Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1050: Against the Nets? (Big

   Seeing that Christmas is approaching, New York has also ushered in the first snow of this winter. In the morning, there are only a few snowflakes floating in the air, but after noon, it gets bigger and bigger, and there is a great stance to change the color of the world.

The Central Park was completely covered in white. Yang Cheng looked down from the house and couldn't even find a trace of variegated color. He took a picture of the scenery with a mobile phone and sent it to Luo Yue, asking her if she would have time to come to New York to see the snow scene. The answer was But I was so busy that I could only wait until Christmas to meet again.

   Yang Cheng didn't feel disappointed either, but she felt tired of being together every day.

However, the whole family will go to London for Christmas this year. Yang Cheng is more concerned about the preparations of the North Sea Manor. Although he is assured of Carson’s abilities, he can’t stand this year’s special situation. Father-in-law and mother-in-law will also be here. Or himself.

   Fortunately, Carson reported to him on the phone that everything was going well. At the same time, he also said that it was snowing in London. According to the weather forecast, the snow will probably fall until around the New Year, at least this Christmas.

I went to a party organized by Paris last night. There was no theme. It was pure eating, drinking, and wasting energy. Yang Cheng had a friendship pao with a young model who just debuted in the bathroom of the nightclub. Afterwards, they even had their names. I didn't remember, the appearance was rather vague, and now I think it's a bit ridiculous.

   Anyway, I slept with Yang Cheng who was lazy and chuang. At this time, facing the white snow outside the window, I was determined not to play this waywardly in the short term. After all, he is a person who is about to get married and get married.

After watching the snow scene for a while, Yang Cheng returned to the bed, playing headlines with her mobile phone. The arrangement of the previous few days had an effect. A series of online condemnation against Ted Cruz directly suppressed Donald’s hot remarks. , Ordinary people are more forgetful, especially under the careful control of news traders, it easily diverts the attention of ordinary people.

Especially when approaching Daxuan, the Americans are extremely sensitive to their nerves, and they are almost critical of the candidates. Nonsense, this is a matter of concern for personal interests. If they choose a week to come to power, ordinary people will vomit. dead.

Of course, it is more out of the spirit of entertainment. Ted Cruz's behavior of stealing chickens and losing rice was almost broken by Lao Mei. Various jokes appeared on the Internet, saying that Ted and Tiger Woods are cousins, not only The names are similar, and the behaviors are almost the same.

In short, Yang Cheng's operation not only solved Donald’s troubles perfectly, but also did not raise any dissatisfaction with Mrs. Zipton. On the contrary, he felt that Yang Cheng was very interesting and took the initiative to help deal with the enemy. very cute.

  No, Richard Debin made a special call to praise Yang Cheng on behalf of Mrs. Zipton.

   "You did a good job. The timing was right. Mrs. Zipperton is thinking about taking action against Ted Cruz. I didn't expect you to be one step ahead and the information you have is so detailed."

   Yang Cheng smiled unclearly, "It is also our good luck. It happened that one of my subordinates collected Ted Cruz's black material, otherwise we will check it a little bit, and don't want to revenge for a few years."

   "You are right, no matter what, your help to Mrs. Zipperton this time has been noted. You can mention any conditions." Richard Debin took the favor of others and behaved very generously.

   Yang Cheng didn't dare to be too awkward, even though his heart was overwhelmed with joy, "Ahem~ I won't mention the conditions, anyway, she just don't hate what happened before."

   Richard Debin was taken aback, is this the Yang Cheng he knew? That little fox who is extremely greedy and fights everything?

   could not help teasing, "You have a fever?"

  Yang Cheng's face turned dark. Are your uncle and Xiaoye usually stingy?

   "Fuck off, since you have to give it, don't blame my lion for opening up."

   Richard Debin subconsciously apologized, "Sorry, I'm just making a joke. If we really mention something comparable to the sky, we can only deny it."

   Yang Cheng snorted, knowing that, "It's OK, it's fine, I just want you to remember that I am a pure businessman."

   It means that all things can be measured by money, as long as you come up with a high enough price, there is nothing to discuss, so Mrs. Zipton should not question why he helped Donald.

With Richard Debin’s IQ, how could he misunderstand, “Don’t worry, I’ve communicated with Mrs. Zipton about this matter. She said that she will not be held accountable anymore, but I hope you will release any news that is unfavorable to her in the future. Before that, you can discuss it with her. Note that it is a discussion! It is not an order! Don’t be crooked."

   How could Yang Cheng agree? Wouldn't it be Mrs. Zipperton’s lackey if he really agreed? No, no, this is absolutely not allowed, haha ​​said, "OK, I will try my best~"

Hung up the phone, put the phone on the bedside, and took out an SD card from the drawer. This is the SD card obtained from Donnie Fick. Yang Cheng has read it several times. To be honest, it is shocking. It's not enough to describe the content of the card.

This card not only contains a list of C~I~A sleeping spies with more than 100 people, but also various evidences of C~I~A’s secret transactions with other countries, and some members of Congress colluded with foreign countries. Information on forces.

If Yang Cheng chooses to expose this card, it can directly destroy half of the C~I~A spy system, and at the same time it will cause an uproar among the people. In order to make money, those officials will not only leak state secrets, but even Relying on the exploitation of the people to make money is definitely something that the people cannot tolerate. One can imagine how serious the consequences of this card exposure are, and even Yang Cheng will regret getting this card.

Of course, Yang Cheng did not intend to expose this card from the beginning to the end. He did not live impatiently. Once this card is found to have flowed out of his hand, regardless of whether you intend it or not, these people involved will definitely send it out. Take revenge on Yang Orange madly, anyway they are going to die, then you, Yang Orange, as the initiator, don't think about living well.

   But just take it to trade with C~I~A, Yang Cheng feels unwilling again, there is always a voice in his heart, this card is used well, it will definitely bring his current status to a higher level.

   However, he hasn't figured out exactly how to operate it. Let's just let it go. If it doesn't work, just wait for Gina Hespel to come to the door personally and talk about it before making plans.

Yang Cheng believes that this SD card falling into her hands will soon be passed to Gina Hespel, and as long as she wants to go further in Langley, she will never speak out, but will take the initiative. Come to seek a deal, as long as Yang Cheng's request is not harsh, she will agree to it out of ten.

After making up his mind, Yang Cheng put the card in his safe. Although he was confident enough at home that he would not lose it, it was still unsafe. Putting it in the safe also added a layer of protection. It's hard to guard against house thief at night. Is there any unscrupulous servant who is betrayed by the enemy and betrayed Yang Cheng? Anyway, Yang Cheng, who has always been cautious, doesn't care about saving the gentleman's belly with a villain.

   In the evening, Yang Cheng drove to the Barclays Center, the home of the Brooklyn Nets. It was a rare opportunity in New York. How could Yang Cheng also be there to support his team.

The Nets' results this year are not bad. Although they have not jumped to the ranks of the championship like Liverpool did, they have made considerable progress compared with last year. Especially after Paul joined the team quickly, the team has already shown in the East. The style of a strong team.

It has been less than a third of the season now. The Nets have played 24 games and achieved a good record of 18 wins and 6 losses, second only to the two wins of the Cleveland Cavaliers led by James and Owen. , And the sudden emergence of the Toronto Raptors with a win gap, ranking third in the East. This result has crushed the rivals of the same city, the Knicks, so that the New York city has turned from Madison Garden to Barclays Center.

However, the East is as weak as ever. The Nets, the third best result in the East, can't even make it into the top five in the West, let alone catch up with the Golden State Warriors, who have been soaring since the beginning of the season. According to the current development, it is generally believed that they will eventually meet. The finals will be the Cavaliers and Warriors two teams, other teams can only follow soy sauce.

  Okay, Yang Orange has no record requirements for the Nets this season. It is best to enter the Eastern Conference Finals, but at least it must guarantee a playoff spot.

However, the Nets have not been able to achieve a more eye-catching result after the deal came to Paul. The several candidates selected by the management were not achieved due to various reasons. The current record has not only benefited from Paul. In addition to his performance, I would also like to thank several veterans for their recovery, but this situation will not last long. It is imperative to find Paul a second All-Star.

Yang Cheng came to watch the game tonight. First, to cheer for the team and express his full support. Second, he listened to the report of the management, because trading All-Star players must get the boss’s financial support, luxury Taxes are not a joke. There are luxury taxes that cost tens of millions and hundreds of millions. Who will take it out if the boss doesn’t nod his head?

   If it is the same as in previous years, if Yang Cheng is inexplicably given a luxury tax of hundreds of millions of yuan, I am afraid that both the head coach and the management will have to be kicked by Yang Cheng. The little master's money is not the wind.

Fortunately, this year the Nets’ finances are very healthy, and the level of profitability has risen to a higher level. This is also due to the strong support of the media group under Yang Orange, especially the addition of CW TV to the live broadcast, which has increased the Nets’ exposure. The rate has also allowed the team to get the favor of more advertisers. Small money and money naturally get into the pocket. With money, you have the confidence to group the Big Three and Big Four~

After the team arrived on the stadium, the hot fans completely offset the cold brought by the snow, and there were even a few shirtless brawny wielding the Nets jerseys. Such a scene has not been seen in New York for many years, Yang Orange sighed through the window. This is only the beginning of the season. If the Nets make it to the Finals one day, these lovely fans don't know what crazy moves they will make.

   The team did not stay outside the stadium and went directly to the VIP channel. Sean Marx led the management to wait early.

   Yang Cheng smiled at everyone after getting off the car, "Go in first, it's too cold here~"

   Sean Marx answered, "Yeah, I didn't expect the snow to be so big, it started to fall in the early morning, and it hasn't stopped until now."

   A group of people chatted as they walked, and Yang Cheng chatted smoothly, “The team is in good condition recently. I have concerns. According to the current situation, breaking into the playoffs is not a problem at all.”

   What Yang Cheng said was the truth. Sean Marx didn’t need to pour cold water and echoed, “That’s right, but if you want to go further in the playoffs, you must have another All-Star join.”

Speaking of this, Yang Cheng couldn’t help frowning, “Gordon Hayward said last year and Paul George again this summer, but now I haven’t seen them wearing the Nets jersey. If you don’t give me a reasonable I think I’m going to consider changing the general manager."

This is not just a beating, it is second only to the deterrence of the ultimatum. Not only is Sean Marx, the client's heart tight, but other members of the management can't help but The boss’s tone is comparable to the outside. The temperature is twice as low.

Everyone is wise, and no one will not understand it. So it’s no wonder that Yang Cheng behaved like this. He didn’t want to fire Sean Marx. He is always kind to obedient and loyal men, but sometimes loyal. It can't replace the inferiority in ability. If the level is too bad, let's just give way.

Sean Marx’s expression was very ugly, but he still had to explain, “Boss, originally I thought that other teams just rejected our trade application because they thought they didn’t have enough chips or simply didn’t want to be an opponent, but recently I heard something bad. The wind, but I haven’t had time to confirm the authenticity of the disappearance."

After a pause, seeing Yang Cheng expressionless, he gritted his teeth and said, "I heard that many teams in the league have joined forces to target us and do not want us to be bigger. Almost all of our trading proposals were rejected immediately. ."

Yang Cheng frowned immediately, and even stood directly in the corridor, stopping with everyone, even the staff who came and went could not help standing still, everyone seemed to be pressed. The pause button is the same.

   "What's the situation? Why are they targeting the Nets? Is there a reason?"

After the question, Yang Cheng was still puzzled. It stands to reason that he received unanimous support from other team owners before joining the league, which proves that everyone welcomes his arrival, and that he will not be offended after joining the league for a long time. Who doesn't know it, let alone has a conflict of interest with a certain team, do you feel that you have no temper when you are so blatantly working together?

  :. :

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