Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1277: Grab the Fox project

"I also watched "The Wilderness Hunter", Leon did a textbook performance, I want to say congratulations to you~"


"Mr. Spielberg~"

Everyone greeted in unison, showing the power of this big boss in Hollywood.

Spielberg pressed his hands, "Let’s talk about this work, and think back to Leon’s past performances, whether it’s Martin’s "The Wolf of Wall Street" or Quentin’s "Jiang Ge", these great directors They are all famous for their lines, and the plot wins with the lines. If it is not an actor with strong control, they will often be swallowed up by the script and lose their own characteristics in the long dialogue.

But "Wild Hunter" aimed at Leon's advantage, allowing him to calm down and figure out the character's heart, not the lines. "

Yang Cheng nodded and answered, "Yes, I remember a scene in "Wilder Hunter" that impressed me. Huglas, played by Leon, was dying on a stretcher after being attacked by a bear. He watched and looked after him. His people killed his son but were helpless, and they didn't even have the strength to shout. They could only open their eyes in anger, and their almost dead body struggled in despair...

Although this shot did not utter a word or move half a step from beginning to end, the emotional explosiveness was instantly full. This is a completely different dramatic effect from the distorted on the ground after taking drugs in "The Wolf of Wall Street".

Performances like this abound in "Wilder Hunter". The actor Huglas alone embarks on the road of revenge, stubbornly drinking blood and struggling to survive.

The protagonist of the film is the snowy mountain and forest, which is the nature of the world. Leon is placed in a small situation. The one who plays with him is either a bison or a bear, a river or a cave. You can't see anything in his eyes. Fierce drama conflicts, but he has a strong aura from beginning to end, which is full of two beliefs: survival and revenge.

This kind of performance of "no move, no move" can be said to be the first time I have seen it in Leon. "

Spielberg toasted to Yang Cheng, "Jason, I didn't expect you to have such a profound insight into film art, no wonder Francis praised you~"

Yang Cheng toasted in return, "Steven, do you mean my film review of the godfather in Coppola Manor? Comeon, God knows how much I love that film. In fact, no matter who watched it dozens of times, Have their own unique opinions."

Everyone laughed, no one doesn’t love the Godfather. Whether it’s true or false, even if it’s just out of flattery to the Coppola family, they won’t say anything about "The Godfather" in public.

Spielberg shrugged slightly, "No, you don't need to be humble. If you don't have any artistic appreciation skills, there are some things you can't say at all. Trust me, I'm professional~"

Everyone laughed again. The people in Hollywood may not be able to do anything else. It is a basic skill to join in. Many awards presentations are boring and terribly boring. I was surprised that these big stars acted into a classic drama. See it with gusto.

Yang Cheng raised his hands helplessly, "OK, let's go back to the movie. I think once Leon gets his wish this time, besides the script, another person to thank is the photographer Emmanuel Lubezki. ."

Kate interjected, "I also heard Leon say that Lubezki and Inarito are Mexican gold medal partners, and the two have the same almost paranoid pursuit of the movie "Wild Hunter".

Sitting on two statuettes, Lubezki, who has worked with countless master directors, insists on shooting with natural light, which requires actors to be as precise as a drama, because the sun does not wait for others.

For example, Mr. Lubezki thinks that the light at 3 o'clock in the afternoon is the best shot, so you'd better finish it in this one, otherwise you have to wait until 3 o'clock tomorrow. "

Little Lizi joked, "Hey, I suggest that you just listen to it, and never learn it, because the direct consequence of this'talented is willful' shooting method is that the film is seriously overrun, but the benefits are obvious. It is us. The tension and attention of these actors always maintain a high degree of concentration, which is impossible for ordinary studios.

And I have also lamented on different occasions: this is the hardest time in my career, I have never experienced such a shooting method. "

Everyone present could feel that behind Xiao Lizi’s words was not a complaint, but a kind of "prosperity", and expressed how fortunate he was to have experienced such an experience and temper his acting career. .

"Lubetski emphasizes natural light, and Inaritu emphasizes the natural environment. Both of them also like to use long lenses to create a sense of reality.

As a result, severe cold weather + natural light + long shots have become the three major killers of "Wild Hunter". The pressure of the actors can be imagined.

I finished filming for nearly a year under such strong pressure. Every day I got up at three or four in the morning to put on makeup, and he went into the water repeatedly when filming the scene of glacier rafting.

The crew also equipped a huge heating fan for this, and it dried like bacon when I climbed out of the river.

At that time, I felt like I was just a ham, one to be slaughtered, just waiting for a delicious ham to bloom after the fermentation time was up!

The consequence of this tossing is that I have frequent colds, and the sickly Huglas you saw is actually my true state. "

Everyone can’t laugh this time. Everyone is a practitioner in the industry. They can understand how hard the filming is. Of course, whether the filming is hard or not has nothing to do with the performance. But it can be said that if you don’t suffer, you can Definitely not good at this play.

It is said that the crew traveled through the northern and southern hemispheres and fought for nearly a year. In the end, everyone suffered from frostbite. The photographic equipment was often frozen to death. Nearly 2,000 hours of footage were taken, only to show the cruel 151 minutes, which can be described as subtraction. Ultimately, without such will, it is impossible to present the most shocking performance.

In this movie, there is no "king of the world", nor the roaring face in the emoji. What people see on the screen is just a man walking alone, but even the simplest and simple back. Full of emotion.

When Xiao Lizi knows how to recycle and to be restrained, his accumulated skills for many years can be released to the greatest extent. This is the same principle as Tai Chi, which is free and integrated.

In the last shot of "The Wilderness Hunter", Xiao Li looked into the distance with a hint of illusion, his eyes seemed to be filled with infinite compassion and desolation, but the freeze frame for more than ten seconds seemed to follow him through thousands of mountains and rivers. That second glance is enough for him to lock in this year’s Oscar statuette~

Regarding the topic of Wilderness Hunters, we talked until the beginning of the show, and Yang Cheng took advantage of the crowd to go upstairs, and walked with Spielberg.

"Steven, what have you been up to lately?"

"You know, my life has always been dominated by movies. Recently, there is a project to be released, and a major science fiction production is in preparation."

Yang Cheng asked smoothly, "Still working with Warner?"

"Yes, the copyright is in Warner's hands~"

"I remember, is it the "Top Player" project?"

"Yes, what do you think?"

"I saw the plan from Donna, but unfortunately I can't cooperate with New Era Pictures~"

The regret that Yang Cheng expressed was Spielberg's most satisfying reply. No one disliked such advanced flattery.

"There will be a chance for Jason in the future, oh yes, maybe there is such a chance now~" Spielberg patted his forehead and said suddenly.

Yang Cheng was taken aback, "Can I listen? I can't wait~"

Spielberg smiled, took Yang Cheng around a corner, and went to a coffee shop on the first floor, but did not enter the audience hall. "I am going to make a biographical film about newspapers. The current selection is focused on the post. Above, but I think the New York Times is also a good carrier.

I remember "The New York Times" is under your banner, right? "

Yang Cheng couldn't help but remember that Spielberg seemed to be filming "Ready Player One" at the end. Taking advantage of the time of post-production, he took the time to shoot the "Washington Post". At the end, it seemed that he was nominated for the Little Golden Man, and he was not awarded. I can't remember, but it has a great influence in the American media.

If he remembers correctly, this was originally a Fox project?

But now that I know it by myself, I naturally have to cut it off

"Yes, Steven, believe me, The New York Times has a deep history to inspire you. In terms of international influence, the New York Times is much bigger than the Post."

This is nonsense. After all, these major newspapers in the United States do not have a clear judgment on who is strong and who is weak. However, to promote sales, it is natural to praise yourself and demean opponents.

Spielberg will naturally not be moved by a few words, "I will seriously consider it, maybe I will send an assistant to the newspaper to investigate, I hope you will cooperate there~"

"No problem, I will arrange for an assistant to meet him in person."

This is a key project for the award. Now that I know it, I can’t let it The voice changes, "I have something here and I want to ask you for help. It is just a sentence to you~"

Spielberg curiously said, "Of course, please say, this is my honor~"

"A friend of mine wants to go to USC to study drama and performance, but you know that it is too late to take the exam from the beginning, so I want to ask you, a well-known alumnus of USC, to help write a letter of recommendation~"

Spielberg smiled, "I guess your friend must be a beautiful lady~"

"I don't deny this order." Yang Orange nodded frankly.

"Ha~, I like your honesty. The letter of recommendation is no problem. If necessary, I can personally greet the dean of the Drama School." Spielberg agreed very simply.

As I said long ago, he not only achieved great success in film art, but he was also a very good businessman and a member of the capital. Then, he knew better how to handle the relationship with capital. Mutual assistance is the basic principle. .

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