Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1246: Actually all the same

Liu Jianjun also just mentioned that if there is a date without a date, there will be a harvest.

However, Liu Xiaoli took her heart. These years, being around the godfather has some advantages, but the disadvantages are also obvious. She has long wanted to leave that person on her own, but she has been suffering from no way out, and no one is willing to help, even Jiang Boss, it's not easy to grab people.

But Yang Cheng is different. This is the real top elder brother. His identity is no worse than those with red backgrounds in the Forty-Nine City. He has unparalleled resource advantages overseas. If Yang Cheng makes a move, maybe he can help his daughter get away, right?

Thinking of this, she seemed to have a decision in her heart, but her words came to her lips, but she felt that someone was touching her feet under the table, and subconsciously looking at Mr. Jiang, she saw him shaking his head vaguely at himself.

The table was originally not big, even if two tables were joined together, there were five people sitting close to each other. If such an obvious little action Yang Cheng couldn’t see it, just jump down from Victoria Harbour and forget it. Waste food.

Seeing Liu Xiaoli wanting to say something but stopping, Yang Cheng smiled lightly, "Ms. Liu has any thoughts? Just say it~"

Liu Xiaoli, who had just been warned by Mr. Jiang, could only suppress the impulse in her heart. After all, compared with the Yang Cheng she just met, Mr. Jiang, who has given a lot of help over the past ten years, is more trustworthy.

He waved his hand with a smirk, "It's nothing, I just want to say that Cici is very aura. When she first debuted, many big directors praised this, and she is willing to endure hardships, and she will definitely not disappoint Young Master."

Even a fool could hear a lie, and Yang Cheng didn't say anything. People don't want to say that they can't force them to say it, right?

The topic changed, "Mr. Jiang, can you tell me something about you and my grandpa?"

The reason why he agreed to help was that Liu Yifei's own factors accounted for 70%, and the remaining 30% was due to Jiang Zhiqiang's relationship with his grandfather, so he wanted to find out.

Mr. Jiang changed his posture, "Euco has today, and it is inseparable from Mr. Liu’s help. Since the development of Euco, it has encountered two important financial crises. Mr. Liu said hello. He was only willing to lend us money to help us through the crisis. It can be said that if there is no Mr. Liu, there would be no Eucalyptus today."

He sighed, "I once wanted to give out Eucalyptus shares to Mr. Liu, but I was rejected."

Yang Cheng nodded slightly, which understood why Mr. Jiang would abandon the seniority difference and rush forward.

"It turns out that this is the case. I think Grandpa feels that loans can also be repaid. It is a kind of investment profit. If you collect additional shares in Eucalyptus, the nature will change."

"You deserve to be a family, you and your grandpa said almost the same."

"Of course, it's not that a family doesn't enter a house. This sentence is right."

After a short pause, looking at the distressed Concubine Liu Yi, Yang Cheng invited, "If you are fine for a while, how about walking around with me? I haven't returned to Xiangjiang for many years. I really miss it."

Before Liu Yifei could answer, Liu Xiaoli agreed first, "It's okay, Cici has time, you young people, let's go out, Mr. Jiang and I will stay for a while~"

Yang Cheng smiled and stood up, "Well, the bill is mine. I wish you a pleasant afternoon."

After they left, Liu Xiaoli couldn't wait to ask, "Brother Qiang, why didn't you let me talk just now?"

Big Jiang stretched out his hand to cover Liu Xiaoli's hand, "You, it's too urgent, this matter needs to be done slowly, don't think about it overnight, that will not help Cici, but will harm her."

Liu Xiaoli calmed down, "Is this Young Master Yang poor?"

Mr. Jiang failed and shook his head, "It has nothing to do with character. I know you are anxious to leave that person, but have you ever thought about whether Yang Cheng is willing to pay the price to help this?

This is a far cry from the price of Cici getting the role~"

Liu Xiaoli felt sad, but still not reconciled, "I think Young Master Yang's attitude towards Cici is not too unfeeling, right?"

Mr. Jiang put a smile away and looked serious, "Xiao Li, we have known each other for so many years. I don’t need to lie to you. If Yang Cheng is willing to marry Cici, then whatever I say I must contribute to this marriage, for your mother and daughter. It is definitely a turning point in a lifetime for both.

But Yang Cheng is not a beloved. In the eyes of people like him, the actress is just a symbol of their status. Don't you understand this truth? "

Liu Xiaoli was discouraged, "I thought Yang Cheng was different~"

"It's not the same, but the essence is the same. At least in the rumors I heard, Yang Cheng is a very generous and trustworthy person. Women who have been with him can get good returns, and even benefit a lot. The little girl that Ye gave her all, seems to have the last name Xu. I don’t remember her name. She has been with Yang Cheng. What do you think of her now?

Is it developing well? The upward momentum is about to catch up with the few small flowers in the mainland.

But after separating from Yang Cheng, Ari Films did not reduce her investment, which means that Yang Cheng is always paying attention to her and said hello to Ari Films. Of course, this is also related to his company. The shares of the film industry are inseparable. "

Liu Xiaoli was completely confused, "Brother Qiang, you should tell me, what on earth should I do?"

Mr. Jiang sighed, "Cici's luck is really good. I didn't expect to meet Yang Cheng in Xiangjiang. With his help, the role of taking down Hua Mulan is not a big problem. As for the future... "

Liu Xiaoli anxiously shook the boss's hand, "What happens next?"

"Let's take a step and take a step, put away your ambitions, don't think about being in position by Yang Cheng, I heard that he is already engaged~"

Liu Xiaoli's face paled, "You mean, let us Cici follow him for a while?"

419 and being a lover are completely two concepts~

There is another thing she didn’t Isn’t this the same as before? If so, why bother to get away?

"Only in this way can Yang Cheng be willing to stand up for you. Then I will ask someone to bring a message to Godfather Cici. I think this matter can end in the most harmonious and complete atmosphere."

Liu Xiaoli bit her lip tightly, "I will think about it~"

"Well~ this matter is not in a hurry, we should also ask Cici about her attitude, after all, she is not a child anymore, and we must also take into account her thoughts~"

Liu Xiaoli's mind is very confused. Although she heard the words of Mr. Jiang, she only heard it and didn't have time to think.

Outside the hotel gate, waiting for the parking brother to drive over, Yang Cheng waved Liu Jianjun to go back, and he stayed on the peninsula.

Only Liu Yifei and Yang Orange are left alone, completely devoid of the previous atmosphere.

Yang Cheng squinted at her and reminded, "Bring your sunglasses, here is a basket of reporters and paparazzi~"

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