Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1566: Asian subdivision

"Park Sunying? Good name, nice to meet you~"

He wasn’t so hungry yet, so he greeted Park Shanying briefly, and saw that President Jin had already sat down and looked at himself with a smile. Yang Cheng couldn’t help but said, “President Jin’s arrangement is so thoughtful, I’m actually Coming empty-handed is really impolite."

He would just be polite, or it would be too late to ask Hansen to prepare a gift.

Andy King apparently played the role of ‘Lick the Dog’ very well, and took the initiative to explain to Yang Cheng, “I told you too hurriedly. It’s mine. I’ll punish myself for three cups later~”

Soon, the waiter in the restaurant started to take the dishes, and all kinds of side dishes and soup pots were placed on the table continuously. There was no need to calculate the time. In a few blinks of an eye, the long table was full.

Andy Jin said, "I suggest to taste this pork ribs pot first. This dish looks inconspicuous, but it is the signature dish of K restaurant. It is almost a must-order dish for customers to come to the store."

Yang Cheng was naturally willing to cooperate, and the gentleman also handed Park Shanying a warm towel to wipe her hands, before picking up a spare rib and putting it in her mouth.

The selected beef short ribs are paired with carrots and other vegetables. The combination is perfect. Because of the relationship between the vegetables, it has a slight sweetness. You can taste the freshness of beef and the sweetness of radish with one bite. There is also a little rice cake. , Immersed in the taste of beef, bitten down and soft and delicious, increasing the richness on the taste buds.

It is indeed a signature dish, and Yang Cheng's desire to eat is immediately raised.

After that, whether it was army pot, grilled meat, or elbow, they were all traditional Korean dishes, but under the hands of the old chef, they gave off a fresh taste.

Just after he had just eaten a piece of elbow meat dipped in shrimp paste Q bombs, President Jin finally spoke, "I wonder if Mr. Yang has heard of the'Asian Subdivision Act'?"

Once this topic was brought up, the two little beauties of foreign students put down their chopsticks tacitly, and lowered their breathing as much as possible, for fear of disturbing the two men's discussion.

Yang Cheng didn't have so much scruples, and said while eating, "In the past two years,'Asian subdivision' has become the most concerned ZZ incident among Asian Americans in the United States. How could I have not heard of it?"

There is another thing he didn't say. The news of this bill is raging and it is about to become one of the biggest problems that plague Chinese Americans. Of course, this cannot be said in front of Andy King.

The counterparty is a member of the beneficiary group of the bill.

The so-called Asian subdivision refers to U.S. medical, public education, social welfare and other departments. In the statistics of population data, Americans from Asia are no longer collectively referred to as "Asian", but are subdivided into Chinese, Filipino, and Indian. Ethnicity, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese and other ethnic options are available for each ethnic group to choose from.

As soon as the news came out, it was strongly resisted by the ethnic Chinese, who believed that it was discrimination against the ethnic Chinese. However, merely protesting against discrimination is hardly effective, because everyone can refute it in a high-sounding manner that this is done to take care of the weaker ethnic group. Descent.

It also ridicules that it is selfish that the Chinese cannot only consider yourself, and only consider yourself without considering others.

In this way, the Chinese are passive.

But not protesting is not enough. This is not the first time that Chinese Americans have been squeezed out by a discriminatory bill. If you accept it every time, the end result will be stepped in the mud and difficult to turn over.

This is also the reason why many Chinese no longer have a good impression of the donkey party in the near future, but instead sneer at it.

The proposal was first put forward by members of the Donkey Party, and it was supported and supported by the compatriots in Dang. Obviously, this matter was planned by the Donkey Party.

But why does the donkey party have to subdivide Asians?

If there is no benefit, why would the donkey party do this? In fact, in a word, the Asian subdivision is actually a strategy, a means, and nothing more for the Donkey Party to win their votes!

There is no so-called discrimination, or that sentence, there is no benefit, no one will offend a large ethnic group for no reason.

Once this bill is passed, the result of the breakdown will be: the share of Asians who were originally strong Chinese and Indians has been reduced because they can no longer fight for the greatest benefits within the original Asian shares.

On the contrary, the shares of other minorities are guaranteed, such as Yuenan, Laos, Cambodia, the Philippines, etc., and of course also Koreans. They will have their own shares. It seems very reasonable and no one can pick it. Reasonable.

But the next step is a critical step.

Minorities, including Koreans, will be further classified into the category of "minorities lacking sufficient attention."

At first glance, does it feel like nothing, and after a little thought, it makes sense that these minorities have indeed been ignored for a long time, and it seems that they are classified in this category to protect their interests.

This reason is high enough, and even on the surface, it can't be faulted!

But when I think about it, I can’t help but applaud the donkey party’s abacus.

What exactly is this "minority that lacks sufficient attention"?

In fact, many Chinese have suffered. There are many programs designed for ethnic minorities in American universities, such as various scholarships and grants. However, Chinese people cannot apply for these preferential treatments because they belong to the minority who receive too much attention. Ethnicity", for example, the number of students of Chinese and Indian descent in the university is obviously more than that of any other minority students, so the Chinese and Indian descent cannot look at this type of scholarship.

Originally, the entire Asian group belonged to this, so it doesn't matter to the Chinese, anyway, there are difficulties.

But once Asians are subdivided, except for Chinese and Indians, other minorities enter the category of "minorities lacking sufficient attention", they can apply for various subsidies and scholarships.

When everyone was eating bran throat vegetables together, suddenly someone could eat meat? Will anyone else have no idea? Stop it!

And how can the donkey party make this matter only for other Asian minorities? That would be too stupid, to kill a chicken with a sledgehammer? How can the dang faction, who knows the principle of maximizing profit, make such a low-level mistake?

So, think about what other ethnic groups are also in this category?

The answer is clear at a glance—African and Latino!

In this category, the donkey party does not require further subdivision because it is no longer necessary. This means that the share of preferential treatment available to blacks and Latinos has increased. Asians are originally minorities, so minorities Where can there be more minorities in China? Not even the black community is a fraction.

Given the opportunity to enroll and apply for scholarships, they will naturally read the donkey party well, and then they will tend to vote.

And Asian minorities, including Koreans, rarely vote in the first place, which is of no importance at all. In this way, the donkey party, in broad daylight, crosses the sea, hides the situation, and uses a little bit of sweetness to crown the Asian-sounding quota. The land is also very cleverly transferred to the names of African Americans and Latin Americans.

Then it also aroused racial contradictions within Asian Asians, letting its dog bite the dog, what else was there besides leaving a furry?

What's stupid is that these Asian minorities who think they are getting the benefits are sold for the money!


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