Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1414: Reasons for helplessness

Mitsui Jiro, who is in the academy, is totally different from Mitsui Jiro who was in the Nohaka Tea Room yesterday.

Yesterday, he was the speaker of the Mitsui family, the most powerful figure in this country and even in Asia.

Today, he is just an ordinary intelligence officer of the research institute, plus a title of person in charge at most.

But it was such an ordinary character that made Yang Cheng see a trace of humanity from him.

Compared with yesterday's slightly gloomy aura, Mitsui Jiro today is more sunny.

Especially when introducing Yang Cheng to the information network that the Mitsui family is proud of, it is like an ordinary hawker selling his own products, sparing no effort.

However, what makes Yang Cheng quite puzzled is why Jiro Mitsui is so enthusiastic? Even showed Yang Cheng the top secrets of the Mitsui Consortium?

Although he said that the intelligence network is no longer a secret, and even many foreign institutions and companies come to visit and learn.

However, according to Ito Koji, shouldn't he be angry with himself?

"Mr. Mitsui, the strength of your intelligence network is unheard of before, but I think you specially arranged the meeting place in the research institute, shouldn't you just show me the power of the intelligence network?"

Mitsui Jiro put a smile away, "Of course, but before that, let's talk about your intentions. Koji tells me that you have some good ideas you want to share?"

Yang Cheng suppressed the doubt and nodded, "Yes, Sony Entertainment’s situation in recent years has not been better than JDI. Columbia Pictures’ performance has been declining year after year. Even if it has not yet reached the point of loss, it can’t make much money. At least compared to other Hollywood competitors, the gap is getting bigger and bigger.

Wouldn't it be better to get rid of as soon as possible while there is still some value? In exchange for a large sum of money to subsidize Sony Entertainment, and even higher-level parent company. "

"Columbia Pictures~" Mitsui Jiro murmured lightly.

Then he asked, "Are you going to use New Era Pictures for M&A?"

Yang Cheng affirmed, "Yes, the merger of New Era Pictures and Columbia Pictures double swords, the strength far exceeds Universal, Warner, and even hope to compete with Disney.

With the help of Mitsui’s intelligence network, Mr. Mitsui should be very clear that once Disney and Fox merge successfully, Hollywood will enter a new era. In order to cope with this century acquisition, if other opponents do not want to be crushed by Disney, they can only join forces. , To jointly fight against Disney’s hegemony.

Maybe it will set off a crazy wave of mergers and acquisitions, the six major changes to the five majors, and in the end it is very likely to become a three-legged, or even two-power competition.

If our two sides can cooperate first, we will undoubtedly have the first-hand advantage in this war. "

Mitsui Jiro was silent, unable to see what he was thinking, Yang Cheng had to further say, "From the end of the last century to the present, in the past 40 years, Hollywood has continuously staged the history of the rise and fall of giants.

From the initial Hollywood golden age represented by the five companies of MGM, 20th Century Fox, Thunderbolt, Warner Bros., and Paramount, to the eight major Hollywood eras that emerged from the rise of Columbia, Disney, and Universal Pictures, and then After Raidenhua withdrew from the movie circle and Sony annexed MGM and Columbia, Hollywood will become the five giants of Disney, Sony Columbia, Warner Bros., Paramount, and Universal Pictures once the transaction is completed.

The multiple evolutions also reflect the increasingly fierce market competition, the battles between several giants, the market share and the box office chasing you, no one dares to say that they are overwhelming other opponents.

Especially in the past five years, that is, from 2011 to 2016, the six major Hollywood giants have sat on the box office champion for one year, but starting this year, Disney, which holds Marvel and Fox and many IP series, has already demonstrated its success. I dare to predict that if we don't make a better response, the box office champions in the following years will already be in Disney's pocket.

It was Sony that led the wave of acquisitions of the last century, so no one knows the effect of strong alliances between giants better than Mr. Mitsui. "

Mitsui Jiro pressed his hand, "Your meaning is very clear, and I also understand the benefits of cooperation, but the question is why it must be New Era Pictures?"

Yang Orange smiled bitterly, "Although this answer makes me helpless, but you should know that among today's Hollywood giants, who can truly cooperate fairly with Columbia Pictures, besides New Era Pictures?"

The implication is that the strength of the new era film industry is not strong enough, so it will not want to monopolize the interests in the cooperation, because it must consider the backlash of Columbia Pictures.

But what about cooperating with other major companies? The strength of the people themselves is stronger than that of Columbia Pictures. It is more appropriate than acquisitions rather than acquisitions. In particular, those media predators behind them will allow RB people to take a share of their own territory?

It is impossible to think with toes.

Mitsui Jiro nodded slowly, seeming to recognize Yang Cheng's Of course, Yang Cheng will not give up the dominant right because of this. The merger and acquisition are also divided into priority and subordinate, but cooperation with Yang Cheng can guarantee sony's return. If it is profitable, it is not necessary to cooperate with other people.

Mitsui Jiro has never been an indecisive character. Yang Cheng's proposal fascinated him, but whether it is feasible or not requires careful arrangements. After all, the Mitsui Consortium is not his own.

"Xiaoyou Yang, I will seriously consider this matter and give you an answer as soon as possible."

Yang Cheng heard the hidden meaning of Mitsui Jiro's words and nodded, "I look forward to the good news from Mr. Mitsui."

His story is over, this time it is Mitsui Jiro's turn to talk about his purpose.

And Jiro Mitsui once again brought the topic back to the intelligence network, "Another important reason why our intelligence network is strong is that everyone has the spirit of sharing. Even if you have a lot of selfishness, you will be under the pressure of the mechanism. Learn to share.

What I want to emphasize is that this sharing not only exists within the company, but also includes sharing with external affiliates. For example, Toyota and Sony, and even Ito’s companies, have sharing channels. "

Yang Cheng frowned slightly, "Are you not worried about the disclosure of information?"

At this time, Ito Koji, who had been silent for a while, came out and said, "This kind of sharing mode seems to be easy to cause the outflow of information, but including our Ito family intelligence department, everyone has never worried about this problem.

Because there are almost no traitors within us, it is unethical for RB people to leak information, and our employees will never change companies easily. Even if they change companies, they will not leak the information of the previous company. It is completely different from the United States, which advocates freedom. "


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