oh Yemu's heart, and his intuition told him that something bad might happen.

  "Father, father is not well."

  At this time, the loess rushed in in a hurry, and seeing the turbulent appearance of the loess, Oh Yemu was a little dissatisfied.

  For this son, Onogi also attaches great importance to him, but Naihe Huangtu's talent is only average, much stronger than ordinary ninjas, but he is not capable of acting as the backbone of the earth shadow.

  Rock Ninja Village is not like Konoha Village, Konoha Village is the cradle of genius, and it is difficult to find a successor within Rock Ninja Village.

  "I said to call me Tsuchikage-sama outside."

  "Yes, Lord Tuying." Loess hurriedly lowered his head and replied.

  "Lord Tsuchikage, Uchiha Ryufeng attacked Iwanin Village with its five tails, and Iwanin Village sent people to ask for help."

  Loess hurriedly told Ohyemu this important piece of information. Ohyemu couldn't sit still in an instant, and suddenly came to Loess and grabbed it.

  "What you said is true."

  "Yes, Elder Ishida hopes that Tsuchikage will return to support as soon as possible, otherwise Iwonin Village may be completely destroyed."

  "Damn, I shouldn't have been careless."

  Onogi immediately ran out, called the Iwa Ninja troops to gather, and prepared to go back to rescue Iwa Ninja Village.

  "Wait for the third generation of Tsuchikage, are you planning to leave like this?" The third generation of Kazekage saw that Onogi was about to leave, and immediately stopped Ohyogi.

  "We didn't plan it before, attacking Konoha Village with all our strength and winning the battle."

  "Do you think it is important to defeat Konoha, or is it important for our Iwatoshi Village?"

  Onomu snorted coldly, and then threw his hand away with Yannin. Of course, at this time, home was the most important thing. If there was a problem in Yannin Village, it would be meaningless even if he won.

  "Can't be persuaded, he's gone."

  Sanshoyu Hanzo didn't make a sound at all, because Sanshoyu Hanzo knew that Onogi would definitely return to Yannin Village.

  If he was Onogi, he couldn't let his village be destroyed. It could only be said that Uchiha Liufeng was superior. When they wanted to unite completely against Konoha, they easily split them.

  As soon as Onogi returned to Yannin Village, Liu Feng took Wuwei and left, leaving behind the devastated Yannin Village. At this time, [-]% of the buildings in Yannin Village were destroyed.

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