Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1413: Must be RB people?

When the car passed through the dense forest and opened up again, a beautifully shaped glass building came into view.

The side facing the fountain pond square, like a continuous wave spreading to the distance, is about three stories high, and there should be a back garden behind the building.

It was obviously not the first time Ito came to the institute. After pushing the door and getting out of the car, the familiar man greeted the security manager in a suit and waved to Yang Cheng, "Brother Yang, you can follow me soon. , It’s troublesome if you get lost."

Yang Cheng was surprised, "The structure inside is complicated?"

"No, no, I mean it's best not to go around, after all, there are a lot of secrets here~"

Yang Cheng smiled, "I see, don't worry."

Different from what Yang Cheng imagined, this building comparable to the brains of the Mitsui Consortium does not seem to have strict security measures, such as fingerprint recognition and facial recognition technologies. At least Yang Cheng has been in the building until now. Never encountered.

But I met a few ordinary employees, who looked unremarkable, except for the thicker glasses, there is nothing commendable.

After they walked over, Koji Ito suddenly pressed his throat and said, "The few who have just passed by are all intelligence agents. After staying in the academy for a period of time, they will be dispatched to all parts of the world, and they will basically sit in the same place. The position of the person."

Yang Cheng smacked his lips, how could this resemble the hidden spies in the spy movie.

First receive training in the local area and work in the headquarters for a period of time. Those who perform well will be sent to the battlefield to perform higher-level tasks.

In the empty corridors, people walked by sporadicly, most of them bowed their heads and did not speak, and even the colleagues rarely communicated with them, let alone outsiders like them.

One thing to say, aside from the prejudices in the past, the RB people's control over details is really heinous.

Regardless of the superficially loose management and even the confidentiality procedures, when I went deep inside the building, I discovered that except for the outsiders who have already made an appointment, it is almost impossible for strangers to break into the core area of ​​the building. There is a 360-degree surveillance camera every 5 meters, which can ensure that any corner in the building is under surveillance.

Security personnel can monitor any corner of the building without personally patrolling. Yang Cheng believes that as long as anyone commits an infringement intention, the security personnel will rush out as quickly as possible and kill them on the spot.

Finally, after walking through the long corridor, in a room on the first floor, I saw Mitsui Jiro. This is a reception room with a small area, more than 20 square meters, except for a sofa set opposite the door. There are also projectors and coffee machines, whether it is a sofa or a carpet, they are the most common brands, and they are not touched by the word luxury.

Mitsui Jiro was wearing a cheap suit of a fast-selling brand, and his glasses framed on his bald forehead. He was reading a report at this time, seeing Yang Cheng come in and beckoning casually.

"You are free, give me a few minutes."

Who would have thought that this ordinary old man in front of him would be the third person in RB's most powerful family?

Well, he is not at the age of an old man, but he is relatively old, and with the blessing of his hairstyle, it is not bad to regard him as a young man who is well maintained!

Ito became a waiter and joked to Yang Cheng, "There is no Yulu tea to drink today. Is coffee okay?"

Yang Cheng smiled indifferently, "White water is okay~"

"Coffee, or you will be scolded by Uncle Mitsui~"

He just made a joke in a low voice. Who would have thought that Jiro Mitsui would listen to him and scolded with a smile, "Koji, are you talking ill of me behind your back?"

Koji Ito chuckled, "Uncle Mitsui, would you like a drink too?"

"I don't want it. I had a meeting all morning and I didn't drink less coffee."

After finishing speaking, he put down the report and asked Yang Cheng with a smile, "How is it? Mitsui Research Institute didn't let you down, right?"

Yang Cheng did not hesitate to praise, "Mitsui's success is by no means accidental. Although I know that companies like Microsoft have similar intelligence agencies, no one in the world can do this."

Mitsui Jiro is also not modest. "We have done objective analysis. The contribution rate of the intelligence system of companies like Microsoft to business operations is about 17%, while at Mitsui, information is the ultimate economic benefit, and intelligence is the entire company. It’s not an exaggeration to say that the contribution rate is 100%.

Unlike country Z and the United States, which are vast and rich in resources, RB lacks resources and lacks all kinds of resources!

Therefore, RB companies want to succeed internationally, not by products but by intelligence, and by intelligence to obtain technology, market, resources and channels.

Take RB's grain, oil and food department as an example, product information between countries is very important.

The first is information collection. For example, corn is a crop in the feed industry, so a corn professional will collect information about feed.

In addition to looking at the information published in publications such as "Z National Livestock News", it is also necessary to collect some market price information and local production data, weather data, etc., as well as the inventory of pork and chicken, so as to make a good judgment in advance. The demand for feed.

If country Z’s corn is sold to the RB market first, when the country’s corn resources are insufficient, Mitsui & Co. can sell the US corn to the Z market.

Everyone knows that RB does not produce corn locally, but we can use our sophisticated intelligence system for global resource allocation.

When the collection of information is completed, the collector must first make a self-judgment on the information, and then send the original information to the relevant departments in accordance with the corresponding regulations after adding personal comments.

When a person sends many and accurate messages, the other person is willing to provide the person with the information he needs, so that the individual forms an interactive individual internally.

The establishment of this kind of network is not based on rules and regulations, but on the establishment of individuals in the process of communication. "

Yang Cheng listened carefully, and gave a thumbs up, "Awesome, this system is worth learning from companies all over the world, including my own company."

Compared with Mitsui's huge intelligence system, the intelligence collection department of New Era Media is a younger brother, no, no, not even a younger brother, he is at the level of grandchildren.

Who knows, Jiro Mitsui took off the mirror and directly rejected Yang Cheng's statement, "Before 2000, Mitsui treated this system as an absolute secret to protect it, for fear of being learned by others, and then using it against ourselves.

But after a period of research, it seems that only RB people can survive in this system, and it is difficult for other countries to imitate successfully, whether they are Europeans, Americans or nationals.

So, gradually, we let go of the protection and even publicized the name of the'Mitsui Global Communications Network'.

Facts have also proved this. Many giants and even business tycoons, including Microsoft, have sent people to the research institute for visits. As a result, they still learned four different things when they went back. Not only did they fail to achieve positive results, but instead affected them. Own original system. "

Yang Cheng asked in surprise, "Why is this?"

Mitsui Jiro looked at Ito Koji with a smile, and said slightly, "Why are you here to answer?"

Koji Ito walked over confidently, put the two cups of hot coffee that had just been brewed on the table, and sat down and said, "It is related to cultural customs, because RB employees implement a lifetime employment system, from joining the company to retirement, all benefits All are borne by the company, so the company is home, so RB employees are very conscious and proactive whether they work normally or overtime, and they cannot be restricted by strict attendance systems at all."

Yang Cheng interrupted, "The mature large companies in Europe and America also have this phenomenon."

Koji Ito affirmed Yang Cheng's words, "Brother Yang is right, but European and American companies pay more attention to individualism and freedom, so they cannot form RB's unique culture of symbiosis and co-prosperity, let alone related information sharing that looks like white people. It's incredible."

Mitsui Jiro took the conversation, "Well said, to sum up, this system only applies to RB people, and only RB people can survive in this system."

Koji Ito took a sip of coffee and continued In addition, even if it is an ordinary intelligence personnel training, it will not be less than five years. Most companies do not have this patient.

They will also worry about how to train good talents, what should they do if they are dug away after they mature?

With this kind of worry, all energy is focused on preventing people from being dug up. How can there be room to train new people? "

Yang Cheng fell into deep thought after hearing this. For the time being, he hadn't analyzed the right and wrong of these words, he was just remembering, and thinking slowly when he had time when he returned.

Mitsui Jiro moved his shoulders a few times and sighed, "Is it a long time for five years?

In my opinion, it is a bit short. The new recruits who have just been recruited will be sent by their predecessors to take care of simple matters such as dispatching ships, loading goods, and communicating with customers. It will take two years to just be familiar with these basic tasks. After two years, The novices who are growing up can do some internal calculations and learn to read the contract terms and other slightly complicated tasks at the same time. It takes another three years to adapt and familiarize themselves, and then to flexible use!

After five years, they can grow into small leaders or small persons in charge of judging the market. They can summarize intelligence based on the futures market, spot market, or shipping market and send it to the relevant departments.

After receiving the news, relevant departments will immediately communicate with branches in the United States, Country Z and other places and make judgments to see if there are business opportunities.

Ten years later, the rookies who have grown up become veterans, and they are already qualified to lead the team alone, responsible for a specific business, and then continue to cultivate.

Until I became the leader of a department or even a place, I set foot on the pinnacle of life.

So more than 5 years? In my opinion, it takes 10 years to complete the training work and truly mature. "


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