Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1394: Chicken farming

   "Gail, are you interested in raising chickens in Africa?"

After the greeting, Yang Cheng sent out an invitation straightforwardly. The main purpose of coming to the charity summit this time is to fool the world's billionaires to raise chickens in Africa. Such a promising cause can only be done by oneself. ?

  Although there is the jade of Bill's lid in front, it doesn't mean that I can't carry it forward.

Oprah has a huge influence in the entire Western world, and even the world. In addition to her skin color, she has a natural affinity in Africa, so it is a very good move to pull her into a great cause. chess.

   Of course, before Yang Cheng has made the matter clear, Oprah looked stunned, "Going to Africa to raise chickens?"

   stammered, "Have you invested in high-tech chicken breeding technology?"

   Yang Cheng quickly denied, “No, no, it’s for charity purposes. I’ve seen an interview with Mr. Bill Gai before to help Africans raise chickens to get rid of hunger and poverty. I think it’s a feat.”

   This sentence is a bit insincere, but apart from him and Emma Watson, no third person in the world will know that the real purpose behind his so-called charity is just for the sake of a smile.

Later, he roughly described the rough plan made by his subordinates during this period, "My first plan is to invest in 5-10 large-scale green projects in several countries with relatively stable ZF and relatively safe security in West Africa. Ecological farm, with chicken as the core, creates a breeding production chain in Africa.

  You also know that the aquaculture industry requires a lot of labor. As long as it can help the local labor force, I believe that the local ZF will definitely help us solve the problem of sales.

As long as the ecological farm generates profits, it proves the success of this model. Next, we can fully expand the ecological farm to any region in Africa to help more poor people find jobs and promote local economic development. In order to solve the poverty situation from the root. "

Oprah's expression gradually became more solemn, but she was still very cautious. In these years, she has been engaged in charity, and she has not rarely encountered huge pits. Of course, she knows that Yang Cheng will not lie to her for money, but she still wants to know more. Make a decision.

Yang Cheng was also prepared, so naturally he would not panic. He calmly drank a sip of champagne and said, "My team has already conducted preliminary investigations through the relationship on the African side, and initially settled the first ecological farm. The tropical jungle 150 kilometers away from Lagos, Nigeria's largest city, is planned to be referred to as "Hope Farm".

   There is a distance of five or six kilometers from the nearest populated village, and the nearest ZF office is more than 10 kilometers away.

Tropical plants such as bananas, papaya and palm trees grow in the jungle. It is said that there are wild pangolins and pythons, and bamboo rats as big as pigs can be seen everywhere. At least in the initial stage of construction, the construction site will not lack meat. . "

Yang Cheng was half joking. Oprah is worthy of being a big coffee in the entertainment industry. Her innate entertainment spirit made her laugh. "I want to live for a few days. Eating game is the best thing now. Popular pursuit."

"The project is approved, and we will definitely have to inspect it in person after it is completed. I sent someone to consult ZF, Ogun State, Nigeria, where the tropical jungle belongs. They affirmed the possibility of foreign investment in buying land. Although the conditions are relatively strict, it is for For agricultural land, they will not make any obstacles."

Oprah nodded thoughtfully, "Although I have never raised chickens myself, I have also invested in farms. I know that the first problem facing chicken farms is lack of electricity. As you said, tropical jungles are far away from towns. How to solve the power problem?"

   Yang Cheng smiled and said, "ZF of Ogun State promised us to build power facilities for the farm.

   Self-prepared high-power diesel generator generates power continuously for 24 hours, which will not affect the demand of the farm.

In addition, near the piece of land I am optimistic about, there is a simple highway of 7, 8 kilometers long, which can directly lead to the interstate highway in Nigeria, and beside the forest, there is a ready-made arable land with an area of ​​about 5 hectares. We only need to send construction The team builds chicken coops and builds office buildings, staff dormitories, canteens, warehouses and other hardware facilities.

The goal of the first phase of the chicken coop is to breed 60,000 hens. The eggs produced on the same day are manually sorted and packed by size, and then moved to trucks for transportation. After getting on the right track, at least more than 30,000 hens can be produced every day Eggs.

   Of course, facing the blank Nigeria and even West African market, this is just a drop in the bucket.

  My ultimate goal is to build a large chicken farm that can raise 250,000 hens in four phases, at least to ensure a monopoly on the Ogun State market, and to have extra energy to radiate the surrounding area.

The most important thing is that chicken farms are large in scale, which also has an advantage. Those who have nowhere to pile chicken manure are natural high-quality farmyard manure. After they are matured, they can be used to grow vegetables, deal with the problems of transportation and preservation, and can even be sold. Bragos. "

   Oprah smiled satisfied with the naked eye, but she still asked the question, "What about the drought? Africa has a long dry season every year."

   Yang Cheng stretched out his hands, "Drilling deep wells and diverting water from jungle lakes. There are many ways. In Africa, the cost of building these infrastructures is not high, and we can even introduce simple irrigation systems.

   But considering that we need to solve the problem of labor, we can also use artificial irrigation, although this will increase operating costs invisibly but our purpose is charity, isn't it? Profit is secondary, to ensure the continuation of this charity model. "

   "What about security issues?"

"There are two aspects to safety. One is health and safety. This is why I delineated the farm in the jungle area more than 100 kilometers away from the big city. There is a sparse population and the epidemic prevention situation is not so serious. Great guarantee.

   As for personal and financial security issues, Africa as a whole cannot get 100% protection. I can only say to improve it as much as possible, such as hiring security guards and pulling up the power grid.

   I believe that in the face of our huge investment, the local ZF will also pay attention to basic security issues. Otherwise, who will they expect to invest in? "

Oprah did not speak any more this time, but was thinking about something quietly. After 5 minutes passed, he looked at Yang Cheng and said firmly, "I\'min, count me. A meaningful charity act, I must participate."

   Yang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief. Everything is difficult at the beginning. With the first person who is successfully attracted, there will be a second and a third, and Oprah's own influence can also attract more people to join.

   Even if one person invests 1 million yuan, it is enough to support the start of the project, and Yang Cheng does not need to pay another money.


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