Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1415: Not demanding?

"There is always a loophole, right? For example, the information sent from abroad, how to ensure that there are no people who sell the information for money? Is every link in your channel an RB person?"

Koji Ito spread his hand, "In fact, it is true. Even if foreigners participate, RB people will be more prepared. Some documents and meetings do not allow foreigners to participate but only circulate among RB people.

Of course, this type of information is mostly strategic information related to core competitiveness, and only accounts for a small proportion of the entire information transmission process.

So it is not difficult to imagine. "

Yang Cheng slowly digested Ito Koji's words, and gradually realized something, then looked at Mitsui Jiro, "Does this have anything to do with what Mr. Mitsui is about to say?"

"Of course, and there is a great relationship, today I specially asked Koji to bring you here, so that you can see the power of the Mitsui Intelligence Network with your own eyes, and you will be more confident to cooperate with me."

Yang Cheng listens carefully~

"You promised Yuji Sato to invest in an additional ‘cloud data center’ in RB, right?"

Yang Cheng nodded~

"What if I want all the data information generated after this data center is completed?"

Yang Cheng's eyes widened, "What? Are you kidding me?"

Mitsui Jiro looked unsmiling and seemed to say: I'm really not joking.

Yang Cheng laughed angrily. "Do you think Microsoft will open its own database to you? Or will Facebook share its data with you?"

Mitsui Jiro shook his head calmly, "They won't~"

Yang Cheng was stunned, "Then why do you think I will agree?"

At this time, he was so angry that he couldn't pay attention to etiquette, and directly called the other party ‘you’.

"I didn't have much confidence to convince you, but now I have~"

"Why? Are you going to use Columbia Pictures to make terms with me? I can tell you very clearly that Columbia Pictures is not that important to me!"

"No, no, of course not. The cooperation of Columbia Pictures is another matter. It should not be confused with what we are talking about now."

The two spoke very quickly, as if they were in a debate.

"Remember the sharing I just said? Since it's sharing, it won't unilaterally ask for it."

Yang Cheng understood, "You mean Mitsui Intelligence Network can also be opened to me?"

Mitsui Jiro said firmly, "Limited to certain areas! And what I need is only the data and information that you have obtained in RB."

Yang Cheng opened his mouth and didn't say anything. If it is true, even if it is only part of the field, it is a great resource for Yang Cheng.

But why did Mitsui Jiro do this? What good is this for him?

This piece of cake sounds delicious, and using RB people’s own data to make transactions with RB people, Yang Cheng doesn’t think there is any loss. Anyway, it exposes the privacy of RB users.

Seeing Yang Cheng faintly moved, Mitsui Jiro added another fire, "In addition, I can sponsor you a sum of money for the construction of the data center!"

Compared with the more valuable Mitsui Intelligence Network and information sharing, sharing part of the investment cost is nothing but a little sweetness, but Yang Cheng didn't take it seriously.

"Xiaoyou Yang, in fact, you don't have to think about it too much. We have done the same transaction with Amazon."

"Amazon will share its user information with you?"

"It's not user information, but commodity transaction records."

Yang Cheng nodded, "It's not surprising if this is the case, but I want to know what your Mitsui values ​​are in the database of the Toutiao app?"

"Your precise and personalized recommendations are far more popular than ordinary TV or print advertisements."

Yang Orange understood something, he asked again, "Only for RB?"

"Only RB~"

Yang Cheng considered it again and again, but decided to agree first. Anyway, there are still a few years before the completion of the data center, and he will regret it when the time comes.

"Okay, I will shoot technical staff to connect with Mitsui Intelligence Network."

"Thank you for your trust, Mitsui will not let you down~"

Seeing Mitsui Jiro bowing to thank him, Yang Cheng turned away a little and said in embarrassment, "No thanks, we all get what we need."

. . . . . .

The RB incident came to an end. Yang Cheng and Wang Yitong gave instructions before returning to the United States on the Jason.

However, he plans to stay in Los Angeles for a few days first. Luo Yue has resigned from the original company and is preparing to formally start a business. Also leaving with her is a good friend Lin Ximan.

The two sisters are looking around the house as the office of the new company. The two girls are very stubborn. They are unwilling to help Yang Cheng. They ran for a few days and found nothing. Either the price is not right or the location is too off. Yang Cheng was on the phone. Listening to Luo Yue complaining, there is no other way but to go out in person.

I slept beautifully on the plane. After landing, I didn’t feel sleepy at all. I took the car key sent by White and drove out of the airport in a Rolls-Royce Ghost, and hurriedly all the way to Westwood. Connect with Luo Yue.

In the car, Luo Yue sat in the co-pilot and said concerned, "I came here as soon as I got off the plane? Are you tired?"

Yang Cheng shook her hand, "I slept all the way, not tired at all, how are you looking?"

Lin Ximan, who looked sour in the rearview mirror, asked.

"Don't mention it, the two of us have been around the entire Los Angeles these days and we haven't found a suitable house." Lin Ximan seems to be still worried about what happened last time, but it's not convenient because of Luo Yue's presence. Kai Yu, had no choice but to stare at Yang Cheng and complained.

"Didn't find an intermediary?"

"Why didn't you find them? These intermediaries don't know what to eat. They are usually as diligent as they are when they are not available. Let's use them this time. You can't even find a decent listing."

Seeing that Luo Yue was also discouraged, Yang Cheng couldn't help asking, "You won't be discouraged anymore? The company hasn't started yet."

Luo Yue bit his lip, "It is said that starting a business is difficult, and I don't know how difficult it will be without personal experience."

Yang Cheng couldn't laugh or cry, "This is where it's going. I told you a long time ago that I will arrange it for you, so you can concentrate on the design, but you just didn't listen."

Lin Ximan finally couldn't hold back, "Don't get into trouble, know that your Young Master Yang is great, right?"

Did this woman take gunpowder? So angry.

Luo Yue pulled Yang Cheng's sleeves flatteringly, motioning him to have a different vision.

Yang Cheng comforted his eyes and said, "Don't worry, I contacted White on the plane and asked him to find a gold medal real estate agent in Los Angeles, and he will definitely find the most suitable house."

After a pause, he said, "By the way, you can talk about the requirements, then I will help you watch it?"

Luo Yue turned around and looked at Lin Ximan and said, "In fact, we are not very demanding. The place does not need to be too large, but it must be quiet enough. Of course, it must not be too far away from the business district, otherwise it will be troublesome for the employees to eat.

In addition, we thought that it would be best to find an old building, not to mention cheaper, we can also remodel it by ourselves, which will make the employees feel more belonging and much better than the cold office. "

Lin Ximan added afterwards, "The position must not be too partial, otherwise the customer is not willing to come in person."

Luo Yue nodded again and again, "Yes, there is also the price issue. If it is cheap, it is best to buy it. If it is too expensive, it is best to sign a long-term lease. We don't want to have a home once a year and a half."

Yang Chengtian really thought that their request was finished. Who knows that this has just started, just like a woman said it will end immediately, in fact, it will never be finished.

In the end, Yang Cheng chose the left ear to go in and the right ear to go out. Let them talk about it. He finally knows why the real estate agents in Los Angeles are wasteful. Not to mention Los Angeles, even in the United States, there may not be fully qualified for them. house.

Seeing that Yang Cheng was about to turn to Beverly Hills, White suddenly called and said that the real estate agent had found a good house and asked them to see it in person.

After Yang Cheng asked the two women for their opinions, the steering wheel turned to go straight and went straight to West Hollywood.

According to the navigation instructions, Yang Cheng drove the car into an alley behind Sunset Boulevard. Compared with the prosperous and romantic Sunset Boulevard, this alley is more artistic. The lanes are not wide and can barely accommodate two small cars. The cars are side by side, but the Rolls-Royce's body is already relatively large. Take a drill into the alley. Don't talk about cars next to it. Motorcycles are not necessarily Fortunately, there are not many cars here, this time There were few pedestrians in Duan, and there was no safety problem, so Yang Cheng confidently drove in.

On both sides of the alley are small white buildings of 2-3 stories high, with blue window lattices, and the clear blue sky looks up. Walking on the street seems to be in Santorini, Greece.

The three of them stayed in Los Angeles for a long time, and they didn't even know that there was such a beautiful alley behind Sunset Boulevard.

The alley is not long, it looks less than 100 meters from the beginning to the end, and quickly came to the place indicated by the navigation. A meticulous man in a suit and combed hair stood on the side of the street, bending down and looking at Yang Cheng. , Beckoned, "Mr. Yang?"

Yang Cheng pressed the car window, "Are you the intermediary White looked for?"

"Yes, good afternoon, Mr. Yang. This is the listing I recommend. Come down and have a look?"

The three got off the car one by one and polite to the agent. The other side tilted their necks and introduced, "This three-story building with a usable area of ​​620 square meters used to be a textile workshop. After bankruptcy in the 1990s, the house was mortgaged. It was given to the bank and later bought by a retired millionaire and transformed into a cafe.

Regrettably, the old man died of cancer 4 years ago and made a will before his death to donate the house to a welfare institution. After the welfare institution took over, he tried to operate it for a period of time. Not only did he not earn money, he also lost money. No way, the orphanage has no spare money to support the operation of the cafe, so we can only entrust us to list the property for sale.

But to be honest, there are countless cafes on Sunset Boulevard, all of various grades. Tourists rarely come to this remote alley, and locals do not come here to drink coffee specially, so no one is optimistic. Here, the house has been hung up for almost two years, and no one cares about it. "


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