Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1371: All good actors

   "So your suggestion is that there is no need to meet?"

   Carson smiled slightly, "If the Bute family is really going to do something, there will definitely be a chance to meet in the future, won't you?"

   Yang Cheng pondered this sentence carefully, "It makes sense~"

   At this time, Yang Cheng, who was pacing forward, suddenly stopped and pointed to the weeds diagonally in front of him, "Isn't this trimmed?"

   Carson walked over, knelt down and took a look, then solemnly apologized, "I'm sorry, my lord, I don't supervise well."

   To be honest, if it's just ordinary weeds, Yang Orange will not be specially selected, but in the carefully trimmed back garden, a group of weeds looks particularly abrupt and unsightly.

   Of course, he didn't blame Carson for this. The huge back garden has several routes for viewing the scenery alone, and there are always some negligence.

   "You are not to blame, just urge the gardener to clear it."

  . . .

   After strolling in the garden for nearly an hour, he stopped to eat two snacks and drank a cup of tea before returning to the castle refreshed.

   A rare sunny day with plenty of sunshine. The windows and doors in the castle are open for ventilation.

  The gentle breeze flows slowly, and the sunlight is shining into the room, giving Yang Cheng a feeling of returning to California.

   The servants took the opportunity to clean up, especially at the corners of the corners, some places where there is no sunshine all year round, and special moisture-proof treatment is needed.

   Yang Cheng didn't want to hide in the study alone, so he asked Carson to take the book and sit in the living room to read it. The servants next to him came and went, very lifelike.

   At this time, Carson took Yang Cheng’s mobile phone and walked over quickly, clutching the microphone and whispered, "Your Highness~"

   Yang Cheng closed the book and took the phone, "It's me ~ William."

   "Hey, buddy, do you have time this afternoon?"

   "Of course, I have been in the manor~"

   "That's good, I will take my aunt and them to the castle in the afternoon."

   Yang Cheng frowned. At the critical moment of the negotiation, he shouldn't meet with the other party directly. But William couldn't help but say, "OK, you just come here, or I send someone to pick it up?"

   "It's great, let's go there by ourselves, we will arrive around 2 o'clock."

   "No problem, waiting for you."

   Hung up the phone, thought for a while, and called Wang Yitong. William brought his aunt and uncle over. In all likelihood, it was for the energy company. In that case, it is better to call Wang Yitong, the person in charge.

   After a round of phone calls, Yang Cheng told Carson to speed up the cleaning work and try to end it before the guests visited.

   In fact, the servants moved very fast. When Yang Cheng was about to have lunch, they had finished all their work, and the castle was quiet and peaceful again.

   After eating and drinking, she slept beautifully. Yang Cheng took a hot bath to cheer up. Just when she got downstairs, she received a notification from the guard that the guests were coming.

   Yang Cheng personally took Carson to greet him in front of the door, because everyone was here to talk about things, and there was no mood to visit for the time being. After some courtesy, everyone came to the living room and sat down, and the servants served tea in an orderly manner.

After    pulled down, Yang Cheng, as the host, opened the topic first, "Is the way here going smoothly?"

   William answered, "It went well, I thought it would be very blocked."

Yang Cheng shrugged, "Recently, the highway leading to Shoreson has been widened, with one more row, which immediately eased the congestion in the past. This is the only good thing the infrastructure department has done. I am also going to praise them in the newspaper. It."

   one sentence set the tone for a relaxed chat, as if the things that had been tricked before had never happened.

   I chatted a few more words about the weather. Yes, this is the theme that has remained unchanged in the British conversation for thousands of years. If nothing happens, I can chat for an afternoon.

   Fortunately, William and the others have something on their minds, so they took the initiative to stop the gossip and brought the topic back to the topic, "Jason, regarding the debt problem of Corey Energy, I apologize to you on behalf of my uncle."

   Yang Cheng smiled and didn't respond. What kind of joke, he was almost pushed into the pit. Can an apology be resolved?

   It’s useless even if you are a prince. The prince’s name is not worth £1 billion.

   Of course, Yang Cheng did not anger William. He was also a victim in this matter.

William’s aunt Sarah also said apologetically, “Mr. Yang, we did not do this right. Corey concealed the company’s debt problem. It was also because of too much pressure and wanted to recover the loss as much as possible. I hope you I can understand. For this, we discussed it and decided to show sincerity as compensation."

   Yang Cheng raised some interest more or less, and he could make William go to war and directly lead someone to the door to apologize. Is the other party's sincerity sufficient?

   Sarah didn’t sell it, and said straightforwardly, “Cory’s original plan was to cash out shares in the energy company and then join a joint venture with a friend to acquire Northwest Electric Power.”

   Yang Cheng looked solemnly, and turned his head slightly to wink at Carson who was waiting on the side.

   The other party knew it, and immediately pulled away, and took Yang Cheng's pad in a short time.

   Yang Cheng immediately Googled the basic information of Northwest Electric Power Company.

As one of the 14 basic distribution network operators in the United Kingdom, Northwest Power serves approximately 5 million customers and 2.4 million customers in the northwestern region of the United Kingdom, including important cities such as Manchester, Lancashire, and Chester, and rural areas such as Cumbria. Building electricity.

   is a very scarce, low-risk infrastructure asset. It has stable customers, good operations, and can continuously generate safe and lasting stable income. To a certain extent, it is more worthy of investment than Corey Energy.

Seeing Yang Cheng looking down and reading the information, Sarah added, "We have received news that recently the major shareholder of Northwest Power Company JP, and the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, the first domain group of Kanglian, plan to sell it for 2 billion pounds and auction it. The meeting will be held in the third quarter of this year.

   We are sure to persuade the other party to cancel the auction and become a private transaction between the two parties. "

   Yang Cheng raised his head and handed Wang Yitong the pad to let her take a look.

   The other party's intention is self-evident. The other party had deliberately concealed the debt problem before. Because of the existence of William, the other party didn't want to get upset, so they chose to use other methods to make up for it. For example, they provided news of an important asset sale!

As soon as Sarah’s voice fell, William followed, “Jason, Northwest Power is one of the few high-quality industries in the United Kingdom. With a population of 5 million in the Northwest, you will be facing a lot of competition if you live in this company. opponent.

   As far as I know, potential investors who are currently interested in participating in the bidding include British pension funds and Spanish power giants.

   In addition, the State Grid of Z, which has been trying to acquire power assets in European countries, will also participate. By the way, there is also the Li Chaoren family of Xiangjiang, which is also a strong competitor. "

   The previous opponents, Yang Cheng, didn't care much. They might be the pawns to accompany the target, but when he heard that Li Chaoren would also enter the game, he immediately raised his guard.

  As an asset that can be valued by a savvy person like Li Chaoren, it must be a good thing. Yang Cheng has no doubt about this.

   Of course, the value of Northwest Electric Power lies there. There is nothing to hide. Even without Li Chaoren's participation, Yang Cheng might still invest, but with Li Chaoren's attention, his confidence is even stronger.

   "Did you just say what is the price of JP Morgan?"

   Sarah immediately said, "2 billion pounds~"

   Yang Cheng muttered this number in his mouth, and then directly picked up the phone, swiped in the address book for a long time, and found a call and made a call.

   After waiting for a few seconds, the other party answered the channel, "jason? You don't call me often."

   Yang Cheng smiled, "I'm sorry Jamie, did you interrupt your breakfast?"

   The other party is Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan, "Oh, luckily, I just finished breakfast and I am about to get on the bus to the company."

   "Perfect, that's it. I'm in the UK and I'm talking about a business with Prince William's friend, Northwest Power Company. The shareholder is JP Morgan, right?"

   Jamie Dimon was startled, as if he was mobilizing the information in his mind, there was no way, because Morgan had too many assets under management.

   After a while, he replied, "Yes, so you are going to buy?"

   He remembered that a few months ago, at a regular meeting, the president of the British branch reported this incident.

   Yang Cheng affirmed, "Yes, you plan to sell it for £2 billion. I'm fine at this price, so you don't want to sell it and sell it to me."

   Jamie Dimon hesitated for a moment, and changed his mobile phone. "If I remember correctly, JP Morgan is not the only shareholder of Northwest Power."

   Yang Cheng covered his forehead, as if you were teasing my expression, "comeon, I don't think the Australian group called Kanglian First Domain will reject the will of Morgan Stanley!

   Besides, I won’t let them lose money, so I directly took out your expected figures, and saved the trouble of the auction. "

   Jamie Dimon himself agrees with Yang Cheng's first domain of Kanglian? He didn't pay attention to the little character who was following the soup, but he still habitually squeezed it, "Uh~ I have to discuss with my colleagues in the UK before making a decision for you."

  Who knows that Yang Cheng didn't want to grind, so she offered her own terms straight away, "I can't take out 2 billion pounds in cash at one time to prepare part of the loan."

   Jamie Dimon showed a successful smile, "Oh! No problem, JP Morgan is willing to provide loan services for New Era Media."

  New Era Media, but now Wall Street investment banks want to win high-quality customers, because New Era Media is not short of money, naturally it does not need loans.

   It's rare to hear the word loan from Yang Cheng. It's not easy. Loaning money to high-quality customers means high handling fees and interest rates. All he wants is profit.

   The most important thing is that this transaction does not need to use cash at all. The Northwest Power Company is directly transferred to Yang Cheng, and then the repayment mode, period and interest can be negotiated.

   What's more, Yang Cheng personally called, it is more or less a favor, so weighed, the decision does not seem to be difficult!

   "Then, we are happy to cooperate~"

   Yang Cheng sighed that all TM are good actors, but she said loudly, "Happy cooperation~"


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