Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1352: Invisible outfit thirteen

"Can you be sure?"

Yang Cheng played with the porcelain plate, just like holding a worthless CD disc. People who watched the action were frightened. You must know that once his hand slipped, he would not only fall a plate, but also thousands or even tens of thousands of pounds. The lack of a legendary artwork.

Carson seemed very calm and didn't worry at all, "I am more than 80% sure~"

As an excellent housekeeper, omnipotence is synonymous with them, and even in several professional fields, they can reach expert level.

For example, Carson, who was born in Windsor Castle, is good at antique appraisal. 80% of what he says can be heard as 100%. His appraisal level is not inferior to Sotheby's or Christie's appraisers. Of course, it is far from the British Museum. The experts still owe some heat, after all, it is not his profession.

However, this is enough for Yang Cheng to make a judgment, "Well done, I didn't expect that the castle that I bought in my mind could bring me so many surprises."

If this whole set of porcelain is put up for auction, at least it can be exchanged for a Bugatti.

But he doesn't lack the money to buy Bugatti, so don't even think about putting it out for auction. Even he will not seal it as a work of art. Just kidding, isn't this porcelain made for human use?

No matter how expensive it is, it is just a plate. You can use it whatever you want. When a guest comes to the castle, you will find that any tea set for afternoon tea is an antique artwork worth hundreds of thousands of pounds. That is an invisible pretense!

Putting down the plate and beckoning the maids to continue, Carson did not continue the topic of porcelain, but instead introduced, "Master, the black tea I chose today is Shia black tea from the Tangji tea plantation in Sri Lanka.

Xia black tea belongs to the highest grade of high mountain tea. The strong fragrance has a delicate sweet fragrance. The tea soup is orange-red and can show a light golden edge in the sun. The taste is moist and soft. The faint tea fragrance fills the mouth, and it is sweet and sweet. The aroma and tenderness are excellent, making one's thoughts drift to the fresh and green Tangji tea garden, feeling the quiet beauty.

It is a pity that the sun is covered by dark clouds, which affects the visual enjoyment. This is my mistake. "

Yang Cheng waved her hand indifferently, who would have thought it would rain suddenly, "It's okay~"

Just now when Carson introduced the tea, the tea was already poured. Yangcheng did not put milk or sugar, but picked up the tea cup to taste the original flavor.

Xia black tea is not as strong as the lowland black tea, and is more suitable for milk tea. Of course, for the Yang orange who is used to drinking Z national tea, it is also good to drink purely. It has a rich and warm taste, and it is moist and cold at this time. A rainy day is a perfect fit.

Put down the tea cup and cast your eyes on the delicate snack rack. The well-known authentic British afternoon tea is equipped with a variety of salty sandwiches and croissants on the first floor; while the second floor is traditional English scones, and Only serve with cream and jam; the third layer is a variety of sweet handmade biscuits, small cakes and fruit tarts.

The cucumber sandwich must be present at the bottom of the refreshment prepared by Carson. It is said that this is a habit that the royal family’s afternoon tea still maintains. This is also the little knowledge Yang Cheng only knew after he owned the Beihai Manor. The reason is that As early as the Victorian era, fresh cucumbers only appeared in the kitchens of nobles, so this is also a status symbol.

A salty cucumber and ham sandwich opened up his appetite. After a sip of tea, his appetite became more empty, and he couldn't wait to reach the second floor of the snack stand.

For today’s refreshment, the scones were replaced with black truffle mashed potatoes on the second floor, topped with a layer of black truffle honey. The salty and sweet taste matches the mellow aroma of Xia black tea. There is melodious piano music in the ears. Life that can only be enjoyed in a castle. Qiqi novels are published on the whole network

Yang Cheng, who had eaten the second layer of dim sum, slowed down his tea, pointed to the sofa on the other side and said, "Sit down, let's talk casually, what interesting things have happened in Britain recently?"

Carson sat down, still maintaining a rigid but polite and elegant sitting posture, picking up the news that Yang Cheng wanted to hear, and slowly said, "Earl Carnarvon's injury has been effectively healed and he gradually regained consciousness."

Sure enough, Yang Cheng widened her eyes in surprise, "This is good news, can you speak?"

Carson shook his head, "It's a pity that he can't speak yet, but he can hear outside sounds and he gives a weak reaction through his eyes."

Yang Cheng sighed, "No matter what, this is a good sign, but unfortunately, the murderer has not been found yet."

Carson did not answer, and continued, "The London Jc Bureau has completed the relocation work, and Scotland Yard will officially be delivered to the British branch of New Times Media."

Yang Cheng nodded. He knew the news. In fact, the relocation work has been going on one after another. The people from the Jc Bureau moved away while the company people moved in, without delay.

"Is there any influence on public opinion?" He worried that public opinion would not be good for the After all, Scotland Yard is, to some extent, a holy place and taboo in the hearts of the British. Jc is so poor that it even sells its headquarters building. Foreigners, who knows what those narrow-minded people think?

"As far as I know, the control of public opinion is very good, and there is no too much opposition. For very few voices, it is completely negligible, and the London Jc Hall does not want the news to make a lot of noise. After all, this is also a shame. "Carson said truthfully.

Yang Cheng took a sip of tea, and then did not put down the teacup, so she held it in her hand. Sudden rainy days made the air moist and her skin became cold. It just so happened that the warm teacup could help warm her hands.

"What do I need to pay attention to about this dinner?"

Carson seemed to be prepared, and immediately said, "As for the precautions, I have listed them on the paper. Master has time to read."

Yang Cheng smiled satisfied, "I'm interested, Carson."

He did not shy away from his lack of knowledge of aristocratic etiquette, which made Carson feel very comfortable. The most feared thing is not not knowing, but not knowing how to pretend to understand, acting in accordance with other people's etiquette and customs in other people's territory. This is the quality that a civilized person needs to have, instead of showing your personal style on other people's territory, it will only make people feel that you are arrogant and rude, and being laughed at and ignorant is also deserved.

Of course, as the butler of Beihai Manor, Carson will not laugh at Yang Cheng, but he will always have slight dissatisfaction. This dissatisfaction will continue to grow over time. By then, it will be time to part ways with Yang Cheng. Qiqi novels are published on the whole network

Don’t forget that this is the 21st century. It’s not the Victorian period without human rights. At that time, a nobleman could decide the life and death of his servants, human rights with one sentence. What is that stuff? Can I eat it?

Fortunately, there is no such problem between Yang Cheng and Carson. . .

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