Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1392: Unfortunately no longer young

   Rich people like to set up a secret stronghold for themselves. The man is for Jinwu to hide the sweet, and the woman is, haha~

   This ordinary apartment in Midtown Manhattan has an area of ​​less than 100 square meters. Because it is only a 10-minute walk from Central Park, it is expensive.

   The night was slightly cool, and the open windows made the sound of cars passing by from time to time, but they were automatically shielded by Yang Cheng and Zhao Anqi.

After they spoke at the same time, they fell into a short silence again. Zhao Anqi sighed, "When he won Collins back then, he made several conditions, one of which was to sell him several scrapped freighters. As for what he used for it, we didn’t ask. After all, everyone has their own secrets."

   Yang Cheng narrowed his eyes, "However, you all know his activities very clearly."

   Zhao Anqi seemed to be unable to speak, but nodded laboriously.

   Yang Cheng leaned back, no matter whether it was a woman’s house or not, he directly lit a thin cigar, vomiting clouds and fog.

The special chocolate smell permeated, Zhao Anqi actually took a deep breath of second-hand smoke with some enjoyment, got up and sat down, leaned on Yang Cheng, took the burning cigar from his hand, and took a sip skilfully, "Go back to I also give some?"

   Yang Cheng looked at this woman with dumbfounding, "Is it time to talk about cigars?"

  Zhao Anqi put her head on Yang Cheng’s shoulders and leaned on her side, "Jason, I said I was also a hindsight, do you believe it?"

   Yang Cheng did not hesitate at all, "Letter~"

   Zhao Anqi turned her head abruptly, and spit out smoke at Yang Cheng meaningfully, "Just believe me?"

   Yang Cheng didn't avoid it, letting the haze of smoke envelope him, "I don't believe in you, but I believe in my own eyes."

Anqi Zhao smiled, poking her head and leaving a bright red mark on Yang Cheng’s cheek, "Your eyes are very sharp, I really have a hindsight, this matter has always been the second sister in charge, when I have After knowing it, I had a fight with her, but what can I do? Order her to report Collins?

   Our family and Collins are on the same boat. The most ridiculous thing is that we personally pulled Collins aboard. "

   Yang Cheng looked up at the ceiling, "That's why Collins was arrested. You are so anxious to shut him up, even if you don't hesitate to get rid of him?"


   Yang Cheng sneered, "Unfortunately, everything is counted. I didn't count that something happened to the cargo ship and was blocked by F~B~I."

   Zhao Anqi leaned on Yang Cheng's shoulder again, and said blankly, "As long as F~B~I closes the case, we will be completely safe."

   "Collins promised to bear all the charges?"

   "What if he doesn't agree? Does he still want to cause his family and friends to die together?"

   Yang Chengquan didn't hear these words, but now that if Collins really didn't control his mouth, it would be impossible for the Zhao family to use extreme methods.

   The voice changed, "Smuggling and si business, your Zhao family also have a share?"

   Zhao Anqi smiled bitterly, "I didn't pay a cent for me."

   Yang Cheng looked strange, "You are also the number one leader after the old man retires. Will this kind of thing not pass through you?"

   Zhao Anqi turned her head and said in a slightly annoyed tone, "I am the little daughter, so naturally I must be protected."

   Yang Cheng suddenly realized that it was so.

   "Okay, I won't be involved in this matter anymore, I believe you also have a solution."

   Zhao Anqi said softly, "Um~ don't worry~"

   then suddenly sat up on her knees, pretending to be ferociously pinching Yang Cheng's neck, and questioning slightly, "Say, did you just want to get rid of me?"

Yang Cheng stretched out his hand to embrace the weak boneless waist, she looked like a 40-year-old woman, this figure said that no one would dare to question the 30-year-old, not to mention the charm of Zhao Anqi, which is far from cultivated by a 30-year-old woman. .

   "Don't think about it, how could it be possible, I also wonder how to pick you out once the worst happens."

   Zhao Anqi looked unbelief, "You can't believe a man's nonsense. Seeing you drag me out of a friend's house angrily, what kind of heart can you have?"

  , while talking, he was puzzled, and hit Yang Cheng with a punch. Of course, that little strength was not much different from tickles, "I blame you, how can I face my friend in the future?"

   Yang Cheng grinned and said, "I'm enough, what kind of friends do you want~"

The rogue words made Zhao Anqi angrily smile, stretched out her hand to rub Yang Cheng's tough cheek lines, and gazed affectionately at those dark eyes, and said mournfully, "If I were ten years younger, I would definitely not give her a woman. opportunity."

   Yang Cheng blinked, "So, you are eating Luo Yue's vinegar?"

   Zhao Anqi angrily pushed away Yang Cheng’s big face, "Fuck you~"

The night was still very long, and I felt sorry for the Hansen team waiting below, but Yang Cheng finally did not forget them. After going upstairs for an hour, he called Hansen and told him to leave two people on duty. Go home and rest.

   Anyway, he will not go downstairs tonight, there will be no danger.

  . . . . . .

   At noon the next day, while Yang Cheng was having lunch, he received a call from Cary. From the end to the end, he only said one sentence: Collins suffered a heart attack and died after the rescue failed.

   Yang Cheng didn't say a word, silently hung up the phone, eating lunch in a dispirited manner, without seeing the joy, anger, sorrow, and joy.

   But he adjusted his mood very quickly. There were still a few important guests to meet in the afternoon. No one noticed the strangeness, and there was no omission.

   Finally finished the appointment Yang Cheng returned to the desk non-stop and started replying to emails.

   Drag the mouse to the bottom, starting from today’s earliest mail, the time spent on Anna Wintour’s mail is the longest.

   The devil has officially taken up her post as the CEO of Condé Nast, and the struggles that occurred during the period will not be mentioned. Anyway, under her **** suppression, everything is calm.

   And the outside world has mixed opinions on the high-collared female devil who is nearly 70 years old and has become the CEO of Condé Nast. He even criticized Yang Cheng by the way, saying that he has recently lost his face. This employment decision will be the beginning of his failure.

Yang Cheng didn’t care about this, and he wouldn’t personally go off to scold the reporter who wrote this article. On the contrary, the devil’s violent temper has always been unbearable, directly at the press conference where she performed her duties. It was useless to say anything to the reporter.

   The results were surprisingly good. The devil's temper was not diminishing back then. She even sprayed her for 10 minutes without repeating the feat. It seems that becoming the CEO of Condé Nast is not a big problem.

In the email, Anna Wintour reported her recent work in detail, including rectifying the group’s personnel structure and adjusting the salary structure. These are the changes that the new CEO must make in order to appease his subordinates, Yang Cheng Naturally, it is full support, asking for money, money and people, and there is only one requirement: to get the group back on track as quickly as possible!


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