Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1393: Charity Summit Opening

   That evening, after Yang Cheng finished his day of work, he welcomed the designer of LV in the office. Recently, due to the change of body shape, the size records of LV in the past may be invalidated.

A few days ago, a tailor came to re-measure the size. Today, I will try new clothes. By the way, I will put on a new set of dresses. It is convenient to attend the opening ceremony of the charity summit in the evening. It is also a small welcome reception. The next day, many gatherings. The world's top wealthy celebrities who arrive in New York will have a series of discussions on philanthropy.

   Yang Cheng tried a set of pure white dress first, but he rejected it right after the upper body. How does this suit look like a wedding dress, it is better to be more solemn to attend the charity summit.

  The designer almost moved the entire designer on the third floor of the LV flagship store. There are as many as 40 dresses as options, and professional makeup equipment, of course, for Luo Yue.

   Andrew went to pick up people at the airport, to see if it was time.

   Just when his thoughts came up, Su Su knocked on the door and came in, followed by Luo Yue in a casual dress.

   Yang Cheng stood on the spot, letting the designer fumble around and check for any omissions in the details.

   Seeing Yang Cheng opened his arms, Luo Yue naturally gave a hug and Xiangwen, and then took a step, pinched his chin and looked all over, commented, "This body is not bad, I like this fabric."

The designer poked his head behind Yang Cheng and smiled and said, "Miss Luo has a great vision. This is the latest fabric with the silk element of Country Z. The surface is smooth and breathable, without losing weight. It highlights the lightness as much as possible, and does not show cumbersomeness and burden when worn."

   Yang Cheng nodded in agreement, "Yes, and there will be no restrictions on activities. Just use this fabric. According to different occasions, help me make 10 more sets. In addition, I need 10 sets of ladies' suits."

   The designer worked hard all afternoon, just waiting for these words, "No problem, Mr. Yang."

   Yang Cheng is finally ready to move. The open suit reveals a pure white shirt. Before he has time to match the tie, let the designer give Luo Yue the styling first.

   After a busy schedule, finally, after night fell, both sat in the Maybach and prepared to go to the municipal library where the opening ceremony of the charity summit was held.

   Maybach walks through the bustling streets of Manhattan. If you look down from the air, the neon lights at night will light up every street in Manhattan, and outline Manhattan’s refined and neat urban planning.

   Because it was Friday night, the evening rush hour was extremely long, and Maybach was inevitably blocked on the road. Fortunately, Luo Yue was accompanied by him, and the traffic jam did not feel boring.

The New York Public Library with a century-old history is located in the downtown area of ​​42nd Street on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. There are tall buildings around the library, and the bustling crowd seems to be on Wall Street, not like a quiet library, especially tonight. Gathering the richest group of people in the world, countless bystanders and the media have turned this place into a noisy Beverly Hills, with flashing lights like snowflakes, bright as day.

  As one of the largest libraries in the world, the New York City Library is completely different from the common libraries. It is the kind that can subvert the concept.

   This is more like a classical art museum. Get off the bus and go to the wide library steps. The library in front of you is a palace-style building with neoclassical style.

Against the backdrop of colorful lights, this “palace” exuding rich history and art is more stylish. Like Central Station, as one of the most famous landmarks in Big Apple, many Hollywood movies such as "Spider-Man" "The Great Escape of New York" and so on are all based on the New York Public Library.

   There is a pair of tall lying lions in front of the library, similar to the stone lions used as town houses in front of the ancient royal mansions of the country Z.

But they are not ordinary stone lions. They have names. They were originally named after two philanthropists who donated money to build the library. However, during the Great Depression in the United States, the mayor of New York at that time gave the two stone lions to encourage the people. Renamed "Patience" and "Perseverance".

   If it is a normal day, you will definitely be able to see many tourists taking pictures in front of the tall stone lion, touching the cold lion body, and seemingly able to feel the power of "patience" and "persistence"!

As the organizer of the Charity Summit, this time, it kept the "low-key" throughout. There was neither a welcome ceremony nor a red carpet. The media was also blocked from the periphery and stayed away from the guests as much as possible, except for those needs. Outside of the stars of exposure, the wealthy will walk quickly through the media double-teaming zone and stop staying too much in front of the camera.

   The entire library building is made of milky white marble, inlaid with bronze alloy doors and windows and roof decorations. It is gorgeous and elegant. Luo Yue, who came to the municipal library for the first time, was amazed by it.

   took Yang Cheng's arm and whispered softly, "After the summit is over, I will come and get better."

   Yang Cheng resisted the invitation letter and said softly, "Well, I will bring you here then."

Entering the magnificent hall of the library, the high arched ceiling is hung with simple and gorgeous chandeliers. The arched design on the top of the chandeliers is very elegant. The high candlesticks placed in the four corners are always bright throughout the night. The candlelight is warm and soft, and donations are engraved on the walls. The name of the writer is extremely stalwart against the candlelight.

   Standing in the hall, it seems even more difficult to connect this building with the library. It is clearly more artistic than the Metropolitan Museum. As the poet Borges said: "Heaven should be like a library."

   After signing in at the welcome counter facing the gate, someone was responsible for leading Yang Cheng to the main venue. Yang Cheng asked directly, "Are Mr. Li and Mr. Buffett already here?"

  The beauty of the welcoming guest is professionally trained, with a very standard smile, "Mr. Buffett has arrived."

   Yang Cheng nodded slightly and stopped talking, gently stroked Luo Yue, and walked towards the stairs.

   The hall, one on the left and one on the right, has two stairs hidden behind the arched stone pillars as if they are suspended in the air, unique.

After walking up the second floor, the long corridor is a reading room. The exhibition corridor displays historical pictures of the library. The reading room is empty. There are photos of a ranked person on the wall. A few hours ago, it is estimated that Someone is reading quietly and intently, as if isolated from the world, this is a completely different world from the noise outside.

   The reading room is elegant and warm, and the atmosphere is full of humanistic atmosphere, which will make you quiet and unwilling to disturb.

   Of course, Yang Cheng just took Luo Yue for a brief tour, then went on to the third floor, where the main meeting place was.

  The hall on the third floor is more magnificent than the first floor. It is like a banquet hall in a European castle, with towering arches and exquisite murals on the four corners of the wall, depicting historical stories with recorded text and printing;

   The oil painting on the ceiling is a masterpiece of art. Almost everyone comes in and looks up. Even if Yang Cheng was here when he was a child, the huge mural is still deeply imprinted in his mind.

That is, in a glass cabinet in this hall, there is the treasure of the town hall of the city library-Gutenberg's "Bible". This is the first Gutenberg "Bible" that came to the New World of America. It is said that this The "Bible" was circulated in the 15th century, and only 48 copies remain intact.

The two spent a long time on a pilgrimage to the "Bible". Fortunately, neither of them were Christians. They stayed for a while with the mentality of admiring historical relics. They didn't even take pictures and entered the famous "Rose Master Reading Room". .

   Different from the calm atmosphere of the past, today's "Rose Reading Room" is full of voices. Gentlemen in solemn dark dresses and ladies in elegant and low-key dresses shuttle through the spacious reading room in pairs.

   was the first to see a black lady with long fluffy hair like a lion. Oprah Winfrey in a purple dress attended the charity summit as a representative of the entertainment industry.

   It seemed that she was just here, and she hadn't had time to find a suitable conversation target, and Yang Cheng naturally attracted her attention afterwards. After a little hesitation, she came over with a glass of wine, "Mr. Yang?"

   Yang Cheng immediately picked up a glass of champagne from the wine table on the side of the entrance, and toasted to the other party, "Hey, Gail, do you want to see you like that?"

  Gail is her middle name.

   Oprah moved his plump body, showing a signature smile, and embracing enthusiastically, "Jason, long time no see, how have you been?"

   "Not bad, Gail, let's change places? Can't we block the door and let people in?"

   Oprah readily accepted the proposal, moved to another position and continued to chat During the period, Yang Cheng did not forget to introduce her fiancee Luo Yue.

   "Jason, I met your mother at a party last year, and she was very pleased that you were able to get back to the right."

  As the most influential black woman in the world, there is no one. Oprah’s network has long expanded beyond the entertainment circle. In fact, Yang Cheng and Oprah know each other because of his mother Liu Yun.

   Yang Cheng shrugged, "I used to be young and ignorant, but now I'm on the right track, and I didn't disappoint those who care about me."

   Oprah said sternly, "This is right, and your achievements now prove that you are a capable child."

   "Thank you, Gail, by the way, why didn't you see Mr. Graham?"

Steadman Graham is Oprah’s other companion, but because of some unexplainable relationships, he has never been married, and has no children. They have been with each other for more than 20 years, and they are relatively long-lasting gods. companion.

   "He originally wanted to be with me, but he couldn't come because of some personal matters."

Steadman Graham is also a very successful educator and philanthropist. Although he is not well-known and is completely overshadowed by Oprah’s reputation, he has never complained. From this point of view , But a good man willing to pay for his lover!


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