Liu Feng personally took action and controlled several elite Junin as eyeliners.

  "Spirituality 々..."

  Liu Feng performed the psychic technique that he had learned not long ago, and a slug appeared in front of Liu Feng.

  "Is this your psychic beast? A slug, it's really ugly." Jiu Xinnai ran over and glanced at the psychic slug of Liufeng, with a look of disgust.

  "What's the point of looking good or not, as long as it works well."

  Liu Feng said angrily.

  The reason why he knew the psychic slug was that Tsunade gave him the psychic contract when he left, and Liu Feng signed the contract to psychic slugs.

  When Tsunade gave him this, Liu Feng didn't really want it because he didn't like the psychic beast like a slug.

  However, after considering the immortal mode, Liu Feng accepted it. Maybe she could go to Shigulin to learn the immortal mode, but she didn't know if the slug immortal would teach her.

  No matter what, you have to try it, the immortal mode must be mastered, otherwise Liu Feng will not be sure to challenge the projection of Qianshouzhujian.

  Now Liu Feng's strength is stronger than Uchiha Madara's strength in the Battle of the End Valley, but it is definitely not as good as Senju Hashima.

  Qianshou Zhujian may be classified as a super shadow, but Liu Feng thinks that he is a quasi-sixth realm.

  "Lord Liufeng."

  Slug is very respectful to Liu Feng.

  "Slug, use the reverse psychic technique, and take me to the Wet Bone Forest."

  "Good Lord Liu Feng."

  The slug returned to the wet bone forest, and then used the reverse psychic technique to channel Liu Feng into the wet bone forest.

  This is the first time Liu Feng has entered the Shitbone Forest, but the impression on Liu Feng is very bad, and it feels not as good as the place where the big toads in Miaomu Mountain are.

  The dark and humid environment, and there are some sticky things, it should be the mucus secreted.

  Although not used to it, Liu Feng did not complain, and looked at the incomparably huge slug fairy.

  Unlike the toads in Miaomu Mountain and the snakes in Longdi Cave, the other two holy places, the slugs in Shibone Forest are actually a whole.

  The slug that channeled out was actually a part of the slug fairy. In fact, there was only one slug in the Shibone Forest, and that was the slug fairy, but it could split into other individuals.

  "¨"Hello, Slug Fairy. "

  Liu Feng looked at the Slug Immortal who had survived for at least a thousand years. It, the White Snake Immortal, and the Big Toad Immortal both existed during the period of the Immortals of the Six Paths.

  "You are Uchiha Liufeng, Tsunade told me about you."

  The Slug Immortal is very gentle, and has no different attitude towards Liu Feng.

  "Slug Immortal, I'm here to practice immortal mode. I wonder if you can teach me?"

  Liu Feng asked the Slug Immortal seriously.

  "It's been a long time since no one chose to learn the fairy mode. If you are willing to learn, of course I am willing to teach you."

  The Slug Immortal was very happy, the last person to learn immortal mode with it was the father of Senju Hasuma.

  Liu Feng was very happy that he didn't reject him. The immortal mode was really important. For Shi (good) Tairen Zhuli, ordinary ninjutsu could not cause any damage to him, but immortal art could.

  If you want to use fairy magic, you must enter fairy mode.

  "It's dangerous to want to learn the fairy mode. Some people have failed to learn the fairy mode before. They have all become part of nature, so you really decided to learn it?"

  "Of course, the purpose of my visit is to learn the immortal mode. As long as you can teach me how to absorb natural energy, Slug Immortal, I will have absolute certainty to learn the immortal mode."

  Liu Feng is extremely confident, he must have confidence, this is also his confidence in his talent.

  After that, Slug Immortal began to teach Liu Feng how to absorb natural energy, and Liu Feng did not rashly choose to integrate natural energy, but first began to explore what natural energy is.

  The cultivation of the immortal mode is indeed very dangerous, and Liu Feng even dedicated a shadow clone to take care of himself.


  PS: Ask for subscriptions, flowers, and evaluation tickets! .

Chapter 99

  After two days, Liu Feng finally mastered the ability to perceive natural energy and absorb natural energy.

  There is no danger in absorbing natural energy as long as it is not rashly merged with body energy and spiritual energy. This is what Liu Feng learned through his own exploration.

  "The purpose of going to the Wet Bone Forest is complete."

  Liu Feng does not need to complete the immortal mode in the Shibone Forest, as long as he understands natural energy and knows how to cultivate the immortal chakra.

  Ordinary chakra is a fusion of physical energy and spiritual energy, while celestial chakra adds natural energy to it.

  These three energies must maintain an absolute balance in order to give birth to the immortal chakra, which is one third of each.

  If the natural energy exceeds one third, it will be swallowed by the natural energy and become part of nature. This is the danger of cultivating the immortal mode.

  If the natural energy is less than one-third, it is impossible to extract the immortal chakra, and there is no way to use the immortal mode.

  "The next practice, I just need to complete it in the system space."

  Liu Feng plans to put the next training in the system space, and Liu Feng has three times the time in the training space.

  Entering the system space, Liu Feng first asked Xiaomeng if there was natural energy in the cultivation space, and then got a positive answer.

  Natural energy is actually the most common energy. Before the ninja world had chakra, it had natural energy.

  "In the system training space, my biggest advantage is that I am not afraid of failure."

  Even if it fails and is swallowed up by natural energy, Liu Feng will not die. Whether it is the system training space or the trial space, Liu Feng will be resurrected when he dies.

  In the system space, Liu Feng will never die, no matter what he does, he will never die, so Liu Feng is sure to learn the immortal mode in the shortest time and master it to the perfect level.

  At the beginning of the practice, Liu Feng can experiment boldly.

  The first step is to perceive natural energy and absorb natural energy. Liu Feng has fully mastered it.

  Absorb natural energy into the body, and then merge with body energy and spiritual energy.


  Failed, failed the first time at the very beginning.

  Afterwards, Liu Feng experienced what it means to be like a failure that always accompanies me like the wind. After failing again and again, it is either that I cannot create the magic chakra, or that it is too much and is swallowed by natural energy.

  However, among the failures, Liu Feng summed up his experience again and again, and Liu Feng's talent is indeed very strong.

  In particular, having studied medical ninjutsu, his grasp of energy is also accurate enough, so in less than a day, Liu Feng successfully completed the immortal mode.

  Among the people who learned the immortal mode in the past dynasties, Liu Feng should be the fastest to master the immortal mode.

  The main reason is that Liu Feng has experienced many failures. For others, one failure may lead to death, but Liu Feng does not need to be afraid of failure, which is much faster than others.

  "I got it, but it's not enough."

  Liu Feng now uses the fairy mode, and it takes a few minutes to absorb the natural energy to refine the fairy chakra.

  Who will give Liu Feng a few minutes to enter fairy mode if the real battle begins?

  Do you want him and Naruto to use shadow clones to help?

  Impossible, Liu Feng doesn't need such an imperfect immortal mode. He wants a perfect immortal mode. If he wants to use it, he can enter it in a split second, just like Senju.

  It is not so easy to master the immortal mode perfectly. Next, Liu Feng began to practice sleepless nights, and at the same time, he was also thinking about how to improve.

  In the blink of an eye, half a month passed, and Liu Feng finally mastered the perfect immortal mode.

  Immediately enter the immortal mode, in the immortal mode, the improvement in all aspects is dozens of times, and you can also use the immortal technique Susanoo.

  "How strong is my strength now?"

  Liu Feng wanted to know, but he didn't know either. After learning the immortal mode, Liu Feng's combat power skyrocketed.

  The strength evaluation in the system is still super shadow level, but Liu Feng knows that the evaluation of the system is actually very conservative.

  And it is estimated that before he has not reached the essence of Six Paths, even if the combat power is enhanced more, it will be Super Shadow.

  "It's easy to know, you can find out after a battle with Senju."

  Liu Feng's eyes flickered, and he wanted to hit the projection between Qianshou Zhujian for a long time, but he was not sure before, so he didn't do it.

  "By the way, I seem to be able to extract character projections again now."

  Liu Feng slapped his head and remembered, and immediately chose to extract.

  [Ding, you extracted the Uchiha Obito Projection! 】

  "Bring soil."

  Liu Feng laughed, but he didn't expect to get Obito, but Uchiha Obito had something that Liu Feng wanted very much.

  Obito's kaleidoscope writing wheel eye pupil technique divine power, relying on this pupil technique, Obito will play around with the powerhouses of the entire ninja world.

  In fact, before he became the Ju-Tails Juri, Obito's strength was only at the general shadow level, but relying on his own pupil skills, Obito was very clueless, and relied on one eye to play the ninja world.

  Shenwei can make the body incorporeal, and at the moment of being attacked, it will transfer the attacked part to a different space. The weakness is that it can attack for five minutes without interval.

  And you can also teleport yourself in time and space, but you also need to leave a mark.

  "I originally planned to challenge the projection of the Senju Hakuma first, but now it seems that it is better to challenge Uchiha Obito first."

  If you can get Divine Prestige Blindness, this will also be an additional method, and you will be more confident in dealing with the projection between the Thousand Hands Pillars.

  "Go to eat first, and after eating, I will challenge."

  Touching my stomach, I felt that I should go eat first, I can't go to fight with Uchiha Obito when I'm hungry.

  Leaving the system space and enjoying the food made by Mikoto, it is worth mentioning that Mikoto's craftsmanship is getting better and better.

  Kushina often runs here because of Mikoto's craftsmanship, and now it is much more convenient for Kushina to come to the Uchiha clan.

  Because the vortex clan land is actually not very far from the current Uchiha clan land.

  "Liu Feng, what are you doing lately? I haven't seen you."

  Mikoto couldn't help but ask, for the past two weeks, Liu Feng has been elusive, and even Mikoto rarely sees Liu Feng, and only sees him during meals.

  "I'm cultivating a very important technique, which has now been completed."

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