Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1351: Mourn for the dead

This passage will waste a few cents for everyone: these days, Weibo and headlines are flooded with suicide news of a certain Korean actress. After reading it, I am not happy. To be honest, the author himself does not pay much attention to the entertainment industry, just because After checking a lot of information about the relationship between writing a book, I have a simple understanding.

As for the cause of death, is it unbearable tortured by online violence or conspiracy? No one knows! ps: I still prefer the latter! I hope there will be a day when the truth comes to light, although hope is very slim.

I thought that book and reality are two worlds, so I can write whatever I want for the plot, but after the news came out, I still had an instinctive aversion to the plots I had written.

Of course, the author himself knows that this kind of disgust will not last for too long. Instead, it will be forgotten as time passes. It may be written in the future. Similarly, the darkness of reality will not be lost because of the passing of a person. Light up, after all, the earth is still turning!

The only thing I can do is in this book, and try not to touch the plot of qian rules afterwards. May the deceased have no pain in paradise and bloom with eternal smiles. The fastest update of strange novels https://

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In mid-April, Yang Cheng rushed to England on Easter Eve. As Carson had previously guessed, a handwritten invitation letter from the Queen’s butler Annet Wilkin was sent to the North Sea Manor, inviting Yang Cheng to attend Windsor. Easter dinner hosted by the castle.

In the banquets held by the royal family in recent years, in addition to a few particularly close relatives of nobles and zz dignitaries, they can also receive invitations handwritten by Her Majesty the Queen, and the invitations of the rest of the guests are written by Annet, the Queen’s most trusted butler. No one finds it strange.

Carson personally brought the driver to the airport to pick up the plane, and the Jason still landed at the small airport in Shoreson.

On the way back to the castle, Yang Cheng specifically asked the Queen’s butler’s message, “Carson, what kind of person is Ms. Annett Wilkin?”

Although he may not have too much contact with the other party, but at the royal dinner, if he does not want to be the object of the nobles after dinner, he still wants to make the details as good as possible. There is no way, unless he becomes the king himself, otherwise he is in the nobles. In my eyes, everything can be entertained, even if you just use an inappropriate word.

Carson said sideways slightly, "Ms. Wilkin is a very good housekeeper. She has been working for the royal family since 1972 and has been for more than 40 years.

During these 40 years, Ms. Wilkin has grown from many apprentice butlers to the chief butler of the royal family. Not only is she well versed in royal rules, she is meticulous in dress, her work is organized and friendly, and she has won the trust of Her Majesty the Queen.

The queen gifted her one of her corgis and let her live in a small villa in Windsor Castle, just to bring her closer to herself, Ms. Wilkin also accompanied the queen in addition to her majesty’s family Your Majesty's longest time staff. "

Yang Cheng nodded slightly, this kind of feeling is worthy of envy and respect.

Carson sighed and continued, "Ms. Wilkin was unmarried all her life and dedicated her life to the British royal family. She has almost become a part of the royal family. She is responsible for managing the three maid teams in Windsor Castle, as well as cleaning and sanitation. .

Including the leaders of various countries who come to the UK to visit, as long as they stay at Windsor Castle, their rooms are cleaned by Ms. Wilkin herself. There has been no exception for so many years. She will pack the leaders for the leaders and bring their personal belongings. Prepare carefully the items or accessories that the leaders love so that you can feel at home in Windsor Castle. "

This is not very surprising. Yang Cheng believes that Carson will do the same well. This is an excellent aristocratic housekeeper. He must have the qualities that must not make the guests staying in the castle feel awkward and unfamiliar. Once the guests reveal Feeling uncomfortable is tantamount to a denial of the work of a housekeeper, and some housekeepers will even blame themselves for a lifetime.

After returning to the castle, Yang Cheng cordially accepted greetings from the maid team, including the gardener and chef, but they soon dispersed. The return of the owner of the castle also means that their work has become busy. stand up.

The busiest place is the kitchen. After the owner returns, the first test of the kitchen is the preparation of afternoon tea, including the preparation of tea and snacks. No one wants to lose this in the sluggish economy of the UK today. Stable and favorable environment.

As soon as the front foot entered the castle, the drizzle on the back foot started. The sky, which was still shining with the sun, was covered by a large cloud and became gloomy. This is Britain, with the changeable weather and the rain that greets you anytime and anywhere. , Can always make your good mood make a 180 degree turn in just one minute.

However, Yang Cheng was lucky and was not wet by the rain. The maid came to help Yang Cheng take off his suit jacket. At the same time, she always came with a glass of delicious juice. This is Yang Cheng's habit of living in the castle.

After Carson ordered the servants to work, he came back and asked, "Master, where do you have afternoon tea?"

Yang Cheng sat on the sofa, twisted her neck to move her cervical spine, and said casually, "Go to the study, just in time you report to me what happened in the UK recently." Update the fastest Qiqi novel https://

"As you wish"

Carson put one hand behind the previous one, bowed slightly behind him, and left to go to the kitchen to supervise the preparation of afternoon tea.

Only Yang Cheng was left in the huge living room. Oh, that’s not right. By the stone pillar more than ten meters away, there was a maid standing respectfully, waiting for Yang Cheng’s dispatch at any time, but Yang Cheng did not speak, she was like a shadow. Generally, there is no sense of existence.

The air suddenly became quiet, only the ticking sound of rain hitting the glass came, but it seemed extremely quiet and comfortable. A drowsiness surged up, Yang Cheng did not resist, and lay down directly on his side, accompanied by the lullaby played by nature. Fall asleep deeply.

By the time he woke up again, an hour had passed.

Sitting up while yawning, the thin blanket on his body slipped away. Turning his head to see, Carson was waiting beside him, smiling to his sleepy eyes.

Thank you with a chuckle, "Thank you for the blanket, what time is it?"

Carson came over and picked up the blanket. "This is my job, sir. It's just after three o'clock in the afternoon. The afternoon tea is ready. Can you enjoy it now?"

Yang Cheng yawned again, "Well, let's go, I just fell asleep and had a little appetite."

Strolling to the study on the second floor, Yang Cheng had just sat on the sofa in front of the window, and Carson directed the maids to put on delicate tea sets and refreshments.

Quietly watching the artistic service of the servants, teapots, cups and cup holders, supplemented by milk cups for milk and sugar cans for sugar cubes, are placed on the coffee table one by one, careful but cooked. The movement of the network is also a pleasure to watch.

However, usually, the tea sets that Carson chooses are mostly blooming roses or flowers with a rich oil painting texture. This style of thick ink and color is quite similar to the pastels and enamels of the z country, but it makes people The resulting impression is extremely full, and it is easy to integrate into the body of the body: being in a colorful, body bathed in sunlight and floral fragrance, sipping a fragrant afternoon tea, time seems to stagnate.

Moreover, the tea table decorations, food utensils, tea utensils, dessert plates, etc. are very particular. Place these utensils on the round table. You can also choose embroidery or lace on the tablecloths, and then play the beautiful music. At this time, afternoon tea The atmosphere is created.

Not only that, Carson has always been adhering to the traditional way, and used flowers, funnels, candles, photos, and napkins tied with satin flowers to assist in the decoration. It is a little complicated, but it is for this meal. Afternoon tea raises the style.

However, unlike the familiar tea sets in the past, this tea set seems a little strange today. It was the first time Yang Cheng saw him. He suddenly leaned forward curiously, pointed to the tea cup and asked Carson, "This is a new purchase. Tea set?"

Carson seemed very pleased that Yang Cheng was able to notice the changes in the tea set, and leaned forward, "Master, this is a set of tea sets I pulled out of the manor warehouse."

Yang Cheng picked up the fruit plate without fruit. The pictures on the plate had a strong brutalist style: in the colorful blue and green glaze, there were elves and winged forest creatures playing in the water. On the Unnamed Bridge stands a The ebony little angel is jumping and playing in the golden spider web, and wild animals fly by in the weeping forest.

This kind of rococo dream style is definitely not a work of art that ordinary porcelain manufacturers can make, and he suddenly raised his head, "You won't find treasure in the manor again, right?"

He was still thinking about the gold unearthed from the castle, and he was expecting to do it again, but good luck would be enough again, how could it come every day.

Carson couldn't help but smile, "No, it's just a batch of porcelain I stumbled upon when packing up the warehouse. According to my judgment, this should come from a batch of porcelain made by Wedgwood in the early part of the last century, and it is a legend at that time. Designer Daisy’s hand, if you guessed correctly, there should be only this one in the world."

Everyone knows that bone china is generally used to add 30% of animal ashes to the clay. There are more choices of cattle ashes. The addition of ashes increases the hardness and light transmittance of the porcelain, and the strength is higher than that of ordinary porcelain, which is twice that of daily use porcelain .

The unique firing process and the addition of bone charcoal make the impurities in the porcelain clay eliminated. The bone china appears whiter, finer, transparent, lighter, less flawed, and thinner than ordinary porcelain. It has a special visual cleaning. sense.

The higher the content of bone meal, the lower the composition of the clay, and the easier it is to burn during the production process. It requires higher technology in forming and increases the difficulty of firing, so it is more precious.

But Wedgwood's bone china formula is a very special proportion, it is difficult for the outside world to know, otherwise it would not have the title of the world's most exquisite porcelain.

However, in recent years, Wedgwood's products have gradually become mediocre, which has also made the products produced in the past become extremely rare. Many Wedgwood antiques produced 100 years ago have repeatedly sold sky-high prices at auctions, let alone mentioned Porcelain from Daisy's hands.

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