Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1247: Awkward position

"not in a good mood?"

Although Liu Yifei put on sunglasses after listening to his advice, Yang Cheng's expression of coldly shutting away still made Yang Cheng unhappy.

Looking at Yang Cheng through the sunglasses, she shook her head slightly, "It's okay~"

In fact, Yang Cheng knows in his heart that it won't be a good face for someone to be bought and sold so strongly, but then again, isn't the entertainment industry just like that?

If you want to fight for resources, you still want to protect yourself. Do you think your father is guo~yuanshuai?

"Disney has great expectations for the "Mulan" project. This is their weapon to conquer the Z country market. To a certain extent, it cannot be lost~"

Concubine Liu Yi listened to Yang Cheng quietly~

"So the pressure you have to bear has also risen exponentially. If, I mean, if this film hits the street, you, as a leading coffee, will definitely bear 90% of Disney’s anger. Even with my help, your way in Hollywood It's the end of it~"

Regardless of whether Yang Cheng was alarmist or not, Liu Yifei listened to it and believed it to be true. She didn't know the importance of "Mulan" before, but she never considered the consequences of the failure of this project.

Now being reminded by Yang Cheng, she suddenly felt that a big mountain was pressing on her shoulders, and her determination to continue was shaken.

Seeing my blue prancing horse steadily parked in front of me, I personally opened the co-pilot door and invited Liu Yifei to get on the bus. After paying the tip, I quickly left the Peninsula Hotel~

In the carriage, feeling a strong sense of pushing her back, Liu Yifei said sideways, "You suggest that I give up chasing the corner of Mulan?"

Of course Yang Cheng would not suggest that. Just kidding, there is no reason to vomit the meat on the lips, "No, no, I just remind you of the importance of this project, you can't afford to lose~"

After a pause, I glanced at the rearview mirror. The roads of Xiangjiang River are too narrow. If there are too many cars, accidents will occur. They change lanes and overtake. Until the field of vision is wide, I relax and say, "I know how much you are in The status of the mainland entertainment industry can be said to be very embarrassing. The typical comparison is more than enough. If you are content with the status quo, it is also good, but you have an ambitious mother."

Yang Cheng said so, Liu Yifei took off his glasses and slapped him, "Don't say that to my mother."

He shrugged slightly, he didn't feel that what he said was wrong, because of the beauty of the face, he didn't continue this topic.

"Well, let’s talk about your status. The resources in the Mainland are almost saturated, and there are many actors of the same type as you. Although your acting skills are good, you can say that you are ahead of those small traffic figures by a lot, but after all, it lacks some characteristics. You don't like small projects. The projects of big directors are more willing to choose newcomers who just made their debut.

In this way, you have very few resources to choose from. If you aim at overseas and come back with coated gold, you may have a bright future.

But this is undoubtedly a gamble, and it is a stud on the way. "

Concubine Liu Yi is very sad. Having debuted for so many years, without mentioning the framing of her opponents, it is enough to fail as she is now, but just like Yang Cheng said, if you are content with the status quo, you don’t need money and you should experience life when filming. How good?

However, neither the mother nor myself are reconciled. This reconciliation comes from a high starting point. The starting point is too high. If you experience a little setback, you will have a mental gap. Moreover, since debut, the setbacks experienced have been more than a little bit.

It is precisely because of this that her mother was unwilling to be lonely and brought her to Xiangjiang, to find the once optimistic boss for help. What did the mother and daughter give during the period, knowing it is worth it? They did not dare to think about it, nor did they dare to face this problem.

I blame Yang Cheng, why do you want to break the reality?

"I'm not trying to persuade you to give up. In fact, even if you want to retire now, it's impossible. The investment in the early stage is too big, and finally sitting at the final table, no one is willing to back down easily after changing, and humans are very gambling.

Then all I can do is to increase your chances of winning~"

Concubine Liu Yi was confused, "What do you mean?"

Xiangjiang is a right-hand drive car passing on the left. In the past, the steering wheel was always held with the left hand. Now it is empty if you don't grab something.

"Don't mess around~"

Concubine Liu Yi felt itchy on the back of her hand. As soon as she lowered her head, she saw Yang Cheng's big hand and touched it dishonestly. She slapped her without hesitation~

With a smirk, he retracted his hand and coughed twice, "I have also paid attention to this Disney project. I thought about whether to participate in investment before. If I didn't meet you, my decision was mostly to give up, but now I have changed my mind. I want to invest. I won the heroine of this project for you!"

This is the art of language, obviously because he is not optimistic about the prospects of the project, he was ready to give up, but when he got to his mouth, he changed his taste and used money to make a heroine? Don't be kidding, that's tens of millions of dollars, even if it's really a goddess, it's not worth the price.

But Liu Yifei didn't think so much. She simply felt that this was Yang Cheng's return for her efforts, even though the return was a bit surprising~

"Thanks~Thank you~"

So much has been laid before, isn't it just for Liu Yifei to identify with herself? Otherwise, if you take such a great effort to win the heroine, people just treat it as an ordinary exchange of benefits. Wouldn't it be a big loss?

If you touch your little hand this time, you should not encounter resistance, right?

"No thanks, but you have to think carefully about what I said before. Once this film rushes, causing Disney to incur huge losses, you really have no future in Hollywood."

Yang Cheng said the ugly words in the first place, so as not to get bad results when the other party was messing around and complaining about him for not doing anything. Doesn't everyone have a good face?

"I know, I will work hard, and the rest is up to my fate~"

Concubine Liu Yi looked out the window, and if there was a little rain, the artistic fan would be even stronger.

"By the way, how long will you stay in Xiangjiang? I may frequently attend receptions and parties these days, and I want you to be my female companion."

Now that I have agreed to the conditions, I don’t have to hesitate about this little I have no recent itinerary, so I should be able to stay for more than half a month, no problem. "

Yang Cheng smiled and nodded, "That's good, take you, a beautiful woman, and there will be light on my face."

Liu Yifei smiled and said nothing.

After being silent for a while, Yang Cheng said again, "What did your mother want to say before?"

He was referring to something Liu Xiaoli wanted to say but stopped.

Concubine Liu Yi had a guess in her heart, but she got the advice of Mr. Jiang, and she said it without much thought, "Should I ask you to terminate the contract?"

Yang Cheng was stunned, "Cancel the contract?"

Concubine Liu Yi was vague, "Well~ it's the person you know."

Yang Cheng suddenly, Godfather, has a new love, naturally does not pay much attention to the old love, taking the opportunity to get away is also a good choice, but the premise is that the other party agrees to let him go, no matter how bad the old love can continue to make money and resources for him, it is impossible. Let go easily.

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