"Are you powerful?" Kushina immediately asked. If it was a very powerful technique, Kushina would definitely learn it.

  "It's really powerful, but this technique is very dangerous, and you haven't yet reached the qualifications to learn this technique."

  Liu Feng saw what Kushina was thinking, and immediately said to Kushina, also dispelling her thoughts.

  It is true that the current Jiuxinai is not qualified enough. The condition for cultivating the immortal mode is actually to have a huge chakra. Jiuxinai's chakra is indeed not weak, but it is not qualified.

  The main reason is that the current Kushina is too young, and she will definitely be qualified to practice the immortal mode in the future.

  Hearing that Liu Feng said that she was not qualified to cultivate, Jiuxinai pouted slightly, feeling that Liu Feng was underestimating herself.


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Chapter 100

  "Finally get rid of that annoying little girl."

  Liu Feng returned to his room. After eating, Kushina insisted that Liu Feng explain the immortal mode to her, but how could Liu Feng tell her.

  This is not that Liu Feng is stingy. The key point is that cultivation in immortal mode is very dangerous. If she really cultivates secretly, she may play herself to death.

  Lying on the bed and resting for a while, after Liu Feng regained his energy, he entered the system space~.

  "Warm up with Uchiha Obito, and then go to solve Senju Hashima-Projection."

  Obito is only suitable for Liu Feng to warm up. To be honest, it is too easy for Liu Feng to deal with Obito. Any space ninjutsu is like encountering a natural enemy in front of Liu Feng's time retrospective.

  Liu Feng entered the trial space, and the bored Xiaomeng also came in with Liu Feng.

  Yes, Xiaomeng can also enter the trial space, but she can only watch the play and cannot help Liu Feng.

  Looking at the masked man in front of him, Liu Feng squeezed his fist and immediately shattered your mask.

  "The battle begins."

  Liu Feng moved in an instant, appeared in front of Uchiha Obito in the blink of an eye, and then smashed a straight fist at the opponent's head.

  The fist passed through the opponent's body, as if the hit was just a phantom, and the opponent virtualized himself.

  The attacked position can be transferred to a different dimension. It seems that it is still in one dimension, but in fact the opponent's body is already in another dimension.

  This is the real physical attack immunity, unless you can break the space, otherwise you can't hurt the opponent at all.

  "As expected of a god."

  Liu Feng's eyes lit up slightly. In fact, Liu Feng also thought about buying this pupil technique. After all, this pupil technique is like a bug.

  If you have to find a pupil technique to restrain Shenwei, then there is only Huangquan Hirazaka, oh, there is another Shenwei pupil technique.

  Huang Quan Hirazaka belongs to the blood net, can travel between real space and different space at will, and does not need to be marked at all, is definitely the strongest ultimate time space ninjutsu.

  Suddenly, Uchiha Obito disappeared, appeared behind Liu Feng, and attacked Liu Feng.

  "Hehe, are you killing yourself?"

  If you don't attack, you can hold on for a while. Now you take the initiative to attack me, that's not courting death.

  "Wind Escape Spiral Shuriken."

  With Liu Feng's proficiency in this ninjutsu, the spiral shuriken was formed in Liu Feng's hands in an instant, and then Liu Feng turned around and hit the opponent's face.

  "Back in time."

  At the moment when he was about to touch the opponent, Liu Feng used time backtracking, and Uchiha Obito, who was going to use the divine power to blur, was pulled back to before using it.

  The mask shattered instantly, and then the whole body was swallowed up by the ninjutsu of the spiral shuriken.

  The opponent has first-generation cells. If they attack other places, they may not die immediately, but the attack is the head, and they will definitely die.

  [Ding, you kill Uchiha Obito and get: 10 points, pupil technique, divine power blur, fire escape, bursting dance! 】

  Seize the opportunity and kill Uchiha Obito in one strike.

  "Clean and neat, as expected of you Liu Feng."

  Xiaomeng praised Liu Feng from the side.

  "What makes me happiest is that I really exploded my power."

  Liu Feng felt an extra power in his eyes. There are only three kinds of pupil techniques from other people's Sharinyan and Susanohu, a common pupil technique, but now Liu Feng has a fourth pupil technique. .

  Moreover, his pupil power has also increased slightly, because the power brought by the pupil technique has increased.

  "Next, challenge Qianshou Hashirama." Liu Feng made his own choice.

  "No, I just solved Uchiha Obito, don't you take a break?" Seeing Liu Feng in such a hurry, Xiaomeng couldn't help asking.

  "To solve a mere Obito, I just used a spiral shuriken, and I didn't even have time to move my body. Do I need to rest?"

  Liu Feng just punched Obito, and then used a wind escape spiral shuriken.

  Although an S-rank ninjutsu was used, compared to Liu Feng's current Chakra, it was nothing but a drop in the bucket, and it was not worth mentioning at all.

  "Okay, then I'll go to the play with me."

  "I advise you not to. Although you won't die, you will be hit if you watch the battle inside. If you are not afraid of pain, you can follow me into the trial space projected by the Thousand Hands Pillars."

  "That's fine, I'm still afraid of the pain."

  Xiaomeng shook her head immediately, don't watch the play, go back to sleep.

  Liu Feng was sent to the trial space projected by Qianshouzhujian, and saw a man wearing a war armor from the Warring States Period not far away.

  "Unfortunately, it's just a projection, and it's impossible to see the charm of the real Qianshouzhujian."

  The projection only has the power of the other party, there is no personality of the other party at all, and he will not even talk nonsense with Liu Feng.

  "Perfect Immortal Body, Mu Dun, and Ashura Chakra."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  These are what Liu Feng wants to get the most, and whether he can get them depends entirely on luck, but Liu Feng feels that his luck is good.

  Because Liu Feng basically defeated the projection, and most of the time, he can explode items. It is necessary to know that it depends on luck. It can be seen that Liu Feng's luck is very strong.

  Those who can become transmigrators and also have golden fingers, which one is unlucky.

  "Battle, let's start."

  Liu Feng jumped up and stood on a small hill, looking down at Qianshouzhujian not far away.

  "Fairy Mode."

  I used the immortal mode from the beginning. Anyway, the immortal mode is not only not tiring to use, but the more I use it, the more energetic it is.

  In the imperfect fairy mode, there will be a lot of patterned masks, but Liu Feng only has some patterns at the corners of his eyes, and there are three gouyu in the center of his forehead in the shape of three gouyu jade writing round eyes.

... .... ...

  Not only does he not look ugly, but he looks handsome.

  After Liu Feng turned on the immortal mode, Qianshou Zhujian, who was about to rush over, stopped, and then turned on the immortal mode as well.

  Turning on Fairy Mode is too easy for those who have mastered Fairy Mode perfectly.

  "Xianfa · Fire escape · Huo Huo extinguished!"

  The arrogant fire enhanced by the immortal method has far surpassed the arrogant fire used by Madara Uchiha in the original work.

  "Xianfa·Woodun·Ranking Technique!"

  "So exaggerated?"

  Liu Feng was a little surprised, but to use this wooden ninjutsu, which can resist the slash of the majestic Susanoo, to resist, is it overkill?

  Obviously it is wood, but it is difficult to be ignited by flames. The wooden tunnel between the thousand-hand pillars is not very afraid of flames.

  Without using the ultimate move first, the projected battle between Liu Feng and Qianshouzhu is also to test his own strength, and treat the opponent as an ordinary opponent.

  Even Liu Feng is not afraid of failure.

  Even if he loses to the opponent, Liu Feng can still challenge again, it doesn't matter at all.

  In the collision of physical skills, Qianshou Zhujian has a perfect immortal body and has an advantage in physique, so his own physical skills are also very powerful, and the strange force technique was probably developed by Qianshou Zhujian.

  However, Liu Feng did not fall behind in physical skills, of course, and could not gain the upper hand. Although Liu Feng also attached great importance to physical skills, he suffered from the loss of age.

  His body hasn't developed to its peak yet.


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Chapter 101

  The battle of physique was no match for Qianshou Zhujian. After Liu Feng was repelled, he had no choice but to activate his ultimate move.

  "Senjutsu Susanoo."

  The combination of Susanoo and Xianju Chakra was used by Sasuke Uchiha and Chonggo in the original book, but Liu Feng used it differently from theirs.

  To be more authentic, Liu Feng's Susanoo was nearly [-] meters in size at this time, more than double the size of the full body Susanoo used before.

  The size of Susanoo actually depends on the chakra and pupil power consumed by the caster.

  Qianshouzhuma faced Susanoh of Liu Feng and used the technique of creating a wooden man and a wooden dragon, but both the wooden man and the wooden dragon were obviously much smaller than Susanoh of Liu Feng.

  "Susanoh's slash."

  With one knife, the wooden man and the wooden dragon were split apart, and Liu Feng's goal was always the Qianshou Zhujian. This knife was actually aimed at the Qianshou Zhujian.

  Boom! ! !

  The mountain collapsed and the ground cracked, and the smoke and dust spread all over the battlefield, but the smoke and dust could not block Liu Feng's line of sight.

  "Xianfa·Mu Dun·really thousands of hands!"

  Qianshou Zhujian also finally used the strongest move, the huge Guanyin Buddha statue, the densely packed arms are too numerous to count, there may really be a thousand hands.

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