Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1278: Title was eaten

The performance of the night went smoothly. As for the level of the little pepper daughter Apple, everyone did not care too much. After all, she is a child, not a genius, and she can win the first prize in the commercial competition. Her mother's face is occupied. A large part of the factor.

Just like today's ‘show’, it’s just a big show for everyone to see Spielberg’s face. If you only rely on Pepper’s own reputation as a stinky street, would you like to invite so many celebrities? Stop dreaming.

When the performance ended, Yang Cheng told Xiao Lizi about his plans to cooperate with Spielberg on the new project. If nothing else, his position as the actor this year is already fixed, and the project is finalized in advance, Spielberg With the combination of the Shinco Oscar actor, the "New York Times" project has the foundation for success.

Yes, he has vowed to name the project~

"Jason, I am very interested in this idea. I will be notified as soon as the script is released. I also hope to cooperate with Steven." Xiao Lizi is really interested, not for Yang Cheng's face.

"Of course, if the project is confirmed, you will be the first candidate for the actor~"

At the gate of the Los Angeles Theater, Yang Cheng didn't even glance at the little pepper who was seeing off the guests, and got in the car and left.

. . .

I was thinking of going back to New York tomorrow, but I hadn't seen my fiancee for a long time, so I left the theater and went straight to the airport.

A few hours later, the Jason landed in New York, Luo Yue personally picked up the plane at the airport, and after a tedious rush, sat on his Maybach Zeppelin, the quiet carriage blocking the bustling nightlife of New York.

"Are you accustomed to staying in New York these days?" Yang Cheng rubbed Luo Yue's small face and asked with concern.

"Very good, aunty takes me out to meet friends from time to time~"

"Are her girlfriends again?"

Luo Yue heard the ridicule in Yang Cheng's tone, patted him lightly, and said grotesquely, "There are also their children, males and females. Everyone treats me very well."

Yang Cheng stalked her neck, "That's it, don't look at who's fiancée, dare to treat you badly, isn't that looking for shi."

Luo Yue has long been used to his stupid appearance, "By the way, our boss called again."

Yang Cheng couldn't help but frowned, "Liu Yiming? Still asking about money?"

Luo Yue goodbye and don't send any hair. "That's not true, just ask me when I will go back to work, saying that the company has a new project~"

Yang Cheng held his mouth, he felt that Liu Yiming was a drunkard who meant not to drink, "Then do you want to go back?"

Luo Yue said embarrassedly, "New York is also very good, but I always feel that California is not suitable for life~"

Yang Cheng was helpless. The battle between New York and Los Angeles has been around for a long time. People in both places felt uncomfortable when they reached the other side, but this unsuitability never happened to him.

"This is not a problem. We all have houses in London. Don't forget the manor beside Lake Como. You can live anywhere you want."

Luo Yue responded softly, "Well~Don't talk about this, let's go home quickly, my uncle is still waiting for you, maybe I have something to tell you~"

. . .

After returning home, Luo Yue went back to the bedroom, Yang Cheng knocked on the door of the study, saw his son come in, smiled and joked, "It's really hard to see you now~"

Yang Cheng is not welcome, and directly responds, "It will be more difficult in the future~"

Sit down and poured himself a glass of wine to soothe the nerves, "Luo Yue said you have something to do with me?"

Yang Sen stood up and shook his glass, "Well, I also understand what you talked about with Li's family in Xiangjiang. This matter must be done by Yuanshan. Your New Era Media still maintains its current route. Right."

Yang Cheng nodded, "I know, I thought so too~"

Yang Sen exhaled, "I am very optimistic about the Royal Bank of Canada transaction~"

"Yes, we can use these 4% shares to do a lot of things. By the way, dad, the Canadian real estate market is very dangerous, and Yuanshan must pay attention to its investment in Canada~"

Since ancient times, Toronto and Vancouver have been important towns where Chinese people gather. Yuanshan Capital naturally has investment, and the share is not small.

"You don't need to worry about that, I have a thorough consideration, but you and Luo Yue's wedding, is there a fixed time?" Yang Sen changed his words and started to care about Yang Orange's marriage.

I was stunned, "Didn't you say it's okay? After the completion of the project on the Fiji Islands, the wedding will be held?"

Yang Sen nodded and didn't say much. He just said meaningfully, "The Luo Family is a little worried~"

Yang Orange blinked, as if she had guessed something.

"Can't let them make a decision?"

"Of course not, since you have set the time, you will notify them so they don’t worry~"

"Okay, I get it~"

It was too late, and Yang Cheng didn't talk much with his father. He drank all the wine in the glass and returned to the bedroom. Luo Yue had changed his clothes and was lying down *reading the magazine.

Yang Orange laughed strangely, "So positive?"

Luo Yue blushed and sipped, "Bah~ Go take a bath, it's dirty~"

. . .

The next morning, Yang Cheng personally sent Luo Yue on the plane back to Los Angeles. She still wanted to go back to work.

People have enthusiasm, and Yang Cheng is not easy to stop it~

After coming out of the airport and heading straight to the company, Yang Cheng saw Susu and asked her to find someone to investigate Klim's affairs. "Have you checked with someone? Is there any progress?"

Not long after Susu came back from vacation, the jet lag had not reversed, and the whole person looked a little tired, with thick dark circles and cosmetics that couldn't cover it.

"After many inquiries, people in the industry said that the highest-quality private detective in Europe is in Spain, so I found a private detective named Enrique who was born in the United States through the introduction of an industry insider in the United States. , Used to be an intelligence officer of F~B~I, and returned to the motherland without renewing the contract after the contract ended. He has been engaged in private detective business for many years and has rich experience in handling cases.

He is currently investigating in Germany~"

Yang Cheng nodded, "I want him to report progress anytime~"

"It's the boss~"

"Also this matter must be kept secret, except for the three of us, don't let the fourth person know."


Yang Cheng said, "Is your mother's condition better?"

Susu's complexion also eased, "I'm getting better, so I don't have to worry about money, and people feel a lot easier."

Yang Orange said with emotion, "A penny overwhelms a hero, and many people finally fell on the money~"

Susu didn't know what to say. If it weren't for Yang Cheng, what would his family be like now?

"When you get better, you can take your family to the U.S. and take care of them by your side. It's better than just caring over the phone when something happens."

"Thank you, but I don't think they would be willing to live in an unfamiliar environment with language barriers?"

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