Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1338: Want to seduce me?

In the bar area next to the bowling alley, the two girlfriends were sitting on the big red sofa, drinking a cup, and the little cheeks blushing after a short drink, with drunken smiles.

"Manman, your boyfriend, it's not right, ex-boyfriend, just because you don't want to go back to China, you found a mistress in the country?" Luo Yue asked with a drunken hiccup.

Lin Ximan didn't get much better either, leaning on the back of the sofa like mud in the beach.

"These are all excuses. He just wants to set foot in two boats. If I accidentally read the text messages when he came this time, I wouldn't know that he is such a disgusting person."

When she said this, Lin Ximan had a look of contempt on her face, with her already heroic face, she really smelled like a female man.

It's just that this female man will never lack feminine femininity, just like when Lin Qingxia was young, who dares to say that she is not beautiful? But handsome is unstoppable.

Lin Ximan also has a similar temperament, but in terms of beauty, he still owes a bit of enthusiasm. Qiqi novels are published on the whole network

Luo Yue clenched his fists in indignation, and said violently, "This kind of scumbag should castrate him~"

Lin Ximan deeply agreed and nodded heavily, "Yes! He should be castrated~"

Luo Yue's mood suddenly changed, and a 720-degree turn occurred. He was downcast and pouted, "All men are the same!"

Lin Ximan cheered up, "What's the matter? Isn't Yang Cheng very nice to you?"

Luo Yue did not deny, "It's a stop, but is there no one outside of him? He ~ He deliberately asked an actor to lie to me, I just don't want to expose him."

In fact, she was just guessing. The more she thought about it when she calmed down, the more wrong she became. It was mainly a coincidence, but she could not find evidence of objection, and she was willing to lie to herself.

It's just that the alcohol is on the head, the mouth is closed at first, and everything is said.

However, she didn't even realize that what she said so quickly turned out to be the truth. Fortunately, Yang Cheng was upstairs. Otherwise, she would be scared out of her body when she heard this.

Lin Ximan was still somewhat sensible, and immediately covered Luo Yue's mouth, and softly comforted, "Silly girl, the past is over, don't turn over the old accounts, otherwise your relationship will only be left with endless quarrels."

Luo Yue struggled a few times, nodded discouragedly, "I know, I just said casually, not to my heart, really."

Lin Ximan sighed and nodded, "I think your drink is almost the same, otherwise, should you stop here? I should go back too."

Luo Yue grabbed the hand of her girlfriend, "What is the urgency, Yang Cheng also said, let you stay here to rest at night, there are some in the room."

Lin Ximan didn't want to stay in other people's homes, feeling uncomfortable, but she didn't know how to refuse Luo Yue's kindness, so she could only drink one cup after another, and the two of them hugged each other and fell asleep together.

Both White and the servant were sent to rest by Luo Yue. No one noticed it until the early hours of the morning. It was not until Yang Cheng took a nap and was still empty around him that he remembered to look downstairs.

As a result, when I saw the embarrassment of the two, they didn't cry or laugh. Fortunately, the two of them smashed his house because they didn't drink too much.

What should I do, I can't let the two of them just sleep here, right?

I had to do it myself, first picked Luo Yue up and sent her back to the room, wiped her face with a hot towel, changed into comfortable pajamas, covered the quilt and returned to the downstairs.

Without support, Lin Ximan lay directly on the sofa and was sleeping soundly. She was still muttering in her dreams. Yang Cheng didn't hear what she had said specifically. He turned her over and hugged the person in the same position as the princess. Who would have thought that this person was very vigilant, Lin Ximan struggled violently as soon as Yang Cheng's hand passed through the bend of his leg, and shouted vaguely, "Don't touch me, don't touch me~"

Yang Cheng reluctantly put the person down again, and for a while, she didn't know what to do. It was not her girlfriend, otherwise her **** would be blooming today. As for? What kind of grudges or grievances, drink yourself like this.

Sigh, I can't just leave people here, let alone whether Lin Ximan will blame him, Luo Yue must blame him when he wakes up.

This time he moved very lightly and kept as steady as possible. This time he didn't go to the second floor, but went straight to the guest room on the first floor. He held his breath and put the person on the bed. Before he could catch his breath, his wrist was covered. Suddenly catching it, Lin Ximan whispered in a crying voice, "Don't go~" Choking and screaming |w~w~

Yang Cheng is helpless, this is his current boyfriend?

He sighed, gently broke the little hand holding his wrist, took off his shoes and socks, straightened up and hesitated for a long time, picked up the person again, lifted the quilt, and put it back on the bed.

Doing this step is considered to be the most benevolent, can't even help take off the clothes, right? Even if there is that guilty heart, there is no such guts.

Carefully covered the quilt, turned around and went out until then, Lin Ximan slowly opened his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

In fact, from the first time Yang Cheng picked her up and struggled, she had already woke but she kept pretending to be asleep because she was afraid of embarrassment.

Just grabbing Yang Cheng's wrist was also stimulated by alcohol, the brain's unconscious behavior, people will become sensitive in all aspects after drinking, and Yang Cheng's hand was strong and warm just now when she held her.

Fortunately, Yang Cheng remained calm, otherwise she didn't know what to do.

I thought that Yang Cheng would not come back when he went out. Who would have thought that he would just go out and pour a glass of water, but as soon as he returned to the door, she caught the scene of her with open eyes and empty space. The two of them seemed to have been pressed the pause button and their eyes were in the air. Meeting, even the air stopped flowing.

Yang Cheng had a thick-skinned face. After a few seconds of embarrassment, he continued to walk in and said to those bright eyes, "You are awake~ I poured you a glass of water, it's a bit hot, wait until it's cold before drinking."

Lin Ximan blinked his eyes, his brain was very confused, but he subconsciously said thank you, and then buried his head in the quilt like an ostrich, not daring to look directly at Yang Cheng's eyes.

Originally, what Yang Cheng should do now is to quit obediently and pretend that nothing happened, but he was biased towards mischievous thoughts, mainly because Lin Ximan clearly woke up and let him in, which made him Some are upset, don’t you know that you are heavy?

Well, it’s actually not very heavy. It looks like less than 100 kilograms. It’s pretty standard, but it’s always a big person, and I’m afraid of waking her up and not holding it in the most comfortable position. It’s hard to walk a few steps. , But she can wake up and go by herself!

Careful Yang Cheng sat down, gently lifted the corner of the quilt, and said with a playful smile, "Aren't you afraid that Luo Yue finds me jealous of you?"

Lin Ximan moved his little hand covering his face slightly and gave him a confused look, "What do you mean?"

Yang Cheng continued to ridicule, "You are awake and you pretend to sleep and let me hold you, are you trying to seduce me?"

"Go away~"

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