Although there are no statistics on the number of dead and injured ninjas, it is at least close to a thousand people, including the civilians who were too late to go to the shelter.

  The loss of Yannin this time far exceeds that of Konoha's Nine-Tails Attack Village in the original book. Ishida, the elder of the elder group, one of the few quasi-shadows in Yannin Village, and a powerhouse close to the shadow level died in battle.

  Xia Ninja died the most, many good seedlings, and the mainstay of the future Iwa Ninja Village also died.

  Onogi looked at the numb expression of the ninja in the village, and the tears could not stop.

  "Uchiha Liufeng, I, Iwanin Village, and you are at odds."

  "Loess, bring people to appease the villagers, and then prepare to rebuild Yannin Village."

  "What about Uchiha Liufeng? Did you let him go like that?"

  Loess's eyes were red, and he asked his father Oh Yemu unwillingly.

  Just now, Ohnogi didn't mention how to deal with Uchiha Liufeng. According to the ninja in the village, Uchiha Liufeng left not long ago, and now he can go after him.

  "I order you to appease the villagers and rebuild Yannin Village." The terrifying aura of Oh Yemu made Loess back several steps in a row.

  "It's not that I don't want to seek revenge on Uchiha Liufeng, but I can't."

  Onogi stooped and muttered to himself in a low voice.

  Although he roared just now and was at odds with Uchiha Liufeng, if he wanted to hunt down Uchiha Liufeng, Konoha would still lose a lot of power.

  If you can pay the price to kill Uchiha Liufeng, Ohnogi is also willing to pay the price, but the key is that you can't kill Uchiha Liufeng even if you pay the price.

  Uchiha Liufeng, who has the technique of flying thunder god, can leave at any time, not to mention that no one can beat him if he does not leave.

  No matter how angry Ohnogi was, he still did not lose his reason and made the most correct choice.

  "You didn't chase me down. It seems that my arrangement was in vain."

  Liu Feng was in a valley in Yannin Village, and he set up a lot of traps here. If Yannin came after him, at least hundreds of people would be killed or injured.

  "It doesn't matter if 000 doesn't come."

  Liu Feng sat on top of Wuwei's head and let Wuwei rush back to Konoha camp.

  Now that Yan Ninja Village has been solved, Yan Ninja Village, whose vitality has been severely damaged, plus a large amount of materials that Liu Feng has given away, now Yan Ninja has to withdraw from this Ninja World War.

  After Iwanin is done, then only Sand and Rain are left, and oh, there is also a Yunin who may make a comeback.

  Rain forbearance is nothing to be afraid of. Although it is the strongest Ninja village outside of the five major Ninja villages, Xiaonin Village is a small Ninja Village, and its heritage cannot be compared with the Great Ninja Village.

  Taking away the peak combat power Sanjiaoyu Hanzo, Yuren is not so strong, but in the country of rain, because of the advantage in this field, he can still fight with the ninjas in the Great Ninja Village.

  Liu Feng returned to the Konoha camp, and the Konoha ninja also knew what Liu Feng had done, and their hearts were very complicated.

  The originally disadvantaged Konoha Village was revitalized by Uchiha Liufeng alone, but they still didn't want to admit Uchiha Liufeng in their hearts.

  However, Liu Feng did not need their recognition, and Liu Feng did these things for the sake of Konoha Village.

  Rock Shinobi was out in this ninja war, and Sand Shinobi and Rain Shinobi were a little flustered. Although they still had more ninjas than Konoha, they didn't have the slightest confidence.

  The name of Uchiha Liufeng has become their nightmare, including Yuren, who has never encountered Liufeng, who also regards Liufeng as a nightmare.


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Chapter 78

  In the case of Iwa Shinobi being out, Sand Shinobi plus Yu Shinobi and Konoha's battle, it was a losing streak, and when Liu Feng didn't make a move, the defeat was completely revealed, and it seemed that the defeat was set.

  Just when Konoha Ninja was full of ambition and felt that he was going to win, Yun Ninja suddenly made a comeback.

  For revenge, Sandai Raikage took [-] ninjas to the border of the country of fire, and Sarutobi Hizen, who received the news, immediately dispatched Hatake Sakumo to deal with Sandai Raikage.

  Originally, Sarutobi Hiizan wanted Uchiha Liufeng to go, but Danzo told him that he could not let Uchiha Liufeng go.

  Uchiha Liufeng's reputation is already too high, and the previous notoriety has been washed away. If Uchiha Liufeng gains prestige again, I am afraid that his Hokage will be completely unstable.

  Out of these considerations, Sarutobi Hizen asked Hatake Sakumo to go, and Sarutobi Hizen felt that Hatake Sakumo would have no problem dealing with the three generations of Raikage.

  After all, the three generations of Raikage are just the "weakest" shadow.

  "Hisashi Sarutobi is letting Hatake Sakumo die?"

  After Liu Feng knew that Hatake Sakumo was sent to deal with the three generations of Raikage, this idea instantly popped into his mind.

  Is Hatake Sakumo great?Really powerful, the name of Konoha Baiya has been famous in the ninja world, but why did he fight the three generations of Raikage?

  Unable to break the defense, Hatake Sakumo took out the strongest attack, and could not break the defense of the third Raikage. After all, the third Raikage was a guy who resisted Liu Kaede Susanoo for almost a dozen punches without dying.

  It takes some effort for Liu Feng to deal with the three generations of Raikage, I hope Hatake Sakumo will not be killed.

  "The triggered flying thunder god technique."

  Liu Feng suddenly stood up and looked in a certain direction in the Land of Rain.

  "I don't have many people to give to Fei Lei Shen Kuai. Could it be that Rope Tree is in danger."

  Thinking of the rope tree in an instant, Liu Feng didn't have time to think too much, and used the technique of flying thunder god to move in a long-distance space.

  In fact, it is not a long distance, and it is not a long distance at all without going out of the country of rain.


  Liu Feng, who appeared in an instant, saw the form clearly, a shuriken pierced a ninja dressed up in Anbu, and then one hand Raikie and the other hand Spiramaru, took out the other two ninjas.

  Then Liu Feng looked at Shengshu, and his pupils shrank slightly. At this time, Shengshu was a little miserable, his right arm disappeared, there were also many scars on his body, and there was a penetrating wound on his abdomen.

  If it wasn't for Shengshu, who was a Thousand-hand clan, and possessed immortal human vitality and tenaciousness, he would probably have died.

  "Palm Immortal Art..."

  Liu Feng used the learned medical ninjutsu, which is a high-level medical ninjutsu. If there is no Tsunade pointing Liu Feng, he may not be able to learn it.

  "Are you all right?"

  At this time, Liu Feng asked Rope Tree, who had a weak breath, that he was just hanging Rope Tree for his life, he was injured too badly, and Liu Feng would die if he came late.

  " are here, Liu Feng."

  Shengshu's pale face was bloodless, and she forced a bleak smile towards Liu Feng.

  "Where's your right arm?"

  Liu Feng asked Shengshu, if he could find Shengshu's right arm quickly, his broken arm might be reattached.

  "It was taken away."

  Rope tree reluctantly sat up, lowered his head and said.

  "I'll take you back to Konoha Camp first to find your sister."

  Hearing that Shengshu's right arm was taken away, Liu Feng frowned. It seemed that he was still late. Not only the three ninjas wanted to attack Shengshu, but some people left with Shengshu's arm.

  Those three ninjas should be taking care of the funeral.

  After taking off the masks of the three ninjas, Liu Feng could not know the identity of the other party, and there was no ninja forehead on his body.

  Let's check it later, Shengshu's injury can't keep him going, Liufeng's medical ninjutsu is not good enough, but Shengshu is barely out of danger.

  Using the technique of Flying Thunder God, she returned to the camp with the rope tree, and went to the logistics department to find Tsunade, but Tsunade was not there, so she, Orochimaru, and Jiraiya went to deal with Sanshoyu Hanzo.

  "Now you can only hope that your sister will come back soon, otherwise it will be difficult to save your life."

  "Even if I don't die, I'll be useless."

  Rope tree looked at his arm bitterly, his right hand was gone, and he could not even be a ninja in the future.

  "It's just losing an arm. You think it's a big deal. There's no way to get you another arm."

  Liu Feng said to the rope tree.

  For example, it is not difficult to use the first-generation cells to make an arm for the rope tree, but the rope tree may not be willing.

  "Also, it's not that you can't make a seal with one hand, and it's not that you can't mix with one hand. You don't need to look like you are going to die."

  "Hehe, Liu Feng, do you know that I was betrayed by my companions."

  Rope Tree said in a low voice.

  When Liu Feng first arrived, there were two corpses on the ground. They were the companions of Rope Tree, but it was precisely because of their sneak attack that Rope Tree lost an arm and fell into the wind completely.

  And the reason why they died was not killed by Rope Tree, but by the elite ninjas who attacked him, perhaps to silence them.

  "Then you are really miserable. I told you long ago that the battlefield is not suitable for you."

  Glancing at Shengshu with sympathy, Liu Feng continued to use medical ninjutsu to help Shengshu hang his life, and some other medical ninjas also helped Shengshu hang his life.

  Those medical ninjas couldn't stabilize Roshu's injuries, and their medical ninjutsu wasn't even as good as Liu Feng's.

  When the rope tree was almost unable to hold on, Tsunade finally came back and ran back in a hurry.

  She knew that Naoshu was seriously injured and was on the verge of death, because Liu Feng sent Uchiha Ye to inform her, so she could come back quickly.

  "How is this going? "

  Tsunade watched the miserable rope tree fall into rage, and the terrifying chakra cracked the ground.

  "Hurry up and take back your aura, or he will die." Liu Feng reminded Tsunade.

  Quickly withdrew his breath, Tsunade hurriedly treated the rope tree, Liu Feng watched from the side, I have to say that Tsunade's medical ninjutsu far surpassed himself.

  Under Tsunade's treatment, rope tree's injury was stabilized, and his life was saved, but the lost right arm left Tsunade speechless.

  "How did the rope tree get injured?" Tsunade asked Liu Feng coldly.

  It's not against Liu Feng, Tsunade is very angry now, she didn't expect her brother to be hurt like this.

  "Ask the rope tree yourself."

  Liu Feng frowned and said lightly. (of the)

  After that, Naoshu told Tsunade about the specific process of being seriously injured, and Tsunade stood up like a raging lion.

  "Liu Feng, take me to the place where the rope tree was injured."

  Taking a deep breath, he tried his best to calm down his emotions, Tsunade clenched his fists, and it was still difficult to suppress the anger in his heart.

  "I'll take you there."

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