Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1049: Kill 1 stumbling block

   To tell the truth, in Yang Cheng's view, Tang Lade’s appearance is definitely not a profit, but no matter what you are doing, can we stop for a few days before tossing? Is Xian's life long?

   Yang Cheng slumped on the sofa with a dark expression. He felt like he was on a thief boat and could not get off.

However, Donald did not take the initiative to provoke public opinion. The cause of the whole incident was his competitor Ted Cruz. As a Texas senator, he was also one of the candidates for the Elephant Party. It can be regarded as Donald’s. There is a blocking stone, and if the blocking stone can be removed, Donald must do everything he can.

First, Ted Cruz attacked Donald’s brains, and he couldn’t hold back. Then Donald fought back and pointed out that the relationship between Ted Cruz’s father and Osvallo was irreversible. He was the conspirator who planned the attack on Kennedy. You come and I have confronted each other several times in Twitter and media interviews. As a result, Donald didn’t take advantage of it several times. In the interview, he said that he would release all the confidential documents of the Kennedy assassination and take everyone to pretend to be coerced. fly together.

  Secondly, since officially announcing his participation in the election, Donald has always emphasized that he is an advocate of "information transparency", and this is an indirect expression of his ZZ position;

In the end, it is natural to create a hot spot. Now the American polls are bad for him. If this continues, he won’t have to play anymore, so he simply uses Kennedy’s gimmick to increase his popularity and also create a wave of goodwill, at least Let the polls raise a few points.

   Of course, the above are all Yang Cheng's own guesses. No one knows the true purpose of Donald's neuroticism.

   Pressing off the TV, Yang Cheng planned to go back to the study to study the list obtained by Donny Fick, but was stopped by the unexpected ringing of the phone.

   frowned and took out the phone, he had an ominous premonition.

   Sure enough, the caller ID was Kushner, and it was probably because of his hapless father-in-law.

Yang Cheng threw away the phone and didn't answer it, but returned after walking two steps. He picked up the phone like his fate, and said angrily after connecting, "It's me, you'd better not tell me about your father-in-law. , I can't help but scold my mother."

Kushner seemed to have expected Yang Cheng's attitude a long time ago and gave a wry smile, "Jason, if you are interested in this matter, I am willing to explain to you later, but the most important thing at the moment is that you need to take action, which will intensify the voice. Press it down."

Yang Cheng's head heated up, and she yelled, "Fart, you come to teach me how to suppress the sound, do you think that the new era media monopolizes the public opinion field in the United States? Or do you think I can ignore Murdoch and Leishi? Dong, let them do things for me?"

   Kushner let Yang Cheng vent, and when he finished venting, he said, "No matter what, we need your help. No matter what you have, please mention it."

   Yang Cheng closed his eyes and pondered for a while, and said in his heart, "This is a good opportunity to slaughter him, and we must never make Tang Lade cheaper."

   Kushner patiently waited for Yang Cheng's conditions. The demands they put forward this time were not low. It was much harder to suppress the heated discussion of the whole people than to suppress the condemnation, so he was ready to be opened up by the Yang Orange lion.

   But Yang Cheng is not ready to make a hasty decision, so he said, "The conditions are postponed for the time being. Let me talk about your specific plans first. If I think it is necessary, you can contact Mr. Murdoch. The effect of our two parties' joint shots will be better."

   Kushner replied, "Yes, I have spoken to Mr. Murdoch, and he promised to help."

   Yang Cheng frowned slightly, so happy? This is not Murdoch's style, but he didn't ask, he won't tell him what agreement they have reached.

   "In this case, I will cut the page of hot topics. It is impossible to delete it directly. This will cause group anger. I cannot harm my own interests for your business."

   "No problem, I can understand, but we intend to take advantage of the situation to launch an offensive against Ted Cruz. Before the finals arrive, the less competitors the better." Kushner further demanded.

   Yang Cheng frowned and thought, "If this is the case, you have to come up with something genuine, otherwise I won't waste my resources."

   Kushner said very generously, "I said before, if you have any requests, please mention it. As long as I can do it, I will say nothing."

   Yang Cheng did not answer, and instead said, "Send the black materials you collected about Ted Cruz and I will arrange the release. By the way, where are you going to start?"

   Kushner smiled, "Of course he started with his uncontrollable crotch."

Not long after hanging up the phone, Yang Cheng received an e-mail from Kushner. The content was wonderful. First, he pointed out that Ted Cruz’s wife was suffering from extremely severe depression, and attached a certificate from Jing Fang and the hospital. , Then what is the root cause of Mrs. Cruz's depression?

   It turns out that Cruz has had extramarital affairs for a long time, and at least raised five mistresses outside!

   As for the composition of his mistress status, it is quite exciting, including a, a ji woman, and many subordinate colleagues.

   Even the materials listed the locations of Cruz’s extramarital affairs in detail, including closets, hotels, and campaign buses.

   Seeing this Yang Cheng couldn't help smacking his lips. This buddy is open enough to play.

With these materials, it is enough to cause trouble for Ted Cruz, and even make him depressed, but Yang Cheng admires Kushner's endurance even more, but he has been holding such good materials in his hands and did not send it until this time. Come out, this method is hard enough.

   Yang Cheng turned off the computer. He felt that this time things could be handled well. The campaign advertisement announced by Ted Cruz a few days ago was a serious blackout for the couple. The double hatred was not light.

This advertisement imitated the plot of a comedy movie "A Bug at Work" that was popular in the United States in the 1990s. The programmer was tired of repeating tedious work, smashed the printer, and the background music was adapted to the lyrics, "When the zipper It’s so cool.” The actress directly imitated Mrs. Zipperton, and satirized Mrs. Zipperton’s lies and corruption in various advertisements.

Not to mention how happy the entertaining old beauty is to see this advertisement, anyway, Mrs. Zipton is so angry that she secretly threatened to kill Cruz and can make a general candidate swear an angry oath. It can be seen how intense the anger in her heart is.

   If Mrs. Zipperton knew that she helped her out with a bad breath, would she still hate what she had helped Donrad criticize before?

   Yang Cheng couldn't help showing a successful smile~

  :. :

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