Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1372: Food, clothing, housing and transportation are indispensable

   After Yang Cheng hung up, everyone was looking at him with shocking eyes.

   Of course, except for Carson, this is what the master should be in his opinion.

   As the lord of Beihai Manor, if he can't even make a purchase, he might as well jump into the sea and drown.

  William knew that Yang Cheng had such strength, but he was still shocked by Yang Cheng’s contacts. A call was made to the personal phone of the CEO of JP Morgan without making an appointment.

   It took less than three minutes to negotiate the deal, and they didn’t even need middlemen like them.

   Corey's previous expression was still mixed with a hint of resentment. Although he concealed it well, he did not escape Yang Cheng's eyes.

   Yang Cheng was very clear about what he was thinking. It was nothing more than his own routine was exposed, a little bit irritated, but due to William's pressure, he could only pinch his nose to admit it, but this did not mean he was convinced.

   Until Yang Cheng finished the phone call, he realized how naive his previous actions were. Just seeing the other person's young and yellow skin made him feel bullied.

   Fortunately, William reconciled in time and didn't wait for Yang Cheng to make a move by himself, otherwise it would be a big trouble.

  Sarah was also fortunate that Yang Cheng's muscles were exposed at the right time, and they were not irretrievable.

In fact, they think too much. At Yang Cheng's current level, the other party's tricks will at best make him a little bit angry, but they won't take it to heart, because you are not a level person, you think you are smart to play me , Then you don't want to have any cooperation with me in the future, as for whose loss is calculated by yourself.

   The reason why he made this call and decided on the acquisition in such a short period of time was entirely due to the pressure of reality.

   Now the acquisition of Westinghouse Electric is in progress. Prior to this, he also invested in the water company in the UK and the Corey Energy Company, which was immediately acquired. If the Northwest Electric Company is added, the investment in the infrastructure industry is increasing.

He also wanted to open it. Li Chaoren was madly cashing out the UK for his own family, not only for making money, but also for the long-term consideration of the family. Judging from the British assets that Li Chaoren now holds, as long as their family He did not die, and Britain was not invaded to the mainland. The Li family can be said to sit back and relax, and there is no need to worry about his family's decline in a hundred years.

   Although Yang Cheng is a little early to make the same investment plan, it is not superfluous. The Internet bubble is too big, and the tragic scene when it burst is still fresh in his memory.

  Even if the world has officially entered the Internet age, it has become an indispensable part of people's lives. The crisis experienced in 2000 should be difficult to reproduce, but it does not mean that this industry can be as indispensable as the infrastructure industry.

People’s lives are inseparable from water, shops, food, clothing, housing and transportation. In other words, even if the world economy goes backwards for 50 years and the Internet is wiped out and does not exist, people who invest in electricity and water can still be able to live. Make money because humans have needs!

   From this perspective, Yang Cheng felt that his decision was not wrong. He wanted to build a castle that was difficult to conquer for himself and his family. When disasters and crises come, he will not survive even if he stays home.

   For this reason, even if the loan is to be acquired, it will not hesitate!

   What's more, in this acquisition, he can completely empty the White Wolf without paying a penny, and use the future earnings of Northwest Electric Power as collateral to obtain a loan from JP Morgan.

   With Northwest Electric’s current annual income, it is more than enough to repay the loan plus interest.

   Looking back at the castle, the high-rise living room gives people a huge space to enjoy. People sitting in the living room will not feel the slightest restraint.

   However, Corey seemed to be in a room of only one square meter, sitting in a tightly stretched posture. He was sitting on the sofa, but he stood up unconsciously, with only half of his **** against the sofa, as if there was a knife in it.

   "Anyway, thank you for the news." Yang Orange said calmly.

   "This should be because of my stupidity for a while, and you almost fell into a trap. It's too bad." Corey answered cautiously.

   Yang Cheng smiled faintly and looked at William, "Thank you too. Was the money I decided to invest in the foundation a bit small? Why not add another million?"

   William swears that if Yang Cheng is a woman, no matter what country she is, whether he is fat or thin, no matter how beautiful or ugly, he will kick Kate off and marry Yang Cheng home.

  Of course, Yang Cheng didn't know William's thoughts, otherwise he had to break off friendship with him, he was a pure man.

   However, William still had to act on his lips, "Thank you, I am for those who need help, thank you for your generosity."

   Yang Cheng waved his hand, "This is nothing, by the way, I have to trouble you to continue to help you stare. If there is a sale of similar infrastructure assets, please notify me as soon as possible."

  The implication is that our cooperation will continue, but this time the scope is reduced to the field of infrastructure.

   This is nothing to William. As long as he wants, there is no news in this country that can be concealed from him.

After chatting for a while, everyone got up and prepared to move to the sun room to enjoy afternoon tea. Except for Yang Cheng and Wang Yitong, they are all authentic British people, and they all come from the Emperor’s House. Afternoon tea is an event that must not be missed. Even if you don't eat lunch, you can't give up afternoon tea.

  Taking this Yang Cheng asked Carson to lead the way and show them around in the castle, mainly the garden. William was also very interested and followed enthusiastically.

   Yang Cheng and Wang Yitong lag behind. He has something to tell and jokingly said, "You haven't joined the job yet. I have assigned you so many tasks. I hope you will not regret it."

  Wang Yitong smiled, "Of course not, I always think that pressure is motivation, and I really like the feeling of being pressured on my body by untold work, which makes me feel that life is more meaningful.

   And, the more pressure you put on me, the more assets I will be in charge of. This is always a good thing, right? "

   Look, what this said is both clear and righteous, but also expresses one's own attitude, which makes people unable to fault.

   "Okay, I like the enthusiasm in you, go ahead and do it, I hope you can be on par with Eddie soon."

  Wang Yitong naturally knows who Eddie is, the captain of New Times Media! One of Yang Cheng's right-hand man! The top ten influential figures in the American media industry!

   And Yang Cheng’s promise also proved his ambition from the side. Yang Cheng’s acquisition of so many energy and infrastructure assets is not as simple as making money. He wants to build a large group no less than New Era Media.

   At this moment, Wang Yitong felt his blood boiled over, and he wished to return to the United States now, roll up his sleeves and go for work!


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