Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1337: Girlfriends Night Talk

Post-holiday syndrome, a big traffic jam in the city, 20 kilometers of road blocked for almost 2 hours, crazy! Sorry to post it late and resume normal word count today. Update \\/

Angelina Jolie was planning to plan something important beyond Yang Cheng's consideration. After returning to the manor, Luo went to change clothes first, while Yang Cheng sat on the sofa to talk to White.

"On the issue of mountain fire prevention, the Shanzhuang community is preparing to convene a meeting with everyone to discuss donations for firefighters."

Yang Cheng laughed, "Why don't they want to avoid the wildfire?"

Even if White heard Yang Cheng's joking, he still replied stiffly, "I'm afraid it is inevitable. California's wildfires are largely related to unique topography and climatic conditions. California is located on the Pacific coast west of the Rocky Mountains in the western United States. The height difference is huge.

When a strong cold high pressure in the Midwestern United States descends to the Rocky Mountains, because of the strong pressure gradient, a strong northeasterly wind will blow off the coast of California. This wind direction falls straight from the Rocky Mountains to the vicinity of the Pacific coast, and the wind crosses the mountains and the slopes. The sinking forms a dry and adiabatic sinking process, which makes the air mass temperature rise significantly after crossing the mountain and the humidity is very low. When encountering a substance with a very high ignition point, it will immediately trigger a mountain fire. If it happens to be a strong windy day, what will happen It can happen. . . "

Yang Cheng hurriedly raised her hand, "Stop it, did you study physics before?"

"I am a gentleman who graduated from Butler Academy"

Yang Cheng was helpless, and White was powerless.

"Well, you just need to tell me what to do. Do you want me to attend the community gathering in person?"

White thought about it for a moment, "If you have time, it is best to attend in person. This is a good opportunity to strengthen the relationship between neighbors."

Yang Cheng pinched his eyebrows, what should I do when I meet a steward with a rigid personality? Waiting online, very anxious!

"I see, set a good time to tell me, what else?"

"The previous gardener resigned because the job was too ordinary and not challenging. I agreed."

Yang Cheng stared, "Is he kidding? A gardener thinks his job is dull? He should go to the Middle East. It's so lively there. It's more exciting to shoot every day."

White ignored Yang Cheng's cynicism and said to himself, "My suggestion is to hire a gardening company for regular maintenance, and the cost is far less than hiring a full-time gardener."

Yang Cheng pondered slightly, "If you think it's okay, then do so."

White leaned slightly to express his gratitude to Yang Cheng for his trust.

"Olson Manor offers an invitation to host a party in 3 days."

Yang Cheng refused directly, "I will be in New York in 3 days and I don't have time. Give it back."

If it is a widely cast invitation letter, there is no need to respond, and it doesn’t matter whether you go or not. However, for this kind of formal invitation, it is a matter of politeness that the butler or host personally responds to participation.

Next, I said a few more things, all trivial things. After Yang Cheng gave his own answer, White went down and busy. For the housekeeper, Yang Cheng went back to his room to rest and his work time was over.

Back in the room, Luo had changed his pajamas and was lying on the bed talking to a friend. When Yang Cheng came in, he told him that he was talking with Lin Ximan.

Yang Cheng nodded, and at the same time stepped lightly to the bathroom to wash. When he came out, Luo's phone call had already ended.

"What's the matter?" Yang Cheng asked casually.

Luo was still lying on the bed, two straight white legs hanging outside the edge of the bed, shaking.

"Manman asked where I was, if I wanted to go out for a drink."

Yang Cheng was surprised, "Didn't you just separate this afternoon?"

Luo curled up her hair in embarrassment, "Yes, maybe she hasn't recovered yet."

In the afternoon, in order to avoid Yang Cheng, he deliberately found an excuse. Although Lin Ximan had just fallen in love, he was not so heartbroken.

Yang Cheng said, "Are you not going?"

"Forget it, it's too late" Luo actually wanted to go, but thinking that Yang Cheng would return to New York tomorrow, she didn't want to be separated from Yang Cheng.

Yang Cheng saw the movement on her face and chuckled, "If you are too lazy, call her home. Anyway, there is also a bar at home. There are all kinds of wine in the wine cellar. There is enough for you to drink, and at home. Don’t worry if you drink too much, just find a room to rest."

Luo Yi sounded reasonable, and immediately stood up and pecked on Yang Cheng's mouth, "smart"

Yang Cheng hugged her and smirked, "Then would you like to reward me?"

Luo shyly pushed him away, "Don't make trouble, I first ask Manman if he wants to come"

Yang Cheng couldn't help but threw the person down. Following Luo's breathless voice, she shouted, "You call your phone and I will do my business without delay."

. . .

After more than an hour, Yang Cheng was still reminiscing about the beauty just now. Luo had already taken a bath and changed into light home clothes and went downstairs.

Lin Ximan's time card was very accurate, and a few minutes earlier, Yang Cheng's good deeds would be interrupted.

Downstairs, Luo received Lin Ximan at the gate. Even if the two girlfriends had just separated, they still couldn't finish talking.

"Wow, what a big manor, I really envy you" Lin Ximan said with envy only for amusement, and her expression could not show any envy at all, or if she had to be horny, she envied Yang Cheng and Luo's feelings even more. It's going to be broken up in the afternoon, so I'm reconciled in the evening.

Lin Ximan is not a little girl. At this time, Luo Zhanlu's amorous feelings, and the appearance of the lingering rhyme of his face, don't know what just happened?

Luo smiled and took Lin Ximan's arm, and whispered in her ear, "Don't let go of your mouth for a while, I told him that I went to you this afternoon to comfort your broken love."

Lin Ximan smiled, "Oh? So you forgive him?"

Luo shook with embarrassment, "It's not a forgiveness. I misunderstood him. Fortunately, I didn't break the matter, otherwise I would die of embarrassment."

Lin Ximan naturally didn't want to see Luo's feelings hurt. Hearing that things were developing for the better, he naturally felt happy for his girlfriends.

"I know, I will cover for you. I didn't expect that it was time for me to break up."

Thinking that he was talking about the sad thing about his girlfriend, Luo quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that."

Lin Ximan cheered up and said, "What are you talking about, I didn't blame you, I just sighed that fate always makes fun of people."

Lin Ximan always expressed similar emotions recently, Luo Kan felt pain in his heart, and really didn't know what to do to make her happy.

But Lin Ximan's mentality looks good, and after a few words of emotion, he immediately changed the subject, "This is the first time I come to your side, don't you take me around?" Update the fastest Qiqi novel https://

Luo is now also the hostess of this manor, so he is naturally qualified to show guests around, and taking a walk at night will also help relax body and mind. "Let’s go, let’s go to the garden first" Qiqi novels are published on the whole network.

The lights of Jason Manor will not go out at night, especially in the garden. In order to reflect the beauty of the plants, a small atmosphere lamp is also used. The small wind in the mountains is blowing, and the night view of the city of angels is at your feet. Listening to the singing of insects and birds, walking in such an atmosphere is more romantic and romantic.

"It's great" Lin Ximan sighed.

Luo smiled and agreed, "Yeah, here and Hawaii are completely different feelings. Only when the trouble is quiet can we highlight the importance of'quiet'."

The two girlfriends didn’t leave for too long. They returned to the villa a few minutes later. White greeted the guests respectfully, and then said to Luo, “The side dishes and snacks for wine are ready, and the bowling lane machine is turned on. , Do you need to prepare the audiovisual room?"

Luo Daoxie, "Thank you, White, just help us prepare a new horror movie, which has a better reputation."

White said very gentlemanly, "I won't let bad movies affect the good mood of the two beautiful ladies."

Lin Ximan is not only the first time to come to Jason Manor, but also the first time he has encountered a housekeeper in reality. The aristocratic aura revealed everywhere, inevitably fascinated.

Waiting for White to leave before talking to Luo, "You are now a noble wife"

Luo smiled bitterly, "Why, such a large manor always needs someone to manage it."

She thought to herself, "You haven't gone to Beihai Manor yet, Carson is the noble butler ~ I am also extravagant for your light today." Lin Ximan raised his chest and raised his head. , Deliberately made a look like a villain, amused Luo, "Well, you can drink spicy food with my old lady, and the benefits are indispensable for you."

The two girlfriends often make jokes like this. As soon as the voice fell, the two smiled at each other, not knowing where they were laughing.

"Where is the one in your house?" Lin Ximan asked wonderingly after entering the main hall without seeing Yang Cheng's person.

Luo Na was embarrassed to say that he was resting upstairs when he was tired. He just paused. Just as he was about to explain, he saw Yang Cheng yawning and also wearing house clothes, swaying down the stairs.

He waved his hand far away to say hello, "Welcome, I haven't seen you in a long time."

Lin Ximan also followed with a smile, "Yes, didn't bother you?"

Yang Cheng shrugged, "Why, you are Luo's best friend, that's my friend, my friend came to play at home, and it's too late to be happy, so why bother."

A word gave Luo face enough, the little girl smiled very happily, and gave a sneaky look of appreciation.

"Okay, you go and play. Feel free. I won't disturb your girlfriends chatting. I will go up there and get some drinks."

He just found an excuse to come down and say hello to Lin Ximan. After all, if people know you are at home and don't show your face, do you want to play a big deal?

Looking at Yang Cheng's back, Lin Ximan smacked his lips, "Why couldn't I meet such a good man"

Laura took her arm and said angrily, "What a good thing, men are the same."

It's not that she doesn't know that there are women outside Yang Cheng, and she often touches flowers and grass, but she doesn't want to believe it, as she said to Yang Cheng at the beginning, as long as she doesn't let her know let alone lead people home.

But in this accident today, did Luo really believe Wang Keying's rhetoric? maybe. . .

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